Andizee Level 1 of the Dungeon (0, 0, D:1) a +0 short sword (3, 0, D:1) a +0 club (4, -42, D:1) a +0 club (8, -35, D:1) a +0 short sword (11, -35, D:1) a +0 dagger (12, -6, D:1) a +0 ring mail (14, -42, D:1) a +0 club (14, -17, D:1) a +0 whip (15, -17, D:1) a +0 dagger (22, -46, D:1) a +0 club (44, -21, D:1) 126 arrows (47, -9, D:1) a +0 club Level 2 of the Dungeon (0, 0, D:2) a +0 hand axe (4, -2, D:2) a +0 hunting sling (10, 23, D:2) (unseen) (12, -15, D:2) a +0 hunting sling (15, -11, D:2) a +0 flail (15, -7, D:2) a +0 club (28, -16, D:2) a +0 club (31, 33, D:2) a +0 club (45, -6, D:2) a +0 club (46, -1, D:2) a +0 mace of holy wrath (unseen) (47, 1, D:2) a +0 ring mail (51, -17, D:2) a +0 dagger (57, -18, D:2) a +0 leather armour Level 3 of the Dungeon (5, -2, D:3) (unseen) (11, 9, D:3) (unseen) (13, 8, D:3) (unseen) (20, -21, D:3) 90 bolts (21, -22, D:3) (unseen) (23, -14, D:3) a +0 leather armour (24, 16, D:3) a +0 dagger (29, -22, D:3) (unseen) (31, -21, D:3) (unseen) (33, -22, D:3) (unseen) (35, -12, D:3) a +0 plate armour (37, -16, D:3) a +0 fustibalus a +0 club (44, 17, D:3) a +0 club (52, 14, D:3) a +0 war axe Level 4 of the Dungeon (0, 0, D:4) a +0 dagger a +0 robe (2, -11, D:4) a +0 leather armour (8, -3, D:4) a +0 robe (unseen) (14, 23, D:4) a +0 dagger (unseen) (17, -13, D:4) a +0 flail (21, 17, D:4) a +0 dagger (22, 13, D:4) a +0 ring mail a +0 mace a +0 hand axe a +0 robe a +0 dagger (22, 14, D:4) a +0 short sword (24, 18, D:4) a cursed -2 giant spiked club (26, -8, D:4) 99 arrows (28, -6, D:4) 152 arrows (30, 4, D:4) a +0 leather armour a +1 dagger of chaos a +0 hunting sling (32, 5, D:4) a +0 dagger Level 5 of the Dungeon (0, 0, D:5) a +0 robe (5, -11, D:5) a +0 robe (7, 14, D:5) a +0 ring mail (8, 33, D:5) (unseen) (9, 24, D:5) a +0 giant spiked club (14, -16, D:5) a +0 leather armour (21, 4, D:5) a +0 flail a +0 leather armour a +0 dagger a +0 robe a cursed -1 trident (21, 5, D:5) a +0 falchion a +0 chain mail a +0 whip a +0 ring mail (21, 6, D:5) a +0 robe (24, 23, D:5) a +0 whip (unseen) (25, 23, D:5) a +0 dagger (26, 23, D:5) a +0 dagger a +0 robe (27, 22, D:5) a +0 hand axe (28, 24, D:5) a +0 whip (30, 13, D:5) a +0 war axe (31, 23, D:5) a cursed -2 mace (34, 7, D:5) (unseen) (34, 13, D:5) a +0 club (still there?) a +0 scale mail (still there?) (38, 18, D:5) a +0 giant spiked club (unseen) (38, 32, D:5) a +0 leather armour (39, 17, D:5) a +0 hunting sling (40, -5, D:5) a +0 dagger (unseen) (47, 3, D:5) a +0 pair of gloves (49, 11, D:5) a +0 mace (50, 12, D:5) a +2 quarterstaff of chaos Level 6 of the Dungeon (0, 0, D:6) an uncursed amulet of the gourmand (6, 4, D:6) 72 poisoned needles (unseen) (15, 3, D:6) a +0 spear (16, -15, D:6) a +0 giant club (unseen) (19, -8, D:6) a +0 leather armour (27, -27, D:6) a +0 quarterstaff (28, -26, D:6) (unseen) (29, -34, D:6) a cursed -2 blowgun a +0 club 12 poisoned needles a +0 falchion (30, -34, D:6) a +0 blowgun 37 poisoned needles (30, -4, D:6) a +0 robe (unseen) (30, 4, D:6) a +0 mace (32, -21, D:6) 178 arrows a +0 shortbow (33, -17, D:6) 174 arrows a +0 shortbow (34, -1, D:6) (unseen) (45, -38, D:6) a +0 short sword (47, -39, D:6) a +0 long sword (48, -14, D:6) a +0 spear (unseen) (51, -10, D:6) 87 bolts Level 7 of the Dungeon (0, 0, D:7) a +0 dagger a +0 robe (8, -6, D:7) a +0 ring mail (unseen) (15, -23, D:7) 183 arrows a +0 shortbow (17, -17, D:7) a +0 war axe (20, -24, D:7) a +0 giant club a +0 giant club (29, 10, D:7) 77 arrows (39, -5, D:7) a +0 leather armour a +0 short sword (39, 15, D:7) 174 bolts (43, -10, D:7) a +0 flail (44, -8, D:7) a +0 dagger a +0 robe (45, -10, D:7) a +2 trident of protection a +0 chain mail (47, -7, D:7) a +0 club (49, -13, D:7) a +0 whip (51, -27, D:7) a -1 short sword (55, 0, D:7) a +0 leather armour (58, 0, D:7) (unseen) Level 8 of the Dungeon (0, 0, D:8) a +0 robe (unseen) (13, 15, D:8) a +0 hand axe (15, 4, D:8) a +0 short sword (18, 20, D:8) (unseen) (25, 32, D:8) a +0 club (30, -8, D:8) an uncursed amulet of the acrobat (unseen) (45, 17, D:8) a cursed -3 giant club (45, 21, D:8) a +0 giant club (45, 24, D:8) a +0 mace (47, -3, D:8) an uncursed staff of death (47, 9, D:8) a +0 flail (47, 19, D:8) a +0 plate armour a +0 scimitar (48, 19, D:8) a +0 robe a +0 club (52, 2, D:8) a +0 robe (unseen) Level 9 of the Dungeon (0, 0, D:9) a +0 trident (1, 0, D:9) a +0 hand axe a cursed -2 ring mail a +0 dagger a +0 robe (2, 0, D:9) a +0 hand axe a +0 plate armour (21, -12, D:9) 146 bolts (28, -35, D:9) a +0 robe a +1 flail a +0 robe a +3 morningstar (30, -4, D:9) 65 arrows (unseen) (31, -3, D:9) an uncursed ring of poison resistance 37 poisoned tomahawks a +0 flail (32, -15, D:9) a +0 robe a +1 scimitar (33, -32, D:9) a +0 giant club (34, -33, D:9) a +0 buckler a +2 scale mail of positive energy a +1 spear of venom (37, -11, D:9) a +0 whip (37, -1, D:9) 54 large rocks (38, -1, D:9) a +1 great sword of flaming (39, -16, D:9) a +0 spear (41, -17, D:9) a cursed +0 morningstar a +0 robe (41, 1, D:9) a +0 shortbow 177 arrows (43, -17, D:9) a cursed +0 long sword a +0 robe (44, -17, D:9) a +0 dagger (44, -16, D:9) a +0 spear (44, 15, D:9) a +0 arbalest 107 bolts (44, 16, D:9) a +0 flail Level 10 of the Dungeon [Shop] Qoicoyclijabb's Jewellery Shoppe a cursed -2 ring of strength (24 gold) an uncursed ring of poison resistance (240 gold) the ring of Baimycs {Int+2 Stlth--} (224 gold) [ring of attention] It affects your intelligence (+2). It makes you much less stealthy. a +3 ring of dexterity (99 gold) an uncursed amulet of the acrobat (384 gold) an uncursed amulet of guardian spirit (384 gold) an uncursed ring of stealth (204 gold) an uncursed ring of poison resistance (240 gold) an uncursed ring of poison resistance (240 gold) a cursed ring of teleportation (54 gold) a +6 ring of evasion (913 gold) a +2 ring of intelligence (49 gold) an uncursed amulet of regeneration (384 gold) (0, 0, D:10) the +0 cloak "Tiun" {MR+} It affects your resistance to hostile enchantments. (11, -2, D:10) a +0 hand axe a +0 robe (13, -2, D:10) a +0 war axe a +0 leather armour a +0 war axe a +0 robe of magic resistance a +0 troll leather armour (17, 7, D:10) an uncursed amulet of guardian spirit (19, 3, D:10) a +0 giant club a +0 giant spiked club (20, 3, D:10) a +0 robe a +0 giant club (21, 10, D:10) a +0 mace (24, -19, D:10) an uncursed amulet of guardian spirit a +7 ring of dexterity (24, 3, D:10) a +0 troll leather armour (25, -18, D:10) a +0 medium shield a +0 ring mail a +2 trident of flaming (25, 18, D:10) a +0 trident (27, 0, D:10) an uncursed ring of poison resistance (31, 1, D:10) a +0 scale mail a +0 whip (33, 1, D:10) a +0 club (34, 1, D:10) a +0 dagger a +0 robe (39, 2, D:10) a -3 ring of protection (45, 0, D:10) 180 bolts Level 11 of the Dungeon (0, 0, D:11) a cursed +4 mace a +0 robe (0, 2, D:11) a +5 spear a +0 robe (0, 4, D:11) a +0 morningstar a +0 robe (0, 5, D:11) a +4 dire flail of freezing a +0 robe (15, -1, D:11) a +0 hunting sling (18, -18, D:11) a +0 short sword (19, -33, D:11) a +0 quarterstaff (20, -13, D:11) a +0 chain mail (28, 18, D:11) a +0 leather armour a +0 war axe a +0 cloak 56 poisoned needles a +0 short sword a +0 blowgun 2 potions of berserk rage (31, 13, D:11) (unseen) (32, -15, D:11) a +0 chain mail a +0 long sword (33, 20, D:11) a +0 dagger a +0 robe (33, 23, D:11) a +0 ring mail (33, 25, D:11) a +0 dagger a +0 robe (34, -25, D:11) a potion of might (36, -5, D:11) a +0 dagger (37, -16, D:11) a +0 ring mail (unseen) (37, -5, D:11) a cursed -3 dagger (unseen) (38, -5, D:11) a cursed -3 short sword (38, -4, D:11) a +0 leather armour a +0 flail (39, -10, D:11) a +0 dagger a +0 ring mail (39, -5, D:11) a +0 club (unseen) (39, -4, D:11) a cursed +0 ring mail a +0 short sword (39, 10, D:11) an uncursed ring of magical power (40, -11, D:11) a +0 chain mail a +0 war axe a +0 ring mail a +0 club (40, -10, D:11) a +0 dagger a +0 ring mail a +0 dagger a +0 plate armour a +0 battleaxe (40, -9, D:11) a +0 plate armour a +0 battleaxe a +0 mace (40, -7, D:11) a +0 plate armour a +0 hand axe a +0 mace (40, -6, D:11) a +0 leather armour a +0 short sword a +0 mace (40, -5, D:11) a +0 plate armour a +0 flail (42, -5, D:11) a +0 chain mail a +0 short sword a +0 short sword a +0 leather armour a +0 whip (43, -5, D:11) a +0 robe a +4 dagger of distortion a +0 chain mail (51, 22, D:11) a +0 war axe a +0 ring mail (51, 23, D:11) a +0 short sword (51, 24, D:11) a +0 dagger a +0 robe Level 12 of the Dungeon (0, 0, D:12) a +0 glaive (0, 1, D:12) a +0 mace (1, 30, D:12) 76 large rocks (3, 25, D:12) a +0 giant club a +0 giant spiked club (3, 27, D:12) a +0 robe a +0 war axe (3, 28, D:12) a +0 dire flail a +0 dire flail (4, 7, D:12) a +0 scimitar (4, 27, D:12) a +0 robe a +0 hand axe a +0 leather armour a +0 hand axe (4, 34, D:12) (unseen) (7, 35, D:12) 112 arrows a +0 shortbow (15, -4, D:12) a +0 giant spiked club a +0 giant club (15, 33, D:12) 135 arrows (25, -3, D:12) 128 arrows a +0 shortbow (26, -4, D:12) 131 arrows a +0 shortbow (26, -2, D:12) 91 arrows a +0 shortbow of flaming (27, -5, D:12) 106 arrows a +0 shortbow (27, -4, D:12) 100 arrows a +0 longbow (27, -3, D:12) 127 arrows a +0 shortbow (28, -5, D:12) 224 arrows a +0 shortbow a +0 shortbow (32, 4, D:12) a +0 chain mail a +2 dire flail of protection a +0 chain mail 29 poisoned tomahawks a +0 dagger (32, 6, D:12) a +0 scale mail 22 poisoned tomahawks a cursed -3 dagger a +0 plate armour 126 bolts a +0 great mace a +0 arbalest (32, 7, D:12) a +0 scale mail 20 poisoned tomahawks (33, 2, D:12) a +0 robe a +0 dagger (33, 3, D:12) 209 sling bullets (34, 45, D:12) a +0 mace (35, 3, D:12) 86 poisoned needles (39, 14, D:12) a +0 giant club a +0 giant club a +0 short sword (40, 10, D:12) the +0 leather armour of Recklessness {Regen+} It increases your rate of regeneration. (51, 7, D:12) +2 storm dragon scales {Bai Suzhen} (53, 8, D:12) a +0 robe (54, 8, D:12) a +0 ring mail a +2 great mace of protection a +1 quarterstaff of crushing (55, 7, D:12) a +0 chain mail a +0 short sword (55, 8, D:12) a +0 giant spiked club a +0 giant club a +0 giant club a +0 dire flail (55, 9, D:12) a +0 ring mail a +0 dire flail (56, 7, D:12) a +0 robe a +0 dagger of freezing (57, 8, D:12) a +2 robe of cold resistance (57, 9, D:12) a +0 robe a +0 dagger the Ecumenical Temple (0, 0, Temple) (unseen) (0, 12, Temple) (unseen) (2, -2, Temple) (unseen) (2, 2, Temple) (unseen) (2, 14, Temple) (unseen) (4, 0, Temple) (unseen) (4, 12, Temple) (unseen) (8, 4, Temple) (unseen) (8, 8, Temple) (unseen) (10, 6, Temple) (unseen) the Orcish Mines [Shop] Witosirgh's Weapon Shop a +0 dagger (26 gold) a +2 hunting sling of flaming (191 gold) a +2 morningstar of protection (218 gold) a +0 war axe (45 gold) a cursed -3 war axe (1 gold) a +0 trident (45 gold) a cursed +0 trident (6 gold) a +0 great mace (84 gold) a +0 short sword (39 gold) a +0 battleaxe (84 gold) the +5 war axe "Sekh" {freeze, +Rage rPois} (598 gold) It has been specially enchanted to freeze those struck by it, increasing damage dealt by approximately one third against foes not resistant or susceptible to cold, and potentially slowing cold-blooded foes. It protects you from poison. It lets you go berserk. a +0 rapier of flaming (119 gold) a +0 mace (39 gold) [Shop] Mitoodiwk's Antique Armour Shoppe a +0 robe (21 gold) a +2 robe (393 gold) a +0 chain mail (139 gold) a +0 leather armour (62 gold) a +0 buckler (139 gold) a +0 ring mail (124 gold) a +0 buckler (139 gold) a +0 leather armour (62 gold) [Shop] Qoley's General Store a +2 halberd of distortion (396 gold) 2 potions of lignification (108 gold) a lightning rod (4/4) (720 gold) a +0 leather armour (36 gold) 175 stones (315 gold) a wand of paralysis (5) (108 gold) a +0 cloak (81 gold) a potion of resistance (180 gold) [Shop] Fidwoh's Assorted Antiques a +0 chain mail (144 gold) a wand of random effects (9) (198 gold) a potion of might (128 gold) a potion of curing (80 gold) [Shop] Niunnum's General Store a +0 great sword (71 gold) a potion of curing (27 gold) 162 stones (178 gold) a +0 robe (7 gold) 147 stones (161 gold) a +0 scale mail of fire resistance (121 gold) a +3 chain mail of poison resistance (258 gold) 85 stones (93 gold) [Shop] Akiylor's Gadget Boutique a box of beasts (260 gold) a phial of floods (520 gold) a lamp of fire (520 gold) a wand of disintegration (16) (137 gold) a wand of flame (18) (98 gold) a sack of spiders (390 gold) a wand of random effects (11) (97 gold) a sack of spiders (390 gold) a phantom mirror (260 gold) a wand of digging (13) (364 gold) a phantom mirror (260 gold) [Shop] Qyrhou Utei's Book Boutique a book of Unlife (1040 gold) a book of Misfortune (880 gold) a book of Clouds (720 gold) a book of Frost (560 gold) the Volume of the Shifting Volcanoes (704 gold) Spells Type Level a - Beastly Appendage Transmutation 1 b - Passwall Transmutation/Earth 2 c - Ignite Poison Fire/Transmutation/Poison 3 d - Sticky Flame Conjuration/Fire 4 e - Tree Form Hexes/Transmutation 4 a book of Annihilations (1766 gold) the Grimoire of Destructive Malediction (704 gold) Spells Type Level a - Sting Conjuration/Poison 1 b - Inner Flame Hexes/Fire 3 c - Tree Form Hexes/Transmutation 4 d - Fireball Conjuration/Fire 5 a book of the Sky (1040 gold) a book of Unlife (1040 gold) Erabbim's Almanac of Shape Shifting and Calling (864 gold) Spells Type Level a - Summon Butterflies Summoning 1 b - Sticks to Snakes Transmutation 2 c - Passwall Transmutation/Earth 2 d - Spider Form Transmutation/Poison 3 e - Summon Demon Summoning 5 f - Summon Fire Elementals Fire/Summoning 7 a book of the Earth (1040 gold) [Shop] Pehoh's Jewellery Shoppe an uncursed amulet of the gourmand (375 gold) an uncursed amulet of the gourmand (375 gold) an uncursed ring of resist corrosion (375 gold) an uncursed amulet of regeneration (480 gold) a cursed ring of teleportation (67 gold) the ring "Appav" {rCorr Int+4} (606 gold) [ring of resist corrosion] It affects your intelligence (+4). It provides partial protection from all sources of acid and corrosion. an uncursed amulet of faith (480 gold) a +5 ring of dexterity (310 gold) a cursed -3 ring of strength (30 gold) [Shop] Erroith's Antique Weapon Shoppe a +4 shortbow of velocity (636 gold) a +0 mace (72 gold) the +8 whip "Cinaurex" {freeze, rPois Dex+2} (1437 gold) It has been specially enchanted to freeze those struck by it, increasing damage dealt by approximately one third against foes not resistant or susceptible to cold, and potentially slowing cold-blooded foes. It affects your dexterity (+2). It protects you from poison. a +0 rapier (96 gold) a +2 dagger of speed (432 gold) a +1 broad axe of draining (340 gold) a +0 battleaxe (156 gold) a +0 long sword of freezing (199 gold) (0, 0, Orc) (unseen) (3, 7, Orc) a cursed -2 whip (4, 6, Orc) a +0 short sword (unseen) (7, 8, Orc) a +0 whip (8, -2, Orc) a +0 dagger a +0 ring mail a +0 dire flail a +0 plate armour (9, -4, Orc) a +0 flail a +0 ring mail (33, -18, Orc) a +2 chain mail of cold resistance a +3 great sword of freezing (34, -16, Orc) a +0 robe a +0 dagger (34, -14, Orc) a cursed -1 hand axe (35, -43, Orc) a +0 giant club (35, -42, Orc) 2 potions of degeneration (35, -20, Orc) a cursed +0 chain mail a +0 scimitar (36, -21, Orc) a +0 chain mail (still there?) a +0 flail (still there?) (42, -34, Orc) a +0 plate armour (still there?) a +0 dire flail (still there?) (42, -10, Orc) a +0 hand axe (42, 6, Orc) a +3 scimitar of flaming a wand of random effects (6) (43, -12, Orc) a +0 chain mail a +0 war axe (44, -21, Orc) a +0 robe (still there?) a +0 dagger (still there?) (44, -18, Orc) a +0 chain mail a +0 long sword (44, -17, Orc) a +0 robe (still there?) a +0 dagger (still there?) (45, -17, Orc) a +0 robe a +0 dagger (45, -15, Orc) a +0 chain mail a +0 halberd (45, -14, Orc) a +0 plate armour a +2 battleaxe of electrocution (46, -18, Orc) a +0 chain mail a +0 halberd (46, -17, Orc) a cursed +0 plate armour (still there?) a +0 dire flail (still there?) (46, -16, Orc) a +0 chain mail a +0 hand axe a +0 chain mail a +0 halberd a +0 robe a +0 dagger (46, -15, Orc) a +0 robe of cold resistance a +1 vampiric dagger (46, 2, Orc) a +0 robe (still there?) a +2 dagger of speed (still there?) (47, -19, Orc) a +0 robe of magic resistance a +0 dagger (47, -18, Orc) a +0 robe a +0 dagger of flaming (47, -17, Orc) a +0 chain mail a +0 flail (47, 0, Orc) a +0 leather armour a +0 mace (47, 2, Orc) a +0 chain mail a +0 trident (47, 4, Orc) a +0 robe a +0 dagger (48, -23, Orc) a +0 trident (unseen) (48, 1, Orc) a +0 plate armour a +0 halberd a +0 robe a +0 dagger (49, 1, Orc) a +0 plate armour a +0 hand axe a +0 war axe (50, 2, Orc) a +0 robe a +0 dagger a +0 falchion (52, 2, Orc) (unseen) (57, -28, Orc) a +0 plate armour a +0 battleaxe (57, -25, Orc) a +0 chain mail a +0 dagger (58, -26, Orc) a +0 mace (58, -25, Orc) a +0 plate armour 47 poisoned tomahawks a +0 broad axe (59, -28, Orc) a +0 robe a +0 dagger (60, -27, Orc) a +0 whip a +0 robe a +0 dagger (60, -26, Orc) a +0 robe a +0 dagger (68, 16, Orc) (unseen) Level 1 of the Elven Halls (0, 0, Elf:1) a +0 long sword a +0 leather armour (0, 3, Elf:1) a +0 long sword (1, -5, Elf:1) a +0 chain mail (unseen) (1, 1, Elf:1) a +0 long sword a +0 dagger a +0 leather armour (1, 2, Elf:1) a +2 scimitar of electrocution a +0 leather armour a +0 long sword a +0 leather armour (1, 4, Elf:1) a +0 long sword (2, 5, Elf:1) a +0 short sword of freezing (3, -14, Elf:1) a +0 scale mail (unseen) (3, -12, Elf:1) a +0 leather armour (unseen) (3, 10, Elf:1) a +0 short sword (8, -8, Elf:1) a +0 short sword a +0 leather armour (20, -6, Elf:1) a +0 long sword (20, -5, Elf:1) a +0 short sword a +0 chain mail a +0 shortbow a +0 dagger 90 arrows a +0 leather armour (23, -10, Elf:1) a +1 long sword of holy wrath (unseen) (23, -5, Elf:1) a +0 buckler (still there?) a +0 long sword (still there?) (25, -7, Elf:1) a +0 short sword of draining (still there?) a +0 shortbow (still there?) 127 arrows (still there?) a +0 leather armour (still there?) (25, -5, Elf:1) a scroll of identify a +0 long sword (26, -6, Elf:1) a +0 chain mail a +0 short sword a potion of agility (26, 30, Elf:1) a +0 long sword (27, 34, Elf:1) a +0 pair of boots (unseen) (29, -7, Elf:1) a +0 scale mail (still there?) a +0 rapier (still there?) (29, -6, Elf:1) a +0 leather armour (still there?) 187 arrows (still there?) a +0 dagger (still there?) a +0 longbow (still there?) (29, 10, Elf:1) a +0 short sword (30, -9, Elf:1) a cursed +0 leather armour a +2 rapier of draining (31, -11, Elf:1) a +0 leather armour (still there?) a +0 long sword (still there?) (31, 13, Elf:1) a +0 rapier (32, -8, Elf:1) a +0 short sword of freezing (32, 17, Elf:1) a cursed -2 long sword (35, 20, Elf:1) a +0 rapier a cursed +0 chain mail (38, 0, Elf:1) a +1 halberd of venom (39, -8, Elf:1) a +0 dagger a +2 leather armour of poison resistance (42, -10, Elf:1) a +0 ring mail (44, 17, Elf:1) a +0 long sword a +0 scale mail a +1 rapier of electrocution (59, 5, Elf:1) a +0 battleaxe of electrocution (63, 10, Elf:1) a +0 long sword (unseen) (63, 11, Elf:1) a cursed -1 rapier (64, 11, Elf:1) a +0 short sword Level 2 of the Elven Halls [Shop] Pic Qoux's General Store a +0 scale mail (44 gold) a +0 scimitar (44 gold) the +7 hunting sling "Bewneh" {flame, *Contam rF- Str+8 Int+5} (653 gold) It causes projectiles fired from it to surge with flame as they hit, increasing damage dealt by approximately one third against foes not resistant or susceptible to fire. It affects your strength (+8). It affects your intelligence (+5). It makes you vulnerable to fire. It causes magical contamination when unequipped. a ration (55 gold) 163 arrows (179 gold) a +0 pair of gloves (49 gold) 149 stones (163 gold) a scroll of identify (22 gold) (0, 0, Elf:2) a +0 halberd of protection (unseen) (9, 45, Elf:2) a +0 short sword (10, -6, Elf:2) a +4 scimitar a +0 buckler a +3 scimitar of protection (15, -5, Elf:2) a +0 long sword (16, 0, Elf:2) a +0 shortbow (still there?) a +0 scimitar (still there?) 114 arrows (still there?) (17, 37, Elf:2) 52 arrows (18, 16, Elf:2) a +0 long sword (unseen) (18, 18, Elf:2) a +4 long sword a +0 buckler (19, 16, Elf:2) a +0 dagger of pain (20, 15, Elf:2) a +0 hand axe of chopping (unseen) (20, 16, Elf:2) a +0 long sword a +2 buckler a +0 scimitar (21, 17, Elf:2) a +0 long sword a cursed -2 leather armour (21, 18, Elf:2) a +0 halberd of protection a +0 chain mail a +0 dagger (22, 16, Elf:2) a +3 short sword of venom (22, 17, Elf:2) a +1 halberd of venom (22, 19, Elf:2) a +0 dagger (22, 43, Elf:2) a +0 leather armour a +0 rapier a +0 rapier (23, 18, Elf:2) a +0 rapier a +0 long sword (23, 20, Elf:2) a +7 dagger a +4 dagger a +0 mace of holy wrath (23, 21, Elf:2) a +4 dagger a +0 long sword (23, 22, Elf:2) a +0 trident of piercing a +4 glaive of protection (23, 23, Elf:2) a +2 vampiric quick blade (24, 34, Elf:2) a +2 short sword of draining (26, 19, Elf:2) a +1 war axe of flaming (unseen) (26, 22, Elf:2) a +1 morningstar of protection (27, 32, Elf:2) a +0 chain mail a +0 dagger (28, 42, Elf:2) a +0 long sword a +0 leather armour a +1 short sword of freezing a +0 shortbow a +0 leather armour 284 arrows a +0 dagger of draining a +0 shortbow (28, 44, Elf:2) a +0 long sword (29, 43, Elf:2) an uncursed amulet of faith 171 arrows a +0 long sword a +0 shortbow a cursed +0 chain mail a +0 rapier (31, 24, Elf:2) a +2 bardiche of distortion (32, 41, Elf:2) a +0 glaive of flaming (34, 29, Elf:2) a +1 hand axe of chopping (34, 43, Elf:2) a +0 buckler a +0 long sword (41, 46, Elf:2) 3 scrolls of noise a +0 scimitar (44, 5, Elf:2) an uncursed staff of poison (46, 31, Elf:2) a -1 shortbow a +0 short sword 118 arrows a cursed +0 leather armour a +0 short sword a +0 ring mail a +0 buckler (47, 17, Elf:2) a scroll of identify (52, 6, Elf:2) a +0 long sword Level 3 of the Elven Halls (0, 0, Elf:3) a +0 leather armour 142 arrows a +0 short sword a -1 shortbow (2, -8, Elf:3) 2 potions of degeneration (6, -33, Elf:3) a +0 rapier (14, -35, Elf:3) a +0 long sword a +0 leather armour (15, -47, Elf:3) a +5 dire flail of protection (unseen) (15, -29, Elf:3) a +0 ring mail a +1 long sword of holy wrath (15, -18, Elf:3) a +5 short sword of protection (unseen) (16, -50, Elf:3) a +0 leather armour a +0 rapier (16, -45, Elf:3) a +5 mace of venom (16, -44, Elf:3) a +1 short sword of venom (16, -17, Elf:3) a +0 leather armour a +0 rapier (17, -45, Elf:3) an uncursed ring of ice a +0 ring mail a +4 demon trident of draining a potion of degeneration (19, -43, Elf:3) a +0 leather armour 162 arrows a +0 dagger a +0 shortbow (20, -44, Elf:3) a cursed -3 long sword (20, -36, Elf:3) a +2 long sword of electrocution (21, -42, Elf:3) a +0 long sword (21, -34, Elf:3) a +0 short sword (23, -34, Elf:3) a +0 long sword (26, -22, Elf:3) a +0 long sword (29, -49, Elf:3) a +0 flail (29, -47, Elf:3) a +0 leather armour (31, -52, Elf:3) a +2 ring mail of fire resistance (32, -51, Elf:3) an uncursed ring of poison resistance (35, -52, Elf:3) an uncursed ring of protection from fire {pickup} (35, -51, Elf:3) a +0 rapier of draining (35, -39, Elf:3) a potion of brilliance 4 potions of lignification 4 potions of mutation (36, -53, Elf:3) an uncursed staff of conjuration (36, -52, Elf:3) a +0 bardiche of protection (36, -39, Elf:3) 3 scrolls of enchant weapon 8 scrolls of amnesia 2 scrolls of vulnerability 14 scrolls of remove curse (36, -28, Elf:3) a +0 short sword (37, -51, Elf:3) an uncursed staff of fire (38, -53, Elf:3) an uncursed staff of poison (38, -52, Elf:3) a +3 plate armour of magic resistance (38, -51, Elf:3) a fan of gales (2/2) (38, -34, Elf:3) a +0 rapier a +0 leather armour a +0 long sword (38, -33, Elf:3) a +0 rapier a +0 buckler a +0 short sword a +0 dagger a +0 rapier (39, -52, Elf:3) a +0 plate armour (unseen) (39, -39, Elf:3) an uncursed ring of see invisible (39, -34, Elf:3) a +1 leather armour of fire resistance a +0 long sword (39, -33, Elf:3) a +0 chain mail a +0 long sword 137 arrows a +0 short sword a +0 shortbow a +3 scythe of venom a potion of might an uncursed amulet of the gourmand (39, -32, Elf:3) a +0 chain mail a +1 long sword of slicing a +2 glaive of holy wrath a +0 leather armour a +0 rapier a +0 long sword a +0 leather armour (39, -31, Elf:3) the +8 autumn katana {vamp, +Jump} It inflicts no extra harm, but heals its wielder when it wounds a living foe. (39, -30, Elf:3) the +10 mace "Urgham" {distort, rElec rN+ Dex-5} It warps and distorts space around it. Unwielding it can cause banishment or high damage. It affects your dexterity (-5). It insulates you from electricity. It protects you from negative energy. (39, -29, Elf:3) a +0 long sword (39, -28, Elf:3) a +0 rapier a +0 leather armour a +0 rapier a +0 dagger (39, -27, Elf:3) an uncursed ring of magical power (39, -24, Elf:3) a scroll of brand weapon (40, -52, Elf:3) a +0 dagger (40, -34, Elf:3) a +0 ring mail a +0 rapier a +0 leather armour 198 arrows a cursed -3 longbow (40, -33, Elf:3) a +0 ring mail a +0 short sword (40, -26, Elf:3) a +0 dagger 398 arrows a +0 longbow a +3 ring mail of poison resistance (40, -24, Elf:3) a +1 pair of gloves of dexterity (41, -53, Elf:3) a +0 long sword (unseen) (41, -24, Elf:3) an uncursed amulet of regeneration (42, -52, Elf:3) a +0 hunting sling of flaming (42, -24, Elf:3) 2 scrolls of amnesia (43, -51, Elf:3) an uncursed staff of fire (44, -51, Elf:3) an uncursed staff of death (44, 2, Elf:3) a +0 flail (45, -52, Elf:3) the +9 morningstar "Roedd" {venom, rPois Dex+2} It poisons the flesh of those it strikes. It affects your dexterity (+2). It protects you from poison. (45, -3, Elf:3) a +2 long sword of freezing (46, -53, Elf:3) a +1 battleaxe of flaming (46, -51, Elf:3) an uncursed staff of wizardry (47, -47, Elf:3) a +0 dagger (unseen) (47, -44, Elf:3) a +3 short sword of venom (48, -47, Elf:3) a +3 great sword of slicing a scroll of noise (49, -49, Elf:3) a +4 ring of dexterity (49, -48, Elf:3) a +0 long sword (unseen) (49, -47, Elf:3) a +0 short sword (49, -46, Elf:3) an uncursed ring of positive energy (49, -45, Elf:3) a +0 ring mail a +0 long sword (50, -48, Elf:3) the ring of Sulure {rN+ Dex+4} [ring of positive energy] It affects your dexterity (+4). It protects you from negative energy. (50, -47, Elf:3) the +8 flail "Cuipuethu" {speed, rN+ Int+4} Attacks with this weapon are significantly faster. It affects your intelligence (+4). It protects you from negative energy. (50, -46, Elf:3) the +2 hunting sling "Zeocafeicw" {elec, MR+ Str+2 Int+8 Stlth-} It charges the ammunition it shoots with electricity; occasionally upon a hit, such missiles may discharge and cause terrible harm. It affects your strength (+2). It affects your intelligence (+8). It affects your resistance to hostile enchantments. It makes you less stealthy. (58, -24, Elf:3) a +0 leather armour Level 1 of the Lair of Beasts (0, 0, Lair:1) 90 arrows (5, -3, Lair:1) a +0 chain mail (unseen) (8, -21, Lair:1) a +0 whip (14, -2, Lair:1) a +0 spear (14, -1, Lair:1) a +0 ring mail (18, -12, Lair:1) a +2 falchion of distortion (22, 5, Lair:1) a +0 spear (25, -40, Lair:1) a +0 short sword a +0 robe a +0 buckler of reflection (34, 2, Lair:1) a potion of berserk rage (36, -36, Lair:1) a +0 buckler a +0 short sword a +0 robe a +0 rapier a +0 robe a +0 short sword a +0 robe (37, -47, Lair:1) 104 bolts (37, -36, Lair:1) a +0 rapier a +0 robe (37, 5, Lair:1) a +0 hunting sling (unseen) (43, -39, Lair:1) a +0 short sword a +0 robe (45, -26, Lair:1) a +0 robe (46, -38, Lair:1) a +0 short sword a +0 robe a +0 buckler (50, -31, Lair:1) a +0 rapier (52, -47, Lair:1) 118 arrows (59, -33, Lair:1) a +0 ring mail (unseen) Level 2 of the Lair of Beasts (0, 0, Lair:2) an uncursed ring of teleportation (15, -2, Lair:2) an uncursed staff of poison (32, 25, Lair:2) a +0 robe (unseen) (35, -25, Lair:2) a +0 giant spiked club Level 3 of the Lair of Beasts (0, 0, Lair:3) an uncursed ring of protection from cold (3, -7, Lair:3) (unseen) (15, -17, Lair:3) 80 poisoned needles (19, -10, Lair:3) a +0 chain mail (unseen) (23, -35, Lair:3) (unseen) (23, -28, Lair:3) a +0 scale mail 114 javelins a +5 demon trident of venom (23, -17, Lair:3) 23 poisoned needles (unseen) (25, -34, Lair:3) (unseen) (26, -8, Lair:3) 136 bolts (28, 3, Lair:3) a +0 chain mail (36, -3, Lair:3) a +0 quarterstaff of freezing (38, -8, Lair:3) a +0 robe a +0 halberd (38, -1, Lair:3) a +2 halberd of venom (39, 0, Lair:3) a +0 dire flail (44, -2, Lair:3) 130 bolts (47, 8, Lair:3) a +0 chain mail (unseen) (51, -15, Lair:3) an uncursed staff of air Level 4 of the Lair of Beasts (0, 0, Lair:4) the ring "Cyeshru" {Dex+2 Stlth--} [ring of attention] It affects your dexterity (+2). It makes you much less stealthy. a cursed ring of ice (1, -9, Lair:4) 108 poisoned needles (unseen) (1, 0, Lair:4) an uncursed staff of cold (11, -35, Lair:4) 124 bolts (11, -11, Lair:4) 141 poisoned needles (18, -2, Lair:4) a +0 leather armour (35, -31, Lair:4) 32 poisoned needles (unseen) (47, -34, Lair:4) 89 poisoned tomahawks (unseen) (49, -10, Lair:4) 336 sling bullets a +1 hunting sling of velocity Level 5 of the Lair of Beasts (6, -11, Lair:5) an uncursed ring of protection from cold (7, -11, Lair:5) a +0 demon blade of venom the +4 short sword "Salleo" {drain, rElec} A truly terrible weapon, it drains the life of those it strikes. It insulates you from electricity. a +2 dagger of venom (38, -25, Lair:5) a +0 hand axe (56, -35, Lair:5) (unseen) (59, -32, Lair:5) a +0 scale mail Level 6 of the Lair of Beasts (0, 0, Lair:6) a +0 robe (0, 11, Lair:6) an uncursed ring of stealth an uncursed amulet of the acrobat (2, 6, Lair:6) the ring "Ythababb" {+Fly rPois} [ring of flight] It protects you from poison. It lets you fly. (2, 7, Lair:6) a wand of disintegration (13) a wand of random effects (8) (4, -41, Lair:6) 35 needles of confusion (18, -32, Lair:6) the +0 hat "Ymoes" {rElec rF- rN+++ Str+6} It affects your strength (+6). It makes you vulnerable to fire. It insulates you from electricity. It renders you almost immune to negative energy. (19, -7, Lair:6) 131 bolts (25, -13, Lair:6) a +0 buckler (34, -36, Lair:6) a +0 large shield (41, -36, Lair:6) (unseen) (42, -10, Lair:6) 102 arrows (48, -38, Lair:6) a potion of berserk rage (55, -39, Lair:6) a +0 cloak of cold resistance (57, -16, Lair:6) 174 bolts (unseen) (64, -19, Lair:6) a +0 long sword Level 1 of the Swamp (0, 0, Swamp:1) a +0 robe (unseen) (2, 30, Swamp:1) a +0 flail (8, 32, Swamp:1) a scroll of identify (12, 34, Swamp:1) a +0 spear (unseen) (28, 20, Swamp:1) a +0 robe a +0 quarterstaff (28, 48, Swamp:1) (unseen) (29, 17, Swamp:1) a wand of disintegration (12) (29, 20, Swamp:1) a +0 buckler a cursed -3 spear (30, 19, Swamp:1) a +0 buckler of reflection a +0 robe a +0 short sword (32, 7, Swamp:1) the +6 scale mail "Zagre" {*Contam rPois rN+++ MP+9} It protects you from poison. It renders you almost immune to negative energy. It affects your magic capacity (+9). It causes magical contamination when unequipped. (38, 50, Swamp:1) a +0 ring mail (unseen) (45, 50, Swamp:1) 95 arrows Level 2 of the Swamp (0, 0, Swamp:2) 94 bolts (1, 20, Swamp:2) a wand of disintegration (9) (5, -13, Swamp:2) a +0 leather armour (unseen) (11, 10, Swamp:2) (unseen) (14, -19, Swamp:2) 50 bolts (16, 6, Swamp:2) a +0 chain mail (21, 6, Swamp:2) a potion of degeneration (unseen) (28, -18, Swamp:2) a +0 rapier 2 potions of agility (31, 9, Swamp:2) (unseen) (31, 26, Swamp:2) 162 arrows (42, 15, Swamp:2) a potion of might (49, -19, Swamp:2) a +1 pair of boots (51, 10, Swamp:2) an uncursed amulet of faith (54, -13, Swamp:2) a +0 pair of gloves Level 3 of the Swamp (0, 0, Swamp:3) a cursed -3 quarterstaff a +0 robe (8, -15, Swamp:3) a +0 buckler of reflection a +0 robe a +0 dagger (13, 14, Swamp:3) a scroll of identify (16, 16, Swamp:3) a +0 spear (16, 17, Swamp:3) a +0 robe (18, -12, Swamp:3) a +2 buckler of reflection a +0 spear (20, 18, Swamp:3) 102 poisoned needles (unseen) (21, -7, Swamp:3) a +0 robe a +0 quarterstaff (22, -7, Swamp:3) a +0 ring mail a +0 spear (24, -2, Swamp:3) a +0 quarterstaff (25, 2, Swamp:3) a +0 dagger (28, -17, Swamp:3) a +0 pair of boots (28, 1, Swamp:3) a box of beasts (unseen) (31, -23, Swamp:3) 187 arrows (41, -5, Swamp:3) a +0 robe (47, -25, Swamp:3) a +0 flail of crushing Level 1 of the Snake Pit [Shop] Hud Zesergho's Distillery a potion of curing (30 gold) a potion of haste (120 gold) a potion of lignification (36 gold) a potion of haste (120 gold) a potion of cancellation (60 gold) a potion of agility (48 gold) a potion of curing (30 gold) a potion of berserk rage (36 gold) a potion of lignification (36 gold) a potion of lignification (36 gold) [Shop] Oxozos's Book Shoppe the Compendium of Venomous Arcane Weapons (473 gold) Spells Type Level a - Sting Conjuration/Poison 1 b - Flame Tongue Conjuration/Fire 1 c - Throw Icicle Conjuration/Ice 4 d - Irradiate Conjuration/Transmutation 5 e - Conjure Ball Lightning Conjuration/Air 6 a book of Enchantments (550 gold) a Fen Folio (825 gold) a book of the Sky (715 gold) a book of Bombardment (550 gold) The Arcane Arts, Part One (396 gold) Spells Type Level a - Flame Tongue Conjuration/Fire 1 b - Sting Conjuration/Poison 1 c - Sandblast Earth 1 d - Freeze Ice 1 e - Beastly Appendage Transmutation 1 the Grimoire of Stones (506 gold) Spells Type Level a - Sandblast Earth 1 b - Passwall Transmutation/Earth 2 c - Stone Arrow Conjuration/Earth 3 d - Petrify Transmutation/Earth 4 e - Shatter Earth 9 a book of Frost (385 gold) a book of Conjurations (330 gold) a book of Misfortune (605 gold) [Shop] Watz's Distillery a potion of might (56 gold) a potion of might (56 gold) a potion of flight (56 gold) a potion of might (56 gold) 2 potions of flight (112 gold) a potion of flight (56 gold) a potion of haste (140 gold) 2 potions of mutation (224 gold) a potion of agility (56 gold) 2 potions of cancellation (140 gold) a potion of curing (35 gold) a potion of curing (35 gold) (0, 0, Snake:1) a +0 hand axe a +0 robe (1, -1, Snake:1) a +0 war axe a +0 robe (2, -1, Snake:1) a +0 battleaxe 36 javelins (3, -1, Snake:1) a +0 war axe a +0 glaive (5, 5, Snake:1) a +0 trident (5, 7, Snake:1) a +0 arbalest a +0 trident 123 bolts (6, 22, Snake:1) the ring of Idealism {EV+5 Str-3 Dex+5} [ring of evasion] It affects your evasion (+5). It affects your strength (-3). It affects your dexterity (+5). (6, 23, Snake:1) the ring "Muideff" {rN+ Str-4 Dex+2 Stlth--} [ring of attention] It affects your strength (-4). It affects your dexterity (+2). It protects you from negative energy. It makes you much less stealthy. the ring "Jiroataeff" {rC+ Str+2 Int-2 Stlth--} [ring of attention] It affects your strength (+2). It affects your intelligence (-2). It protects you from cold. It makes you much less stealthy. (6, 24, Snake:1) a scroll of noise (7, -1, Snake:1) a +0 broad axe (8, 4, Snake:1) a +0 trident (8, 9, Snake:1) a +0 spear (9, 8, Snake:1) a +0 broad axe (10, -7, Snake:1) a +0 leather armour (unseen) (10, 5, Snake:1) a +0 shortbow a -2 glaive 132 arrows (11, 7, Snake:1) a +0 glaive a +0 ring mail (14, 15, Snake:1) a +0 spear (still there?) a +0 robe (still there?) (21, 4, Snake:1) a +0 chain mail (24, 8, Snake:1) (unseen) (27, 13, Snake:1) a cursed -2 morningstar (28, 17, Snake:1) a +0 mace (unseen) (37, 14, Snake:1) a +3 dagger of venom a +0 robe (38, -3, Snake:1) a +0 robe a +0 halberd (39, -7, Snake:1) 110 arrows (44, 23, Snake:1) a +0 pair of gloves Level 2 of the Snake Pit [Shop] Vugy's Gadget Emporium a wand of digging (9) (260 gold) a lightning rod (4/4) (520 gold) a phantom mirror (260 gold) a box of beasts (260 gold) a sack of spiders (390 gold) a sack of spiders (390 gold) a box of beasts (260 gold) a phial of floods (520 gold) a lamp of fire (520 gold) (0, 0, Snake:2) a potion of degeneration (unseen) (3, 7, Snake:2) a +0 scimitar of venom a +0 robe (6, -18, Snake:2) a +0 scimitar (17, 10, Snake:2) a +0 spear (23, 19, Snake:2) an uncursed staff of wizardry (24, -3, Snake:2) a +0 chain mail (unseen) (25, -5, Snake:2) a +0 robe a +0 dagger of venom (27, -6, Snake:2) the +6 scimitar of Flaming Death {sticky flame, rF++ rC- MR+} It has been specially enchanted to surge with flame as it hits, increasing damage dealt by approximately one third against foes not resistant or susceptible to fire. Its heat also prevents any hydra heads it cuts off from regrowing. It greatly protects you from fire. It makes you vulnerable to cold. It affects your resistance to hostile enchantments. (32, 6, Snake:2) a +0 robe (still there?) a +0 dire flail (still there?) a +0 robe (still there?) 79 arrows (still there?) a +0 long sword (still there?) a +0 shortbow (still there?) (36, -12, Snake:2) a wand of polymorph (2) (41, -5, Snake:2) a +0 leather armour (44, -5, Snake:2) a wand of random effects (7) (unseen) (45, -13, Snake:2) a +0 leather armour (46, -13, Snake:2) a +0 robe (still there?) a +0 dagger of venom (still there?) (48, -1, Snake:2) (unseen) Level 3 of the Snake Pit (0, 0, Snake:3) 212 arrows a +0 shortbow of flaming (1, -1, Snake:3) a +0 leather armour a +2 trident of piercing a +1 trident (1, 3, Snake:3) a +0 robe a +0 long sword (2, -3, Snake:3) a +0 robe a +0 battleaxe (4, -4, Snake:3) a +0 robe a +0 club (5, -4, Snake:3) a +0 trident (5, -1, Snake:3) an uncursed staff of air (6, -19, Snake:3) a +0 robe (6, -12, Snake:3) a +0 short sword of speed (6, -5, Snake:3) a +0 long sword (6, -4, Snake:3) the +7 Singing Sword {slice} It will always inflict at least some extra damage. This minimum extra damage increases with your current reserve of magical power. (8, -12, Snake:3) a +0 longbow a +0 mace 175 arrows a +0 club a +0 robe (8, -2, Snake:3) a +0 large shield 19 javelins a +0 hand axe (10, 13, Snake:3) a +0 robe a +0 dagger of venom (11, 9, Snake:3) a +0 robe 24 javelins of penetration {=f} a cursed -2 flail (21, -37, Snake:3) a +0 flail (25, 0, Snake:3) a +0 halberd (26, -39, Snake:3) a +0 glaive a +0 robe (27, -38, Snake:3) a +0 short sword 28 javelins of penetration (29, -38, Snake:3) a +0 mace a +0 robe (29, -37, Snake:3) a +0 scimitar (30, -38, Snake:3) a +0 spear (unseen) (31, -15, Snake:3) a +0 mace a +0 club a +0 robe (31, -13, Snake:3) a +0 spear a +0 barding a +0 hand axe (32, -22, Snake:3) a +2 spear of piercing (still there?) a +0 robe (still there?) (32, -21, Snake:3) a +0 war axe a +0 robe (32, -20, Snake:3) a +0 shortbow a +0 glaive 104 arrows (32, -18, Snake:3) a +0 long sword a +0 robe (32, -16, Snake:3) a +0 dire flail (33, -22, Snake:3) a +0 glaive a +0 robe a +0 hand axe (34, -27, Snake:3) a +1 dagger of venom a +0 robe a potion of might (34, -26, Snake:3) a +0 scimitar (unseen) (34, -22, Snake:3) a +0 robe (unseen) (35, -21, Snake:3) a +0 mace of draining (35, -6, Snake:3) a +0 robe a +0 short sword (36, -1, Snake:3) a +0 scimitar a +0 robe (38, -40, Snake:3) a +0 halberd (unseen) (39, -39, Snake:3) a +0 mace a +0 robe (42, -30, Snake:3) 117 arrows (unseen) (42, 3, Snake:3) a cursed +0 club (still there?) a +0 robe (still there?) (44, -39, Snake:3) a +0 mace (45, -38, Snake:3) a +0 vampiric long sword a +0 robe (45, 2, Snake:3) 87 bolts a +0 hand axe a +0 arbalest (47, 1, Snake:3) a +0 trident a +0 robe a +0 halberd (50, -11, Snake:3) a +0 robe 101 bolts a +0 hand axe a +0 arbalest (50, -9, Snake:3) a +0 halberd (52, 19, Snake:3) 134 arrows (53, 9, Snake:3) a +0 medium shield (61, -18, Snake:3) a +0 glaive an uncursed ring of poison resistance (61, -5, Snake:3) 122 poisoned needles (61, 3, Snake:3) a +0 spear (61, 5, Snake:3) 30 javelins of penetration a +0 dire flail a +0 robe a +0 halberd (61, 9, Snake:3) a +0 robe a +0 whip (62, 6, Snake:3) a +0 flail (63, 4, Snake:3) a +0 battleaxe (63, 5, Snake:3) a +0 robe a +0 trident a +0 robe a +0 battleaxe (63, 6, Snake:3) a +0 dire flail (63, 8, Snake:3) a +0 spear (63, 12, Snake:3) a +0 flail a +0 robe 23 javelins a +0 hand axe (64, 12, Snake:3) a +0 hand axe (65, 10, Snake:3) a +0 trident (65, 11, Snake:3) a +0 large shield 21 javelins a +0 short sword (67, -26, Snake:3) a +0 halberd a +0 robe (67, 8, Snake:3) a +0 robe a +0 spear (68, -3, Snake:3) a +0 falchion Level 1 of the Vaults [Shop] Open's Antique Armour Shop a +0 scale mail (124 gold) a +3 ring mail of magic resistance (806 gold) a +0 robe (21 gold) a +0 cloak (139 gold) a +0 chain mail (139 gold) a +0 ring mail (124 gold) a +0 cloak (139 gold) a +4 chain mail of poison resistance (883 gold) a +2 chain mail of magic resistance (666 gold) a +0 chain mail (139 gold) a +0 chain mail (139 gold) a +0 leather armour (62 gold) (0, 0, Vaults:1) a +1 mace of draining (unseen) (1, -33, Vaults:1) 167 arrows (2, -2, Vaults:1) a +0 troll leather armour a +0 great mace a +0 scale mail (3, -16, Vaults:1) a +0 ring mail (3, -14, Vaults:1) a +0 leather armour (4, -10, Vaults:1) 73 poisoned needles (5, -2, Vaults:1) a potion of agility (7, -36, Vaults:1) a +2 long sword of protection (17, 13, Vaults:1) the cursed +1 robe of Hedge Wizardry {+Fly Dex+4 Stlth-} It affects your dexterity (+4). It lets you fly. It makes you less stealthy. It has a curse placed upon it. (18, -22, Vaults:1) a +0 plate armour a +1 whip of flaming (20, -6, Vaults:1) a +2 demon whip of electrocution a +0 plate armour (21, -18, Vaults:1) a +0 double sword (26, -34, Vaults:1) (unseen) (26, -3, Vaults:1) a +0 dire flail a +0 chain mail (27, -40, Vaults:1) a cursed -2 giant spiked club (27, -39, Vaults:1) a +0 giant spiked club (27, -18, Vaults:1) 201 bolts a +0 arbalest (28, -18, Vaults:1) a +0 arbalest 235 bolts a +0 arbalest (29, -12, Vaults:1) a +0 pair of gloves a +0 cloak a +1 rapier of distortion (38, -16, Vaults:1) a +0 robe a +0 dagger (40, -14, Vaults:1) a +0 chain mail a +1 great sword of draining (40, 12, Vaults:1) a +1 great mace of holy wrath (still there?) a +0 ring mail (still there?) (41, -16, Vaults:1) 218 arrows a +0 longbow (42, -15, Vaults:1) a +0 scale mail a +0 falchion (42, -13, Vaults:1) 93 arrows a +0 longbow (42, -12, Vaults:1) 111 arrows a +0 longbow (42, -11, Vaults:1) 128 arrows a +0 shortbow (43, -12, Vaults:1) 140 arrows a cursed -2 shortbow (44, -22, Vaults:1) a +6 battleaxe of chopping (44, 13, Vaults:1) a +0 dagger (46, -27, Vaults:1) a +0 scale mail a +0 long sword (47, -29, Vaults:1) a scroll of identify a +0 chain mail a +2 whip of flaming (48, -29, Vaults:1) a +0 ring mail a +0 whip of electrocution (49, 14, Vaults:1) a potion of agility 226 bolts (50, -10, Vaults:1) a +2 leather armour of positive energy a +0 great sword (62, -30, Vaults:1) a +3 trident of piercing (unseen) (62, -22, Vaults:1) an uncursed amulet of magic regeneration (63, -22, Vaults:1) the cursed +0 pair of boots of a bailey {rC+ Str+7 Slay-4} It affects your strength (+7). It affects your accuracy and damage with ranged weapons and melee attacks (-4). It protects you from cold. It has a curse placed upon it. a +0 robe (66, -30, Vaults:1) a +0 dagger a +0 robe Level 2 of the Vaults [Shop] Duosi's Gadget Shop a phial of floods (800 gold) a phantom mirror (400 gold) a wand of random effects (7) (100 gold) a phantom mirror (400 gold) a wand of paralysis (6) (140 gold) a fan of gales (2/2) (600 gold) a fan of gales (2/2) (600 gold) a wand of iceblast (8) (270 gold) a lightning rod (4/4) (800 gold) a sack of spiders (600 gold) (0, 0, Vaults:2) a +0 scale mail a +5 flail (1, -10, Vaults:2) a +4 whip of flaming (1, 13, Vaults:2) 141 arrows (2, 0, Vaults:2) a +0 robe a +0 dagger (3, -3, Vaults:2) a +0 chain mail a +3 long sword (4, -1, Vaults:2) a +0 scale mail a +0 dire flail (5, -2, Vaults:2) 82 bolts a +0 arbalest (7, -30, Vaults:2) a +0 glaive of flaming a +0 plate armour (7, -29, Vaults:2) a +0 flail a +0 ring mail a +0 great mace of pain a +0 plate armour (7, -28, Vaults:2) a +5 demon whip a +0 chain mail a +5 battleaxe of draining a +0 chain mail (8, -30, Vaults:2) a +1 war axe a +0 plate armour (8, 7, Vaults:2) a +0 scale mail 137 bolts a +0 morningstar a +0 arbalest (9, -32, Vaults:2) a +4 broad axe a cursed +0 chain mail a +3 halberd of pain a +0 chain mail (9, 4, Vaults:2) a +0 ring mail a +0 war axe (10, 4, Vaults:2) a +0 dire flail a +0 dire flail (10, 21, Vaults:2) a +0 arbalest 106 bolts (17, -1, Vaults:2) a +1 great sword of flaming (23, -1, Vaults:2) a +0 ring mail 120 bolts a +0 war axe a +0 arbalest (26, -26, Vaults:2) a +0 robe a +0 dagger (28, -1, Vaults:2) a +0 spear (32, -23, Vaults:2) 112 bolts a +0 arbalest (32, -22, Vaults:2) 183 bolts a +0 arbalest (32, 6, Vaults:2) a +0 whip a +0 plate armour (36, -17, Vaults:2) 139 bolts a +0 arbalest (37, -24, Vaults:2) a +0 large shield a +0 plate armour a +1 war axe of flaming (37, -23, Vaults:2) a +0 scythe a +0 chain mail (37, -21, Vaults:2) 119 bolts a +0 arbalest (37, -20, Vaults:2) 155 bolts a +0 arbalest (37, 6, Vaults:2) a +0 scale mail a +0 morningstar (38, -20, Vaults:2) 260 bolts a +0 arbalest a +0 arbalest (39, -26, Vaults:2) a +0 ring mail a +0 long sword (45, -20, Vaults:2) a +2 robe of magic recovery a +0 whip (46, 2, Vaults:2) 147 bolts a +0 arbalest (50, 12, Vaults:2) a +0 chain mail a +0 dire flail (52, -6, Vaults:2) +0 fire dragon scales (52, 11, Vaults:2) a +0 plate armour a +3 vampiric long sword (52, 13, Vaults:2) a +0 chain mail a +2 great sword of draining a +0 plate armour a +0 dire flail (53, -21, Vaults:2) a +0 scale mail a +0 dire flail (53, 13, Vaults:2) a cursed +0 chain mail a +0 broad axe (56, -22, Vaults:2) a +5 ring of slaying (58, -7, Vaults:2) 158 bolts a +2 arbalest of flaming (59, -3, Vaults:2) 163 bolts a +0 arbalest (59, -2, Vaults:2) 115 bolts a +0 arbalest (60, -2, Vaults:2) 66 large rocks (61, -2, Vaults:2) 108 bolts a +1 arbalest of velocity (61, -1, Vaults:2) a +0 arbalest 214 bolts a +0 arbalest (62, -14, Vaults:2) a +0 robe (62, 11, Vaults:2) a +0 ring mail 158 bolts a +0 long sword a +0 arbalest (71, -20, Vaults:2) a +0 dire flail Level 3 of the Vaults [Shop] Kosok's General Store a +0 chain mail (67 gold) a scroll of teleportation (45 gold) a fan of gales (2/2) (450 gold) a +0 scale mail (60 gold) a +2 hand axe of freezing (261 gold) a wand of flame (13) (84 gold) a +8 blowgun (667 gold) a +0 robe (10 gold) a ration (75 gold) a scroll of identify (30 gold) a scroll of teleportation (45 gold) a ration (75 gold) 214 sling bullets (321 gold) (0, 0, Vaults:3) a +1 great sword of flaming a potion of degeneration (4, -5, Vaults:3) a +0 great mace a +0 scale mail (6, -7, Vaults:3) a +0 great mace a +0 scale mail (6, 2, Vaults:3) a +0 mace (6, 3, Vaults:3) a +0 robe a +1 demon blade (7, -14, Vaults:3) a cursed +0 chain mail (unseen) (7, -8, Vaults:3) a +1 hand axe of chopping a +0 ring mail a potion of lignification (7, -5, Vaults:3) a cursed +0 war axe a +0 arbalest 156 bolts a +0 scale mail (7, 2, Vaults:3) a +0 dagger (still there?) a +0 scale mail (still there?) (7, 3, Vaults:3) an uncursed staff of air (unseen) (8, -5, Vaults:3) 59 large rocks (8, 3, Vaults:3) a +0 chain mail (10, -21, Vaults:3) a +0 chain mail (10, -11, Vaults:3) a +1 great sword of flaming 60 large rocks (12, -13, Vaults:3) 156 bolts (13, -13, Vaults:3) a +0 scale mail (14, -14, Vaults:3) 41 needles of confusion (17, 22, Vaults:3) a scroll of identify (unseen) (18, 6, Vaults:3) a +0 broad axe a +0 plate armour (19, -10, Vaults:3) a +0 chain mail (still there?) a +0 battleaxe (still there?) (19, 25, Vaults:3) 182 arrows (unseen) (20, -19, Vaults:3) a +0 plate armour a +0 glaive of flaming (20, -13, Vaults:3) a +2 scimitar of holy wrath (21, 14, Vaults:3) a potion of lignification (22, -20, Vaults:3) a +0 plate armour an uncursed amulet of the acrobat a +2 great sword of electrocution (22, -19, Vaults:3) a +0 plate armour a +5 falchion of pain (22, 11, Vaults:3) the +7 quarterstaff of Gluttony {crush, rElec rC- Str+7 Int+2} It will always inflict at least some extra damage. This minimum extra damage increases with your current reserve of magical power. It affects your strength (+7). It affects your intelligence (+2). It makes you vulnerable to cold. It insulates you from electricity. (22, 12, Vaults:3) a +0 dire flail of protection (22, 14, Vaults:3) the cursed +3 bardiche "Rexa" {drain, rC+ Dex+4} A truly terrible weapon, it drains the life of those it strikes. It affects your dexterity (+4). It protects you from cold. It has a curse placed upon it. (22, 15, Vaults:3) a +0 arbalest 94 bolts (23, -24, Vaults:3) 76 bolts a +0 arbalest (23, -18, Vaults:3) a +0 chain mail a +3 war axe a +0 robe a +1 demon trident (23, -5, Vaults:3) a +0 scale mail a +0 great mace (23, 15, Vaults:3) the +4 rapier "Demon's Funeral" {pierce, +Inv rPois SInv} It will always inflict at least some extra damage. This minimum extra damage increases with your current reserve of magical power. It protects you from poison. It lets you see invisible. It lets you turn invisible. (23, 23, Vaults:3) 51 large rocks (24, -5, Vaults:3) 95 bolts a cursed +0 arbalest a +0 flail (26, -4, Vaults:3) a +0 chain mail a +0 glaive (26, -1, Vaults:3) a +0 plate armour a +1 long sword of slicing (26, 0, Vaults:3) a +0 medium shield a +0 plate armour a +1 war axe (26, 2, Vaults:3) a cursed +0 scale mail a +0 great mace a scroll of remove curse (27, -4, Vaults:3) a +0 chain mail a +0 great mace (27, -3, Vaults:3) a +0 plate armour a +1 great mace a +0 chain mail a +1 great sword of distortion (27, -2, Vaults:3) a +0 chain mail a +0 great sword a +0 chain mail a +0 great mace (27, -1, Vaults:3) a +0 chain mail a +0 long sword (28, -13, Vaults:3) a +0 longbow 158 arrows (28, -12, Vaults:3) 147 arrows a +0 shortbow (28, -5, Vaults:3) a cursed -1 chain mail a +3 great mace (28, -4, Vaults:3) a cursed +0 plate armour a +3 battleaxe (28, -3, Vaults:3) a +0 plate armour a +1 war axe of chopping a +0 plate armour a +0 battleaxe (28, -1, Vaults:3) a +0 chain mail a +0 great sword (29, -27, Vaults:3) a +0 dire flail (still there?) a +0 dire flail (still there?) (29, -5, Vaults:3) a +0 plate armour a +0 war axe (29, -4, Vaults:3) a +0 plate armour a +0 long sword (29, -3, Vaults:3) a +0 chain mail a +0 great sword a +3 scimitar a +0 plate armour a potion of lignification (29, -2, Vaults:3) a +0 chain mail a +0 great sword a +0 plate armour a +0 great mace (29, 2, Vaults:3) a +0 plate armour 139 bolts a +0 battleaxe a +0 arbalest (30, -3, Vaults:3) a +0 plate armour a +0 plate armour a +0 bardiche a +0 short sword (31, -6, Vaults:3) a +0 scale mail a scroll of identify a +2 trident of protection (32, -2, Vaults:3) a +0 scale mail 177 bolts a +0 war axe a +0 arbalest (33, -20, Vaults:3) a +2 shortbow of velocity (33, -3, Vaults:3) a +0 dire flail a +0 dire flail (34, -2, Vaults:3) a +0 scale mail a +0 dire flail (35, -19, Vaults:3) a potion of might (unseen) (35, -3, Vaults:3) a +0 ring mail a +0 battleaxe of freezing (36, -3, Vaults:3) a +0 dire flail a cursed +0 chain mail a +1 war axe (36, 3, Vaults:3) a +0 flail (37, -17, Vaults:3) (unseen) (37, -16, Vaults:3) a cursed amulet of inaccuracy (37, -3, Vaults:3) a cursed -1 dagger (still there?) a +3 leather armour of poison resistance (still there?) a wand of polymorph (6) (still there?) (38, -3, Vaults:3) a +0 shortbow 80 arrows (38, 11, Vaults:3) a +0 helmet (39, -3, Vaults:3) a +1 great mace of protection a +0 ring mail a +0 dire flail a +0 scale mail (39, 11, Vaults:3) the ring "Foqekaif" {rElec MR++ Str+2 Dex+4} [ring of dexterity] It affects your strength (+2). It affects your dexterity (+4). It insulates you from electricity. It affects your resistance to hostile enchantments. (40, -13, Vaults:3) a +0 whip (41, -20, Vaults:3) a book of Minor Magic (41, -3, Vaults:3) a +0 robe 3 scrolls of remove curse (41, 9, Vaults:3) a +0 shortbow (41, 11, Vaults:3) 137 arrows (unseen) (41, 13, Vaults:3) a +1 scythe of protection (unseen) (41, 15, Vaults:3) a +0 dagger (unseen) (42, -19, Vaults:3) a +3 ring mail of fire resistance (42, -3, Vaults:3) the cursed +1 war axe "Wuasoet" {drain, Str+10 Dex-4} A truly terrible weapon, it drains the life of those it strikes. It affects your strength (+10). It affects your dexterity (-4). It has a curse placed upon it. a +0 troll leather armour (42, -2, Vaults:3) a +0 arbalest 116 bolts (43, 11, Vaults:3) an uncursed staff of wizardry (unseen) (43, 24, Vaults:3) a +0 arbalest 134 bolts (44, -17, Vaults:3) a box of beasts (44, -3, Vaults:3) a +1 war axe a +0 plate armour (44, 24, Vaults:3) a +0 arbalest 163 bolts (44, 25, Vaults:3) a +0 arbalest 163 bolts (45, -23, Vaults:3) 70 large rocks (45, -16, Vaults:3) a +0 ring mail (unseen) (45, -3, Vaults:3) a +1 long sword of draining a +0 ring mail a +2 buckler of reflection (45, 11, Vaults:3) a +0 robe (46, -15, Vaults:3) the +6 arbalest of Noeliarid {penet, rPois} Ammo fired by it will pass through the targets it hits, potentially hitting all targets in its path until it reaches its maximum range. It protects you from poison. (46, 24, Vaults:3) a +0 arbalest 165 bolts (47, -12, Vaults:3) a +0 great sword of flaming (48, 19, Vaults:3) 163 arrows (50, 3, Vaults:3) 189 arrows (51, 2, Vaults:3) a +0 dire flail (still there?) a +0 dire flail (still there?) (51, 9, Vaults:3) a +0 dire flail (still there?) a +0 dire flail (still there?) (53, -25, Vaults:3) +0 shadow dragon scales (53, -6, Vaults:3) 29 large rocks (unseen) Level 1 of the Crypt (0, 0, Crypt:1) a +0 war axe (unseen) (2, 8, Crypt:1) a +2 flail of venom (unseen) (12, -20, Crypt:1) a +0 hand axe (14, -25, Crypt:1) a scroll of identify (unseen) (14, -19, Crypt:1) a +0 long sword (19, -17, Crypt:1) a +1 battleaxe a +0 chain mail (22, -13, Crypt:1) a +0 dagger a +0 robe (26, 0, Crypt:1) a +0 short sword (27, -1, Crypt:1) a +0 halberd a cursed -1 halberd a +0 hunting sling (29, -1, Crypt:1) a +0 glaive (30, -2, Crypt:1) a +0 long sword (unseen) (30, 14, Crypt:1) a +0 rapier (unseen) (34, 15, Crypt:1) a +0 dagger a +0 ring mail (37, 17, Crypt:1) a +0 dagger a +0 robe (43, -18, Crypt:1) a +0 glaive (45, -17, Crypt:1) a +0 long sword a +0 battleaxe (48, -29, Crypt:1) a +2 battleaxe of chopping (still there?) a +0 plate armour (still there?) (48, -23, Crypt:1) a +2 sacred scourge of holy wrath a +2 large shield Level 2 of the Crypt (3, -28, Crypt:2) a scroll of remove curse (5, -36, Crypt:2) a +0 robe (still there?) a +0 dagger (still there?) a +0 plate armour (still there?) a +0 war axe (still there?) (7, -32, Crypt:2) a +0 flail (8, -31, Crypt:2) a +0 dire flail (9, -29, Crypt:2) a +0 robe a cursed +0 battleaxe (10, -31, Crypt:2) a +0 robe a +4 war axe of freezing (10, -28, Crypt:2) a +3 hand axe of flaming (11, -29, Crypt:2) a +0 mace (still there?) a +0 mace (still there?) (11, -27, Crypt:2) a +0 robe a cursed +0 mace (13, -45, Crypt:2) a +0 great sword of distortion (unseen) (13, -26, Crypt:2) a +0 chain mail a +3 battleaxe of draining a scroll of remove curse (13, -22, Crypt:2) a +0 glaive (unseen) (13, -19, Crypt:2) a +0 dire flail (unseen) (15, -19, Crypt:2) a +0 chain mail (still there?) a +0 battleaxe (still there?) (15, -18, Crypt:2) a +0 scimitar (still there?) a +0 robe (still there?) a +4 battleaxe (still there?) (15, 5, Crypt:2) 83 bolts (unseen) (17, -45, Crypt:2) a wand of disintegration (8) (unseen) (21, -6, Crypt:2) a +3 great sword of freezing a +0 chain mail (25, -53, Crypt:2) a +0 ring mail (25, -15, Crypt:2) a +0 robe a +0 short sword (26, -23, Crypt:2) a +0 hand axe (26, -15, Crypt:2) a scroll of noise a +0 halberd (27, -53, Crypt:2) the cursed +0 pair of boots of Servitude {rPois MR+ rCorr} It protects you from poison. It affects your resistance to hostile enchantments. It provides partial protection from all sources of acid and corrosion. It has a curse placed upon it. (27, -51, Crypt:2) a +4 flail of protection (27, -41, Crypt:2) a +0 flail a +0 robe (28, -52, Crypt:2) 233 arrows (28, -51, Crypt:2) a +0 plate armour (28, -27, Crypt:2) a +0 robe a +6 morningstar a +1 mace of protection (29, -53, Crypt:2) a +1 morningstar of crushing (29, -51, Crypt:2) a fan of gales (2/2) (29, -28, Crypt:2) a +0 robe a +3 battleaxe (30, -29, Crypt:2) a +0 robe a +0 trident (32, -34, Crypt:2) a +0 robe a cursed +0 morningstar a +0 halberd (32, -33, Crypt:2) a +0 robe a +3 halberd of freezing a +0 robe a +4 battleaxe (32, -31, Crypt:2) a +0 robe a +4 flail (32, -30, Crypt:2) a +3 scimitar (33, -35, Crypt:2) a +0 scimitar (still there?) a +0 chain mail (still there?) a +1 great mace of draining (still there?) (33, -33, Crypt:2) a cursed +0 war axe (34, -38, Crypt:2) a +0 scimitar a +0 robe of magic recovery (34, -34, Crypt:2) a +0 chain mail a +1 great sword of slicing (35, -32, Crypt:2) a +0 robe a cursed +4 short sword (36, -22, Crypt:2) a +0 robe a +0 great mace 2 scrolls of identify (36, 2, Crypt:2) a lamp of fire (37, -51, Crypt:2) a +2 flail of draining (37, -12, Crypt:2) a +0 club (unseen) (39, -53, Crypt:2) a +0 eveningstar of draining (39, -52, Crypt:2) a phial of floods (39, -51, Crypt:2) a +2 longbow of flaming (41, 2, Crypt:2) a +3 great sword a +0 chain mail a scroll of remove curse (42, -19, Crypt:2) a +0 scimitar (43, -29, Crypt:2) a +1 glaive of protection a +0 robe of positive energy (44, -29, Crypt:2) a cursed +0 trident a +0 robe (45, -45, Crypt:2) 148 sling bullets (unseen) (47, -19, Crypt:2) a +3 war axe (still there?) a cursed +0 plate armour (still there?) (48, -45, Crypt:2) a +0 trident (49, -47, Crypt:2) a +0 mace (50, -6, Crypt:2) a +0 club (51, -16, Crypt:2) a +0 short sword a +0 glaive a +0 ring mail (54, -44, Crypt:2) a +0 falchion (55, -33, Crypt:2) a +0 broad axe (56, -37, Crypt:2) a cursed ring of attention (57, -29, Crypt:2) a scroll of identify (unseen) (57, -8, Crypt:2) a +0 dagger Level 1 of the Realm of Zot (0, 0, Zot:1) 169 arrows (unseen) (8, -27, Zot:1) a scroll of amnesia (unseen) (20, 4, Zot:1) a +0 rapier (still there?) a +0 cloak (still there?) (20, 5, Zot:1) a +0 long sword a +0 cloak (21, 6, Zot:1) a +4 buckler of reflection a +0 glaive a +0 cloak (22, 5, Zot:1) a +0 rapier (still there?) a +0 cloak (still there?) (26, 12, Zot:1) a +0 spear (unseen) (26, 28, Zot:1) an uncursed staff of earth (28, 12, Zot:1) a +0 pair of gloves (unseen) (33, -2, Zot:1) a +0 cloak (34, 1, Zot:1) a +0 glaive (34, 28, Zot:1) a +0 great sword (unseen) (39, 15, Zot:1) a +0 scale mail (45, -18, Zot:1) +0 storm dragon scales (48, 26, Zot:1) 159 sling bullets (52, -19, Zot:1) a +0 flail (unseen) (52, 21, Zot:1) 58 curare-tipped needles (59, -4, Zot:1) a +0 battleaxe (60, -4, Zot:1) a +0 long sword (still there?) a +1 cloak (still there?) (61, -7, Zot:1) a +0 war axe a +3 glaive of venom a +0 cloak (61, -5, Zot:1) a +1 cloak a +0 glaive (61, -4, Zot:1) a +0 short sword Level 2 of the Realm of Zot (1, -1, Zot:2) quicksilver dragon scales (4, 1, Zot:2) a +0 war axe (12, -1, Zot:2) a +0 ring mail (25, 11, Zot:2) a +0 scimitar a potion of degeneration (25, 26, Zot:2) a +2 battleaxe of electrocution (26, 11, Zot:2) a +0 cloak (26, 12, Zot:2) a +0 short sword a +0 cloak (27, 2, Zot:2) a scroll of amnesia (29, 1, Zot:2) a +0 cloak a +0 whip (29, 2, Zot:2) a +0 flail (29, 12, Zot:2) a +0 short sword a +0 cloak a scroll of amnesia (30, -2, Zot:2) a +0 trident (31, 14, Zot:2) a +0 whip (32, 3, Zot:2) a +0 long sword (32, 4, Zot:2) a +0 dire flail (38, 38, Zot:2) a scroll of identify (42, -4, Zot:2) a scroll of identify (42, 0, Zot:2) 193 bolts (42, 34, Zot:2) a +0 hand axe of distortion (42, 37, Zot:2) a cursed staff of air (52, -3, Zot:2) +0 storm dragon scales (53, -1, Zot:2) 274 sling bullets (54, 1, Zot:2) a +0 flail (54, 2, Zot:2) a +0 cloak a +0 dagger (55, 1, Zot:2) a +0 cloak a cursed -1 long sword (56, -1, Zot:2) a +3 dire flail (56, 0, Zot:2) a +0 war axe (61, 4, Zot:2) a +0 hunting sling Level 3 of the Realm of Zot (0, 0, Zot:3) a +0 rapier (3, 17, Zot:3) a +0 glaive (4, -9, Zot:3) a +0 trident (10, -24, Zot:3) the +4 hand crossbow of Debt {elec, rElec rC+++} It charges the ammunition it shoots with electricity; occasionally upon a hit, such missiles may discharge and cause terrible harm. It renders you almost immune to cold. It insulates you from electricity. (13, 10, Zot:3) a +0 dire flail (16, -28, Zot:3) a +0 war axe (18, -8, Zot:3) 74 poisoned needles (18, 0, Zot:3) a scroll of remove curse (22, -17, Zot:3) a +5 ring of strength (23, -14, Zot:3) a +0 chain mail (29, 13, Zot:3) a cursed -1 long sword (30, 12, Zot:3) a +1 dire flail of protection (30, 13, Zot:3) a +1 cloak a +1 battleaxe of chopping (31, 11, Zot:3) a +0 battleaxe (31, 12, Zot:3) a +0 trident (31, 13, Zot:3) a +0 mace (32, 11, Zot:3) a +0 trident (32, 12, Zot:3) a +0 scimitar a +0 cloak a +1 long sword of holy wrath a +0 battleaxe (33, -37, Zot:3) quicksilver dragon scales (33, 10, Zot:3) a +0 cloak a +0 long sword (33, 13, Zot:3) a cursed -2 cloak a +0 short sword (51, 6, Zot:3) 153 arrows (55, -18, Zot:3) a +4 hunting sling the +4 ring mail "Caucvor" {Dex+2} It affects your dexterity (+2). (68, -4, Zot:3) a +0 plate armour (69, 7, Zot:3) a +0 hand axe Level 4 of the Realm of Zot (0, 0, Zot:4) a +0 giant spiked club (7, 9, Zot:4) a +0 shortbow (19, 5, Zot:4) a +0 rapier a +2 cloak a +0 halberd (20, 6, Zot:4) a +0 glaive quicksilver dragon scales (21, 2, Zot:4) a +0 scale mail (21, 9, Zot:4) a cursed +0 scale mail (24, 10, Zot:4) a +0 glaive (27, 23, Zot:4) a +0 chain mail (31, -6, Zot:4) a book of Summonings (31, -5, Zot:4) quicksilver dragon scales (32, -7, Zot:4) a +3 morningstar (35, 2, Zot:4) a +0 cloak a +0 rapier a +0 cloak a +0 great mace (37, -5, Zot:4) a potion of berserk rage (39, -3, Zot:4) an uncursed amulet of rage (39, 11, Zot:4) a scroll of torment (40, 32, Zot:4) a +0 long sword (41, 34, Zot:4) a cursed +0 long sword (42, 21, Zot:4) 103 arrows (42, 34, Zot:4) a +0 cloak (42, 35, Zot:4) a +0 short sword (43, 34, Zot:4) a +0 rapier a +0 cloak (53, -4, Zot:4) a cursed -1 long sword Level 5 of the Realm of Zot (0, 0, Zot:5) a +0 scimitar (3, -10, Zot:5) a +0 hand axe (4, -11, Zot:5) a +0 hand axe (7, -3, Zot:5) a +1 scimitar of electrocution (8, -15, Zot:5) a +2 hand axe of freezing (8, -14, Zot:5) a +1 scimitar of slicing (15, 3, Zot:5) a +0 cloak (16, 4, Zot:5) a +0 cloak a +3 bardiche (17, 9, Zot:5) a +0 scale mail (18, 5, Zot:5) a +0 trident (19, 6, Zot:5) a +0 cloak a +0 great sword (20, 6, Zot:5) a +0 halberd (20, 8, Zot:5) a +0 battleaxe (22, 8, Zot:5) a +0 battleaxe (22, 35, Zot:5) a +0 war axe a scroll of fog (23, 34, Zot:5) a +0 mace (24, 34, Zot:5) a +0 short sword a +2 cloak a +2 ring of protection (25, 35, Zot:5) a +0 long sword a +2 cloak 37 gold pieces (29, 20, Zot:5) a +8 vampiric hand axe (31, 34, Zot:5) a +1 flail of venom (32, 1, Zot:5) a +0 cloak a +2 great sword of slicing (32, 6, Zot:5) +0 storm dragon scales (33, -2, Zot:5) a scroll of amnesia a +0 cloak (33, -1, Zot:5) a scroll of identify a +0 morningstar (34, -3, Zot:5) a +1 cloak a +0 rapier (36, 21, Zot:5) 193 stones (38, 24, Zot:5) a +0 flail (44, 24, Zot:5) a +6 hand axe of freezing (47, 24, Zot:5) a +0 halberd an uncursed amulet of guardian spirit 2 potions of invisibility (47, 27, Zot:5) a +8 hand axe of flaming (55, -6, Zot:5) a +0 leather armour Level 1 of the Depths (0, 0, Depths:1) a +0 trident (unseen) (1, -35, Depths:1) a +2 quarterstaff of protection a +0 quarterstaff a +0 club (2, -35, Depths:1) an uncursed staff of wizardry a +0 club (4, 2, Depths:1) a +0 war axe (7, -22, Depths:1) a +0 ring mail (8, -8, Depths:1) a +0 robe (still there?) a +5 ring of dexterity (still there?) (9, 11, Depths:1) 48 large rocks (12, -8, Depths:1) a +0 trident (12, -7, Depths:1) a +3 demon trident (14, -13, Depths:1) a +0 whip (still there?) a +0 robe (still there?) (14, -10, Depths:1) a +2 scythe of protection (14, 19, Depths:1) a +0 leather armour (unseen) (15, -19, Depths:1) a +0 giant spiked club a +0 giant spiked club (15, -15, Depths:1) 40 large rocks (16, -16, Depths:1) a +0 giant club (16, -15, Depths:1) a +0 giant spiked club a +0 giant club a +0 giant spiked club a +0 giant club (17, -17, Depths:1) a +0 giant club (17, 12, Depths:1) 56 large rocks (22, -21, Depths:1) a +5 ring of intelligence (23, -21, Depths:1) a +2 leather armour of fire resistance (33, -28, Depths:1) 84 poisoned needles (34, -18, Depths:1) a +1 great sword of flaming a +0 rapier a +0 rapier a +0 leather armour (36, -16, Depths:1) a +2 battleaxe of freezing a +0 robe a +0 buckler of reflection (37, -14, Depths:1) a +0 chain mail 116 steel javelins (39, -7, Depths:1) a +7 quick blade of venom (41, 6, Depths:1) 156 arrows (42, 15, Depths:1) a +0 giant club a +0 giant spiked club (43, 14, Depths:1) a +0 giant club a +0 giant club (44, -11, Depths:1) 32 large rocks (44, 13, Depths:1) a +0 dire flail a +0 giant club (44, 14, Depths:1) a cursed +0 giant club (unseen) (45, 13, Depths:1) a +0 flail a +0 robe (46, 12, Depths:1) a +0 giant spiked club (49, 12, Depths:1) a scroll of identify (54, 9, Depths:1) (unseen) (60, 5, Depths:1) a scroll of remove curse (unseen) (64, -22, Depths:1) a +0 robe a +1 dagger of draining Level 2 of the Depths [Shop] Emestrang's Slaves and Accessories a +0 whip (45 gold) a +0 whip (45 gold) a wand of charming (11) (216 gold) a wand of charming (9) (180 gold) the +5 whip "Lomnacw" {venom, +Rage rF+} (819 gold) It poisons the flesh of those it strikes. It protects you from fire. It lets you go berserk. the cursed +0 whip of Gagej {slash, rElec Int+5} (453 gold) It will always inflict at least some extra damage. This minimum extra damage increases with your current reserve of magical power. It affects your intelligence (+5). It insulates you from electricity. It has a curse placed upon it. a +0 whip (45 gold) a +0 whip (45 gold) a +0 whip (45 gold) a +0 whip (45 gold) [Shop] The Legendary Luokkala's Legendary Smithy a -3 plate armour (320 gold) a -1 battleaxe (140 gold) a -2 plate armour (520 gold) a -2 plate armour (520 gold) a -2 plate armour (520 gold) a -3 battleaxe (4 gold) a -1 long sword (20 gold) a -2 medium shield (4 gold) a -2 long sword (4 gold) a -3 large shield (4 gold) [Shop] Jack's Jerk-a-riffic Jerky a ration (50 gold) a ration (50 gold) a ration (50 gold) a ration (50 gold) a ration (50 gold) a ration (50 gold) a ration (50 gold) a ration (50 gold) a ration (50 gold) a ration (50 gold) [Shop] Siacae's Miraculous Elixirs 2 potions of mutation (800 gold) a potion of mutation (400 gold) a potion of mutation (400 gold) a potion of mutation (400 gold) a potion of mutation (400 gold) a potion of mutation (400 gold) a potion of mutation (400 gold) a potion of mutation (400 gold) a potion of mutation (400 gold) a potion of mutation (400 gold) (0, 0, Depths:2) 104 arrows a +0 animal skin (1, 1, Depths:2) a +0 short sword (10, -9, Depths:2) a +0 animal skin (10, 1, Depths:2) a +0 bardiche a +0 chain mail 3 potions of blood (11, -44, Depths:2) a +0 buckler (still there?) a +0 scale mail (still there?) a +0 war axe (still there?) (14, -12, Depths:2) 34 large rocks (14, -7, Depths:2) a +0 animal skin (16, -31, Depths:2) a +0 mace a cursed +0 plate armour (16, 5, Depths:2) a +0 dagger (17, -31, Depths:2) a +1 demon blade of venom a +0 scale mail (17, -1, Depths:2) a +0 troll leather armour (18, -26, Depths:2) 39 large rocks (18, -11, Depths:2) a +0 shortbow 148 arrows (18, -6, Depths:2) a +0 mace (19, -38, Depths:2) (unseen) (19, -13, Depths:2) a +4 dagger (still there?) a +0 robe (still there?) (19, -12, Depths:2) a +0 troll leather armour (20, -21, Depths:2) a +0 trident (20, -12, Depths:2) a +0 troll leather armour (20, -6, Depths:2) 69 poisoned needles a +0 plate armour a cursed -2 battleaxe (20, 0, Depths:2) a +0 giant club (22, -6, Depths:2) a +0 club (22, 3, Depths:2) a +0 animal skin (24, -4, Depths:2) a +0 great mace of protection a +1 arbalest of freezing 129 bolts a +0 chain mail (24, -1, Depths:2) a +1 battleaxe of freezing (24, 3, Depths:2) a +0 animal skin (25, -30, Depths:2) a scroll of remove curse (unseen) (25, -12, Depths:2) a +0 dagger (still there?) a +0 robe (still there?) (27, -17, Depths:2) a +0 spear (unseen) (29, -44, Depths:2) a +0 troll leather armour (30, -46, Depths:2) a +0 battleaxe of freezing (30, -10, Depths:2) a bolt (30, -6, Depths:2) 30 bolts (31, -25, Depths:2) a +0 dire flail (still there?) a +0 dire flail (still there?) (31, -10, Depths:2) a bolt (unseen) (32, -10, Depths:2) a bolt (33, -27, Depths:2) 51 large rocks (34, -24, Depths:2) a +0 chain mail a +3 great sword (34, -7, Depths:2) a +0 arbalest 105 bolts (38, -19, Depths:2) a +0 chain mail a +3 great sword of slicing (38, -18, Depths:2) a +0 whip (38, -17, Depths:2) a +0 robe a +0 dagger (38, -15, Depths:2) a +0 shortbow 168 arrows (39, -18, Depths:2) a +0 plate armour (still there?) a +0 war axe (still there?) (41, -2, Depths:2) +0 iron troll leather armour +0 iron troll leather armour (44, -1, Depths:2) a +0 battleaxe of freezing (47, -1, Depths:2) a +0 dagger a +0 robe (48, -46, Depths:2) a lightning rod (4/4) (48, -12, Depths:2) a +0 dagger (49, -39, Depths:2) a +0 robe (unseen) (51, -47, Depths:2) a +0 ring mail (51, -6, Depths:2) a +0 great mace of holy wrath a +0 dire flail of holy wrath (53, -34, Depths:2) 139 bolts (unseen) (53, 1, Depths:2) 74 large rocks (unseen) (53, 2, Depths:2) 31 large rocks (53, 3, Depths:2) 52 large rocks (54, -41, Depths:2) a +0 ring mail (55, -6, Depths:2) a +1 war axe of flaming a +0 plate armour (59, -3, Depths:2) a +0 mace of crushing (unseen) (59, -2, Depths:2) 57 large rocks (63, -20, Depths:2) a +0 great mace (still there?) a +0 dire flail (still there?) a +0 trident (still there?) a +0 robe (still there?) (65, -29, Depths:2) a +0 dire flail of holy wrath a +0 dire flail (67, -6, Depths:2) a +0 robe (67, -2, Depths:2) a +0 dire flail a +0 dire flail (67, 0, Depths:2) a +0 dire flail a +0 dire flail a cursed +0 dire flail a cursed +0 dire flail (68, -6, Depths:2) a +0 robe a +0 robe (68, 6, Depths:2) a +0 dagger (71, -7, Depths:2) a +1 great sword of flaming (71, -1, Depths:2) 36 large rocks (72, -11, Depths:2) a +0 mace Level 3 of the Depths [Shop] Ahober's Assorted Antiques a +0 war axe (87 gold) a scroll of vulnerability (187 gold) a +0 ring mail of positive energy (200 gold) a +0 scale mail (100 gold) a potion of curing (62 gold) a +0 large shield (112 gold) an uncursed staff of conjuration (625 gold) (0, 0, Depths:3) 28 large rocks (2, -18, Depths:3) a +1 battleaxe of freezing (4, 23, Depths:3) a scroll of remove curse (10, 5, Depths:3) a scroll of remove curse (11, 11, Depths:3) a cursed -2 long sword (unseen) (11, 19, Depths:3) 148 arrows (unseen) (12, 13, Depths:3) a +0 broad axe a +0 mace (14, -14, Depths:3) 62 large rocks (14, -13, Depths:3) 111 arrows (17, -9, Depths:3) a +0 dire flail (still there?) a +0 dire flail (still there?) (20, 8, Depths:3) a +0 great mace a +0 dire flail (21, 9, Depths:3) a +1 demon trident of draining (24, 6, Depths:3) +0 fire dragon scales a +0 arbalest 148 bolts (24, 24, Depths:3) a +0 dire flail a +2 dire flail of draining (25, 27, Depths:3) a +0 halberd (unseen) (26, -4, Depths:3) a +0 robe (27, -3, Depths:3) a +0 robe (unseen) (27, -2, Depths:3) 62 large rocks (28, -11, Depths:3) a +1 battleaxe of freezing (29, -4, Depths:3) a scroll of identify (29, -1, Depths:3) 241 sling bullets (unseen) (30, -4, Depths:3) a +0 robe (30, -3, Depths:3) a potion of might (37, -8, Depths:3) a +0 plate armour (unseen) (44, 26, Depths:3) 120 bolts a +0 arbalest (46, 27, Depths:3) 141 bolts a +0 arbalest (47, -12, Depths:3) a +0 plate armour (still there?) a +2 battleaxe of flaming (still there?) (48, -15, Depths:3) 36 curare-tipped needles (50, 12, Depths:3) a cursed staff of conjuration (53, -10, Depths:3) a +0 demon blade (53, -6, Depths:3) a scarf of resistance (53, 11, Depths:3) a +0 dire flail a +0 dire flail (54, -11, Depths:3) a +0 trident (54, 25, Depths:3) a +0 short sword (55, -8, Depths:3) a +0 plate armour of cold resistance a +5 broad axe of flaming a cursed +0 plate armour a +1 glaive (55, 20, Depths:3) a +0 troll leather armour (56, 16, Depths:3) a +0 leather armour 132 javelins a +0 vampiric spear (57, -6, Depths:3) a +0 chain mail (still there?) a +1 glaive (still there?) a +3 plate armour (still there?) a +3 demon blade (still there?) a +2 chain mail of fire resistance (still there?) a +4 broad axe (still there?) (58, -5, Depths:3) a +0 robe a +1 dagger of venom (61, -18, Depths:3) a scroll of identify (unseen) (64, 31, Depths:3) a +0 dagger Level 4 of the Depths (0, 0, Depths:4) a scroll of remove curse (5, 20, Depths:4) a potion of agility (7, 18, Depths:4) a +0 animal skin a cursed +0 hand axe (9, 12, Depths:4) a +0 dire flail a +0 dire flail (10, 27, Depths:4) a +0 battleaxe of freezing (10, 38, Depths:4) +0 shadow dragon scales (23, 16, Depths:4) the +4 arbalest "Xufeuna" {penet, SInv} Ammo fired by it will pass through the targets it hits, potentially hitting all targets in its path until it reaches its maximum range. It lets you see invisible. a +0 long sword (23, 27, Depths:4) a +0 spear of venom a +1 buckler of reflection (23, 28, Depths:4) a cursed +0 hand axe a +0 animal skin (23, 34, Depths:4) the cursed +0 pair of gloves "Sace" {Str+2} It affects your strength (+2). It has a curse placed upon it. (unseen) (23, 45, Depths:4) a +0 glaive (unseen) (24, 30, Depths:4) a +0 spear (26, 4, Depths:4) +0 ice dragon scales (27, 20, Depths:4) a lamp of fire (27, 21, Depths:4) a +0 quarterstaff (unseen) (28, 5, Depths:4) a +0 troll leather armour a +0 animal skin a +2 battleaxe of freezing (28, 8, Depths:4) a +0 troll leather armour (29, 6, Depths:4) +0 fire dragon scales a +2 buckler of reflection a +0 robe a +3 rapier of draining a +4 great sword of flaming (29, 7, Depths:4) +0 ice dragon scales (30, 18, Depths:4) a +0 rapier a cursed +0 animal skin (31, 3, Depths:4) a +0 war axe of chopping a potion of degeneration (33, 1, Depths:4) a +0 battleaxe of freezing (35, 0, Depths:4) a +1 battleaxe of freezing (35, 3, Depths:4) a +3 great sword of flaming an uncursed ring of magical power (36, 3, Depths:4) a +0 chain mail a +2 great sword of electrocution (37, 1, Depths:4) a +0 war axe (still there?) a +2 robe of resistance (still there?) a potion of lignification (still there?) (37, 4, Depths:4) a +3 battleaxe of freezing (39, -2, Depths:4) a +0 dagger (39, 45, Depths:4) a +0 spear (41, 4, Depths:4) a +0 dagger (42, 51, Depths:4) a +2 great sword of flaming (47, 11, Depths:4) a +1 great sword of flaming (55, 6, Depths:4) (unseen) (59, 26, Depths:4) a +0 robe (64, 26, Depths:4) 329 bolts a +0 arbalest a +0 arbalest (65, 27, Depths:4) 165 bolts a +0 arbalest Level 5 of the Depths (0, 0, Depths:5) 366 sling bullets (unseen) (4, -8, Depths:5) a cursed -2 dagger (still there?) a +0 robe (still there?) (8, -11, Depths:5) a +0 dagger (still there?) a +0 robe (still there?) (10, -10, Depths:5) a +0 ring mail (unseen) (11, -16, Depths:5) a +0 troll leather armour (11, -14, Depths:5) a +0 troll leather armour (11, -10, Depths:5) a +0 dire flail a +0 dire flail (12, -5, Depths:5) (unseen) (13, 15, Depths:5) 36 large rocks (14, -19, Depths:5) a cursed +0 dagger a +0 robe (15, -20, Depths:5) a +2 battleaxe of flaming a +0 plate armour a +1 broad axe of chopping a +0 chain mail (15, 13, Depths:5) a +0 dire flail a +0 dire flail (16, -21, Depths:5) a +4 long sword of slicing a +0 hand crossbow a +0 chain mail (16, -20, Depths:5) a +3 war axe of draining (still there?) a +0 plate armour (still there?) (18, -16, Depths:5) 73 large rocks (18, -2, Depths:5) 59 large rocks (unseen) (20, -3, Depths:5) a +0 animal skin (still there?) a +0 war axe (still there?) (24, -2, Depths:5) a +0 chain mail (unseen) (25, -9, Depths:5) a +0 short sword (26, -10, Depths:5) a +0 cloak a +0 long sword a +0 long sword (27, -9, Depths:5) +0 fire dragon scales (27, 13, Depths:5) a +2 cloak (27, 14, Depths:5) 89 javelins (28, 13, Depths:5) a +0 glaive (unseen) (29, 10, Depths:5) a +0 battleaxe of chopping (29, 11, Depths:5) a +0 great sword a +0 cloak a +0 antimagic quarterstaff a +0 animal skin (30, -7, Depths:5) a cursed +0 halberd (31, 6, Depths:5) a +1 hat (32, -5, Depths:5) a cursed +0 dire flail (still there?) a +0 dire flail (still there?) (36, 1, Depths:5) a +0 cloak a +0 long sword (37, 1, Depths:5) a +0 mace (38, 1, Depths:5) a +0 halberd (unseen) (45, -19, Depths:5) a +0 spear (45, -18, Depths:5) a +0 robe a +0 buckler a +0 robe a +4 flail of protection (45, 1, Depths:5) a +0 buckler of reflection a +0 spear (46, -19, Depths:5) a +2 buckler of reflection a +0 robe a +2 quick blade of pain (46, -3, Depths:5) a +0 animal skin (still there?) a +2 antimagic flail (still there?) (48, -3, Depths:5) a +0 robe of cold resistance a +0 rapier (50, -12, Depths:5) +4 acid dragon scales (52, -10, Depths:5) a +0 buckler of protection a +2 quick blade of piercing (52, -9, Depths:5) a +0 buckler of reflection a +2 robe of magic recovery a +2 rapier of speed