UrQuan Level 1 of the Dungeon (0, 0, D:1) a +1,+0 whip (-6, 9, D:1) 11 stones (-28, 14, D:1) a +0,+0 short sword (10, 16, D:1) 13 bolts (-1, 23, D:1) a +0,+0 club (-8, 31, D:1) 13 bolts (-10, 33, D:1) 21 bolts of penetration (-10, 37, D:1) 3 darts (6, 37, D:1) a +0,+0 orcish club (-15, 38, D:1) a +0,+0 club (-17, 41, D:1) 2 darts Level 2 of the Dungeon (0, 0, D:2) a +1,+1 dwarven war axe (3, 3, D:2) a +3,+1 elven short sword (12, 4, D:2) a +0,+0 whip (39, 4, D:2) 18 darts (38, 9, D:2) a +0,+0 dagger (33, 11, D:2) 3 darts (37, 11, D:2) a dart (-14, 18, D:2) 21 arrows (16, 22, D:2) a -1,+1 orcish club (17, 22, D:2) a +0,+1 orcish club (37, 36, D:2) a +1,+0 short sword a +0 scale mail Level 3 of the Dungeon (0, 0, D:3) a +4,+0 lajatang of speed (8, 7, D:3) a +0 chain mail (16, 9, D:3) a +2,+4 orcish short sword (10, 12, D:3) a +0 orcish large shield (24, 14, D:3) 12 sling bullets (45, 20, D:3) 21 bolts (8, 21, D:3) a +0,+0 whip (21, 23, D:3) 24 sling bullets (8, 25, D:3) a dart of frost (26, 31, D:3) a cursed -1,+0 orcish club (28, 31, D:3) a +2,+2 halberd a throwing net (27, 32, D:3) a cursed -3,-2 club (23, 33, D:3) a +0,+0 falchion (42, 34, D:3) a +0,+1 orcish club (22, 43, D:3) a +0,+0 hand axe (5, 45, D:3) a -1,+0 orcish club Level 4 of the Dungeon (0, 1, D:4) 5 darts (-1, 5, D:4) 5 darts (6, 6, D:4) a +0,+1 orcish club (0, 7, D:4) 7 darts (-1, 8, D:4) 9 darts (-4, 9, D:4) a dart (-3, 9, D:4) a dart (-2, 9, D:4) a dart (-1, 9, D:4) a dart (-33, 15, D:4) a +0,+0 club (-21, 18, D:4) a -1,+0 orcish dagger (9, 25, D:4) a +0,+0 spear (9, 26, D:4) a +0,+0 spear a +0,+0 halberd (10, 27, D:4) a +0,+0 club a +0,+0 club (-31, 29, D:4) a +1,+1 long sword (-18, 29, D:4) a +0 leather armour a +0,+0 falchion (-32, 37, D:4) a +0,+0 mace (5, 37, D:4) a +1,+0 flail (-15, 44, D:4) the +6 lightning scales {run, rElec} It insulates you from electricity. (9, 44, D:4) 19 bolts of flame (-26, 46, D:4) a +0,+0 mace a -1,+1 orcish club a -1,+1 orcish club (-17, 51, D:4) 3 large rocks Level 5 of the Dungeon (0, 0, D:5) a +0 orcish chain mail a -1,+0 orcish war axe (7, 1, D:5) a -1,+0 orcish falchion (0, 17, D:5) a cursed -1,+0 orcish club (29, 22, D:5) a +0,+0 sling (13, 25, D:5) a +0 robe (30, 27, D:5) a +0 robe (-32, 28, D:5) a -1,+1 orcish club (-22, 28, D:5) a +0,+0 club (5, 28, D:5) a +0,+0 orcish club (3, 29, D:5) a +0,+0 whip (-7, 32, D:5) a +0,+0 club (-8, 33, D:5) a cursed -3,-2 sling (11, 33, D:5) a cursed -2,+0 giant club 18 bolts (-11, 37, D:5) 7 stones a +0,+0 club a +0,+0 sling (-3, 39, D:5) 3 javelins (1, 48, D:5) a +0 elven robe (7, 50, D:5) 3 arrows (7, 51, D:5) a +1 chain mail of cold resistance (-9, 53, D:5) a +0 elven robe (6, 54, D:5) a +0,+0 bow 9 arrows Level 6 of the Dungeon (-15, 5, D:6) 13 sling bullets (42, 6, D:6) a +0 cloak (6, 10, D:6) a +0,+0 sling (39, 10, D:6) a +0,+0 short sword (-21, 17, D:6) 3 arrows (-20, 18, D:6) an arrow (-14, 20, D:6) 15 sling bullets (-21, 23, D:6) a +0,+0 bow 24 arrows (23, 24, D:6) a +0,+0 club (27, 32, D:6) a -3 ring of protection (27, 40, D:6) a +0,+1 orcish falchion (9, 48, D:6) a +0,+0 whip 4 darts (26, 49, D:6) a -1,+0 orcish dagger a +0 orcish robe a +0 buckler (35, 49, D:6) 18 bolts Level 7 of the Dungeon [Shop] Ofamp's Assorted Antiques a +2 shield (121 gold) a +2 orcish leather armour (43 gold) a scroll of teleportation (81 gold) a +0,+1 orcish club (21 gold) a +0 chain mail (297 gold) a +0 orcish chain mail of cold resistance (237 gold) (0, 0, D:7) 19 arrows of frost (-5, 1, D:7) a +0 orcish robe (-4, 2, D:7) a +0 robe a -1,+0 orcish mace (-5, 3, D:7) a +0 robe (-4, 5, D:7) a cursed +2,+2 falchion a +0 orcish plate armour a -1,+1 orcish club (-3, 6, D:7) a -1,+1 orcish dagger a +0,+1 orcish spear a +0,+1 orcish spear a +0,+1 orcish whip a +0 orcish leather armour (-2, 6, D:7) a +1,+2 battleaxe a +0 robe (-1, 6, D:7) a +1,+2 scimitar of freezing a +1 robe (-1, 7, D:7) a +0,+1 orcish club a +0,+1 orcish hand axe (-1, 8, D:7) a +0,+1 orcish spear a +0,+1 orcish dagger (8, 13, D:7) a +0,+0 orcish dagger a +1 orcish robe (-13, 14, D:7) 17 arrows (-5, 14, D:7) a +0,+1 orcish spear (-2, 15, D:7) a +1 elven scale mail (-4, 17, D:7) a +3,+1 battleaxe a cursed +0 orcish scale mail (24, 19, D:7) a +0,+0 sling 30 stones (-3, 22, D:7) a +0,+1 orcish club (-16, 23, D:7) a +0,+0 orcish whip (-14, 24, D:7) a -1,+0 orcish dagger a +0 orcish robe (26, 24, D:7) a +0,+0 dagger (-17, 28, D:7) a dart a +0,+0 dagger (-17, 32, D:7) a +0,+0 orcish flail (15, 37, D:7) a -1,+0 orcish flail a +2 orcish ring mail (-17, 44, D:7) 18 stones (12, 47, D:7) a +0,+0 spear Level 8 of the Dungeon [Shop] Xuimixaxat's Gadget Shoppe a fan of gales (1100 gold) a lantern of shadows (550 gold) a sack of spiders (440 gold) a legendary deck of changes (715 gold) a sack of spiders (440 gold) a legendary deck of escape (715 gold) (0, 0, D:8) a +0,+1 orcish club 28 stones (4, 1, D:8) 2 stones (24, 2, D:8) a plain deck of war (37, 5, D:8) a +1,+0 orcish dagger a +2 orcish robe a +0,+0 orcish whip a -1,+1 orcish spear a -1,+1 orcish spear a -1,+1 orcish spear a -1,+1 orcish spear (38, 5, D:8) a -1,+1 orcish club (39, 5, D:8) a +1 orcish chain mail a +1,+3 orcish falchion (7, 7, D:8) a +0,+0 whip (37, 23, D:8) 25 darts (37, 24, D:8) a +0 shield (9, 34, D:8) a +0,+1 orcish whip a +0,+0 orcish dagger a +0 orcish ring mail (10, 34, D:8) a -1,+1 orcish short sword (9, 35, D:8) a +0 orcish robe (11, 36, D:8) a +0,+2 orcish glaive a +0 orcish chain mail Level 9 of the Dungeon [Shop] Faregyir's Jewellery Shoppe an uncursed amulet of guardian spirit (350 gold) a +3 ring of protection (294 gold) a +6 ring of strength (819 gold) an uncursed ring of flight (245 gold) an uncursed ring of poison resistance (280 gold) a +0,+6 ring of slaying (1365 gold) a cursed ring of fire (266 gold) an uncursed ring of ice (280 gold) an uncursed ring of see invisible (210 gold) an uncursed ring of protection from fire (350 gold) a +0,+6 ring of slaying (1365 gold) an uncursed ring of invisibility (420 gold) an uncursed ring of protection from magic (350 gold) (0, 0, D:9) a potion of degeneration (-48, 5, D:9) a sling bullet (-44, 6, D:9) a wand of random effects (11) (-49, 7, D:9) a +2,+1 sling of flame a +0,+2 quarterstaff of protection 19 sling bullets a +0 leather armour (-12, 7, D:9) a +0,+0 bow 38 arrows a +0 animal skin (-11, 8, D:9) an arrow (3, 10, D:9) a +0,+0 orcish spear a -1,+2 orcish whip a +0,+0 orcish spear a +0,+0 orcish spear a cursed -3,-1 orcish spear a cursed -3,-1 orcish spear a cursed -3,-1 orcish spear (1, 11, D:9) a +2,+3 orcish dagger (-44, 13, D:9) a +0,+1 orcish whip (-19, 13, D:9) a sling bullet (-18, 13, D:9) a +0 orcish chain mail (-17, 13, D:9) a -1,+1 orcish spear a +0,+1 orcish dagger 3 darts of frost a +0 orcish robe a +0,+0 orcish flail a cursed +0,+0 orcish flail a cursed +0 orcish robe (-16, 13, D:9) an uncursed staff of earth a +1 robe a +0 orcish cloak a +0 pair of boots a +0,+2 orcish mace a +0 orcish ring mail a +0,+3 orcish trident (-15, 13, D:9) a sling bullet a cursed -3,+0 orcish dagger a +0 orcish leather armour a cursed -1,-3 orcish flail (-14, 13, D:9) a +0,+0 giant club (-12, 13, D:9) a +0,+1 orcish dagger a -1,+1 orcish spear (-10, 13, D:9) a sling bullet (-9, 13, D:9) a +0,+0 dagger (-54, 14, D:9) a +0,+3 orcish trident a -1,+1 orcish spear a -1,+1 orcish spear (-45, 14, D:9) a cursed -3,-2 orcish club (-24, 17, D:9) a +0,+0 orcish hand axe (-22, 17, D:9) a +0,+1 orcish dagger a +0 orcish scale mail (-55, 21, D:9) 19 arrows (-36, 30, D:9) a +0 orcish robe a +0,+1 orcish dagger (0, 33, D:9) 2 arrows (-7, 34, D:9) 14 arrows a +0,+0 bow a +0,+0 giant club (-3, 34, D:9) a +1,+2 orcish hand axe a +1,+3 orcish hand axe a -1,+1 orcish club a +0 orcish chain mail a +0,+1 orcish short sword (-2, 34, D:9) an arrow (-1, 34, D:9) an arrow (0, 39, D:9) a +0,+0 giant club (1, 44, D:9) a +1 robe Level 10 of the Dungeon (-3, 5, D:10) a cursed +1,+3 morningstar a +0 dwarven chain mail (27, 10, D:10) 19 sling bullets (0, 12, D:10) a +3,+1 halberd (-22, 14, D:10) a +0,+0 giant spiked club (0, 16, D:10) a +3,+1 falchion a +0 robe (0, 18, D:10) a cursed +0 robe a +0 robe a +0,+1 sabre a +0,+0 falchion (0, 19, D:10) a +3,+2 dagger (-20, 28, D:10) a -1,+0 orcish club a +0 orcish robe (-20, 29, D:10) a +0,+1 orcish flail (-20, 34, D:10) a +0 orcish chain mail a +1,+3 orcish hand axe a -1,+1 orcish dagger (21, 34, D:10) a +1 animal skin a -1,+0 halberd (14, 35, D:10) a cursed -2,-1 whip (11, 36, D:10) 2 darts of frost (-17, 38, D:10) 14 arrows a +2,+2 bow (13, 38, D:10) 16 stones (15, 38, D:10) 10 arrows of flame a +0,+0 bow (-16, 39, D:10) an arrow (-10, 39, D:10) 15 arrows (-16, 40, D:10) an arrow (18, 40, D:10) 15 arrows a +0,+0 bow (-15, 42, D:10) an arrow (21, 42, D:10) a +0,+1 orcish short sword (-14, 43, D:10) an arrow (-13, 43, D:10) an arrow (18, 44, D:10) a +0,+1 orcish mace (21, 44, D:10) a +0,+0 orcish dagger (22, 44, D:10) a curare-tipped needle (13, 45, D:10) a +0 orcish robe a -1,+0 orcish dagger (22, 45, D:10) a +0 troll hide (20, 46, D:10) a +0,+0 orcish hand axe (21, 47, D:10) a +0,+0 giant club (-18, 49, D:10) a +0,+0 long sword (-15, 49, D:10) 18 arrows (3, 51, D:10) a +0,+0 giant club (-19, 54, D:10) a +0 robe a +4,+2 scimitar of flaming Level 11 of the Dungeon (-3, 2, D:11) a +2,+2 bow 18 arrows (-25, 6, D:11) a +0,+0 giant spiked club (-26, 8, D:11) a +0 buckler (-27, 10, D:11) a +0,+0 giant club (-48, 13, D:11) a +2,+3 orcish dagger (-30, 19, D:11) a cursed +1,+1 dwarven hand axe (-10, 22, D:11) a +0,+0 giant club (-43, 31, D:11) a -1,+0 orcish club (-42, 31, D:11) a +1 orcish chain mail a +0,+4 orcish mace of crushing (-41, 31, D:11) a +2 ring mail a +1,+0 orcish hand axe (-10, 31, D:11) a large rock (-46, 36, D:11) a +0,+0 club (-6, 36, D:11) 4 large rocks Level 12 of the Dungeon (0, 0, D:12) 15 darts (3, 0, D:12) a box of beasts (38, 3, D:12) 13 arrows (-1, 7, D:12) a +2 ring of dexterity (-4, 9, D:12) a +0 scale mail (29, 9, D:12) 5 javelins (17, 11, D:12) a scroll of random uselessness (64, 17, D:12) a +0 ring mail (45, 18, D:12) 15 arrows of frost (-1, 20, D:12) a cursed +0 orcish leather armour a +0,+1 orcish trident (15, 20, D:12) a +0,+0 great mace (28, 25, D:12) 26 arrows (-3, 28, D:12) a scroll of immolation (-4, 36, D:12) 2 darts (56, 38, D:12) a +0,+0 giant spiked club (44, 39, D:12) an arrow (38, 40, D:12) a +0,+0 bow a +0,+0 bow 37 arrows (41, 40, D:12) 2 arrows (43, 40, D:12) an arrow (35, 41, D:12) a +1,+1 bow 9 poisoned arrows (38, 41, D:12) a +2,+0 bow of evasion 11 arrows (44, 41, D:12) 5 arrows (40, 44, D:12) 16 darts (51, 45, D:12) a +0,+0 short sword a wand of frost (12) (-4, 47, D:12) a dart (-5, 48, D:12) a dart (5, 49, D:12) 15 sling bullets (-7, 51, D:12) a cursed +0,-2 dagger (-6, 51, D:12) 2 darts (-7, 52, D:12) a +0,+0 elven whip a +0,+0 short sword (13, 52, D:12) a large rock (20, 54, D:12) 2 large rocks (17, 55, D:12) 14 poisoned needles Level 13 of the Dungeon (0, 0, D:13) 3 sling bullets of flame (-18, 1, D:13) a +0 chain mail (-24, 7, D:13) an arrow (-25, 8, D:13) 2 arrows 13 arrows of dispersal a +0,+0 bow (-18, 9, D:13) a +0 robe (4, 10, D:13) a +0 mottled dragon hide (-25, 11, D:13) 15 arrows of frost a +0,+0 bow (10, 11, D:13) a +0 troll hide (-9, 12, D:13) a +0,+0 orcish falchion a +0 orcish scale mail (-25, 13, D:13) 24 arrows a +0,+0 bow (-25, 14, D:13) 18 arrows of flame a +0,+0 bow a +0,+0 bow of frost 42 arrows a +0,+0 bow (-27, 15, D:13) a +0,+0 bow (-26, 15, D:13) 15 arrows (still there?) a +0,+0 bow (still there?) (-12, 22, D:13) a +3,+1 halberd (unseen) (-7, 24, D:13) a +0,+2 great mace of protection a +0 robe (16, 33, D:13) 9 darts Level 14 of the Dungeon (0, 0, D:14) 22 arrows (24, 5, D:14) a +1,+0 elven short sword a +0,+0 dagger a +1,+1 short sword a +1,+0 elven dagger 2 darts (23, 6, D:14) a +0,+1 whip of electrocution (25, 6, D:14) 2 darts (-9, 29, D:14) a wand of flame (8) (0, 31, D:14) 8 stones (3, 31, D:14) a +0,+0 giant club (10, 31, D:14) a cursed +0 scale mail (-7, 35, D:14) a +0,+0 giant spiked club (-6, 38, D:14) a +0,+0 giant club (19, 45, D:14) a +0,+0 short sword (-17, 48, D:14) a +0 pair of boots (22, 51, D:14) 26 arrows (23, 59, D:14) a +0 ring mail Level 15 of the Dungeon [Shop] Wuatiame's Armour Boutique a +0 ring mail (72 gold) a cursed +0 large shield (96 gold) a +2 naga barding of stealth (1515 gold) a +0 dwarven scale mail of cold resistance (516 gold) a +0 ring mail (72 gold) a +0 orcish plate armour (302 gold) a +1 elven shield (198 gold) a +2 elven robe of the Archmagi (460 gold) a +0 robe (19 gold) a +0 chain mail (184 gold) a +0 elven ring mail (84 gold) a +0 plate armour (376 gold) (0, 0, D:15) 17 bolts (38, 14, D:15) a scroll of curse armour (46, 17, D:15) 15 sling bullets (10, 19, D:15) 27 stones (66, 21, D:15) 16 sling bullets (-2, 24, D:15) an uncursed ring of see invisible (-4, 29, D:15) a scroll of curse armour (44, 29, D:15) a +0,+2 quarterstaff (51, 32, D:15) 19 sling bullets (22, 33, D:15) 14 bolts (16, 40, D:15) a plain deck of changes Level 16 of the Dungeon (0, 0, D:16) a +0,+0 great mace (-13, 6, D:16) a +1,+1 crossbow 11 bolts of frost (-12, 7, D:16) 16 bolts a +1,+1 crossbow of frost (-10, 8, D:16) 16 bolts of flame a +0,+0 crossbow a +0 helmet (-9, 8, D:16) 10 bolts of flame a +0,+0 crossbow (-7, 10, D:16) 19 bolts (-12, 14, D:16) a bolt of frost a bolt 2 bolts of flame (-13, 15, D:16) a bolt of flame (-12, 15, D:16) a bolt (17, 16, D:16) a +0 scale mail (13, 19, D:16) a -1,+1 orcish flail a +1 orcish leather armour (35, 21, D:16) a +0,+0 flail (15, 23, D:16) a cursed -3,-1 orcish hand axe (16, 23, D:16) a -1,+1 orcish club a cursed +0 orcish ring mail (17, 23, D:16) a +3,+2 longbow of flame 17 poisoned arrows a +0 centaur barding (14, 24, D:16) a +0,+1 orcish trident a +0 orcish plate armour (36, 27, D:16) a +0 troll hide (35, 29, D:16) 3 large rocks (8, 35, D:16) a +0,+0 halberd a +0 plate armour (11, 36, D:16) a +1,+0 war axe of flaming (-5, 37, D:16) a cursed -3,-2 orcish mace (-2, 37, D:16) 4 large rocks (4, 37, D:16) a large rock (6, 39, D:16) 21 stones (-14, 47, D:16) a +2,+1 orcish hand axe a +2 orcish plate armour (-13, 47, D:16) a +0 pair of gauntlets a +0 orcish cloak a +1,+2 orcish battleaxe a +0 orcish chain mail a -1,+0 orcish dagger a +0 orcish robe (-11, 47, D:16) a potion of paralysis (36, 47, D:16) a +1,+2 great mace a +0,+0 giant club (-14, 48, D:16) a -1,+1 orcish dagger a +0 orcish leather armour (-13, 49, D:16) a +0,+1 orcish hand axe a +2 orcish leather armour (-16, 52, D:16) 16 bolts Level 17 of the Dungeon (0, 0, D:17) 14 darts (20, 1, D:17) a wand of draining (7) (-9, 6, D:17) a +0,+0 giant spiked club (-8, 7, D:17) a +0,+0 giant spiked club a +0,+0 giant club (-7, 8, D:17) a +0 robe (-6, 8, D:17) a +0,+0 giant spiked club a +0,+0 giant club a +0,+0 giant spiked club a +0,+0 giant spiked club a +0,+0 giant club a +0,+0 giant club (-22, 9, D:17) an uncursed staff of poison (-16, 10, D:17) a +0,+0 great mace (-14, 12, D:17) 17 darts (-18, 13, D:17) 18 poisoned needles (-17, 16, D:17) a bolt of flame (-19, 17, D:17) a +0,+0 crossbow 13 bolts of flame (-8, 19, D:17) a wand of confusion (8) (-10, 20, D:17) a +0,+0 giant spiked club (28, 26, D:17) an uncursed ring of see invisible (-10, 28, D:17) a cursed +0,-3 giant club a +0,+0 giant club (6, 29, D:17) 4 darts a +2,+0 orcish dagger (17, 29, D:17) a +0,+0 dagger (21, 29, D:17) 4 darts a +0,+2 dagger a +0,+0 short sword (15, 30, D:17) 11 darts a +0,+0 club a +0,+0 whip (20, 30, D:17) a cursed -3,-2 dagger (21, 30, D:17) an exploding dart a +4,+3 elven short sword of protection (15, 31, D:17) 5 darts (16, 31, D:17) a dart (15, 32, D:17) an uncursed ring of magical power a +0 blowgun 19 poisoned needles a +1,+0 elven short sword (22, 32, D:17) a +0,+0 dwarven flail a +0,+0 dagger Level 18 of the Dungeon [Shop] Thriuw's Magical Wand Shop a wand of polymorph (12) (224 gold) a wand of digging (8) (384 gold) a wand of magic darts (13) (72 gold) a wand of lightning (1) (80 gold) a wand of paralysis (9) (176 gold) a wand of confusion (11) (155 gold) a wand of flame (8) (80 gold) a wand of frost (20) (176 gold) a wand of enslavement (18) (320 gold) a wand of lightning (10) (224 gold) a wand of confusion (8) (120 gold) a wand of fire (7) (352 gold) (0, 0, D:18) 16 sling bullets (0, 7, D:18) a +0 troll hide (8, 8, D:18) a +0 troll hide (-27, 11, D:18) a wand of fireball (6) (9, 14, D:18) a +0 plate armour (-9, 15, D:18) a +0,+1 orcish short sword a -1,+1 orcish club a +0 orcish chain mail (-26, 17, D:18) 22 sling bullets (-14, 17, D:18) an uncursed ring of poison resistance (-26, 18, D:18) a +2,+1 great sword of slicing (-18, 18, D:18) a manual of Crossbows (-11, 18, D:18) a +0,+0 giant club a +0,+0 giant club a +0,+0 longbow 10 arrows of frost a +2,+0 elven dagger a +0 elven robe (-45, 20, D:18) 19 arrows (-8, 20, D:18) an arrow of frost (-34, 21, D:18) 13 poisoned needles a +0 blowgun (-5, 21, D:18) a +0 orcish robe (-34, 22, D:18) a cursed -3,-2 sling 5 silver darts a +0,+0 short sword (-31, 22, D:18) 2 curare-tipped needles (still there?) a +0 blowgun (still there?) a +0,+0 club (still there?) (-5, 22, D:18) a -1,+1 orcish mace a +0 orcish chain mail a +0,+0 orcish mace (-29, 26, D:18) 5 large rocks (-4, 31, D:18) a +0 orcish leather armour (-22, 37, D:18) a bolt (-2, 37, D:18) a +0,+1 orcish dagger a +2 orcish chain mail (-1, 37, D:18) a +0,+0 orcish long sword a +1,+0 dwarven crossbow a cursed +0 orcish plate armour a -1,+1 orcish war axe 29 stones a +0 orcish plate armour (-42, 38, D:18) a +0,+0 sling (-20, 38, D:18) a bolt (0, 39, D:18) a -1,+0 orcish long sword a +0 orcish plate armour (-20, 41, D:18) a bolt (1, 41, D:18) a stone (-20, 42, D:18) 9 bolts a poisoned bolt a cursed +0 orcish plate armour a +1,+0 dwarven crossbow a +0,+3 orcish great sword (-20, 43, D:18) a stone a -1,+0 orcish club a -1,+1 orcish war axe a +0 orcish plate armour (-19, 43, D:18) 30 stones a +0 orcish plate armour a +0,+1 orcish dagger a -1,+0 orcish glaive a +0 orcish plate armour a +0,+0 crossbow 35 bolts a +0,+0 crossbow a +0,+1 orcish mace a +2,+3 orcish dagger a +0,+0 orcish long sword a +2 orcish chain mail (-18, 43, D:18) a +0,+0 crossbow 6 poisoned bolts a +0,+0 crossbow a +0 orcish robe (-13, 43, D:18) 18 arrows a +0,+0 longbow (-19, 44, D:18) 18 bolts a cursed +0,+0 crossbow (3, 44, D:18) a stone (-15, 45, D:18) a -1,+1 orcish mace a +0 orcish chain mail (-10, 45, D:18) a -1,+0 orcish dagger (-5, 46, D:18) a -1,+0 orcish long sword a -1,+1 orcish club 16 stones a +2 orcish chain mail (-20, 47, D:18) an arrow (-22, 48, D:18) 6 large rocks Level 19 of the Dungeon (0, 0, D:19) a +0 leather armour (24, 8, D:19) a scroll of noise (-4, 9, D:19) a +0,+0 giant club a +0,+0 giant club (-8, 10, D:19) a +0 orcish ring mail (-3, 10, D:19) a +0,+0 giant club (-2, 10, D:19) a +0,+0 giant club (28, 10, D:19) a +1 ring mail (-2, 11, D:19) a +0,+0 giant spiked club a +0,+0 giant spiked club a +2,+0 halberd (20, 11, D:19) 13 arrows (-1, 12, D:19) a cursed -2,-1 giant club a +0,+0 giant spiked club (0, 13, D:19) a +0,+0 giant spiked club a +0,+0 giant club a +0,+0 great mace a +0,+0 giant club (3, 16, D:19) an arrow of flame (28, 18, D:19) a scroll of random uselessness (6, 19, D:19) a cursed +0,-1 giant club (22, 19, D:19) a sack of spiders (-3, 20, D:19) a +0,+0 giant spiked club (-4, 21, D:19) a +0,+0 giant spiked club (-3, 21, D:19) a +0,+0 giant club a +0,+0 giant spiked club a cursed -2,-2 giant spiked club a +0 robe (-4, 22, D:19) a +0,+2 sabre (-5, 23, D:19) a +0 orcish chain mail a -1,+0 orcish broad axe (7, 23, D:19) a +0 orcish scale mail (8, 23, D:19) 4 arrows of flame a +2,+2 bow a +0 orcish plate armour a -1,+0 orcish great mace (9, 23, D:19) a +0 orcish plate armour a -1,+0 orcish hand axe 12 bolts of flame a +0,+0 orcish crossbow a +0 orcish plate armour a +0,+0 orcish mace a +1,+2 orcish war axe (-1, 25, D:19) a +0,+0 giant club (1, 25, D:19) a +0,+0 orcish dagger (10, 25, D:19) a +4 orcish chain mail a +0 cloak a +0 pair of gauntlets a +0,+0 orcish dire flail a +0,+1 sabre of electrocution (2, 26, D:19) a +1,+3 orcish trident (4, 27, D:19) a +0 robe a +0,+3 scimitar of flaming (18, 27, D:19) a +2 robe (18, 29, D:19) 13 stones a +0 pair of gloves a +0 robe a +3,+3 lajatang of pain (14, 30, D:19) a +0 scale mail of magic resistance (13, 31, D:19) a +0 chain mail (22, 33, D:19) 2 stones (23, 34, D:19) 2 stones (21, 43, D:19) a +0 scale mail Level 20 of the Dungeon (0, 0, D:20) a +0,+0 longbow 19 arrows (46, 0, D:20) a +0 orcish chain mail a +0,+1 orcish great mace (48, 0, D:20) a -1,+0 orcish spear a -1,+0 orcish spear a -1,+0 orcish spear a -1,+0 orcish spear a +1 orcish leather armour a -1,+0 orcish spear (46, 1, D:20) a +0 orcish robe a -1,+0 orcish dagger (47, 1, D:20) a +0 orcish chain mail 12 steel bolts a -1,+1 orcish great mace a +3,+1 orcish crossbow (2, 2, D:20) a +0,+1 elven short sword a +2,+0 elven bow of flame (8, 3, D:20) a +0,+0 whip (39, 3, D:20) 18 arrows a +0,+0 bow (41, 3, D:20) 15 arrows of dispersal a cursed -2,-2 bow (40, 4, D:20) 17 arrows a cursed -1,-3 bow (49, 4, D:20) a steel bolt (43, 6, D:20) an arrow (46, 7, D:20) a +0,+0 giant club (47, 7, D:20) 20 arrows a +4,+0 bow (4, 8, D:20) a +1,+3 battleaxe of freezing a +2 ring mail of cold resistance (5, 8, D:20) a +0,+0 great sword of electrocution a cursed +0 scale mail a +0,+0 great sword a +2 ring mail of poison resistance (8, 8, D:20) an arrow (3, 10, D:20) an arrow (46, 10, D:20) a +0 swamp dragon hide a +0,+0 giant club a +0,+0 giant club (46, 11, D:20) a +0,+0 giant club (4, 12, D:20) an arrow (44, 12, D:20) an arrow (39, 13, D:20) a potion of paralysis (5, 14, D:20) an arrow (37, 14, D:20) an arrow (46, 14, D:20) a +0 robe (48, 14, D:20) a +0,+0 giant spiked club a +0,+0 giant club (5, 15, D:20) an arrow (-2, 16, D:20) a +0 orcish leather armour (4, 16, D:20) an arrow (29, 18, D:20) a bolt (41, 19, D:20) a +0,+0 giant club (43, 19, D:20) 5 arrows a +0,+0 bow an uncursed amulet of conservation (23, 21, D:20) a +0,+0 dwarven battleaxe (28, 21, D:20) 4 large rocks (21, 24, D:20) a +1,+2 crossbow of velocity (22, 24, D:20) a potion of slowing (26, 25, D:20) a +0,+0 giant club (35, 25, D:20) an arrow (-6, 28, D:20) a +0,+0 giant club (14, 32, D:20) a +0 elven buckler a +2,+0 elven short sword (5, 34, D:20) a +0,+0 whip (20, 40, D:20) a +0,+0 giant spiked club (30, 44, D:20) 12 arrows of flame (2, 46, D:20) 16 stones Level 21 of the Dungeon (0, 0, D:21) a +2,+0 elven dagger (0, 2, D:21) a +0 orcish ring mail (1, 2, D:21) a +2,+0 elven sabre (-1, 3, D:21) a +2,+0 elven short sword (1, 3, D:21) a +3,+2 elven short sword a -1,+3 orcish crossbow of frost a +0,+1 orcish long sword 19 bolts a +0 orcish chain mail (-26, 4, D:21) a +0 ring mail (-2, 4, D:21) a +0 orcish plate armour a +2,+2 orcish glaive of protection (1, 4, D:21) a +0 orcish plate armour a +0,+2 orcish halberd (0, 5, D:21) a -1,+0 orcish war axe (1, 5, D:21) a bolt (3, 6, D:21) a +3,+3 elven long sword of electrocution a +2,+2 orcish dagger a +1 orcish robe (-13, 7, D:21) a +2,+1 glaive (-23, 8, D:21) a +0,+0 battleaxe of freezing (42, 11, D:21) a +0 leather armour (-21, 14, D:21) a scroll of immolation (3, 17, D:21) a +0,+0 dwarven falchion (23, 17, D:21) 24 arrows a +0,+0 longbow a +0 robe (24, 17, D:21) 21 arrows a +2,+1 bow of flame (25, 17, D:21) 29 arrows a +0,+0 bow (24, 18, D:21) an arrow (20, 19, D:21) 14 stones (22, 19, D:21) 13 arrows a +0,+0 bow (16, 20, D:21) a +2,+0 bow (19, 26, D:21) an arrow (20, 26, D:21) a +0,+0 giant club (16, 27, D:21) a +0 robe a +2,+2 spear of venom 16 arrows a +0,+0 bow (26, 27, D:21) a +0,+0 giant spiked club a +0,+0 giant club (27, 27, D:21) 2 large rocks a +0,+0 giant club a +0,+0 giant spiked club (19, 28, D:21) a +0,+0 giant club (22, 28, D:21) a +0,+0 giant club a +0,+0 giant club (26, 28, D:21) 12 poisoned sling bullets (31, 31, D:21) a large rock (33, 33, D:21) a scroll of silence (24, 43, D:21) a +0 orcish chain mail a +2,+1 orcish long sword (23, 44, D:21) a +0 orcish plate armour a +0,+1 orcish spear a -1,+0 orcish halberd a +0,+1 orcish spear a +0,+1 orcish spear a +0,+1 orcish spear a +0,+1 orcish spear (24, 44, D:21) a large rock a +0,+1 orcish dagger (19, 45, D:21) a +0,+0 orcish club (unseen) (26, 45, D:21) a +4,+0 elven long sword (28, 45, D:21) 5 large rocks (22, 46, D:21) a +2 orcish chain mail (unseen) (26, 46, D:21) a poisoned arrow a +0,+1 orcish dagger a +0 orcish leather armour (27, 46, D:21) 10 poisoned arrows a +0,+0 bow (24, 47, D:21) a +0 orcish leather armour (25, 47, D:21) a +1 orcish ring mail (26, 47, D:21) a +0,+0 elven long sword a +0 orcish plate armour (26, 49, D:21) a +0 orcish leather armour a -1,+0 orcish flail Level 22 of the Dungeon (0, 0, D:22) a +0,+0 giant spiked club (1, 0, D:22) a +0,+0 giant club a +2,+0 great mace (14, 0, D:22) a +1,+0 great sword (0, 1, D:22) a +0 robe a +0,+2 vampiric halberd (1, 1, D:22) a +0,+0 giant club (-2, 2, D:22) a +0,+0 giant club (1, 2, D:22) a cursed -3,+0 giant club a +0,+0 giant club (17, 2, D:22) a +0 orcish robe a +2,+0 orcish dagger (35, 2, D:22) 9 arrows a +0,+0 longbow (-2, 3, D:22) a +0,+0 giant club a +0,+0 great mace (27, 3, D:22) an arrow (2, 4, D:22) a +0,+0 giant club a +0,+0 giant club (17, 4, D:22) a +0,+0 orcish trident (18, 4, D:22) a +0 orcish chain mail a -1,+1 orcish great sword (21, 5, D:22) a +3 orcish scale mail a -1,+0 orcish mace (29, 6, D:22) a +2 blowgun (2, 9, D:22) 10 silver darts (37, 10, D:22) 23 arrows a +1,+0 bow (31, 11, D:22) a bolt (-2, 12, D:22) a potion of paralysis (15, 13, D:22) 16 sling bullets (31, 18, D:22) a +1,+2 crossbow of evasion 20 bolts of flame a +0,+0 crossbow 18 bolts (32, 19, D:22) a +2,+1 crossbow of evasion 16 bolts (33, 19, D:22) a +0,+0 crossbow 24 bolts (15, 23, D:22) a +0 elven scale mail (2, 25, D:22) 16 arrows (15, 27, D:22) the +3,+4 flail "Throux" {flame, Dex+3} It emits flame when wielded, causing extra injury to most foes and up to double damage against particularly susceptible opponents. It affects your dexterity (+3). (2, 28, D:22) a wand of enslavement (11) 8 arrows of frost a +0,+0 bow (1, 33, D:22) an arrow of frost (13, 33, D:22) 13 exploding sling bullets (23, 33, D:22) a +1 pair of dwarven boots (1, 34, D:22) 2 arrows of frost (0, 35, D:22) an arrow of frost (30, 35, D:22) a +2 ring of strength (15, 36, D:22) 24 stones Level 23 of the Dungeon (0, 0, D:23) a +0,+0 crossbow a +0,+1 orcish war axe 27 bolts (33, 5, D:23) a +0 animal skin (20, 9, D:23) 10 bolts of penetration (4, 12, D:23) a +0 orcish leather armour (7, 12, D:23) a +1,+2 orcish flail a +0 orcish plate armour (4, 13, D:23) a +0 orcish plate armour a +0,+1 orcish hand axe (5, 13, D:23) a +0 orcish plate armour a cursed -2,-1 orcish hand axe (8, 16, D:23) a +0,+0 spear (21, 16, D:23) a +0,+0 giant spiked club (44, 16, D:23) a scroll of curse armour (21, 18, D:23) 6 bolts a -1,+0 orcish glaive a +0 orcish chain mail a +0,+0 giant club a +0,+0 crossbow of flame (21, 19, D:23) a +0,+0 dagger a +0 orcish leather armour a +0,+0 battleaxe of freezing a -1,+0 orcish dagger a +0 orcish chain mail (19, 20, D:23) a bolt (20, 20, D:23) a bolt (21, 20, D:23) a +0 orcish ring mail a +0,+1 orcish club a +0,+1 orcish trident (39, 21, D:23) 17 arrows (11, 28, D:23) a +0 robe a +0,+0 dagger a +1,+3 demon whip of draining (15, 28, D:23) a +1,+0 dagger of venom a +2 plate armour of positive energy a +5,+2 broad axe of flaming (17, 29, D:23) a large rock (-6, 34, D:23) a +0 plate armour (9, 34, D:23) a +0 orcish plate armour (15, 34, D:23) a bolt (18, 35, D:23) a +0 robe (5, 37, D:23) 16 sling bullets (10, 37, D:23) a +0 chain mail a +5,+0 broad axe of flaming (16, 37, D:23) a large rock (15, 38, D:23) a large rock (15, 39, D:23) 2 large rocks (31, 39, D:23) an uncursed staff of air (8, 42, D:23) a +0 robe (6, 43, D:23) a +1,+4 scimitar a cursed +0 plate armour (20, 47, D:23) a wand of enslavement (11) Level 24 of the Dungeon (0, 0, D:24) a large rock (-5, 2, D:24) 10 bolts a +0,+0 crossbow (-1, 2, D:24) 3 large rocks a bolt of flame (-4, 3, D:24) a +0,+0 crossbow 24 bolts (-4, 4, D:24) 21 bolts a +2,+2 crossbow (-3, 4, D:24) 2 large rocks (4, 5, D:24) a large rock (5, 5, D:24) 2 large rocks (-4, 6, D:24) 4 large rocks a +3 ring mail of poison resistance a +0 orcish plate armour a -1,+0 orcish war axe (6, 6, D:24) 2 large rocks (-4, 7, D:24) a large rock (-7, 17, D:24) a +0 buckler a +2,+3 long sword of slicing a +0 orcish robe a +2,+3 orcish dagger (-19, 21, D:24) a +0 ring mail (-18, 21, D:24) a +1 helmet (11, 21, D:24) a +0,+0 scimitar a +0 orcish chain mail (-4, 26, D:24) a +3,+3 orcish falchion (0, 26, D:24) a cursed -2,-1 giant spiked club the -5 ring mail "Ihopoot" {Dex+3} It affects your dexterity (+3). (-5, 27, D:24) a +0 orcish plate armour a -1,+0 orcish war axe (-2, 27, D:24) a +0,+0 giant club a +1 robe a cursed -1,-3 club (-1, 27, D:24) a +0,+0 giant spiked club a +0,+0 giant spiked club (-5, 28, D:24) an uncursed amulet of clarity 12 bolts of penetration a +0,+0 crossbow (-3, 28, D:24) a -1,+1 orcish mace (-18, 29, D:24) a potion of poison (-9, 29, D:24) 2 meat rations (-5, 29, D:24) a +0,+0 giant club (-1, 31, D:24) a +0 orcish chain mail a +0,+0 orcish glaive (-9, 33, D:24) a +1,+2 great mace (-10, 34, D:24) a +0,+0 giant spiked club a +0,+0 giant club (7, 36, D:24) a +0,+0 battleaxe of freezing 13 bolts of flame (-9, 39, D:24) a +1,+1 orcish short sword (-16, 40, D:24) a +0 wizard hat (6, 41, D:24) a +0,+0 great sword of flaming a +0,+0 crossbow a +0 orcish plate armour (-10, 42, D:24) a bolt (-13, 43, D:24) a +0 orcish chain mail (1, 43, D:24) a +0,+0 great sword of flaming (5, 44, D:24) a scroll of curse weapon (-4, 47, D:24) 6 large rocks (7, 48, D:24) a -1,+0 orcish long sword (7, 50, D:24) a +0,+1 orcish morningstar a +2 orcish plate armour (7, 53, D:24) a +4,+1 war axe of flaming a cursed -3,+0 bow a +2 orcish plate armour (-9, 54, D:24) a +0,+0 orcish anti-magic short sword (-9, 59, D:24) a +0,+2 bow a -1,+0 orcish dire flail a +0 orcish chain mail (-6, 59, D:24) a +0,+1 orcish halberd a cursed +0 orcish chain mail 4 large rocks a +0,+0 orcish great mace a +0,+0 crossbow 20 bolts a +0 orcish chain mail (-11, 60, D:24) a bolt a cursed +0 orcish chain mail (-10, 60, D:24) a +0,+0 crossbow a +0,+0 orcish glaive 19 bolts (6, 60, D:24) a poisoned dart Level 25 of the Dungeon (0, 0, D:25) a +0 orcish plate armour (3, 0, D:25) a +2,+1 elven short sword a +0 elven scale mail (3, 3, D:25) a +0,+1 orcish mace a +1 orcish leather armour (4, 3, D:25) a -1,+1 orcish hand axe a +0 orcish leather armour (2, 4, D:25) a +0,+0 orcish hand axe (4, 7, D:25) a +2,+0 orcish war axe a +0,+0 crossbow 29 bolts (-28, 9, D:25) 9 arrows (-30, 11, D:25) a +0,+0 trident (-17, 12, D:25) a +0,+1 orcish long sword a +0 orcish chain mail (-15, 13, D:25) a +0,+0 orcish club (-16, 15, D:25) a -1,+1 orcish dagger a +2 orcish leather armour (-15, 15, D:25) a +0,+2 orcish anti-magic hand axe a +0,+2 orcish anti-magic hand axe a +0,+2 orcish anti-magic hand axe a +0,+2 orcish anti-magic hand axe a +0,+2 orcish anti-magic hand axe (-23, 23, D:25) a +1,+1 dwarven hand axe (-13, 24, D:25) a +0 animal skin (-47, 25, D:25) 17 stones (-15, 25, D:25) 17 bolts of flame a +0,+0 crossbow a +0,+0 trident (-3, 28, D:25) a +0 troll hide (-1, 28, D:25) a cursed -1,+0 elven sabre (-12, 29, D:25) a throwing net (-9, 29, D:25) 4 large rocks (-5, 29, D:25) 15 bolts of penetration a +1,+0 crossbow (-3, 29, D:25) 15 bolts a +0,+0 crossbow (-2, 29, D:25) 5 large rocks (-8, 30, D:25) a +0,+0 great mace a +0,+0 dire flail 6 large rocks (-7, 30, D:25) a large rock (-3, 30, D:25) a large rock (-4, 31, D:25) a +0,+0 club a +3 ring mail a +0,+1 halberd (-5, 32, D:25) a large rock (-7, 33, D:25) a large rock (-5, 33, D:25) 3 large rocks (-12, 34, D:25) a +1,+0 morningstar of protection (-10, 34, D:25) an uncursed amulet of rage (-9, 34, D:25) 4 large rocks (-13, 35, D:25) 19 stones (-11, 35, D:25) a +0,+1 dagger of venom (-3, 35, D:25) 3 scrolls of enchant weapon III a scroll of enchant weapon II a bolt of frost (-12, 36, D:25) the -4 leather armour of Least Resistance {+Fly rN+} It protects you from negative energy. It lets you fly. (-10, 36, D:25) the Catalogue of the Oath Spells Type Level Sure Blade Hexes/Charms 2 Dazzling Spray Conjuration/Hexes 3 Cause Fear Hexes 4 (-11, 37, D:25) a +0,+0 triple sword (-7, 39, D:25) a +0,+0 great sword of flaming (-5, 39, D:25) 14 bolts a +2,+2 crossbow of flame (-15, 40, D:25) 5 large rocks (-10, 40, D:25) 16 bolts a +0,+1 crossbow of flame (-9, 40, D:25) a +0,+0 battleaxe of freezing an uncursed staff of poison 20 bolts a +0,+0 crossbow (-8, 40, D:25) 18 bolts of frost a +0,+0 crossbow (-6, 40, D:25) a +1 plate armour (-15, 41, D:25) 20 bolts a +1,+0 crossbow (-15, 42, D:25) a cursed +0 orcish chain mail a +0,+1 orcish long sword (-32, 46, D:25) a +0,+0 scimitar (-48, 50, D:25) a +0,+0 great mace a +0,+2 great mace Level 26 of the Dungeon (0, 0, D:26) a scroll of random uselessness (-11, 1, D:26) a bolt (-14, 2, D:26) a +0 orcish robe (unseen) (46, 2, D:26) a +0,+0 crossbow 9 steel bolts (-15, 3, D:26) a +0,+0 orcish hand axe (unseen) (-13, 3, D:26) a +1,+2 orcish hand axe (-14, 4, D:26) a +0 orcish robe (unseen) (-13, 5, D:26) a +0 orcish robe a cursed -4,-1 orcish dagger (-10, 5, D:26) a +0 orcish plate armour a -1,+0 orcish glaive (-14, 6, D:26) a +0 orcish chain mail a +0,+0 crossbow 23 bolts a -1,+0 orcish long sword (-13, 7, D:26) a bolt (1, 7, D:26) 16 darts (18, 7, D:26) 15 steel bolts a +0,+0 crossbow (-12, 8, D:26) a bolt (-13, 9, D:26) a cursed -1 buckler 11 bolts of flame a +0,+2 crossbow a +0 scale mail a +0,+0 war axe (-10, 9, D:26) a +0,+5 great mace a +2,+0 crossbow of frost 13 bolts (17, 9, D:26) 2 steel bolts (31, 9, D:26) a +1 elven blowgun (-13, 10, D:26) a bolt (22, 10, D:26) a +0,+0 broad axe (-13, 11, D:26) 19 bolts a +1,+0 crossbow of frost a +0,+1 orcish long sword a +0 troll hide (-13, 13, D:26) 16 steel bolts (unseen) (46, 13, D:26) a +0,+0 glaive (-10, 14, D:26) a -1,+1 orcish short sword (-3, 14, D:26) a +0,+2 short sword (-5, 16, D:26) 4 large rocks (6, 17, D:26) 2 large rocks (2, 18, D:26) 2 large rocks (11, 18, D:26) 9 sling bullets of flame (14, 21, D:26) a +0,+1 crossbow of evasion 12 poisoned bolts (3, 22, D:26) a +2 orcish plate armour of poison resistance (-4, 23, D:26) a -1,+1 orcish club a +1 orcish leather armour (4, 23, D:26) 11 bolts of penetration a +0,+0 crossbow (-1, 24, D:26) a +1,+1 orcish glaive a +0 orcish chain mail (5, 24, D:26) 9 steel bolts a +1,+2 crossbow (14, 24, D:26) a wand of fire (10) (22, 24, D:26) 13 bolts a +1,+1 crossbow a poisoned bolt (23, 24, D:26) 12 poisoned bolts a +0,+0 crossbow (24, 24, D:26) 6 bolts of penetration a +0,+3 crossbow of evasion (0, 25, D:26) a +0,+1 orcish long sword a +0 orcish plate armour (24, 25, D:26) 19 silver bolts a +0,+0 crossbow (5, 26, D:26) 7 bolts a +0,+0 crossbow (-13, 28, D:26) a +0,+1 flail of protection 17 stones (-1, 30, D:26) 17 arrows of frost (4, 30, D:26) a bolt of penetration (5, 31, D:26) a large rock (26, 31, D:26) 11 sling bullets of flame (3, 32, D:26) 2 large rocks (4, 32, D:26) a large rock (5, 32, D:26) a bolt a large rock a +1,+0 elven short sword a +2,+0 elven longbow 22 arrows a wand of frost (7) (6, 32, D:26) a large rock (15, 32, D:26) a +0,+0 great mace (-3, 34, D:26) a +0 leather armour (5, 34, D:26) a large rock a +0,+0 great mace a +0,+5 great mace (13, 34, D:26) a +4 scale mail (3, 35, D:26) a large rock (5, 35, D:26) a large rock (-11, 37, D:26) 21 arrows (1, 37, D:26) a +0,+0 great mace a +1,+2 great mace of protection 5 large rocks (2, 37, D:26) 2 large rocks (1, 38, D:26) 6 large rocks (1, 39, D:26) a large rock (53, 39, D:26) a +0 troll hide (-1, 40, D:26) a large rock (1, 40, D:26) a large rock (3, 40, D:26) a large rock (-1, 42, D:26) a large rock (47, 42, D:26) an uncursed staff of energy (0, 43, D:26) a +0 orcish scale mail (29, 43, D:26) a large rock (30, 43, D:26) 2 large rocks (34, 45, D:26) a +1,+0 sling of evasion (5, 52, D:26) 15 bolts (-10, 53, D:26) a scroll of noise (-10, 54, D:26) 33 arrows (35, 55, D:26) a large rock (40, 56, D:26) 2 large rocks Level 27 of the Dungeon (0, 0, D:27) a +0 robe a +0,+0 dagger (4, 0, D:27) a +0,+1 battleaxe (-3, 2, D:27) a +0 cloak a +0,+0 glaive (2, 2, D:27) a +0 elven buckler a +2,+0 elven short sword a +0,+0 battleaxe of freezing (2, 3, D:27) a cursed +0 elven buckler a +0 elven ring mail a +3,+2 elven vampiric long sword (3, 3, D:27) a +0 robe an uncursed amulet of stasis (5, 3, D:27) a +2 orcish robe a +0,+1 orcish dagger (-1, 4, D:27) a +0 robe a cursed -1,-3 club (3, 4, D:27) a +0 elven ring mail 17 arrows a +2,+0 elven long sword of venom a +0,+1 elven bow of flame (2, 5, D:27) a cursed +0 robe a +2,+5 orcish dagger (-2, 6, D:27) a +0,+0 great sword of flaming (2, 6, D:27) a +2 robe a +1,+2 orcish dagger (16, 6, D:27) a +1,+2 scimitar of flaming a +2,+1 dagger a +1 buckler a +2 ring mail of poison resistance (12, 7, D:27) a scroll of curse armour (7, 10, D:27) a wand of flame (13) (31, 11, D:27) 19 arrows (8, 12, D:27) a +0 helmet (8, 13, D:27) a tome of Destruction (7, 14, D:27) 27 stones (30, 14, D:27) a +0 plate armour (10, 17, D:27) 23 bolts (12, 17, D:27) a +2 blowgun (28, 17, D:27) a +0,+0 crossbow 18 bolts (12, 18, D:27) a +0,+0 sling (29, 18, D:27) a bolt (12, 19, D:27) a +3,+1 elven bow of flame (29, 19, D:27) 18 bolts a +0,+0 crossbow (26, 20, D:27) 23 bolts a +0,+0 crossbow (28, 20, D:27) a +0,+0 crossbow of evasion 28 bolts (32, 20, D:27) a bolt (16, 21, D:27) a +1,+4 great mace a +0,+0 great mace (17, 22, D:27) a +0 robe a +0,+0 dagger (29, 23, D:27) a +0,+0 battleaxe of freezing (28, 24, D:27) a -1,+1 orcish flail (42, 24, D:27) 23 stones (20, 26, D:27) a +0 robe a -1,+0 orcish dagger (16, 28, D:27) a +1 robe a +0,+0 spear (22, 30, D:27) a +2 elven buckler a +0 elven leather armour a cursed +0,-1 elven short sword (21, 31, D:27) a +1 robe (22, 31, D:27) a +0 robe a +0,+0 dagger (22, 32, D:27) a +0 robe a +0,+0 battleaxe (28, 32, D:27) a +2,+1 long sword of slicing (19, 33, D:27) a +10 plate armour of ponderousness a +1,+0 halberd of dragon slaying (20, 34, D:27) a +0,+0 glaive (29, 34, D:27) a +0 robe a +0,+3 dagger of holy wrath (5, 35, D:27) a bolt (9, 35, D:27) a +3,+1 elven sabre a +1,+1 elven sabre of venom a +0 elven leather armour an ornate deck of defence a bolt a +1,+1 halberd of protection a +0 robe an uncursed ring of positive energy (6, 36, D:27) a +1,+2 crossbow of flame 10 bolts a +1 robe a potion of slowing (13, 39, D:27) a +0,+0 elven long sword a cursed +0 chain mail (25, 39, D:27) 25 arrows of dispersal a +3,+1 elven longbow a +3 dwarven plate armour of poison resistance (42, 39, D:27) a potion of poison (44, 41, D:27) a scroll of noise (0, 42, D:27) a +1,+0 orcish sabre (27, 43, D:27) a scroll of brand weapon (36, 43, D:27) a scroll of noise (40, 44, D:27) a +0 elven leather armour (41, 46, D:27) a book of Flames (26, 47, D:27) a +0 troll hide (39, 47, D:27) a +2,+0 elven sabre (40, 47, D:27) a +2 robe (48, 47, D:27) a +0,+0 long sword (39, 48, D:27) a +0 pair of gauntlets (47, 49, D:27) 12 arrows of flame (38, 51, D:27) 16 sling bullets of frost (44, 51, D:27) a scroll of identify (51, 51, D:27) a +3,+2 elven trident of venom a +2,+1 hand axe of chopping a +0 elven ring mail a +4 ring of protection (30, 52, D:27) a +0 chain mail a +5,+1 great sword (47, 52, D:27) a large rock (50, 52, D:27) a +2,+2 sabre a +0 cloak (12, 53, D:27) 12 poisoned arrows (33, 53, D:27) a +5 orcish plate armour of ponderousness a +2,+2 orcish battleaxe (47, 53, D:27) a large rock (46, 54, D:27) a large rock (45, 55, D:27) a +0,+0 great sword of flaming (36, 57, D:27) a +0,+1 great sword of protection the cursed +1,+2 hand axe "Yzeetal" {freeze, +Rage} It has been specially enchanted to freeze those struck by it, causing extra injury to most foes and up to double damage against particularly susceptible opponents. It can also slow down cold-blooded creatures. It lets you go berserk. It has a curse placed upon it. a +0 ring mail (50, 57, D:27) a +0 robe (35, 58, D:27) a +0 storm dragon hide (48, 58, D:27) a +0 ice dragon hide (0, 59, D:27) a +2 orcish blowgun (1, 59, D:27) 16 sling bullets (40, 60, D:27) a +0,+0 great sword of flaming the Ecumenical Temple Level 1 of the Orcish Mines (-21, 1, Orc:1) a +0 orcish leather armour (-21, 2, Orc:1) a +0,+1 orcish hand axe (-19, 3, Orc:1) a +0 orcish robe a +0,+2 orcish hand axe a -1,+0 orcish dagger (-23, 5, Orc:1) a +0 orcish leather armour a +0,+3 orcish short sword (-18, 5, Orc:1) a +0 orcish robe a +1,+1 orcish dagger (-3, 6, Orc:1) a +0 elven wizard hat (-17, 8, Orc:1) a +0,+0 giant club (-1, 8, Orc:1) a +0,+0 giant club (-14, 10, Orc:1) a +0 orcish ring mail (-13, 10, Orc:1) a +0 orcish leather armour a cursed +0 orcish leather armour a +2,+4 orcish hand axe a -1,+1 orcish trident (-19, 11, Orc:1) a -1,+0 orcish dagger (-13, 11, Orc:1) a +0,+0 orcish short sword (-20, 12, Orc:1) a +0,+1 orcish hand axe (-19, 12, Orc:1) a +0 orcish robe a cursed -1,-1 orcish dagger (-8, 20, Orc:1) a +0,+1 orcish club (-1, 28, Orc:1) a -1,+1 orcish short sword (2, 28, Orc:1) a +2,+2 orcish hand axe (0, 30, Orc:1) a +0,+0 orcish dagger a +0 orcish robe (-12, 32, Orc:1) a +0,+0 giant club (-16, 46, Orc:1) a -1,+2 orcish mace (-15, 46, Orc:1) a -1,+0 orcish mace a +0 orcish chain mail (-19, 48, Orc:1) a +0,+1 orcish club a +0,+2 orcish short sword a +0 orcish chain mail (-20, 49, Orc:1) a +0,+1 orcish short sword a +0 orcish ring mail (-19, 49, Orc:1) a +0,+0 club (-22, 50, Orc:1) a +1,+3 orcish falchion a +1,+1 orcish hand axe a +0 orcish leather armour (-20, 51, Orc:1) a +1,+1 orcish dagger a +0 orcish chain mail (-19, 51, Orc:1) a +0,+0 orcish whip (-20, 52, Orc:1) a -1,+0 orcish mace a +0 orcish leather armour (-19, 52, Orc:1) a +0,+0 orcish dagger (-20, 53, Orc:1) a cursed -1,-1 orcish short sword a +0 orcish robe a -1,+0 orcish war axe a -1,+0 orcish dagger a +0 orcish leather armour (-20, 55, Orc:1) a +0 orcish leather armour (-16, 55, Orc:1) a +0,+2 orcish dagger (-19, 56, Orc:1) a +0,+0 orcish flail a +0 orcish ring mail a +0,+1 orcish short sword a +1 orcish chain mail (-16, 56, Orc:1) a +0,+2 orcish dagger a +1 orcish robe (-16, 57, Orc:1) a -1,+0 orcish flail a +0 orcish ring mail Level 2 of the Orcish Mines (0, 0, Orc:2) a +0 orcish robe of cold resistance a -1,+2 orcish dagger (14, 10, Orc:2) a +0,+0 orcish flail (16, 10, Orc:2) a +0,+0 club (19, 18, Orc:2) a -1,+2 orcish war axe a +0 animal skin (37, 19, Orc:2) a +0,+1 orcish long sword a +0,+0 orcish spear a +0,+0 orcish spear a +0 orcish plate armour (42, 19, Orc:2) a -1,+0 orcish hand axe a +0 orcish plate armour (45, 19, Orc:2) a +0,+1 orcish flail a +2 orcish leather armour (25, 20, Orc:2) a +1,+2 orcish dagger a +0 orcish robe (26, 20, Orc:2) a +0,+1 orcish flail (38, 20, Orc:2) a +0,+1 orcish dagger a +0 orcish robe (42, 20, Orc:2) a +0,+0 orcish whip (43, 20, Orc:2) a +0,+0 orcish spear a -1,+1 orcish whip a +0 orcish leather armour (44, 20, Orc:2) a +0,+0 orcish spear a +0,+0 orcish spear a +0,+0 orcish spear a -1,+1 orcish mace (46, 20, Orc:2) 2 large rocks (45, 21, Orc:2) a +1,+3 orcish falchion a +0 orcish ring mail (46, 21, Orc:2) a cursed -3,-2 orcish mace (47, 21, Orc:2) a -1,+1 orcish war axe a cursed +0 orcish plate armour (25, 22, Orc:2) a +2,+0 orcish war axe of flaming a +0 orcish chain mail (26, 22, Orc:2) a +1,+3 orcish mace (49, 23, Orc:2) a -1,+1 orcish dagger a +0 orcish robe (24, 24, Orc:2) a -1,+1 orcish club (48, 27, Orc:2) 4 large rocks (-5, 32, Orc:2) a +0,+1 orcish dagger of venom (-17, 33, Orc:2) a +1,+4 orcish trident (-15, 33, Orc:2) a +0 orcish chain mail a +0,+0 orcish flail (-14, 33, Orc:2) a +1 orcish robe a cursed -3,-2 orcish dagger (40, 35, Orc:2) a +0,+0 orcish war axe a +0 orcish ring mail (41, 36, Orc:2) a +0,+0 giant club (42, 36, Orc:2) a +0,+1 orcish dagger a +0 orcish robe (43, 36, Orc:2) a -1,+1 orcish club (42, 37, Orc:2) a +1,+1 orcish whip a +0,+1 orcish mace (-18, 38, Orc:2) a +0 orcish ring mail (-14, 39, Orc:2) a +0,+1 orcish trident a +0 orcish leather armour (-18, 40, Orc:2) a +0,+2 orcish war axe (-19, 41, Orc:2) a -1,+1 orcish flail (-17, 41, Orc:2) a +0,+1 orcish flail (-18, 42, Orc:2) a cursed -4,-2 orcish dagger a +1 orcish robe (-19, 43, Orc:2) a -1,+0 orcish flail a +1 orcish chain mail (-19, 44, Orc:2) a -1,+1 orcish short sword Level 3 of the Orcish Mines (2, 3, Orc:3) a +0 orcish leather armour a -1,+0 orcish hand axe a -1,+1 orcish dagger (3, 3, Orc:3) a +0 orcish ring mail a -1,+3 orcish spear (0, 7, Orc:3) a +0 orcish ring mail (-1, 8, Orc:3) a +0,+1 orcish dagger (1, 8, Orc:3) a +0 orcish chain mail a -1,+0 orcish dagger (2, 8, Orc:3) a +0,+1 orcish club (6, 8, Orc:3) a -1,+3 orcish spear (1, 11, Orc:3) a +0 orcish leather armour a +2,+3 orcish flail (2, 12, Orc:3) a +0 orcish leather armour a +0,+1 orcish mace of protection (0, 13, Orc:3) a +0 orcish plate armour a -1,+0 orcish trident (1, 13, Orc:3) a -1,+0 orcish club (3, 13, Orc:3) a -1,+1 orcish hand axe (6, 13, Orc:3) a cursed -3,-1 great mace (2, 14, Orc:3) a +2 orcish ring mail of magic resistance a -1,+0 orcish hand axe (4, 14, Orc:3) a +0 orcish leather armour a cursed -3,-1 orcish mace (2, 15, Orc:3) a +1,+1 orcish hand axe (3, 15, Orc:3) a +0,+0 orcish dagger (-45, 29, Orc:3) a +0 orcish robe a +0,+0 orcish dagger (-45, 31, Orc:3) a +0 orcish scale mail a +1,+2 orcish morningstar a -1,+0 orcish dagger (-52, 32, Orc:3) a -1,+1 orcish spear (-43, 32, Orc:3) a +0 orcish leather armour (5, 32, Orc:3) 15 darts of frost (7, 32, Orc:3) a +2 ring of evasion (-51, 33, Orc:3) a -1,+1 orcish spear (4, 33, Orc:3) a +0 plate armour (-50, 34, Orc:3) a -1,+1 orcish spear (-49, 34, Orc:3) a +2 orcish robe a +2,+3 orcish trident (-47, 34, Orc:3) a +0,+0 dagger (-46, 34, Orc:3) a +0,+1 orcish dagger a -1,+1 orcish falchion (-48, 35, Orc:3) a +0,+0 orcish dagger (-19, 35, Orc:3) a -1,+0 orcish short sword (unseen) (-48, 36, Orc:3) a +0 orcish leather armour a +0,+0 orcish dagger a +0,+3 orcish war axe (-21, 36, Orc:3) a -1,+1 orcish short sword (unseen) (-19, 36, Orc:3) a -1,+2 orcish spear (unseen) (-18, 36, Orc:3) a +0 orcish ring mail (unseen) (-47, 37, Orc:3) a +0,+0 orcish club a -1,+0 orcish club (-22, 38, Orc:3) a +0,+0 orcish spear (unseen) (-17, 38, Orc:3) a +0,+1 orcish club a -1,+0 orcish hand axe (-18, 41, Orc:3) a +0,+1 orcish club (-17, 41, Orc:3) a -1,+0 orcish spear (-16, 41, Orc:3) a +0,+0 orcish dagger (-19, 42, Orc:3) a +0,+0 orcish spear (-39, 44, Orc:3) a +0,+0 orcish club (-18, 44, Orc:3) a -1,+0 orcish spear (still there?) a cursed -4,-3 orcish flail (still there?) a +0 orcish ring mail (still there?) a -1,+1 orcish whip (still there?) a -1,+2 orcish spear (still there?) (-18, 45, Orc:3) a +0,+1 orcish club (-13, 45, Orc:3) a -1,+1 orcish flail (unseen) (-23, 46, Orc:3) a +0 orcish robe (still there?) a cursed -1 orcish leather armour (still there?) a -1,+0 orcish dagger (still there?) (-25, 54, Orc:3) a +0,+1 orcish dagger a +0 orcish robe of cold resistance Level 4 of the Orcish Mines [Shop] Dypni's Magic Scroll Shoppe a scroll of brand weapon (320 gold) 2 scrolls of immolation (32 gold) a scroll of identify (32 gold) a scroll of curse jewellery (32 gold) a scroll of identify (32 gold) a scroll of curse armour (32 gold) a scroll of identify (32 gold) a scroll of curse weapon (32 gold) a scroll of brand weapon (320 gold) [Shop] Hemuamon's Book Shoppe the Disquisition on Unholy Rituals (692 gold) Spells Type Level Pain Necromancy 1 Lethal Infusion Charms/Necromancy 2 Corpse Rot Necromancy 2 Vampiric Draining Necromancy 3 Animate Dead Necromancy 4 a book of Flames (560 gold) a book of Control (1040 gold) a book of Summonings (1656 gold) a book of Beasts (880 gold) a Young Poisoner's Handbook (640 gold) a book of Changes (400 gold) a book of Transfigurations (880 gold) a manual of Stealth (1766 gold) a book of Frost (560 gold) a book of Dreams (1200 gold) a book of Unlife (1040 gold) a Young Poisoner's Handbook (640 gold) [Shop] Saymucya's Food Shoppe a meat ration (52 gold) a meat ration (52 gold) a lemon (15 gold) a bread ration (52 gold) a pear (10 gold) a bread ration (52 gold) an apple (10 gold) a meat ration (52 gold) a banana (15 gold) a choko (5 gold) a meat ration (52 gold) [Shop] Plezunab's Distillery a potion of curing (28 gold) a potion of confusion (14 gold) a potion of resistance (98 gold) a potion of curing (28 gold) a potion of curing (28 gold) a potion of curing (28 gold) a potion of resistance (98 gold) a potion of speed (77 gold) [Shop] Thruuvege's Weapon Emporium a +0,+0 trident (75 gold) a +0,+0 whip (45 gold) 18 arrows of dispersal (194 gold) a +1,+2 halberd of venom (498 gold) a +1,+0 dwarven morningstar (117 gold) a +1,+2 flail (149 gold) a +0 blowgun (45 gold) 19 darts (34 gold) 24 darts (43 gold) a +2,+0 elven sabre (149 gold) a +2,+0 dagger (68 gold) [Shop] Zekh's Armour Emporium a +0 ring mail (58 gold) the +27 Lear's hauberk (4657 gold) a cursed +0 chain mail (105 gold) a cursed +0 orcish plate armour (146 gold) a +0 chain mail (149 gold) a +0 orcish leather armour (27 gold) a +0 cloak (19 gold) a +0 scale mail (114 gold) a +3 dwarven plate armour of cold resistance (2090 gold) a +0 robe (15 gold) a +0 plate armour (305 gold) a +0 animal skin (10 gold) a +0 pair of boots (26 gold) [Shop] Mnaloix's Antique Armour Shoppe a cursed +0 robe (19 gold) a +2 robe of magic resistance (19 gold) the +0 chain mail of Midnight {rElec rPois SInv} (448 gold) It insulates you from electricity. It protects you from poison. It enhances your eyesight. a +2 chain mail (308 gold) a +1 scale mail (232 gold) the +4 plate armour of the Sailor {Str+2 Dex+3} (784 gold) It affects your strength (+2). It affects your dexterity (+3). a +0 chain mail (308 gold) a +0 robe (19 gold) the cursed -1 chain mail of the Snake Pit {Dam+5 Stlth--} (448 gold) It affects your damage-dealing abilities (+5). It makes you much less stealthy. It has a curse placed upon it. a +2 plate armour of positive energy (644 gold) a cursed -2 chain mail (308 gold) [Shop] Cusch's Gadget Shoppe a plain deck of war (525 gold) a box of beasts (750 gold) an ornate deck of changes (750 gold) a lamp of fire (1500 gold) a bottled efreet (600 gold) a sack of spiders (600 gold) a crystal ball of energy (750 gold) a plain deck of war (525 gold) an ornate deck of defence (750 gold) a lantern of shadows (750 gold) a fan of gales (1500 gold) a sack of spiders (600 gold) a phial of floods (1500 gold) (0, 0, Orc:4) a -1,+0 orcish short sword (1, 0, Orc:4) a +0,+0 orcish battleaxe a cursed +0 orcish chain mail (-35, 2, Orc:4) a +0 orcish leather armour (-15, 2, Orc:4) a cursed -2,-1 orcish spear a cursed -2,-1 orcish spear a cursed -2,-1 orcish spear a +0 orcish scale mail a cursed -2,-1 orcish spear a -1,+1 orcish whip (0, 2, Orc:4) a +0,+0 orcish hand axe of freezing (-17, 3, Orc:4) a +0,+1 orcish spear a +0 orcish chain mail a +0,+1 orcish spear a +0,+1 orcish war axe (-16, 3, Orc:4) a +0,+1 orcish flail (-21, 5, Orc:4) a +0,+0 giant spiked club (-19, 5, Orc:4) a cursed +0 orcish chain mail a +0,+1 orcish battleaxe (-16, 5, Orc:4) a +0 orcish chain mail a -1,+0 orcish glaive (-21, 6, Orc:4) a +0,+1 orcish mace (-16, 6, Orc:4) a +0 orcish leather armour a +1,+3 orcish flail (-38, 7, Orc:4) a +1,+1 orcish trident a +1,+3 orcish hand axe a +0 orcish leather armour (-21, 7, Orc:4) a +0,+2 orcish dagger (-20, 7, Orc:4) a +0,+0 orcish flail (-16, 7, Orc:4) a cursed +0 orcish chain mail a +2,+1 orcish halberd (-35, 8, Orc:4) a +0 orcish ring mail (-19, 8, Orc:4) a -1,+0 orcish short sword (-35, 9, Orc:4) a +0 orcish leather armour a +0,+0 orcish mace (-35, 10, Orc:4) a +0,+1 orcish dagger a +0 orcish leather armour (-16, 10, Orc:4) a -1,+0 orcish spear a +0,+1 orcish spear a +0,+1 orcish spear (-15, 10, Orc:4) a +0 orcish robe a +0,+3 orcish dagger of speed a +0,+0 orcish scimitar a +2,+1 elven dagger a +1 orcish chain mail of poison resistance (-34, 11, Orc:4) a cursed +0 orcish robe a +0,+1 orcish dagger (-18, 12, Orc:4) a +0,+1 orcish morningstar (-46, 13, Orc:4) a +0 orcish ring mail (-19, 13, Orc:4) a +0 orcish leather armour a cursed -1,-1 orcish glaive (-46, 14, Orc:4) a +1,+0 orcish halberd a +0,+1 orcish club a +0 orcish chain mail a +0,+1 orcish dagger a +0,+1 orcish dagger a +0 orcish robe a +0,+0 orcish dagger a +0 orcish chain mail a -1,+1 orcish dagger a +0 orcish robe a +0,+0 orcish short sword (-45, 14, Orc:4) a +0,+1 orcish short sword a +0 orcish scale mail of magic resistance a +0 orcish leather armour (-43, 14, Orc:4) a +0,+1 orcish dagger (-42, 14, Orc:4) a -1,+1 orcish dagger a +0 orcish robe (-21, 14, Orc:4) a -1,+1 orcish flail (-16, 14, Orc:4) a +0 orcish robe a +0,+3 orcish dagger a +0,+1 orcish battleaxe (-18, 15, Orc:4) a +1 orcish leather armour a -1,+0 orcish club (-44, 16, Orc:4) a +0,+1 orcish short sword (-20, 17, Orc:4) a +0,+2 orcish mace a +0 orcish plate armour a +0,+3 orcish dagger (-4, 18, Orc:4) a +0,+0 giant club (-12, 19, Orc:4) a +0,+0 orcish battleaxe (-12, 20, Orc:4) a +0 orcish leather armour a +1,+1 orcish war axe (-21, 23, Orc:4) a +1 orcish robe a +0,+1 orcish dagger a -1,+1 orcish flail (-18, 23, Orc:4) a +0,+0 orcish flail a +0 orcish chain mail (-20, 24, Orc:4) a +0 orcish ring mail a -1,+1 orcish hand axe (-16, 24, Orc:4) a +0,+0 orcish hand axe a +0,+0 orcish club a +0 orcish leather armour (-18, 25, Orc:4) a +0 orcish leather armour a -1,+0 orcish short sword (-24, 26, Orc:4) a +1,+2 orcish trident a -1,+2 orcish dagger a +0 orcish leather armour (-14, 26, Orc:4) a +0,+0 orcish flail a -1,+0 orcish dagger a +1 orcish leather armour (-27, 27, Orc:4) a +0 orcish robe a -1,+1 orcish trident (-23, 27, Orc:4) a +0,+3 orcish mace a +1,+1 orcish hand axe a cursed +0 orcish robe (-25, 28, Orc:4) a +1,+2 orcish long sword a +0,+3 orcish dagger a +0 orcish chain mail (-15, 28, Orc:4) a cursed +0 orcish chain mail a +0,+0 orcish dagger a +0,+1 orcish trident of venom (-16, 31, Orc:4) a -1,+1 orcish club (-14, 32, Orc:4) a -1,+1 orcish war axe a -1,+1 orcish dagger a +0 orcish leather armour (-12, 36, Orc:4) a +1,+2 orcish mace a -1,+1 orcish dagger a +0 orcish chain mail (-36, 37, Orc:4) a +1,+2 orcish falchion a +0 orcish chain mail (-16, 37, Orc:4) a +1,+3 orcish short sword a +0 orcish leather armour (-15, 37, Orc:4) a -1,+0 orcish short sword a cursed -2,-1 orcish whip a +0 orcish ring mail (-13, 37, Orc:4) a +2,+2 orcish battleaxe a cursed -3,+0 orcish dagger a +0 orcish plate armour (-36, 38, Orc:4) a +0 orcish scale mail a -1,+0 orcish trident (-36, 39, Orc:4) a -1,+1 orcish club a +0 orcish plate armour a -1,+1 orcish scimitar (-36, 40, Orc:4) a +0 orcish robe a +1,+1 orcish dagger a -1,+1 orcish club a +0 orcish ring mail a cursed -3,+0 orcish club (-35, 40, Orc:4) a +0 orcish robe a +0,+1 orcish dagger a +0,+1 orcish falchion a +0 orcish robe (-34, 40, Orc:4) a +1,+0 orcish whip of electrocution (-17, 40, Orc:4) a +0,+0 club a +0 orcish robe (-16, 40, Orc:4) a -1,+1 orcish dagger a +0 orcish robe a -1,+1 orcish mace a +0 orcish robe a +0 orcish leather armour (-35, 41, Orc:4) a +0,+1 orcish club (-34, 41, Orc:4) a +0 orcish robe a -1,+0 orcish mace a +2 orcish leather armour a +0,+1 orcish falchion (-36, 46, Orc:4) a -1,+0 orcish whip a cursed -2 orcish chain mail (-16, 52, Orc:4) a +2,+3 orcish spear a +2,+3 orcish spear (-11, 52, Orc:4) a cursed -2,+1 orcish club (-11, 53, Orc:4) a +0,+0 orcish dagger a +0 orcish robe (-13, 55, Orc:4) a +1,+1 orcish flail of draining (-12, 56, Orc:4) a -1,+0 orcish dagger a +0 orcish robe (-11, 56, Orc:4) a +1,+1 orcish short sword a +2,+3 orcish spear a +2,+3 orcish spear a cursed -1,+0 orcish dagger a -1,+1 orcish hand axe a +2 orcish leather armour (-10, 57, Orc:4) a +0,+0 orcish hand axe Level 1 of the Elven Halls [Shop] Stareak's Magic Scroll Emporium a scroll of identify (38 gold) a scroll of identify (38 gold) a scroll of identify (38 gold) a scroll of random uselessness (19 gold) a scroll of curse weapon (38 gold) a scroll of noise (19 gold) a scroll of enchant weapon I (104 gold) a scroll of teleportation (57 gold) a scroll of identify (38 gold) a scroll of enchant weapon II (104 gold) a scroll of immolation (19 gold) (0, 0, Elf:1) a +0,+0 short sword a +0 ring mail (-26, 2, Elf:1) a +0,+1 hand axe (18, 3, Elf:1) a +2,+0 elven short sword (3, 7, Elf:1) a +1,+1 elven scimitar (4, 8, Elf:1) 16 sling bullets (-2, 10, Elf:1) a +0 chain mail a +0,+1 scimitar (-13, 11, Elf:1) a potion of paralysis (27, 11, Elf:1) a +4,+2 elven sabre a +2 elven leather armour of poison resistance a +2,+0 elven short sword a +0 elven leather armour (7, 13, Elf:1) a lantern of shadows (-26, 14, Elf:1) a +2,+0 elven long sword a +0 elven chain mail (7, 19, Elf:1) a +1,+0 elven long sword (10, 19, Elf:1) a cursed +0,-1 elven long sword (-6, 24, Elf:1) a +3,+2 demon trident a +0 orcish plate armour (29, 25, Elf:1) 24 stones (-24, 27, Elf:1) a +1,+0 elven long sword (2, 30, Elf:1) 33 arrows a +3,+2 elven short sword a +1,+2 elven longbow of frost (1, 31, Elf:1) a +1,+0 elven sabre (-25, 32, Elf:1) a +3,+1 elven scimitar a +0,+0 elven dagger (17, 34, Elf:1) a +0,+0 great sword (1, 35, Elf:1) a +1 elven ring mail a +1,+0 elven scimitar (-25, 42, Elf:1) a +0,+2 elven short sword of speed a +0 elven ring mail (-1, 47, Elf:1) 22 stones Level 2 of the Elven Halls (0, 0, Elf:2) a +2,+2 elven falchion (-26, 4, Elf:2) a +1,+0 elven long sword a +0 elven ring mail a +0 elven buckler (-19, 5, Elf:2) a +1,+0 elven dagger (12, 10, Elf:2) a +2,+1 elven long sword (-31, 12, Elf:2) a scroll of random uselessness (0, 14, Elf:2) a +2,+2 elven long sword of protection (-14, 15, Elf:2) a +2,+0 elven short sword a +0 elven leather armour (-17, 17, Elf:2) 13 stones (-24, 18, Elf:2) a +2 robe (-5, 19, Elf:2) a +0,+0 quarterstaff (-39, 21, Elf:2) a +1 orcish scale mail (-42, 22, Elf:2) a +1,+2 orcish short sword a +2 orcish scale mail (-40, 22, Elf:2) a +0,+1 orcish mace (-39, 22, Elf:2) a +0,+0 giant club (-5, 22, Elf:2) a +1,+0 elven long sword (-41, 23, Elf:2) a +2,+1 orcish trident a +1 orcish plate armour (-40, 23, Elf:2) a -1,+0 orcish war axe (-39, 23, Elf:2) a +0,+0 orcish flail a +0 orcish chain mail (-40, 24, Elf:2) a +0,+0 orcish long sword a +0 orcish chain mail (-9, 24, Elf:2) a +0 animal skin (-15, 25, Elf:2) a +0,+4 elven sabre a +2,+0 elven dagger a +0 elven leather armour (-32, 26, Elf:2) a scroll of curse jewellery 22 stones (-39, 30, Elf:2) 17 darts (-30, 34, Elf:2) a +2,+0 elven long sword a +0 elven ring mail (-27, 34, Elf:2) a sack of spiders (-31, 35, Elf:2) a +0,+2 elven anti-magic scimitar a +0 elven buckler (-15, 35, Elf:2) a +1,+0 elven sabre (-31, 36, Elf:2) a +0,+0 elven long sword (-30, 36, Elf:2) a +2,+1 elven short sword of speed (-45, 39, Elf:2) a +4,+1 elven dagger (-31, 45, Elf:2) a wand of enslavement (11) Level 3 of the Elven Halls (0, 0, Elf:3) a +0,+0 long sword (2, 0, Elf:3) an uncursed ring of magical power an uncursed staff of wizardry (5, 0, Elf:3) a plain deck of changes (6, 0, Elf:3) a +0,+1 dwarven morningstar (34, 0, Elf:3) 26 stones (2, 1, Elf:3) 12 stones (3, 1, Elf:3) an uncursed ring of positive energy (4, 1, Elf:3) a +1,+0 elven long sword of holy wrath a +0 elven leather armour (7, 1, Elf:3) a +0,+0 elven long sword a +0 orcish chain mail of poison resistance (8, 1, Elf:3) 2 potions of paralysis (9, 1, Elf:3) a +1,+1 broad axe of chopping (26, 1, Elf:3) 4 poisoned javelins (29, 1, Elf:3) an uncursed staff of wizardry (33, 1, Elf:3) a plain deck of defence (5, 2, Elf:3) 15 sling bullets of frost (6, 2, Elf:3) a +1,+1 halberd of venom (8, 2, Elf:3) 19 darts of frost (11, 2, Elf:3) a +3,+1 battleaxe of electrocution (23, 2, Elf:3) a +0,+0 elven short sword a +2,+0 elven bow 21 arrows a tome of Destruction (25, 2, Elf:3) a +3,+1 elven short sword a +1,+0 dwarven hand axe a tome of Destruction (30, 2, Elf:3) a +1,+5 dwarven morningstar of holy wrath (31, 2, Elf:3) 7 darts of flame (7, 3, Elf:3) 19 stones (8, 3, Elf:3) a plain deck of changes (11, 3, Elf:3) the +7,+10 battleaxe "Juemif" {venom, rF+ Str+2 Int+1 SInv} It poisons the flesh of those it strikes. It affects your strength (+2). It affects your intelligence (+1). It protects you from fire. It enhances your eyesight. (22, 3, Elf:3) a +2,+0 elven short sword (23, 3, Elf:3) a +3,+1 elven vampiric scimitar a +0 elven ring mail a +0,+1 war axe of electrocution (25, 3, Elf:3) a +2,+1 elven sabre of holy wrath a +0 elven leather armour (26, 3, Elf:3) a +4,+2 anti-magic short sword (27, 3, Elf:3) 22 arrows of frost (29, 3, Elf:3) a +4,+3 lajatang of protection (7, 4, Elf:3) the +2,+8 crossbow of the Hummingbird {elec, rPois rC++ Stlth+} It charges the ammunition it shoots with electricity; occasionally upon a hit, such missiles may discharge and cause terrible harm. It greatly protects you from cold. It protects you from poison. It makes you much more stealthy. (25, 4, Elf:3) an uncursed staff of energy (26, 4, Elf:3) an uncursed staff of summoning (27, 4, Elf:3) a +3 scale mail of fire resistance (4, 9, Elf:3) 10 arrows of frost (31, 9, Elf:3) a +0,+1 short sword (3, 10, Elf:3) 13 arrows of flame (4, 10, Elf:3) the +3,+7 great sword of the Exiled Wishes {freeze, rF+ MR+ Dex+4} It has been specially enchanted to freeze those struck by it, causing extra injury to most foes and up to double damage against particularly susceptible opponents. It can also slow down cold-blooded creatures. It affects your dexterity (+4). It protects you from fire. It affects your resistance to hostile enchantments. (29, 10, Elf:3) the +8,+6 crossbow of the Solstice {speed, rC++ Str+1 Dex+2 Int+2} Attacks with this weapon take half as long, but cause slightly less damage. It affects your strength (+1). It affects your intelligence (+2). It affects your dexterity (+2). It greatly protects you from cold. (55, 11, Elf:3) a +1,+0 elven short sword (55, 12, Elf:3) a +0,+0 elven long sword (58, 12, Elf:3) a +1,+0 elven sabre a +0 elven ring mail (54, 14, Elf:3) a +4,+1 elven long sword of slicing (55, 14, Elf:3) a +2,+2 elven long sword (57, 14, Elf:3) a +2,+0 elven scimitar (42, 16, Elf:3) a +0 plate armour (57, 16, Elf:3) a +0,+0 elven short sword a +1 elven buckler of reflection (17, 17, Elf:3) a +2,+0 elven long sword a +0 elven chain mail (23, 18, Elf:3) a +0 elven scale mail a +2,+0 elven sabre a +2,+0 elven sabre the cursed necklace of Bloodlust {*Rage +Rage MR+ Str+2 Int-2 Dam+5 Stlth- Curse} [amulet of rage] It affects your strength (+2). It affects your intelligence (-2). It affects your damage-dealing abilities (+5). It affects your resistance to hostile enchantments. It makes you angry. It may recurse itself. It makes you less stealthy. It has a curse placed upon it. (15, 20, Elf:3) a +1,+0 elven long sword (16, 20, Elf:3) a +2,+1 elven scimitar of protection a +0 elven leather armour a +0 elven chain mail a +2,+0 elven dagger a cursed -1,-1 elven short sword (19, 20, Elf:3) 15 arrows of frost a +2,+1 elven short sword a +2,+0 elven bow a +2,+1 elven sabre (14, 21, Elf:3) a +0 elven ring mail a +2,+0 elven short sword (16, 21, Elf:3) a +0 robe a +2,+2 elven sabre (17, 21, Elf:3) a +0 elven leather armour 28 arrows a +2,+0 elven longbow (18, 21, Elf:3) a +0,+0 elven short sword (51, 21, Elf:3) a +2,+0 elven long sword (14, 22, Elf:3) a +0,+0 elven long sword of slicing a +0 elven leather armour (16, 22, Elf:3) 20 arrows a +3,+0 elven bow a +2,+0 elven sabre a +0 elven leather armour (17, 22, Elf:3) an arrow (18, 22, Elf:3) a +2,+0 elven sabre (19, 22, Elf:3) a +1,+2 elven short sword a +0,+0 elven bow (46, 22, Elf:3) a +1,+1 elven long sword (13, 23, Elf:3) a +1,+0 elven long sword (15, 23, Elf:3) a +0,+1 elven long sword (16, 23, Elf:3) a +2 elven leather armour a +3,+0 elven short sword a +1,+0 elven short sword a +0 elven ring mail (18, 23, Elf:3) an arrow a +0,+1 elven scimitar of protection a +0 elven leather armour (19, 23, Elf:3) a +0 elven leather armour a cursed -2 elven leather armour a +1,+0 elven short sword a +2 elven leather armour of cold resistance 53 arrows a +1,+0 elven longbow a +0,+0 elven short sword (20, 23, Elf:3) 20 arrows a +2,+0 elven short sword a +2,+0 elven bow (15, 24, Elf:3) a +1,+0 elven long sword (16, 24, Elf:3) 2 arrows (17, 24, Elf:3) a +0 elven leather armour a +1,+0 elven short sword (18, 24, Elf:3) a +0 elven leather armour 12 arrows a +0,+0 elven long sword a +1,+0 elven bow (19, 24, Elf:3) 3 arrows a +1,+0 elven short sword (20, 24, Elf:3) an arrow (16, 25, Elf:3) 45 arrows a +2 elven leather armour a +0,+0 elven long sword of electrocution a +0 elven leather armour a +0,+0 elven longbow (17, 25, Elf:3) a +2,+2 elven sabre a +0 elven leather armour of cold resistance a +1,+0 elven sabre a +1,+0 elven sabre (18, 25, Elf:3) a +0,+0 elven long sword a +1,+1 elven sabre a +0,+0 elven dagger (17, 26, Elf:3) a +0 elven leather armour a +2,+2 elven vampiric sabre (17, 27, Elf:3) a +2,+0 elven sabre a +2 elven leather armour of cold resistance a +2,+2 elven sabre of venom (37, 39, Elf:3) a +0 elven scale mail a +2,+0 elven sabre (50, 40, Elf:3) a +0,+5 orcish dagger (50, 41, Elf:3) an uncursed ring of protection from cold (44, 43, Elf:3) a +0,+0 elven short sword (19, 44, Elf:3) an uncursed amulet of inaccuracy a manual of Stealth the ring of Maynlawk {Hunger Stlth++} [ring of hunger] It makes you much more stealthy. a +1,+0 elven dagger (36, 46, Elf:3) a +1,+2 elven bow 17 arrows a +0 elven leather armour a +1,+1 elven long sword (38, 46, Elf:3) a cursed -1,+0 elven short sword (48, 46, Elf:3) a scroll of curse jewellery (34, 47, Elf:3) a +0 robe (38, 47, Elf:3) a +1 elven leather armour a +2,+0 elven long sword a +3,+0 elven long sword of holy wrath a +0 elven chain mail (23, 52, Elf:3) 18 arrows (37, 57, Elf:3) a +0 elven chain mail a +0,+0 elven short sword (38, 57, Elf:3) a +0,+0 elven short sword a +0 elven chain mail a +1,+0 elven short sword a +2 elven leather armour 15 arrows a +2,+1 elven bow Level 1 of the Lair of Beasts (0, 0, Lair:1) a +0 chain mail (-23, 18, Lair:1) a scroll of noise (23, 19, Lair:1) 21 stones (12, 25, Lair:1) 17 sling bullets (-25, 34, Lair:1) a wand of digging (12) a book of Annihilations a +1 orcish golden helmet of intelligence a book of Annihilations the ring of the Prince {MR Int+5} [ring of protection from magic] It affects your intelligence (+5). the ring "Brewem" {+Fly Dex+5 Int+3} [ring of flight] It affects your intelligence (+3). It affects your dexterity (+5). the ring of Robustness {AC+8} [ring of protection] It affects your AC (+8). an uncursed ring of wizardry an uncursed ring of protection from fire an uncursed staff of power a book of Flames an uncursed ring of wizardry 5 scrolls of fear 5 potions of speed an uncursed ring of wizardry a book of Hinderance a book of Clouds a book of Enchantments a book of Burglary a wand of paralysis (16) a wand of hasting (6) an uncursed ring of protection from cold an uncursed ring of teleport control an uncursed ring of protection from cold an uncursed ring of protection from fire a book of Power the ring "Ybyss" {Hunger +Fly rN+ MR+ MP+9 Acc+4} [ring of magical power] It affects your accuracy (+4). It protects you from negative energy. It affects your resistance to hostile enchantments. It lets you fly. It speeds your metabolism. the amulet of Life {Inacc Dex+2 Int+3} [amulet of inaccuracy] It affects your intelligence (+3). It affects your dexterity (+2). the ring "Giurgh" {Hunger +Inv MR++ Dam+6} [ring of hunger] It affects your damage-dealing abilities (+6). It affects your resistance to hostile enchantments. It lets you turn invisible. an uncursed ring of sustain abilities an uncursed amulet of warding a +6 ring of intelligence an uncursed ring of sustenance an uncursed amulet of rage an uncursed amulet of warding an uncursed amulet of rage a book of the Earth a book of Enchantments a wand of lightning (3) a wand of fireball (5) a sack of spiders 2 potions of invisibility a +1 dwarven shield of protection a potion of flight 2 scrolls of vulnerability a +0 buckler a wand of disintegration (1) a wand of teleportation (1) a wand of lightning (3) a book of the Sky an uncursed ring of magical power an uncursed ring of see invisible 2 scrolls of brand weapon 2 scrolls of summoning 9 curare-tipped needles a -1 blowgun a book of Beasts a book of Frost Lugonu's Reference Book on Attacks Spells Type Level Magic Dart Conjuration 1 a book of Wizardry a book of Callings a wand of teleportation (3) a wand of invisibility (2) a wand of disintegration (0) the Disquisition on Feathers Spells Type Level Shock Conjuration/Air 1 *Repel Missiles Charms/Air 2 *Swiftness Charms/Air 2 Lightning Bolt Conjuration/Air 5 Silence Hexes/Air 5 an uncursed ring of wizardry an uncursed ring of positive energy an uncursed amulet of faith a book of Minor Magic a wand of frost (7) a wand of flame (9) the -2 pair of gloves of the Beekeeper {Dex+2} It affects your dexterity (+2). a potion of berserk rage 12 potions of might 5 potions of brilliance a wand of slowing (12) 2 scrolls of enchant weapon III a wand of flame (0) an uncursed ring of sustenance a book of Necromancy 4 scrolls of enchant weapon I 4 scrolls of enchant weapon II a book of the Warp a book of the Tempests a +1 wizard hat (1, 44, Lair:1) a +1,+0 sabre of draining (-8, 48, Lair:1) 24 stones (-24, 51, Lair:1) a +0 leather armour Level 2 of the Lair of Beasts (0, 0, Lair:2) a +0,+0 club (16, 5, Lair:2) a +0,+0 great sword (-25, 8, Lair:2) a +0 ring mail (3, 11, Lair:2) 32 arrows (12, 17, Lair:2) a plain deck of war (-27, 19, Lair:2) 4 javelins (0, 32, Lair:2) a +0 ring mail (-8, 33, Lair:2) a +0 robe (3, 37, Lair:2) a +0 ring mail (39, 39, Lair:2) an uncursed staff of earth Level 3 of the Lair of Beasts (0, 0, Lair:3) a cursed -2,-1 club (6, 0, Lair:3) a -1,+0 orcish hand axe (-20, 4, Lair:3) a scroll of noise (-10, 8, Lair:3) a +0 leather armour (-26, 9, Lair:3) 21 darts (-17, 18, Lair:3) 15 bolts of frost (2, 24, Lair:3) a +0,+0 sabre (3, 36, Lair:3) a +1 leather armour (-1, 39, Lair:3) 19 darts Level 4 of the Lair of Beasts (0, 0, Lair:4) 13 darts (21, 0, Lair:4) 10 stones (11, 12, Lair:4) a +1,+1 hand axe (34, 31, Lair:4) a scroll of noise (0, 45, Lair:4) a cursed -4,-1 orcish glaive Level 5 of the Lair of Beasts (0, 0, Lair:5) 9 poisoned needles (-14, 6, Lair:5) a scroll of immolation (41, 9, Lair:5) a scroll of curse weapon (-14, 11, Lair:5) 2 scrolls of curse armour (37, 18, Lair:5) a +0,+4 scimitar of flaming a +0,+0 spear (-8, 22, Lair:5) a +3,+1 dwarven war axe (-9, 35, Lair:5) a +0 ring mail (6, 39, Lair:5) 19 bolts (10, 51, Lair:5) 16 darts (31, 51, Lair:5) a wand of polymorph (10) a potion of poison Level 6 of the Lair of Beasts (0, 0, Lair:6) 14 stones (32, 5, Lair:6) 15 arrows (56, 13, Lair:6) a +0,+0 club (17, 25, Lair:6) a wand of frost (16) (42, 26, Lair:6) 29 sling bullets (51, 26, Lair:6) a +1,+1 dagger (10, 27, Lair:6) a scroll of curse armour (22, 28, Lair:6) the -2,+1 short sword of Plororoy {freeze, Str+3 Dex+2 Stlth--} It has been specially enchanted to freeze those struck by it, causing extra injury to most foes and up to double damage against particularly susceptible opponents. It can also slow down cold-blooded creatures. It affects your strength (+3). It affects your dexterity (+2). It makes you much less stealthy. a +0,+0 dagger of distortion a +3,+1 dwarven short sword (68, 29, Lair:6) a wand of enslavement (11) (17, 35, Lair:6) 28 stones (25, 37, Lair:6) 12 steel darts (55, 38, Lair:6) 19 arrows Level 7 of the Lair of Beasts (0, 0, Lair:7) a scroll of curse weapon (-40, 3, Lair:7) a +0 cloak (-38, 4, Lair:7) 28 stones (-22, 8, Lair:7) a +4,+2 orcish dire flail (-28, 13, Lair:7) 2 potions of degeneration (-47, 30, Lair:7) 14 darts (-9, 40, Lair:7) 21 poisoned needles Level 8 of the Lair of Beasts (0, 0, Lair:8) 15 sling bullets (-31, 11, Lair:8) a wand of random effects (13) (-2, 14, Lair:8) a +0 pair of boots (-1, 20, Lair:8) a +0 scale mail (-29, 22, Lair:8) a +0,+0 dwarven crossbow (2, 22, Lair:8) a +2 scale mail of fire resistance (4, 24, Lair:8) a +1 large shield of protection (3, 25, Lair:8) a scroll of curse weapon (5, 25, Lair:8) 18 stones (6, 25, Lair:8) a +0 orcish robe (3, 27, Lair:8) a lantern of shadows (-31, 30, Lair:8) 7 needles of confusion (-42, 31, Lair:8) a +0,+0 elven falchion (-32, 34, Lair:8) a scroll of noise (-34, 42, Lair:8) a +1,+0 orcish dagger (-18, 42, Lair:8) 13 arrows (-22, 43, Lair:8) 14 sling bullets a scroll of random uselessness (0, 44, Lair:8) a +0 plate armour Level 1 of the Shoals (0, 0, Shoals:1) 17 stones (-3, 4, Shoals:1) a -1,+0 orcish war axe (-33, 9, Shoals:1) a +2,+0 spear (-32, 10, Shoals:1) a +2,+2 spear (unseen) (-47, 12, Shoals:1) a potion of poison (5, 12, Shoals:1) a +0,+0 scimitar (-5, 13, Shoals:1) 17 stones (-4, 13, Shoals:1) 24 poisoned arrows (-25, 20, Shoals:1) a +0,+0 long sword (-1, 39, Shoals:1) a +2,+2 spear (-1, 40, Shoals:1) a +2,+2 spear (-10, 41, Shoals:1) a +2,+1 scimitar of holy wrath (-44, 42, Shoals:1) a +0,+0 spear (-8, 42, Shoals:1) a +2,+2 spear a +2,+2 spear a +0,+0 trident (-7, 45, Shoals:1) a throwing net a +1,+2 trident (-5, 46, Shoals:1) 22 arrows (-7, 48, Shoals:1) a +1,+0 dwarven war axe (-14, 49, Shoals:1) 18 poisoned needles (-14, 50, Shoals:1) 17 arrows Level 2 of the Shoals (0, 0, Shoals:2) a +0,+0 spear (unseen) (1, 8, Shoals:2) 19 stones (-27, 12, Shoals:2) a scroll of random uselessness (-5, 12, Shoals:2) 24 poisoned needles (-11, 17, Shoals:2) 3 needles of confusion (-19, 27, Shoals:2) 2 large rocks (-18, 27, Shoals:2) 2 large rocks (-12, 30, Shoals:2) 8 large rocks (18, 32, Shoals:2) a stone of tremors (-33, 35, Shoals:2) 21 stones (-12, 37, Shoals:2) 16 sling bullets (-21, 39, Shoals:2) a +0 robe a +2,+4 trident of venom (12, 39, Shoals:2) an uncursed ring of flight (-31, 42, Shoals:2) a +0 chain mail (-39, 43, Shoals:2) a +0,+0 dagger (-31, 43, Shoals:2) 2 silver darts (-10, 43, Shoals:2) a potion of paralysis (-31, 44, Shoals:2) a throwing net (-30, 44, Shoals:2) a +0,+0 spear (-23, 44, Shoals:2) a +0,+0 mace (-29, 45, Shoals:2) a throwing net a +0,+0 spear (15, 45, Shoals:2) a +2,+0 dagger (-24, 46, Shoals:2) a +0,+0 trident (unseen) (8, 46, Shoals:2) 22 silver darts (-23, 47, Shoals:2) 12 bolts (-26, 48, Shoals:2) a +2,+2 trident of flaming (unseen) Level 3 of the Shoals (0, 0, Shoals:3) a +1,+4 spear (unseen) (21, 1, Shoals:3) 19 bolts (12, 3, Shoals:3) a +1,+1 dwarven dagger (0, 5, Shoals:3) a +0,+0 bow (still there?) 20 arrows (still there?) (5, 5, Shoals:3) a +1,+4 spear (0, 6, Shoals:3) a +0,+1 spear (8, 6, Shoals:3) 2 arrows (3, 7, Shoals:3) a +0,+0 spear (-5, 8, Shoals:3) a +0 leather armour (unseen) (-1, 11, Shoals:3) 5 stones (43, 19, Shoals:3) a +2,+0 dagger (46, 20, Shoals:3) a +0,+0 hand axe (1, 26, Shoals:3) a +0 golden helmet (19, 26, Shoals:3) a +0,+0 spear (-3, 29, Shoals:3) 29 arrows a +0,+0 bow (31, 36, Shoals:3) a +0,+0 spear (28, 42, Shoals:3) a +0,+0 bow 12 arrows (29, 43, Shoals:3) 2 throwing nets (30, 43, Shoals:3) 2 arrows Level 4 of the Shoals (0, 0, Shoals:4) a potion of poison (-22, 11, Shoals:4) a +0,+0 spear (unseen) (14, 11, Shoals:4) a +0 buckler (-1, 15, Shoals:4) a +0,+0 spear (7, 16, Shoals:4) a +0,+0 spear (14, 16, Shoals:4) a +0,+0 spear a +0,+0 spear a +0,+0 spear 11 javelins a +0 leather armour a +0,+0 spear a +0,+0 spear a +0,+0 spear a +0,+0 spear a +0,+0 spear (25, 17, Shoals:4) 9 darts (27, 17, Shoals:4) a book of the Dragon (28, 17, Shoals:4) a potion of poison (29, 28, Shoals:4) a +1,+1 spear (-3, 29, Shoals:4) a scroll of immolation (13, 30, Shoals:4) a throwing net [frayed] (1, 32, Shoals:4) a +0,+0 spear (31, 32, Shoals:4) 28 darts (13, 35, Shoals:4) a cursed -2,+0 trident (17, 35, Shoals:4) a +0,+0 flail Level 5 of the Shoals (0, 0, Shoals:5) 18 bolts (-13, 1, Shoals:5) a throwing net [frayed] a +0,+0 spear (26, 1, Shoals:5) a +0 robe a +0,+0 trident a +0,+0 glaive (27, 1, Shoals:5) a +0,+1 anti-magic trident (25, 2, Shoals:5) a +1,+6 demon trident of draining a +2,+3 spear of piercing a +2,+3 spear of piercing a +2,+3 spear of piercing a +2,+3 spear of piercing (27, 2, Shoals:5) a +1,+2 halberd of protection (16, 5, Shoals:5) a bottled efreet (-5, 7, Shoals:5) a javelin (-4, 7, Shoals:5) a +1,+1 spear (-5, 8, Shoals:5) a javelin (-5, 9, Shoals:5) 17 javelins a +0 leather armour (-3, 9, Shoals:5) a +1,+2 trident a +3,+2 spear of dragon slaying a +1 leather armour a +0,+2 spear a +3,+2 spear of dragon slaying a throwing net a +0,+0 spear a +1,+1 spear a +1,+2 trident 7 javelins a +0 leather armour a +1,+3 spear of piercing 16 javelins of penetration a +0 leather armour (-5, 10, Shoals:5) 2 javelins (-4, 10, Shoals:5) a +0,+0 trident (-2, 11, Shoals:5) a +3,+5 trident of freezing a +1,+1 spear a +2 robe of positive energy (6, 13, Shoals:5) a +2,+2 trident (-2, 16, Shoals:5) a +1,+1 spear a javelin (-21, 18, Shoals:5) a plain deck of war (-28, 28, Shoals:5) 2 large rocks (3, 28, Shoals:5) a +0,+0 spear a +0,+0 spear a +0,+0 spear a +0,+0 spear (2, 29, Shoals:5) a +0,+0 spear (-2, 30, Shoals:5) a +0,+0 spear (-3, 31, Shoals:5) a +2,+0 trident of piercing a +0 leather armour (18, 31, Shoals:5) a javelin (-27, 32, Shoals:5) a +0 leather armour (-4, 32, Shoals:5) a throwing net (14, 32, Shoals:5) a +3,+1 dagger of returning (15, 32, Shoals:5) a +0,+0 trident (-26, 33, Shoals:5) a large rock (0, 33, Shoals:5) a +0,+0 spear (15, 33, Shoals:5) a +3,+0 spear of dragon slaying 17 javelins a +0 leather armour (3, 34, Shoals:5) a +0,+0 spear (-1, 37, Shoals:5) a +0,+1 orcish dire flail (-14, 43, Shoals:5) a throwing net [frayed] (-15, 46, Shoals:5) 21 stones (-5, 46, Shoals:5) a +1 cloak (-20, 47, Shoals:5) a +0,+0 trident (-9, 47, Shoals:5) a -2 ring of strength (26, 48, Shoals:5) a Young Poisoner's Handbook (-17, 49, Shoals:5) 18 gold pieces (29, 51, Shoals:5) a wand of draining (4) (24, 52, Shoals:5) a +1,+4 sabre of speed a +0 robe (25, 52, Shoals:5) a +0,+0 trident a cursed -3,-1 spear a cursed -3,-1 spear a cursed -3,-1 spear a cursed -3,-1 spear a cursed -3,-1 spear a cursed -3,-1 spear (27, 52, Shoals:5) a cursed -2,-3 sabre a +0 robe (24, 53, Shoals:5) a +2,+2 sabre of venom a +0 robe a +0,+2 sabre of venom a +0 robe (25, 53, Shoals:5) a +2,+4 sabre of venom a +0 robe (27, 53, Shoals:5) a +2,+1 sabre of speed a +0 robe Level 1 of the Spider Nest (0, 0, Spider:1) 22 sling bullets (-31, 1, Spider:1) a +1,+1 great sword (-8, 6, Spider:1) a potion of slowing (-39, 9, Spider:1) 19 exploding darts (-30, 13, Spider:1) 11 stones Level 2 of the Spider Nest (0, 0, Spider:2) a potion of degeneration (-16, 4, Spider:2) a scroll of noise (-12, 7, Spider:2) a +0,+0 whip (0, 7, Spider:2) a +1 dwarven chain mail of magic resistance a +0,+1 dwarven broad axe (2, 8, Spider:2) a cursed +0 chain mail (11, 15, Spider:2) 3 poisoned darts (-15, 17, Spider:2) a +0 ring mail (-8, 23, Spider:2) 24 arrows (11, 40, Spider:2) a +2 orcish leather armour Level 3 of the Spider Nest (0, 0, Spider:3) a +0,+0 elven dagger (-12, 2, Spider:3) a +0 elven leather armour (9, 4, Spider:3) a +0 orcish ring mail (-5, 10, Spider:3) 7 needles of confusion (7, 15, Spider:3) a +2 ring of intelligence (7, 16, Spider:3) 12 poisoned sling bullets (4, 23, Spider:3) 25 bolts (26, 26, Spider:3) a +0 leather armour (-16, 27, Spider:3) a +0 ring mail (16, 31, Spider:3) 15 exploding darts Level 4 of the Spider Nest (0, 0, Spider:4) a +0 scale mail (14, 1, Spider:4) 11 arrows (2, 11, Spider:4) 2 potions of confusion (-18, 13, Spider:4) 5 needles of frenzy (10, 16, Spider:4) a scroll of curse armour (-17, 19, Spider:4) a +0 plate armour (3, 21, Spider:4) 10 sling bullets (-13, 25, Spider:4) 21 darts (5, 25, Spider:4) a scroll of noise (9, 25, Spider:4) a +0,+0 broad axe (10, 31, Spider:4) 2 potions of paralysis (-8, 35, Spider:4) an uncursed ring of see invisible Level 5 of the Spider Nest (0, 0, Spider:5) a wand of frost (15) (32, 1, Spider:5) 25 darts (12, 30, Spider:5) a +0,+0 vampiric whip Level 1 of the Pits of Slime Level 6 of the Pits of Slime (0, 0, Slime:6) a +0,+0 whip (-1, 1, Slime:6) a +1 ring of evasion (0, 1, Slime:6) a +1 wizard hat (1, 1, Slime:6) a +2,+1 spear (8, 1, Slime:6) 8 arrows of frost (-2, 2, Slime:6) 12 darts of frost (-1, 2, Slime:6) the +1,+8 quarterstaff of Ghis Ema {crush, Stlth-} It inflicts extra damage upon your enemies. It makes you much less stealthy. (9, 2, Slime:6) an uncursed ring of see invisible (-3, 3, Slime:6) a +1 pair of boots (6, 3, Slime:6) 2 steel javelins (7, 3, Slime:6) a +5,+6 longbow of frost (8, 3, Slime:6) a cursed -6 ring of protection (9, 3, Slime:6) a +2,+1 war axe of distortion (0, 4, Slime:6) 11 poisoned arrows (7, 4, Slime:6) a potion of slowing (8, 4, Slime:6) an uncursed staff of wizardry (-2, 5, Slime:6) an ornate deck of war (1, 5, Slime:6) a +0,+3 scimitar of slicing (6, 5, Slime:6) a book of Transfigurations (-2, 10, Slime:6) 8 needles of slowing (1, 10, Slime:6) a book of Unlife (6, 10, Slime:6) a +0 pair of dwarven gloves (8, 10, Slime:6) a -1,+0 orcish flail (-3, 11, Slime:6) a scroll of silence (-1, 11, Slime:6) an uncursed ring of protection from cold (0, 11, Slime:6) 19 stones (8, 11, Slime:6) a +5 blowgun (10, 11, Slime:6) 15 steel darts (-2, 12, Slime:6) the +9,+7 falchion of Variability {venom, Contam rF++ Str+3} It poisons the flesh of those it strikes. It affects your strength (+3). It greatly protects you from fire. It causes magical contamination when unequipped. (-1, 12, Slime:6) a +0 helmet of intelligence (0, 12, Slime:6) a +3,+2 glaive of flaming (1, 12, Slime:6) a +0,+0 war axe (6, 12, Slime:6) 7 arrows of frost (7, 12, Slime:6) a +4 scale mail of poison resistance (8, 12, Slime:6) a book of Dreams (9, 12, Slime:6) an uncursed staff of conjuration (0, 13, Slime:6) a potion of poison (7, 13, Slime:6) a +1,+2 great sword (8, 13, Slime:6) a +1,+3 anti-magic halberd (9, 13, Slime:6) 18 stones (0, 14, Slime:6) a cursed +0 ring mail (1, 14, Slime:6) a plain deck of war (6, 14, Slime:6) a +0 scale mail (8, 14, Slime:6) a +0 leather armour (0, 15, Slime:6) a cursed -4 ring of protection (7, 15, Slime:6) 24 stones Level 1 of the Vaults [Shop] Shrarin's Book Boutique a book of Clouds (540 gold) Olgreb's Reference Book on Contamination (519 gold) Spells Type Level Cure Poison Poison 2 Spider Form Transmutation/Poison 3 Alistair's Intoxication Transmutation/Poison 4 Venom Bolt Conjuration/Poison 5 a book of Clouds (540 gold) a book of Power (540 gold) a book of the Sky (780 gold) a tome of Destruction (1686 gold) a book of Wizardry (360 gold) a book of Beasts (660 gold) a book of Air (420 gold) the Grimoire of Earthen Companions (859 gold) Spells Type Level Sandblast Earth 1 Summon Small Mammal Summoning 1 Abjuration Summoning 3 Leda's Liquefaction Hexes/Earth 4 Petrify Transmutation/Earth 4 Shadow Creatures Summoning 5 a book of Frost (420 gold) a book of War Chants (480 gold) a book of Annihilations (1324 gold) [Shop] Pan Alut's Antique Armour Shop a +2 buckler of protection (95 gold) a cursed +0 scale mail (315 gold) the +1 ring mail "Grayj" {Stlth++} (342 gold) It makes you much more stealthy. a +2 pearl dragon armour (5236 gold) the +5 chain mail of the Kangaroo {rPois MR+} (608 gold) It protects you from poison. It affects your resistance to hostile enchantments. a +0 plate armour (874 gold) a +0 chain mail (418 gold) a +3 plate armour of magic resistance (874 gold) a +1 ring mail of magic resistance (152 gold) a +0 chain mail of magic resistance (418 gold) a +2 scale mail of fire resistance (315 gold) a +0 scale mail (315 gold) a +4 scale mail of cold resistance (315 gold) a +0 robe (26 gold) [Shop] Evo Quv's Weapon Shoppe the +8,+10 quarterstaff "Duahol" {elec, +Blink rElec Dex+1} (3076 gold) Occasionally, upon striking a foe, it will discharge some electrical energy and cause terrible harm. It affects your dexterity (+1). It insulates you from electricity. It lets you blink. a +2,+0 sling (54 gold) 24 stones (43 gold) 19 bolts of frost (171 gold) a +0,+2 orcish mace (79 gold) a +0,+1 sling (39 gold) a +0,+0 great sword (108 gold) a +7,+5 quick blade (2179 gold) 15 bolts of flame (135 gold) the +10,+4 hand axe of Descent {freeze, rPois rF+ Dex+3} (2023 gold) It has been specially enchanted to freeze those struck by it, causing extra injury to most foes and up to double damage against particularly susceptible opponents. It can also slow down cold-blooded creatures. It affects your dexterity (+3). It protects you from fire. It protects you from poison. a +0,+0 crossbow (73 gold) 20 stones (36 gold) a +0,+0 giant club (30 gold) a +0,+0 morningstar (72 gold) [Shop] Mualaur's General Store a +0 robe (15 gold) 23 stones (29 gold) a +0,+0 mace (39 gold) a scroll of enchant weapon II (71 gold) an uncursed staff of energy (325 gold) a meat ration (52 gold) a wand of polymorph (7) (117 gold) 2 scrolls of random uselessness (26 gold) a potion of brilliance (32 gold) 6 needles of sleeping (31 gold) a fan of gales (1300 gold) [Shop] Toucen's Food Emporium a slice of pizza (23 gold) a choko (5 gold) a pear (10 gold) a bread ration (52 gold) an apple (10 gold) an apple (10 gold) an apple (10 gold) a pear (10 gold) (0, 2, Vaults:1) a +0,+1 great mace a +1,+1 great mace (4, 3, Vaults:1) a +0 orcish plate armour a -1,+1 orcish war axe (-6, 4, Vaults:1) a +2,+0 elven short sword (-4, 4, Vaults:1) a +0 large shield a +1 dwarven chain mail a +0,+0 flail of protection (-3, 4, Vaults:1) a +0 elven scale mail 5 bolts of flame a +0,+0 crossbow a cursed -3,+0 glaive (-2, 4, Vaults:1) a +0 elven scale mail a +1,+3 elven short sword a +0,+0 elven long sword a +1 robe (4, 4, Vaults:1) a +0 orcish robe a +0,+2 orcish dagger of speed (6, 4, Vaults:1) a +0 orcish robe a +1,+3 orcish dagger (-56, 5, Vaults:1) a +0,+0 giant club a +0,+0 great mace a +0,+0 giant club (-57, 6, Vaults:1) a +0,+0 giant spiked club (-41, 6, Vaults:1) a +0 robe a cursed +0,-1 halberd (-40, 6, Vaults:1) a +0,+0 giant club (5, 6, Vaults:1) a +0,+0 orcish hand axe (-65, 7, Vaults:1) a -1,+0 orcish whip (-37, 7, Vaults:1) a +0,+2 orcish dagger (-12, 7, Vaults:1) a +1 ring mail a +0,+0 crossbow a +0,+0 falchion (-11, 7, Vaults:1) a +3 ring of intelligence (-37, 9, Vaults:1) a +0 orcish chain mail a +2,+2 orcish long sword of holy wrath (-15, 9, Vaults:1) a large rock (-7, 12, Vaults:1) a +1 centaur barding of stealth (-20, 14, Vaults:1) a large rock (-9, 14, Vaults:1) a +1 scale mail of magic resistance (-7, 14, Vaults:1) a +0 elven ring mail (-20, 15, Vaults:1) a large rock (-19, 18, Vaults:1) a cursed -1,-3 giant spiked club (-21, 21, Vaults:1) a +0,+0 giant club (-33, 23, Vaults:1) a +0 robe a -1,+2 orcish dagger a +0,+0 elven long sword (-13, 23, Vaults:1) 17 bolts a +0,+0 long sword a +0,+0 crossbow (-19, 24, Vaults:1) a +0,+0 giant club a +0,+0 giant spiked club (6, 24, Vaults:1) a +0,+0 giant club (-19, 25, Vaults:1) a cursed -1,-1 giant spiked club a +0,+0 giant club (-18, 25, Vaults:1) a cursed -3,+0 giant spiked club (-17, 25, Vaults:1) a bolt (-16, 25, Vaults:1) a bolt (-45, 26, Vaults:1) a +0,+0 elven long sword a +0 elven ring mail (-42, 26, Vaults:1) a throwing net (-35, 26, Vaults:1) 15 bolts a +2,+1 crossbow (-20, 26, Vaults:1) an arrow (-18, 26, Vaults:1) a +0,+0 giant club (-17, 26, Vaults:1) a +0,+0 giant spiked club (-45, 27, Vaults:1) a +1,+1 falchion a +0,+0 crossbow 25 bolts a +0 ring mail (-34, 28, Vaults:1) 23 bolts a +0,+0 crossbow (-25, 28, Vaults:1) 24 arrows a +2,+0 bow (-20, 28, Vaults:1) a bolt a +0,+0 giant club a +0,+0 giant club a +0 robe a +1,+0 spear of returning 2 arrows (-37, 29, Vaults:1) a +0,+0 crossbow 7 bolts (-34, 29, Vaults:1) 10 bolts of flame 18 bolts a +0,+0 crossbow a +0,+0 crossbow (-19, 29, Vaults:1) a +0 plate armour a cursed +0,-2 great mace (-11, 30, Vaults:1) 6 large rocks (-19, 31, Vaults:1) a +1,+1 orcish dagger a +0,+0 orcish falchion (-20, 32, Vaults:1) a +1,+2 halberd a +0,+0 bow 48 arrows a +0 orcish plate armour (-19, 32, Vaults:1) a +0 chain mail a +0,+0 orcish battleaxe a +0,+0 great sword a +0 plate armour a +0,+2 orcish great mace a cursed +0 orcish chain mail (-18, 33, Vaults:1) a +0 chain mail a +0,+0 bow a +0,+0 dire flail of protection a +0,+0 long sword a +0,+0 long sword a cursed +0 chain mail (-17, 34, Vaults:1) a +1 scale mail (-25, 42, Vaults:1) 2 exploding darts (-60, 45, Vaults:1) a +1 dwarven helmet (-47, 47, Vaults:1) 19 sling bullets Level 2 of the Vaults [Shop] Xougu's Food Boutique a bread ration (48 gold) an apple (9 gold) a bread ration (48 gold) a pear (9 gold) a meat ration (48 gold) a beef jerky (21 gold) (0, 0, Vaults:2) a +0,+0 bow (1, 1, Vaults:2) a +0,+0 bow (3, 1, Vaults:2) 17 arrows a +0,+1 bow (4, 2, Vaults:2) 17 arrows a +0,+0 bow (4, 3, Vaults:2) 11 arrows a +1,+1 bow (13, 3, Vaults:2) a +1 dwarven ring mail a +1,+2 long sword (11, 4, Vaults:2) an arrow (3, 5, Vaults:2) 2 arrows (10, 5, Vaults:2) an arrow (11, 5, Vaults:2) 2 arrows (16, 5, Vaults:2) 7 arrows a +2,+2 longbow (18, 5, Vaults:2) a book of Maledictions (16, 6, Vaults:2) 29 arrows a +0,+0 bow (46, 7, Vaults:2) 44 arrows a +0,+0 longbow (15, 11, Vaults:2) a +0,+1 orcish flail (8, 15, Vaults:2) 3 large rocks (46, 16, Vaults:2) a +0,+0 crossbow of flame 18 bolts (10, 17, Vaults:2) a +0 robe a +2,+1 elven dagger of speed (44, 18, Vaults:2) a bolt (58, 18, Vaults:2) 6 large rocks (41, 21, Vaults:2) 3 bolts (9, 22, Vaults:2) a large rock (4, 26, Vaults:2) a +0 scale mail (26, 27, Vaults:2) 22 stones (32, 29, Vaults:2) a scroll of curse jewellery (37, 31, Vaults:2) a +1,+0 flail (58, 34, Vaults:2) a +0,+0 war axe (4, 39, Vaults:2) a +1,+1 crossbow 13 bolts (31, 39, Vaults:2) a +0 elven ring mail (32, 39, Vaults:2) 2 large rocks a +0 ring mail a cursed -1,-3 flail a +1 ring mail 10 bolts a +0,+0 crossbow a +0,+0 morningstar 20 arrows a cursed +2,-2 elven long sword a +2,+0 elven bow a +0,+0 spear (34, 39, Vaults:2) a +0 elven ring mail a +0,+0 dire flail of protection (49, 39, Vaults:2) a cursed +0 ring mail (50, 39, Vaults:2) the cursed -1 chain mail of Untruth {Str-5 Int+4} It affects your strength (-5). It affects your intelligence (+4). It has a curse placed upon it. (30, 40, Vaults:2) a +0,+0 long sword (31, 40, Vaults:2) a large rock a +2,+2 elven sabre a +2 orcish plate armour (31, 41, Vaults:2) a +0 orcish ring mail an arrow a +0,+0 long sword a +0 robe a cursed +0 robe a +1,+0 whip (36, 41, Vaults:2) a +1 cloak (3, 42, Vaults:2) a large rock (30, 42, Vaults:2) a +0 orcish chain mail (5, 44, Vaults:2) a large rock (32, 44, Vaults:2) 13 arrows a +0,+0 elven bow a +0 elven buckler a +0,+0 elven short sword a +0 orcish chain mail a -1,+1 orcish great sword (23, 46, Vaults:2) an arrow an arrow of frost (24, 46, Vaults:2) 2 arrows (30, 46, Vaults:2) a large rock (21, 48, Vaults:2) an arrow (23, 48, Vaults:2) a +0,+0 bow a +1,+3 orcish halberd (-6, 49, Vaults:2) a cursed -2,-3 crossbow 25 bolts (-4, 49, Vaults:2) a bolt (20, 49, Vaults:2) an arrow (22, 49, Vaults:2) a +2,+0 bow of flame a +2,+0 elven scimitar 37 arrows a +0 robe 2 arrows of frost (-4, 50, Vaults:2) 2 bolts (20, 50, Vaults:2) an arrow of frost (19, 52, Vaults:2) 3 arrows of frost (20, 52, Vaults:2) a +0,+0 bow a +2,+0 elven long sword (54, 52, Vaults:2) a +0,+0 dwarven morningstar a +1 dwarven scale mail (-3, 53, Vaults:2) a +4,+1 broad axe of electrocution a +0 chain mail (21, 53, Vaults:2) an arrow of frost 3 arrows (49, 57, Vaults:2) a +0,+0 bow 13 arrows of dispersal (52, 57, Vaults:2) a +0,+0 bow 18 arrows (49, 58, Vaults:2) a +0,+0 bow 13 arrows (51, 58, Vaults:2) a +0,+0 longbow 25 arrows Level 3 of the Vaults (0, 0, Vaults:3) a bolt of frost a +0,+0 longbow a +0,+1 orcish war axe 75 arrows a +1 plate armour (1, 0, Vaults:3) a bolt of frost (-8, 1, Vaults:3) an arrow (-3, 1, Vaults:3) a bolt of frost (4, 1, Vaults:3) a +1 scale mail a +0,+0 long sword 8 bolts of frost a +0,+2 crossbow (-35, 2, Vaults:3) a +0,+0 dwarven mace (8, 2, Vaults:3) a +0 large shield a cursed +0 robe (-51, 3, Vaults:3) a +0,+0 battleaxe a +0 chain mail (4, 3, Vaults:3) 14 bolts a +0,+0 crossbow (0, 4, Vaults:3) a bolt of frost (-2, 5, Vaults:3) a +1 ring mail (-54, 6, Vaults:3) a +0,+0 long sword a +0 orcish chain mail (-53, 6, Vaults:3) a +0 plate armour a +0,+0 bardiche (-38, 6, Vaults:3) a +2,+1 battleaxe a +0 plate armour a +1,+4 demon whip (-53, 8, Vaults:3) a +0 scale mail a +0,+0 orcish great mace (-4, 8, Vaults:3) 16 bolts of flame a +0,+2 crossbow (-2, 9, Vaults:3) 3 arrows (-5, 10, Vaults:3) 13 arrows of flame a +1,+3 bow (-4, 10, Vaults:3) 2 arrows of frost 11 arrows a +0,+0 bow of evasion (-3, 10, Vaults:3) 12 bolts a +0,+0 crossbow (-4, 11, Vaults:3) a +2,+2 bow of flame (-1, 11, Vaults:3) a +0,+0 dagger (-33, 12, Vaults:3) a +2 chain mail a +2,+5 demon trident (-3, 12, Vaults:3) an arrow a bolt (0, 12, Vaults:3) a bolt of flame (-4, 13, Vaults:3) a +0,+0 bow (-3, 13, Vaults:3) an arrow (-1, 13, Vaults:3) an arrow of frost 19 arrows a +0,+0 bow (-4, 14, Vaults:3) a +1,+0 bow (-3, 14, Vaults:3) 2 arrows of frost a +0,+0 bow an arrow (-1, 14, Vaults:3) a bolt (-4, 15, Vaults:3) an arrow a bolt (-2, 15, Vaults:3) 19 bolts a +0,+0 crossbow (1, 15, Vaults:3) a bolt (-16, 16, Vaults:3) a +0 ring mail 22 bolts a +0,+0 crossbow (0, 16, Vaults:3) a +0,+0 crossbow 11 bolts (-2, 18, Vaults:3) a +1 dwarven chain mail a +0,+0 war axe (-3, 19, Vaults:3) 10 bolts a +1,+2 crossbow of flame (-19, 20, Vaults:3) an arrow a bolt (-17, 20, Vaults:3) 2 bolts (-21, 21, Vaults:3) 2 large rocks (-20, 21, Vaults:3) 22 bolts a +0,+0 crossbow (-4, 21, Vaults:3) an arrow of frost (11, 21, Vaults:3) 19 darts of flame (-23, 22, Vaults:3) 10 arrows a +0,+3 demon trident of flaming a +0,+0 bow a +0 fire dragon armour (-21, 22, Vaults:3) a large rock (-25, 23, Vaults:3) an arrow (-5, 23, Vaults:3) a bolt (7, 24, Vaults:3) a +0 leather armour (-24, 25, Vaults:3) 21 arrows a +2,+2 bow a +2,+5 demon trident (-22, 25, Vaults:3) a +0,+0 bow 19 arrows (-17, 25, Vaults:3) a bolt (-57, 27, Vaults:3) 14 stones (-30, 31, Vaults:3) a scroll of immolation (-1, 31, Vaults:3) a +0 ring mail a +0,+0 dwarven crossbow 16 bolts a cursed -2,+0 falchion (14, 32, Vaults:3) 22 arrows (-51, 40, Vaults:3) a +2,+0 dire flail of protection a +0 plate armour (-40, 40, Vaults:3) a -1,+0 orcish whip (3, 40, Vaults:3) a cursed -3,-1 crossbow 6 silver bolts (-40, 41, Vaults:3) a +0 orcish chain mail a +1,+0 orcish great sword (-39, 41, Vaults:3) a +0 orcish plate armour a -1,+0 orcish halberd (-37, 41, Vaults:3) a +0 orcish chain mail a +0,+3 orcish halberd (-40, 42, Vaults:3) a +0 orcish plate armour a +2,+3 orcish great mace (-38, 42, Vaults:3) a cursed -2,-3 giant spiked club (4, 43, Vaults:3) 19 stones (-13, 46, Vaults:3) a +0,+0 great sword of flaming (11, 48, Vaults:3) a +4 ring of strength (-32, 49, Vaults:3) a +0,+0 great mace a cursed +0,+0 great mace (-16, 49, Vaults:3) 24 bolts a +0,+0 crossbow (-33, 51, Vaults:3) a +2,+2 anti-magic battleaxe (-20, 52, Vaults:3) 6 arrows of dispersal (7, 53, Vaults:3) a scroll of noise (7, 54, Vaults:3) a potion of curing (7, 55, Vaults:3) 30 gold pieces (-25, 56, Vaults:3) an arrow (-19, 60, Vaults:3) a +1,+1 bow 21 arrows Level 4 of the Vaults (0, 0, Vaults:4) 2 needles of sleeping (20, 2, Vaults:4) a bolt (21, 2, Vaults:4) a +2,+2 crossbow 16 bolts (-21, 5, Vaults:4) a +0,+0 sling (-14, 6, Vaults:4) an uncursed ring of poison resistance (-31, 7, Vaults:4) a +0,+0 crossbow (21, 11, Vaults:4) a +0,+0 flail (23, 11, Vaults:4) a +0,+3 orcish short sword a +0 orcish chain mail (18, 12, Vaults:4) 12 stones (2, 13, Vaults:4) a +0,+0 crossbow a +0,+0 long sword a +0 ring mail 20 poisoned bolts (28, 14, Vaults:4) a -1,+0 orcish great sword a +0 orcish plate armour (-28, 15, Vaults:4) a +0,+0 orcish club a -1,+0 orcish dagger a +0,+1 orcish spear a +0,+1 orcish spear a +0,+1 orcish spear (-26, 16, Vaults:4) a +1,+0 orcish whip of venom a +0,+1 orcish spear (24, 16, Vaults:4) a +0,+0 war axe a +1,+1 crossbow of frost 23 bolts a +0 elven ring mail (-32, 17, Vaults:4) a +0,+0 giant club (-27, 17, Vaults:4) a +0,+0 giant spiked club a +3,+2 great mace of protection a crystal ball of energy (-26, 17, Vaults:4) a +0,+0 giant spiked club (-32, 18, Vaults:4) a +0,+0 club a +1 robe (-28, 18, Vaults:4) a +0,+1 orcish flail (-36, 19, Vaults:4) a +0,+0 war axe (-28, 19, Vaults:4) a +0,+0 giant club (-27, 19, Vaults:4) a +0,+0 giant club (-26, 19, Vaults:4) a +1,+1 orcish scimitar a +0 orcish scale mail (-25, 19, Vaults:4) a +0,+0 great mace of protection a cursed +0 dwarven chain mail (-24, 20, Vaults:4) a +1,+1 elven scimitar of electrocution a +2 elven buckler (22, 20, Vaults:4) a +1,+0 sabre (-36, 24, Vaults:4) 16 sling bullets (-6, 24, Vaults:4) a +0 cloak (33, 25, Vaults:4) a -1,+1 orcish club a +0,+0 crossbow 20 bolts a +0 robe (-23, 27, Vaults:4) an arrow (-22, 27, Vaults:4) an arrow (-35, 29, Vaults:4) an arrow (-24, 29, Vaults:4) a +1,+0 elven short sword (-23, 29, Vaults:4) a +3,+1 elven sabre (-22, 30, Vaults:4) an arrow (13, 30, Vaults:4) a -1,+0 orcish whip (21, 30, Vaults:4) a +0,+0 crossbow 9 bolts of flame (26, 30, Vaults:4) an arrow (-23, 31, Vaults:4) a +2,+0 elven bow 8 bolts (20, 31, Vaults:4) a cursed +0,+0 bow a +2,+0 great sword 34 arrows a +2 elven chain mail of cold resistance (22, 31, Vaults:4) a +0,+3 crossbow 15 bolts (25, 31, Vaults:4) an arrow (-21, 32, Vaults:4) 24 bolts a cursed -1,-3 crossbow (22, 32, Vaults:4) a +0,+2 crossbow 22 bolts (-34, 33, Vaults:4) a +0,+0 giant club (-37, 34, Vaults:4) a +0,+0 giant club a +0,+0 giant club (-22, 34, Vaults:4) a +0,+0 elven scimitar a +0 large shield 15 bolts (-21, 34, Vaults:4) a +1,+0 elven long sword a +1 elven leather armour a +0 elven buckler a +0,+0 elven scimitar 17 arrows (-35, 35, Vaults:4) a +0,+0 giant club a +0,+0 giant club (-34, 35, Vaults:4) a +0,+0 giant club (-21, 35, Vaults:4) a +0 elven buckler a +1,+1 elven long sword (-20, 35, Vaults:4) a +0 elven ring mail a +1,+0 elven short sword a +0 elven buckler a +0,+0 elven short sword a cursed +0,+0 elven long sword (-35, 36, Vaults:4) a +0,+0 giant spiked club a +0,+0 giant club (-34, 36, Vaults:4) a +0 robe a cursed +0,-3 club (-21, 36, Vaults:4) a large rock (-19, 36, Vaults:4) a +4,+0 elven sabre of electrocution (26, 36, Vaults:4) a +0,+0 giant club (-36, 37, Vaults:4) a +0 scale mail a +0,+3 elven long sword (-35, 37, Vaults:4) 23 arrows a +0,+0 longbow (-24, 38, Vaults:4) a large rock (-21, 38, Vaults:4) 2 large rocks (-19, 38, Vaults:4) 16 bolts (-15, 38, Vaults:4) a +2 elven leather armour a +0,+0 battleaxe of freezing (-14, 38, Vaults:4) a +1 dwarven plate armour a +1,+0 crossbow a +0,+0 dire flail a +0 elven scale mail a +1,+1 flail of protection a +0,+0 crossbow (20, 38, Vaults:4) a +0,+0 giant club (21, 38, Vaults:4) a +0,+0 flail (24, 38, Vaults:4) a +0,+0 bow (25, 38, Vaults:4) a +0,+0 bow 13 arrows (26, 38, Vaults:4) a +0,+0 giant club a +0,+0 giant spiked club a +0,+0 giant spiked club a +0,+0 giant club a +0,+0 giant club a +1,+3 bow of flame 29 arrows (27, 38, Vaults:4) a +0,+0 bow 24 arrows (-9, 39, Vaults:4) a +1,+0 elven short sword (27, 39, Vaults:4) a cursed +0,+0 bow 34 arrows (25, 40, Vaults:4) a +0,+0 bow 9 arrows of flame (27, 40, Vaults:4) 2 arrows (-1, 43, Vaults:4) 22 arrows (30, 43, Vaults:4) an arrow (30, 44, Vaults:4) an arrow (19, 48, Vaults:4) a +0,+0 war axe a +0 ring mail (9, 52, Vaults:4) a +0,+2 dwarven flail (-37, 53, Vaults:4) 3 large rocks a +0,+0 crossbow a +1,+0 dwarven war axe a +0 dwarven scale mail 11 bolts of flame (3, 53, Vaults:4) a +0,+1 mace a +0 chain mail a +0 large shield (-4, 56, Vaults:4) a +0,+0 halberd (-41, 57, Vaults:4) 2 large rocks (-7, 61, Vaults:4) a +0,+0 short sword (25, 63, Vaults:4) a +0 scale mail a +0,+0 elven long sword 9 bolts a +0,+0 crossbow a crystal ball of energy (28, 65, Vaults:4) a bolt Level 5 of the Vaults (0, 0, Vaults:5) a large rock (-1, 1, Vaults:5) 2 large rocks (-21, 2, Vaults:5) a wand of cold (6) (-15, 4, Vaults:5) a +0,+0 crossbow 14 bolts an uncursed amulet of conservation (4, 4, Vaults:5) 15 sling bullets of flame (-35, 6, Vaults:5) a +0,+0 battleaxe a +1 plate armour (15, 6, Vaults:5) a +0,+0 orcish mace a +0 ring mail (-28, 7, Vaults:5) 15 arrows of frost (-26, 7, Vaults:5) a +0 cloak (-25, 7, Vaults:5) a +2 pair of boots (-16, 7, Vaults:5) a bolt (-15, 7, Vaults:5) a bolt (5, 7, Vaults:5) a +3,+4 flail of protection (-15, 8, Vaults:5) a bolt (6, 8, Vaults:5) a wand of cold (8) (-31, 9, Vaults:5) 6 stones (-26, 9, Vaults:5) a +1 plate armour (-21, 9, Vaults:5) a +0 orcish scale mail of poison resistance (-14, 9, Vaults:5) a cursed -3,+1 orcish long sword a +1,+1 longbow 18 arrows (3, 9, Vaults:5) a potion of slowing (7, 9, Vaults:5) a wand of random effects (12) (-33, 10, Vaults:5) a cursed -3,-2 long sword a +0 scale mail a +2 buckler of positive energy a box of beasts (-30, 10, Vaults:5) a +0,+0 orcish war axe (-29, 10, Vaults:5) a +3,+5 whip of reaching (-22, 10, Vaults:5) a wand of digging (13) (-15, 10, Vaults:5) a +0,+0 dire flail of protection a +0 chain mail (2, 10, Vaults:5) a +0 plate armour of cold resistance (4, 10, Vaults:5) an uncursed ring of ice (5, 10, Vaults:5) a book of Dreams 13 bolts of frost (7, 10, Vaults:5) a +0,+0 dire flail a +0 scale mail a wand of flame (7) 17 arrows of frost (8, 10, Vaults:5) a +0,+0 great mace a +0,+0 great mace (-31, 11, Vaults:5) 7 poisoned darts (-30, 11, Vaults:5) a cursed +0 plate armour (-26, 11, Vaults:5) the +8,+0 quarterstaff of the Vulture {vamp, +Blink +Rage rElec rC++ Dex-5 Int+1} It inflicts no extra harm, but heals its wielder somewhat when it strikes a living foe. It affects your intelligence (+1). It affects your dexterity (-5). It greatly protects you from cold. It insulates you from electricity. It lets you blink. It lets you go berserk. (7, 11, Vaults:5) 5 needles of paralysis (9, 11, Vaults:5) 4 large rocks (-26, 12, Vaults:5) 13 silver bolts (4, 12, Vaults:5) a wand of digging (15) (5, 12, Vaults:5) a +0 dwarven ring mail (6, 12, Vaults:5) a +0,+0 war axe (9, 12, Vaults:5) a +3,+1 crossbow of evasion 16 bolts 3 large rocks (-28, 13, Vaults:5) a +0,+0 elven trident (-25, 13, Vaults:5) 19 exploding darts (-16, 13, Vaults:5) 2 large rocks (5, 13, Vaults:5) a +0,+3 great mace of protection a +1,+2 dire flail of crushing (8, 14, Vaults:5) a bolt (-14, 15, Vaults:5) 2 large rocks (-17, 16, Vaults:5) a +3,+0 battleaxe of chopping an uncursed ring of protection from magic a +3 chain mail of fire resistance 24 stones (14, 18, Vaults:5) a +0,+0 great sword of flaming (-29, 19, Vaults:5) a +1,+1 dwarven war axe of freezing a cursed +0,+0 dwarven crossbow 18 bolts a +0 scale mail a wand of polymorph (14) a cursed ring of teleportation (-14, 19, Vaults:5) a large rock (-15, 20, Vaults:5) a +2,+1 dagger of pain (-14, 21, Vaults:5) a steel bolt 8 large rocks (-13, 21, Vaults:5) a large rock (-28, 22, Vaults:5) a bolt (-27, 22, Vaults:5) a +1,+2 crossbow of frost a +1,+1 dwarven dire flail 9 bolts (-25, 22, Vaults:5) a bolt (-24, 22, Vaults:5) a bolt (-18, 22, Vaults:5) a bolt (-17, 22, Vaults:5) a large rock a cursed -3,+1 orcish long sword a +0 plate armour a +0 shield (-16, 22, Vaults:5) 8 large rocks a +0 large shield a +0 plate armour (-14, 22, Vaults:5) a large rock (-13, 22, Vaults:5) a stone (-34, 23, Vaults:5) a bolt (-31, 23, Vaults:5) a +0,+0 crossbow 16 bolts (-29, 23, Vaults:5) a bolt (-24, 23, Vaults:5) a bolt (-23, 23, Vaults:5) 29 bolts a +0,+0 great mace a +0,+0 crossbow a +1,+4 crossbow (-18, 23, Vaults:5) a +3,+0 dwarven battleaxe a +0 plate armour a +0 elven ring mail a +0,+0 flail (-17, 23, Vaults:5) a large rock a steel bolt (-16, 23, Vaults:5) a large rock 12 steel bolts a +0,+0 crossbow (-13, 23, Vaults:5) a large rock a +1 large shield a +2 dwarven plate armour a +2,+1 mace of holy wrath (-31, 24, Vaults:5) a cursed -3,-2 crossbow 16 bolts (-28, 24, Vaults:5) a bolt (-24, 24, Vaults:5) 25 bolts a +3,+0 dwarven battleaxe a +0,+0 crossbow (-23, 24, Vaults:5) a large rock (-19, 24, Vaults:5) a +2 plate armour a +0,+0 battleaxe (-18, 24, Vaults:5) a +0,+0 war axe a cursed +0 chain mail (-16, 24, Vaults:5) a +0 chain mail a +0 scale mail a +1,+0 elven long sword (-15, 24, Vaults:5) a +0,+0 crossbow a +0 ring mail 3 bolts a +2,+1 falchion (-14, 24, Vaults:5) a large rock (-13, 24, Vaults:5) 4 large rocks (18, 24, Vaults:5) a -1,+0 orcish great sword of electrocution a +0 orcish chain mail (19, 24, Vaults:5) a +0,+2 orcish trident (20, 24, Vaults:5) a +1,+2 orcish short sword of speed a +0 orcish ring mail a +2,+4 orcish whip a +0 orcish plate armour (-31, 25, Vaults:5) a +2,+0 orcish short sword (-29, 25, Vaults:5) a +0,+0 crossbow a -1,+1 orcish halberd 10 bolts a +1 orcish chain mail (-28, 25, Vaults:5) a +1,+1 orcish war axe a cursed +0 orcish chain mail (-26, 25, Vaults:5) a +1,+1 great sword 2 bolts a +2,+2 orcish dagger a +1 orcish ring mail (-25, 25, Vaults:5) a bolt (-24, 25, Vaults:5) 25 bolts a cursed +0,+0 great mace a +3,+2 crossbow a cursed -3,-1 great mace a +0 plate armour (-23, 25, Vaults:5) 13 bolts a +1,+0 crossbow of velocity a +0,+0 great sword a +0,+0 dire flail a +0 orcish plate armour (-21, 25, Vaults:5) 2 large rocks a cursed -1,+0 great sword a +0 plate armour of fire resistance (-19, 25, Vaults:5) a bolt a +0 plate armour a +3,+0 dwarven battleaxe (-18, 25, Vaults:5) a large rock (-17, 25, Vaults:5) a +0 plate armour a +0 chain mail a +0,+1 orcish battleaxe a +0,+0 halberd a +0,+0 long sword a +0 chain mail a +0 shield (-16, 25, Vaults:5) a +1,+1 dire flail of crushing a +0 plate armour a +0,+1 dwarven war axe a +0 plate armour a +0 plate armour a +1,+0 dwarven battleaxe (-15, 25, Vaults:5) a +2 orcish ring mail a +0,+0 flail a +0 chain mail a +0,+0 long sword a +0 orcish plate armour (-14, 25, Vaults:5) an uncursed staff of cold a +0 plate armour a +0 shield a +0 chain mail a +0,+0 long sword a +0 shield a +0,+0 elven long sword a +0 orcish chain mail (-12, 25, Vaults:5) a +0 plate armour (-14, 26, Vaults:5) a +5,+0 elven short sword a +1 large shield a +0 plate armour 2 large rocks (-13, 26, Vaults:5) a cursed +0 shield a +0 chain mail (-22, 27, Vaults:5) a +0,+0 crossbow a +0,+0 great mace 16 bolts of frost (-15, 27, Vaults:5) a large rock (-14, 27, Vaults:5) a +1 dwarven chain mail (-15, 28, Vaults:5) a +0,+0 battleaxe a +0,+0 long sword (-3, 28, Vaults:5) a +2,+1 dagger (2, 31, Vaults:5) 2 large rocks (4, 31, Vaults:5) 2 large rocks (-29, 32, Vaults:5) 3 large rocks (-31, 33, Vaults:5) a large rock (-18, 33, Vaults:5) a +0 chain mail (-3, 34, Vaults:5) a wand of cold (11) a scroll of enchant weapon III a scroll of enchant weapon II a +0,+0 great sword a +1 dwarven plate armour (-3, 35, Vaults:5) a large rock (-19, 36, Vaults:5) a +3,+1 crossbow a +0,+0 great mace 19 poisoned bolts (4, 36, Vaults:5) 6 needles of sleeping (7, 36, Vaults:5) a +0 helmet (-36, 37, Vaults:5) a +1,+1 great sword a +0,+0 crossbow 22 bolts a +1 ring of intelligence (2, 37, Vaults:5) a scroll of noise (6, 37, Vaults:5) a +2,+1 war axe of chopping a wand of draining (4) a +2,+0 morningstar (8, 37, Vaults:5) a scroll of silence (3, 38, Vaults:5) a cursed -1,-2 orcish short sword (6, 38, Vaults:5) a scroll of curse weapon (-36, 40, Vaults:5) a +0,+0 battleaxe a +1,+2 crossbow 20 bolts a wand of disintegration (3) (-18, 41, Vaults:5) a poisoned bolt (7, 41, Vaults:5) a +0 chain mail (19, 42, Vaults:5) a bolt (-7, 43, Vaults:5) a +0 blowgun (-4, 43, Vaults:5) a +0,+0 great mace a +0,+0 great mace (19, 43, Vaults:5) a bolt (-38, 45, Vaults:5) a scroll of random uselessness (-36, 45, Vaults:5) 13 exploding darts (-38, 46, Vaults:5) 3 curare-tipped needles (-36, 46, Vaults:5) a scroll of curse armour (-34, 47, Vaults:5) a +1,+5 flail of protection (17, 49, Vaults:5) 19 bolts a +0,+0 crossbow (18, 49, Vaults:5) 24 bolts a +0,+0 crossbow (18, 50, Vaults:5) 7 bolts of penetration a +1,+2 crossbow Level 1 of the Crypt (0, 0, Crypt:1) 12 darts (6, 0, Crypt:1) a +0 plate armour a +2,+4 great sword a potion of blood (16, 2, Crypt:1) a +2,+0 great mace a +0 elven chain mail (13, 3, Crypt:1) a +0,+0 flail (0, 11, Crypt:1) 14 exploding darts (-20, 12, Crypt:1) a +0 cap (-10, 12, Crypt:1) a potion of confusion (43, 17, Crypt:1) a +1 orcish plate armour (10, 18, Crypt:1) a +0 orcish robe a +0,+0 dagger (-13, 24, Crypt:1) a +0,+0 flail a +0,+0 trident (-14, 25, Crypt:1) a +1,+0 battleaxe of chopping a +0 chain mail (7, 26, Crypt:1) a +0 plate armour a +2,+0 dwarven war axe (8, 28, Crypt:1) a scroll of noise (38, 28, Crypt:1) a +0,+0 short sword (38, 29, Crypt:1) a +0,+0 orcish glaive a +2 plate armour a +1,+3 great mace of draining (13, 37, Crypt:1) a +0 plate armour a +1,+2 war axe a potion of blood (3, 41, Crypt:1) a +2,+2 trident (6, 42, Crypt:1) a wand of paralysis (2) a +0 robe a +3,+3 spear a +1 dwarven chain mail (7, 43, Crypt:1) a +0 robe a +0,+1 dwarven flail (-10, 44, Crypt:1) a +0,+2 great mace a +0 robe (-9, 44, Crypt:1) a +0,+0 battleaxe a +0,+0 scimitar (-9, 45, Crypt:1) a +0,+0 great mace a +2,+1 halberd of freezing 18 steel darts (-8, 46, Crypt:1) a +0,+0 halberd (7, 46, Crypt:1) a +0 robe a +0,+0 great sword (8, 46, Crypt:1) a +0 robe a +1,+3 hand axe a +0,+1 dwarven battleaxe (-8, 47, Crypt:1) a cursed -1,-1 scimitar (-11, 48, Crypt:1) a +0,+0 trident (-6, 53, Crypt:1) a potion of blood (11, 56, Crypt:1) 4 curare-tipped needles Level 2 of the Crypt (0, 0, Crypt:2) a scroll of vulnerability (-16, 9, Crypt:2) 18 bolts (-45, 13, Crypt:2) a +0,+0 morningstar (-6, 18, Crypt:2) 17 arrows (-7, 19, Crypt:2) a +1 dwarven chain mail (-27, 28, Crypt:2) a +0 orcish shield (12, 29, Crypt:2) a +1 dwarven plate armour (unseen) (-18, 31, Crypt:2) a +0 robe (-19, 35, Crypt:2) a +0 robe a +0,+0 dagger (-37, 40, Crypt:2) a +0 chain mail a +3,+0 battleaxe of freezing (0, 40, Crypt:2) 27 bolts Level 3 of the Crypt (4, 6, Crypt:3) a +1 dwarven plate armour (still there?) a +3,+1 great mace (still there?) (55, 26, Crypt:3) a +0,+2 great mace a +0 chain mail (-5, 30, Crypt:3) a potion of degeneration (33, 31, Crypt:3) a +0,+1 dwarven long sword a +0 plate armour (50, 32, Crypt:3) a +2,+0 elven short sword (51, 33, Crypt:3) a +0 robe (32, 34, Crypt:3) a +2 robe (31, 36, Crypt:3) 19 stones (unseen) (30, 37, Crypt:3) a stone (17, 38, Crypt:3) a +1,+0 mace (55, 39, Crypt:3) 17 poisoned needles (14, 42, Crypt:3) a +0,+0 flail (18, 42, Crypt:3) a +0,+0 long sword (26, 42, Crypt:3) a stone (49, 42, Crypt:3) a wand of enslavement (19) (15, 43, Crypt:3) a +0 plate armour a +0,+0 great mace of draining (19, 43, Crypt:3) a +2,+3 halberd (22, 43, Crypt:3) a +0 plate armour a +1,+3 great sword (31, 43, Crypt:3) a +0,+0 trident (8, 44, Crypt:3) a +0 plate armour a +0,+0 great sword (18, 44, Crypt:3) a +1,+1 trident (32, 44, Crypt:3) a +1,+2 orcish mace (33, 55, Crypt:3) a +0,+2 glaive Level 4 of the Crypt (0, 0, Crypt:4) a +0 chain mail a +0,+3 orcish great sword a potion of blood (-11, 1, Crypt:4) a wand of magic darts (9) (-4, 1, Crypt:4) a +0 robe (unseen) (-2, 5, Crypt:4) a +1,+1 scythe of venom (50, 7, Crypt:4) 22 arrows (-5, 11, Crypt:4) 26 stones (33, 13, Crypt:4) a +0 orcish chain mail a +1,+1 great mace of draining (27, 15, Crypt:4) a +0 orcish robe a +0,+1 orcish dagger (26, 16, Crypt:4) a +0 orcish robe a +0,+0 orcish dagger (27, 16, Crypt:4) a +3 orcish chain mail a -1,+0 orcish halberd (29, 16, Crypt:4) a +0 orcish scale mail a -1,+0 orcish dagger (31, 16, Crypt:4) a -1,+1 orcish short sword a +0 orcish chain mail (-8, 18, Crypt:4) a cursed +0 dwarven ring mail (30, 19, Crypt:4) a +0 orcish ring mail a +0,+1 orcish club (31, 19, Crypt:4) a +0 orcish plate armour a -1,+0 orcish hand axe (28, 20, Crypt:4) a +0 robe a +0 orcish plate armour a +1,+2 orcish war axe of venom (4, 21, Crypt:4) 3 large rocks (29, 21, Crypt:4) a +0,+0 orcish falchion (28, 22, Crypt:4) a -1,+0 orcish club (26, 24, Crypt:4) a +1 robe of fire resistance a +0,+0 quarterstaff of crushing (-3, 25, Crypt:4) 22 bolts (44, 26, Crypt:4) a +2 dwarven chain mail a +4,+4 great sword (46, 26, Crypt:4) a +2,+1 glaive (45, 27, Crypt:4) a +2,+1 flail (14, 28, Crypt:4) a +0,+1 demon blade of flaming (26, 28, Crypt:4) a +0 leather armour Level 5 of the Crypt (0, 0, Crypt:5) a +0,+0 great mace (unseen) (3, 0, Crypt:5) a +0,+0 war axe (unseen) (10, 0, Crypt:5) a +0,+0 hand axe (unseen) (17, 0, Crypt:5) a wand of digging (10) an uncursed amulet of guardian spirit a cursed ring of protection from magic (1, 2, Crypt:5) a +0,+0 halberd (-2, 4, Crypt:5) a +2,+0 war axe (2, 5, Crypt:5) a +0,+0 short sword (-34, 6, Crypt:5) a +0,+0 glaive a dart (-12, 6, Crypt:5) a +0,+0 mace (-10, 6, Crypt:5) a -1,+1 orcish war axe (-6, 6, Crypt:5) a +0,+0 spear (16, 6, Crypt:5) a +1,+0 mace a +2,+1 spear of dragon slaying 13 stones a lamp of fire (-13, 7, Crypt:5) a +0,+0 elven short sword (-13, 8, Crypt:5) a +1,+0 elven short sword (-29, 9, Crypt:5) a cursed -3,-1 orcish mace (-31, 10, Crypt:5) a +0,+2 great mace (-27, 11, Crypt:5) a +0,+2 scimitar a wand of paralysis (20) (-19, 11, Crypt:5) a +2,+3 dwarven flail (unseen) (3, 11, Crypt:5) an uncursed staff of wizardry (23, 11, Crypt:5) a +0,+0 great mace a +2,+1 spear of dragon slaying a +1 elven chain mail of fire resistance a cursed ring of protection from magic (5, 13, Crypt:5) a +0,+0 short sword (19, 15, Crypt:5) 3 bolts (-26, 16, Crypt:5) a +1,+2 short sword of venom (16, 16, Crypt:5) a +0,+0 orcish mace (-23, 17, Crypt:5) a +0,+0 trident (-20, 17, Crypt:5) a +0,+0 hand axe (-26, 19, Crypt:5) a +5,+3 scythe of slicing (4, 25, Crypt:5) 5 arrows (5, 25, Crypt:5) a +0,+0 elven long sword (26, 25, Crypt:5) a +0,+0 dwarven war axe (20, 26, Crypt:5) a +0,+1 long sword of protection a +3,+0 battleaxe of chopping a +0,+0 spear a +1 dwarven plate armour a +0,+0 flail (-19, 27, Crypt:5) a +1,+0 dwarven morningstar (3, 27, Crypt:5) a +1,+1 short sword (20, 28, Crypt:5) a +3,+1 battleaxe of draining a +0 plate armour (-30, 29, Crypt:5) a +0,+0 hand axe (-20, 29, Crypt:5) a +0,+1 glaive a +4 ring mail of fire resistance a +1 dwarven chain mail a +0,+0 broad axe (-9, 29, Crypt:5) 5 poisoned needles (-8, 29, Crypt:5) 4 bolts (-30, 30, Crypt:5) a +0,+0 dagger a +0 robe (-20, 30, Crypt:5) a +0,+0 spear (-6, 31, Crypt:5) 5 arrows (28, 31, Crypt:5) a +2,+1 scimitar of holy wrath (-20, 33, Crypt:5) a +0,+2 great mace a +1 plate armour a wand of paralysis (17) (-3, 33, Crypt:5) a +0,+0 mace 11 darts of frost (9, 36, Crypt:5) a +1,+3 great sword of freezing (0, 37, Crypt:5) a +1,+1 elven long sword of pain a +2 elven chain mail (28, 37, Crypt:5) a +3,+3 dwarven flail (-20, 40, Crypt:5) a +0,+0 spear (28, 40, Crypt:5) a +0,+0 broad axe (15, 42, Crypt:5) a scroll of curse armour (5, 43, Crypt:5) a +0,+0 spear (28, 43, Crypt:5) a +0,+0 broad axe (6, 44, Crypt:5) a +0,+0 trident (5, 45, Crypt:5) a +0,+0 mace of draining a +0 plate armour (-21, 47, Crypt:5) a potion of confusion (22, 47, Crypt:5) a +0,+0 orcish scimitar (4, 48, Crypt:5) a +2,+1 glaive of freezing (4, 49, Crypt:5) a +0,+1 orcish long sword (15, 49, Crypt:5) a +0,+0 elven short sword (28, 49, Crypt:5) a +0,+0 mace (9, 50, Crypt:5) a +2,+2 scimitar (unseen) (2, 51, Crypt:5) a bolt (5, 52, Crypt:5) a cursed -1,+0 elven long sword a +0 elven leather armour (33, 52, Crypt:5) a +0,+0 trident (4, 53, Crypt:5) a cursed -1,+0 mace a +0,+0 spear a throwing net (-13, 55, Crypt:5) a +0,+0 long sword Level 1 of the Tomb of the Ancients (5, 26, Tomb:1) 11 stones (7, 28, Tomb:1) a sack of spiders (31, 29, Tomb:1) a bolt (34, 29, Tomb:1) an arrow (30, 34, Tomb:1) a +0,+0 spear (7, 43, Tomb:1) 4 large rocks (6, 51, Tomb:1) a book of Envenomations (10, 52, Tomb:1) a +0 chain mail Level 2 of the Tomb of the Ancients (0, 0, Tomb:2) a +0 animal skin 4 bolts (8, 0, Tomb:2) 2 bolts (11, 0, Tomb:2) 22 bolts (25, 0, Tomb:2) a +0 helmet (16, 1, Tomb:2) a +0,+0 great sword (17, 1, Tomb:2) a bolt (17, 2, Tomb:2) a bolt (23, 2, Tomb:2) a bolt (21, 3, Tomb:2) 21 sling bullets (6, 6, Tomb:2) a +2 leather armour (0, 8, Tomb:2) a wand of enslavement (10) (21, 11, Tomb:2) a bolt (2, 12, Tomb:2) a +0 plate armour (19, 13, Tomb:2) a +0 elven robe (11, 15, Tomb:2) a +2 robe of positive energy (-8, 19, Tomb:2) a bolt (-2, 24, Tomb:2) 9 steel sling bullets (23, 24, Tomb:2) a dart of frost (-4, 26, Tomb:2) a +0,+0 spear (9, 26, Tomb:2) a +0,+0 spear (22, 26, Tomb:2) 2 bolts (23, 26, Tomb:2) 2 bolts (24, 26, Tomb:2) a plain deck of war (16, 28, Tomb:2) 11 stones (23, 28, Tomb:2) a bolt (6, 29, Tomb:2) 4 darts of flame (18, 29, Tomb:2) 11 arrows (23, 29, Tomb:2) a +0,+0 spear (18, 31, Tomb:2) the +6,+5 glaive of Urgency {distort, MR++ Dex+4 SInv} It warps and distorts space around it. Unwielding it can cause banishment or high damage. It affects your dexterity (+4). It affects your resistance to hostile enchantments. It enhances your eyesight. (21, 31, Tomb:2) a stone (22, 31, Tomb:2) 11 darts of frost (1, 32, Tomb:2) a +0,+0 spear a +1,+1 great mace (12, 33, Tomb:2) a scroll of random uselessness (0, 35, Tomb:2) 2 bolts (4, 35, Tomb:2) a bolt (20, 35, Tomb:2) 23 stones (21, 36, Tomb:2) a +0,+0 spear (23, 36, Tomb:2) a +0 plate armour Level 3 of the Tomb of the Ancients (0, 0, Tomb:3) a +0,+1 orcish flail (12, 1, Tomb:3) a scroll of immolation (1, 8, Tomb:3) a potion of berserk rage (7, 8, Tomb:3) a stone (8, 9, Tomb:3) a book of Conjurations (5, 10, Tomb:3) a cursed +0,+0 flail (23, 11, Tomb:3) the ring of the Exiled Lies {+Blink rC+ MR++ Str+1} [ring of protection from cold] It affects your strength (+1). It affects your resistance to hostile enchantments. It lets you blink. (-6, 12, Tomb:3) 24 arrows (-1, 13, Tomb:3) a scroll of silence (18, 13, Tomb:3) a dart (24, 13, Tomb:3) 15 bolts of frost (-9, 14, Tomb:3) a scroll of vulnerability (10, 14, Tomb:3) a +0 scale mail (-9, 15, Tomb:3) a +2,+2 long sword of holy wrath (20, 16, Tomb:3) a wand of random effects (6) (24, 16, Tomb:3) the +0 ring mail "Hytonaipp" {+Fly Curse} It lets you fly. It may recurse itself. (-11, 17, Tomb:3) the +5,+9 crossbow of the Blind Eye {frost, SInv} It turns projectiles fired from it into bolts of frost. It enhances your eyesight. (-10, 17, Tomb:3) a potion of brilliance a +1,+2 spear of dragon slaying (-7, 17, Tomb:3) 20 arrows of flame (-11, 18, Tomb:3) a +1,+2 dagger of speed (-10, 18, Tomb:3) the +2,+10 longbow "Piercer" {velocity, EV-2} Any arrow fired from it inflicts extra damage. It affects your evasion (-2). (-9, 18, Tomb:3) a +6,+0 elven bow of flame (-8, 18, Tomb:3) a +2,+4 executioner's axe of freezing (-7, 18, Tomb:3) Azrael's Volume of Battle Magic and Heat Spells Type Level Throw Frost Conjuration/Ice 2 Throw Flame Conjuration/Fire 2 Stone Arrow Conjuration/Earth 3 Poisonous Cloud Conjuration/Poison/Air 6 Delayed Fireball Conjuration/Fire 7 (17, 18, Tomb:3) a +0 orcish leather armour (-10, 19, Tomb:3) a +1,+0 hand axe of flaming (-9, 19, Tomb:3) a +3 plate armour of positive energy (-7, 19, Tomb:3) an uncursed staff of poison (-6, 19, Tomb:3) a sack of spiders (-4, 19, Tomb:3) a lamp of fire (7, 19, Tomb:3) the +5 chain mail "Jaufru" {+Blink MR++ SInv} It affects your resistance to hostile enchantments. It enhances your eyesight. It lets you blink. (10, 19, Tomb:3) a stone (15, 19, Tomb:3) 21 darts (-9, 20, Tomb:3) a +1,+2 great sword of draining (-8, 20, Tomb:3) an uncursed ring of fire a book of Callings (-7, 20, Tomb:3) the +9 chain mail "Suxkoon" {rPois Str+2 Dam+3} It affects your strength (+2). It affects your damage-dealing abilities (+3). It protects you from poison. (-8, 21, Tomb:3) a stone of tremors (-7, 21, Tomb:3) a book of the Earth (-6, 21, Tomb:3) a crystal ball of energy (-5, 21, Tomb:3) Phubuzat's Lost Secrets of Spellcasting Spells Type Level Shatter Earth 9 (8, 21, Tomb:3) a stone (9, 21, Tomb:3) a stone (-7, 22, Tomb:3) an uncursed staff of fire (-6, 22, Tomb:3) a sack of spiders (12, 22, Tomb:3) 2 arrows (21, 22, Tomb:3) an uncursed staff of summoning (-6, 23, Tomb:3) a +2,+1 lajatang of electrocution (-5, 23, Tomb:3) a +1 elven cloak of poison resistance (-4, 23, Tomb:3) an uncursed staff of energy (7, 23, Tomb:3) 2 stones (-5, 24, Tomb:3) a +5,+0 anti-magic lajatang (-4, 24, Tomb:3) a +3,+1 trident of dragon slaying (5, 24, Tomb:3) a stone (7, 24, Tomb:3) a stone (9, 24, Tomb:3) 14 stones (13, 24, Tomb:3) an arrow (-4, 25, Tomb:3) a +1,+2 mace of distortion (-1, 25, Tomb:3) 19 bolts (7, 25, Tomb:3) 2 stones (15, 25, Tomb:3) a +0 ring mail a potion of berserk rage (16, 25, Tomb:3) a wand of enslavement (2) the Vestibule of Hell (-1, 11, Hell) a +0,+3 scythe of freezing (3, 19, Hell) a +6,+1 scythe of flaming (1, 20, Hell) the horn of Geryon (2, 21, Hell) a +0 robe a +2,+0 elven dagger (5, 21, Hell) a +0,+4 anti-magic scythe (7, 21, Hell) a +1 dwarven chain mail a +4,+2 battleaxe of draining (-2, 22, Hell) a +1,+1 scythe of dragon slaying (0, 22, Hell) a scroll of holy word {holy word} a potion of porridge 2 potions of speed a choko the ring "Uduod" {rN+ Str+2} [ring of positive energy] It affects your strength (+2). a scroll of amnesia a Necronomicon a +6 rod of the swarm (9/9) a lamp of fire a phial of floods an uncursed staff of fire 3 scrolls of magic mapping 8 scrolls of teleportation 2 scrolls of blinking a +3 shield of positive energy 8 scrolls of fear a wand of teleportation (2) 6 potions of cure mutation 3 meat rations 8 potions of restore abilities a wand of teleportation (4) 4 potions of resistance a legendary deck of wonders {the Potion, drawn: 3} a book of Death a legendary deck of destruction {the Spark} an uncursed ring of poison resistance a wand of teleportation (5) a book of the Earth a book of the Sky a +0,+1 demon whip a +5,+4 ring of slaying an uncursed amulet of resist corrosion the cursed ring "Mudwaezu" {-Cast +Blink +Inv EV-2} [ring of evasion] It affects your evasion (-2). It lets you turn invisible. It lets you blink. It prevents spellcasting. It has a curse placed upon it. the ring of Haugibb {Fire Int+3 Acc+4} [ring of fire] It affects your intelligence (+3). It affects your accuracy (+4). 4 scrolls of recharging a legendary deck of summonings {Foxfire} an uncursed amulet of stasis a lamp of fire a lamp of fire a fan of gales 5 scrolls of enchant armour 20 scrolls of identify a cursed ring of sustain abilities an uncursed ring of regeneration 18 scrolls of remove curse an uncursed ring of ice 24 potions of curing the +1 robe "Ezuevisk" {Str+3 Int+2} It affects your strength (+3). It affects your intelligence (+2). (7, 22, Hell) a +4,+3 demon trident of flaming a +0 plate armour a +0 robe a +0,+0 dagger (-1, 23, Hell) a +0 chain mail a +5,+4 long sword a +4 plate armour a +5,+2 broad axe of pain (6, 23, Hell) a +0 chain mail a +5,+1 glaive (0, 24, Hell) a +0,+0 trident (1, 26, Hell) a +3,+1 scythe of slicing (1, 31, Hell) a +7,+2 vampiric scythe Level 1 of the Iron City of Dis (0, 0, Dis:1) a +0,+0 flail (0, 16, Dis:1) a +2,+0 demon trident (6, 20, Dis:1) a -1,+1 orcish glaive Level 2 of the Iron City of Dis (0, 0, Dis:2) a +1,+1 halberd a +2 robe (1, 0, Dis:2) a +3,+2 hand axe a +0 robe (11, 3, Dis:2) a +2,+2 elven dagger a +0 robe (-1, 6, Dis:2) a +0,+0 dwarven morningstar a +0 robe (-43, 13, Dis:2) a +4,+1 orcish halberd (-27, 14, Dis:2) a +0 robe (unseen) (-29, 15, Dis:2) a +0 robe (unseen) (-26, 15, Dis:2) a +0 robe a +0,+0 scimitar (-26, 16, Dis:2) a +0 robe a +2,+1 falchion (-25, 17, Dis:2) a +2 robe (unseen) (6, 18, Dis:2) a cursed +3,+2 short sword (unseen) (-44, 19, Dis:2) a +1,+0 glaive (-8, 19, Dis:2) a cursed +2,+3 halberd (unseen) (6, 19, Dis:2) a +2,+2 flail (unseen) (4, 20, Dis:2) a +3,+1 scythe of dragon slaying (unseen) (5, 20, Dis:2) a +1,+2 scythe of venom (6, 20, Dis:2) a +0,+0 dagger (unseen) (-8, 21, Dis:2) a +1,+1 falchion of freezing (unseen) (4, 26, Dis:2) a +3,+1 scythe of dragon slaying (-42, 33, Dis:2) a +0,+2 glaive of dragon slaying (-39, 35, Dis:2) a +1,+0 elven short sword (-31, 35, Dis:2) a +0 robe (unseen) (-30, 36, Dis:2) a +0 robe (unseen) Level 3 of the Iron City of Dis (-28, 4, Dis:3) a +2,+4 scythe of dragon slaying (16, 8, Dis:3) a +0 robe (unseen) (16, 10, Dis:3) a +0 robe (unseen) (18, 10, Dis:3) a +2 robe a +1,+1 war axe (7, 20, Dis:3) a +0 robe (unseen) (-30, 22, Dis:3) a +2,+3 vampiric trident (-27, 23, Dis:3) a cursed -3,-1 trident (-17, 25, Dis:3) a +2,+0 scythe of protection Level 4 of the Iron City of Dis (-6, 1, Dis:4) a +3,+3 demon whip of draining (-17, 11, Dis:4) a +4,+2 scythe of protection (14, 17, Dis:4) a +0,+0 trident (-20, 21, Dis:4) a +2,+2 scythe of dragon slaying (-20, 22, Dis:4) a +0 robe (unseen) Level 5 of the Iron City of Dis (0, 0, Dis:5) a +0,+0 trident (2, 2, Dis:5) a +0,+0 halberd a +1,+0 elven trident (4, 5, Dis:5) a +0,+2 halberd a +0 robe (5, 6, Dis:5) a +0,+0 spear (unseen) (6, 6, Dis:5) a +2,+3 great mace (unseen) (43, 6, Dis:5) a +0,+0 dwarven morningstar (40, 7, Dis:5) a +1,+0 scimitar of freezing (still there?) a +0,+0 demon whip of draining (still there?) (41, 7, Dis:5) a +4,+2 dwarven hand axe (45, 7, Dis:5) a +2,+2 glaive of venom (unseen) (45, 9, Dis:5) a +0,+0 scimitar (45, 10, Dis:5) a +0,+0 battleaxe (14, 15, Dis:5) a +1,+1 scythe of slicing (21, 18, Dis:5) a +0,+0 halberd (21, 19, Dis:5) a +1,+1 scythe of slicing (33, 25, Dis:5) a +2,+2 scythe of slicing (32, 36, Dis:5) a +0,+0 war axe Level 6 of the Iron City of Dis (0, 0, Dis:6) a +3,+2 scimitar (still there?) a +0,+0 spear (still there?) (9, 5, Dis:6) a +0 robe (18, 5, Dis:6) a +1,+2 scythe of venom (unseen) (7, 7, Dis:6) a +0,+0 hand axe (9, 7, Dis:6) a +0,+0 short sword (13, 7, Dis:6) a +4,+2 scythe of protection (14, 7, Dis:6) a +2,+2 trident (9, 8, Dis:6) a -1,+3 orcish scimitar (9, 9, Dis:6) a +2,+0 elven long sword of slicing (-21, 13, Dis:6) a +1,+4 scythe of dragon slaying (-3, 15, Dis:6) a +2,+3 scythe of protection (-5, 26, Dis:6) a +2,+4 scythe of pain (-1, 26, Dis:6) a +1,+5 scythe of dragon slaying (-20, 33, Dis:6) a +3,+6 scythe of flaming (-18, 36, Dis:6) a +1,+2 scythe of venom (-17, 38, Dis:6) a +0,+4 scythe of dragon slaying Level 7 of the Iron City of Dis (0, 0, Dis:7) a +3,+4 scimitar of flaming (15, 0, Dis:7) a +2,+2 scythe of flaming (8, 2, Dis:7) the +4,+4 Staff of Dispater a plain deck of wonders (6, 5, Dis:7) a +2,+0 scythe of flaming (14, 5, Dis:7) a +6,+1 scythe of dragon slaying (8, 18, Dis:7) a +4,+1 vampiric scythe (35, 27, Dis:7) a +2,+4 scythe of venom (37, 28, Dis:7) a +3,+0 scythe of dragon slaying (7, 29, Dis:7) a plain deck of summonings (38, 30, Dis:7) a +0,+0 halberd (39, 31, Dis:7) a +3,+2 scythe of dragon slaying the ring of Aboy {Hunger Str-4 Int+2} [ring of hunger] It affects your strength (-4). It affects your intelligence (+2). (41, 32, Dis:7) a +0,+1 trident (41, 35, Dis:7) an uncursed staff of air (33, 37, Dis:7) a +0,+0 long sword (36, 37, Dis:7) a +0,+2 bardiche of dragon slaying (36, 38, Dis:7) a +0,+0 scimitar (41, 38, Dis:7) a +0 troll hide (39, 39, Dis:7) a +0,+0 scimitar the cursed +3,-2 bow of the Hills {venom, Stlth-} It poisons the ammo it fires. It makes you much less stealthy. It has a curse placed upon it. a +0,+0 flail (0, 40, Dis:7) a +3,+3 vampiric scythe (-8, 41, Dis:7) a +2,+6 bow of flame (7, 41, Dis:7) a +6,+3 morningstar of pain a crystal ball of energy (15, 41, Dis:7) an uncursed ring of wizardry (39, 41, Dis:7) a +4,+1 scythe of dragon slaying (41, 41, Dis:7) a +1,+0 demon whip of flaming (41, 44, Dis:7) a +0,+1 scythe of protection (42, 44, Dis:7) a +4,+1 flail a lantern of shadows (30, 46, Dis:7) a cursed -2,+0 trident (32, 46, Dis:7) a +5,+1 scythe of protection (33, 46, Dis:7) a +2,+4 scimitar of flaming (11, 49, Dis:7) a +0,+0 scimitar (45, 50, Dis:7) a +0,+1 dwarven hand axe (6, 51, Dis:7) an uncursed ring of ice Level 1 of Gehenna (-2, 1, Geh:1) a +4,+5 scythe of dragon slaying Level 2 of Gehenna (20, 2, Geh:2) a +0,+0 long sword (unseen) (19, 3, Geh:2) a -1,+0 orcish morningstar (unseen) (21, 3, Geh:2) a +0,+0 scimitar (unseen) (-14, 10, Geh:2) a cursed +0 robe (unseen) (-12, 11, Geh:2) a +0 robe (unseen) (-11, 11, Geh:2) a +0 robe (unseen) (-11, 12, Geh:2) a +0 robe (unseen) Level 3 of Gehenna Level 4 of Gehenna (38, 26, Geh:4) a +2,+2 great mace of protection (unseen) (36, 28, Geh:4) a +3,+0 morningstar (unseen) (37, 28, Geh:4) a +3,+2 dwarven mace (unseen) (33, 30, Geh:4) a +0,+0 trident (38, 30, Geh:4) a cursed +1,+2 flail (unseen) (33, 31, Geh:4) a +0,+2 demon whip of electrocution (31, 35, Geh:4) a +2,+4 scythe of pain Level 5 of Gehenna (5, 0, Geh:5) a +5,+3 demon trident a +3,+0 demon trident a cursed +0 plate armour (4, 1, Geh:5) a +2,+0 trident a +2,+1 long sword a +1 chain mail (5, 1, Geh:5) a +3,+1 demon trident of piercing a +0 chain mail (6, 1, Geh:5) a +4,+2 glaive of flaming a +0 chain mail (3, 2, Geh:5) a +4,+1 broad axe of flaming a +0 chain mail (4, 2, Geh:5) a +0,+0 trident (5, 2, Geh:5) a +5,+3 demon whip (unseen) (3, 3, Geh:5) a +0,+0 demon whip of venom a +0 chain mail a +2,+3 halberd a +2 plate armour Level 6 of Gehenna Level 7 of Gehenna (-2, 1, Geh:7) a +0,+1 demon trident of venom a +0,+0 trident (-4, 2, Geh:7) a +0,+0 trident (-3, 2, Geh:7) a cursed -1,+0 trident (-4, 3, Geh:7) a +0,+0 trident (-4, 6, Geh:7) a +0,+2 demon whip (-6, 8, Geh:7) a +1,+1 trident (-29, 15, Geh:7) a +1,+1 scythe of dragon slaying (-28, 15, Geh:7) a +1,+2 demon whip (-23, 15, Geh:7) a +2,+2 scythe of venom (-19, 15, Geh:7) a +0,+1 scythe of dragon slaying (-19, 18, Geh:7) a +0,+0 trident (-26, 19, Geh:7) a +0,+0 trident (-37, 20, Geh:7) an uncursed staff of cold (-35, 20, Geh:7) a +5,+5 giant club (-32, 20, Geh:7) the +2 leather armour of the Clouds {+Blink +Fly Stlth--} It lets you fly. It lets you blink. It makes you much less stealthy. (-29, 20, Geh:7) a +1,+1 demon whip of freezing (-38, 21, Geh:7) an uncursed ring of protection from magic (-36, 22, Geh:7) a +2 scale mail of magic resistance (-34, 22, Geh:7) a sack of spiders (-31, 22, Geh:7) an uncursed ring of sustenance (-38, 24, Geh:7) a stone of tremors (-35, 24, Geh:7) the +6,+9 sling "Xemnypekk" {speed, Hunger+ Str+2 Dex+3} Attacks with this weapon take half as long, but cause slightly less damage. It affects your strength (+2). It affects your dexterity (+3). It greatly speeds your metabolism. (-34, 24, Geh:7) the +5,+8 glaive of the Guard {elec, +Rage AC+5 SInv} Occasionally, upon striking a foe, it will discharge some electrical energy and cause terrible harm. It affects your AC (+5). It enhances your eyesight. It lets you go berserk. (-31, 24, Geh:7) the amulet of the Air {Inacc +Fly rElec EV+5 RMsl} [amulet of inaccuracy] It affects your evasion (+5). It insulates you from electricity. It lets you fly. It protects you from missiles. (-27, 26, Geh:7) a +4,+2 scythe of dragon slaying (-23, 28, Geh:7) a +1,+2 vampiric demon trident (2, 30, Geh:7) a +1,+5 scythe of slicing (-1, 32, Geh:7) a potion of blood (1, 41, Geh:7) a +0,+0 trident (-4, 44, Geh:7) a +0,+2 trident (-29, 45, Geh:7) an arrow (-36, 47, Geh:7) a +2,+2 demon whip of freezing (-26, 47, Geh:7) an arrow (-25, 47, Geh:7) an arrow (-23, 47, Geh:7) a +0,+4 trident (-26, 48, Geh:7) an arrow Level 1 of Cocytus Level 2 of Cocytus Level 3 of Cocytus (-18, 21, Coc:3) a +3,+2 long sword a +1 robe (-17, 22, Coc:3) a +1,+2 long sword a +0 robe (-18, 23, Coc:3) a +0,+0 elven long sword a +0 robe Level 4 of Cocytus (-2, 8, Coc:4) a cursed +1,+1 falchion (unseen) (5, 11, Coc:4) a +0,+0 falchion (unseen) (7, 13, Coc:4) a cursed -1,+0 elven long sword (unseen) (11, 14, Coc:4) a +3,+3 battleaxe of freezing (unseen) Level 6 of Cocytus Level 7 of Cocytus (-33, 4, Coc:7) a +2,+0 elven long sword (-36, 5, Coc:7) a +0,+0 long sword (-35, 5, Coc:7) a +0,+2 mace (-35, 6, Coc:7) a +2,+0 short sword (-32, 6, Coc:7) a +2,+0 great mace (-53, 7, Coc:7) a +2,+2 scythe of slicing (-21, 19, Coc:7) a +1,+1 dwarven great mace a +0,+0 glaive (-16, 19, Coc:7) a +0,+0 war axe (-9, 21, Coc:7) a +0,+0 trident a +0,+1 hand axe a +0,+0 halberd (-5, 23, Coc:7) a +0,+0 war axe (-9, 43, Coc:7) an uncursed amulet of conservation (-4, 43, Coc:7) an uncursed staff of poison (-55, 44, Coc:7) a +0 ice dragon hide (-10, 46, Coc:7) a cursed staff of earth (-8, 46, Coc:7) the cursed +1,-1 falchion of Corruption {slice, SInv} It inflicts extra damage upon your enemies. It enhances your eyesight. It has a curse placed upon it. (-9, 47, Coc:7) a +4,+3 scythe of slicing (-7, 47, Coc:7) a +0,+2 flail of protection Level 1 of Tartarus (0, 0, Tar:1) a +2 robe a +3,+1 dagger of freezing (1, 1, Tar:1) a +0 robe (unseen) (-42, 14, Tar:1) a +5,+2 scythe of protection (-22, 19, Tar:1) a potion of blood (-42, 23, Tar:1) a +2 robe a +1,+1 halberd of chopping (-45, 25, Tar:1) a +0 robe (unseen) Level 2 of Tartarus (0, 0, Tar:2) a +0,+0 battleaxe (0, 1, Tar:2) a +0 robe (unseen) (2, 1, Tar:2) a +0 robe (unseen) (3, 1, Tar:2) a -1,+2 orcish scimitar (-3, 2, Tar:2) a +3,+2 mace (unseen) (0, 2, Tar:2) a +0 robe (unseen) (1, 2, Tar:2) a +0,+0 scimitar (-2, 3, Tar:2) a +0,+1 orcish spear (unseen) Level 3 of Tartarus (2, 7, Tar:3) a +3,+0 great mace (-1, 8, Tar:3) a +1,+0 flail of draining (still there?) a +3,+4 scythe of dragon slaying (still there?) (1, 11, Tar:3) a +3,+2 great sword of freezing (unseen) (3, 11, Tar:3) a cursed +1,+3 halberd (unseen) (3, 12, Tar:3) a +1,+3 orcish great mace (5, 13, Tar:3) a +2,+1 morningstar (unseen) (3, 14, Tar:3) a cursed +2,+2 short sword (unseen) Level 4 of Tartarus (0, 0, Tar:4) a +0,+0 mace a +0,+0 mace (-2, 18, Tar:4) a +2,+3 dwarven mace of crushing (11, 24, Tar:4) a +3,+2 scythe of slicing Level 5 of Tartarus (1, 1, Tar:5) a +0,+0 great mace (1, 2, Tar:5) a -1,+3 orcish trident (1, 3, Tar:5) a +0,+0 great mace (3, 3, Tar:5) a +2,+3 hand axe of distortion (4, 5, Tar:5) a +2,+0 battleaxe (-2, 18, Tar:5) a +0,+0 scimitar (-1, 18, Tar:5) a +0,+0 war axe (-18, 19, Tar:5) a +0,+0 flail (-3, 19, Tar:5) a +0,+1 great mace Level 6 of Tartarus (-17, 4, Tar:6) a +0,+0 trident Level 7 of Tartarus (0, 0, Tar:7) a +2,+0 scythe of venom (7, 5, Tar:7) an uncursed ring of flight (20, 5, Tar:7) a book of Necromancy (11, 8, Tar:7) a disc of storms (17, 8, Tar:7) a +2 robe of magic resistance (10, 9, Tar:7) a +2 robe of the Archmagi (13, 9, Tar:7) a +1,+0 scythe of venom (-18, 11, Tar:7) 33 gold pieces (7, 11, Tar:7) an uncursed staff of conjuration (8, 11, Tar:7) a book of the Dragon a book of Clouds (-19, 12, Tar:7) 36 gold pieces (-18, 12, Tar:7) an uncursed staff of fire (-17, 12, Tar:7) 24 gold pieces (7, 12, Tar:7) an uncursed amulet of warding (9, 12, Tar:7) an uncursed staff of energy (13, 12, Tar:7) a +0,+0 halberd a +0 robe (-20, 13, Tar:7) 20 gold pieces (-19, 13, Tar:7) a box of beasts (-17, 13, Tar:7) a box of beasts (-16, 13, Tar:7) 9 gold pieces (-19, 14, Tar:7) 20 gold pieces (-18, 14, Tar:7) an uncursed staff of wizardry (-17, 14, Tar:7) 14 gold pieces (10, 14, Tar:7) a +0 pearl dragon armour (15, 14, Tar:7) a cursed -4,-2 orcish battleaxe a +0 robe (-18, 15, Tar:7) 22 gold pieces (9, 15, Tar:7) a +1,+1 war axe of freezing a +2 robe a +2,+0 war axe (11, 15, Tar:7) a crystal ball of energy (12, 15, Tar:7) a cursed -2,-3 trident (13, 15, Tar:7) a +0,+0 war axe (17, 15, Tar:7) a box of beasts (7, 18, Tar:7) a +2,+0 vampiric morningstar (20, 18, Tar:7) an uncursed staff of air (-6, 19, Tar:7) a +2,+2 scythe of freezing (17, 23, Tar:7) a +7,+3 scythe of dragon slaying (-29, 27, Tar:7) 47 gold pieces (-2, 27, Tar:7) a +1,+2 scythe of freezing (-30, 28, Tar:7) 13 gold pieces (-29, 28, Tar:7) a +3,+1 mace of protection (-28, 28, Tar:7) 10 gold pieces (-31, 29, Tar:7) 13 gold pieces (-30, 29, Tar:7) an uncursed ring of poison resistance (-28, 29, Tar:7) an uncursed amulet of resist mutation (-27, 29, Tar:7) 40 gold pieces (-30, 30, Tar:7) 36 gold pieces (-29, 30, Tar:7) a manual of Earth Magic (-28, 30, Tar:7) 31 gold pieces (-29, 31, Tar:7) 38 gold pieces (23, 33, Tar:7) 4 gold pieces (-2, 34, Tar:7) a +2,+0 scythe of flaming (22, 34, Tar:7) 43 gold pieces (23, 34, Tar:7) a stone of tremors (24, 34, Tar:7) 41 gold pieces (21, 35, Tar:7) 13 gold pieces (22, 35, Tar:7) the cursed +7,+9 falchion of Untruth {pain, Int+1} In the hands of one skilled in necromantic magic, it inflicts extra damage on living creatures. It affects your intelligence (+1). It has a curse placed upon it. (24, 35, Tar:7) the +2,+10 morningstar "Worm's Wrath" {crush, rElec Int+2 Curse} It inflicts extra damage upon your enemies. It affects your intelligence (+2). It insulates you from electricity. It may recurse itself. (25, 35, Tar:7) 21 gold pieces (-7, 36, Tar:7) a +1,+6 scythe of dragon slaying (22, 36, Tar:7) 27 gold pieces (23, 36, Tar:7) an uncursed staff of fire (24, 36, Tar:7) 37 gold pieces (23, 37, Tar:7) 29 gold pieces (7, 53, Tar:7) a +1,+2 scythe of venom (-20, 55, Tar:7) a +1,+0 flail (-20, 56, Tar:7) a +0,+1 hand axe (-18, 56, Tar:7) a +1,+0 dwarven war axe (-20, 57, Tar:7) a +2,+1 scimitar of electrocution (-19, 60, Tar:7) a +2,+3 orcish mace (-8, 60, Tar:7) a +2,+1 scythe of protection Level 1 of the Realm of Zot (0, 0, Zot:1) the -2,+0 dire flail of Instant Death {holy, Contam rC+} It has been blessed by the Shining One to cause great damage to the undead and demons. It protects you from cold. It causes magical contamination when unequipped. (-28, 4, Zot:1) a +2,+1 anti-magic mace a +0 cloak (-23, 6, Zot:1) a +0 cloak a +0,+0 halberd (-23, 7, Zot:1) a +0,+0 dwarven dagger (-23, 9, Zot:1) a cursed +0 cloak a +0,+0 scimitar (-17, 9, Zot:1) a +0 cloak of magic resistance a +3,+0 elven scimitar a +0 cloak of magic resistance (-17, 10, Zot:1) a +0 cloak a +4,+0 long sword (-15, 11, Zot:1) a +1,+4 dwarven hand axe a +0,+0 battleaxe (-13, 11, Zot:1) a cursed +0 cloak (-23, 12, Zot:1) a +0 cloak (-13, 12, Zot:1) a cursed +0 cloak (-13, 13, Zot:1) a +0 cloak (-24, 15, Zot:1) a +0 cloak a +0,+0 trident (-23, 15, Zot:1) a +0 cloak a +0,+0 hand axe a +0 cloak (-23, 17, Zot:1) a +0 cloak a +0,+0 short sword (-25, 18, Zot:1) a +0 cloak a +0,+2 long sword (7, 19, Zot:1) 15 darts (10, 25, Zot:1) a +0,+0 trident a +0 cloak (-24, 27, Zot:1) 26 sling bullets (11, 33, Zot:1) a potion of paralysis (14, 33, Zot:1) a +3 elven chain mail a bottled efreet (-24, 34, Zot:1) a +0,+0 halberd (9, 36, Zot:1) a +3,+0 dwarven mace of draining (-7, 50, Zot:1) a +0 storm dragon hide Level 2 of the Realm of Zot (0, 0, Zot:2) a +1,+1 dwarven short sword a +0 cloak (-5, 1, Zot:2) a +2,+1 orcish scimitar of draining a +0 cloak (1, 1, Zot:2) a +1,+2 battleaxe of venom a +0 cloak (-3, 2, Zot:2) a +0,+0 orcish hand axe a +0 cloak (-3, 3, Zot:2) a +1,+1 great mace of holy wrath a +0 cloak (-41, 6, Zot:2) 24 bolts (-50, 8, Zot:2) a cursed -3,-2 long sword a cursed +0 cloak (-50, 9, Zot:2) a +0,+0 great mace a +0 cloak (-50, 11, Zot:2) a +1,+1 dwarven flail a +2 cloak (-48, 11, Zot:2) a +1,+0 elven short sword of protection a +0 cloak (-45, 11, Zot:2) a +0 cloak (-51, 12, Zot:2) a +0 storm dragon hide (-50, 12, Zot:2) a +1,+1 long sword (-30, 22, Zot:2) a +1 ring of protection (-12, 27, Zot:2) a +0 cloak a +0,+0 hand axe (-50, 28, Zot:2) 14 darts (-33, 31, Zot:2) a +2,+0 dwarven great mace a +0,+0 crossbow a +0 cloak (-53, 33, Zot:2) 11 exploding darts (-42, 34, Zot:2) a +0 cloak a +1,+1 elven long sword (-8, 34, Zot:2) a +0,+1 dwarven war axe (-38, 35, Zot:2) a +0 cloak a +2,+0 long sword (-6, 35, Zot:2) 7 bolts of flame (-41, 36, Zot:2) a +0 cloak a -1,+1 orcish dagger a +0 cloak a +0,+1 battleaxe (-38, 36, Zot:2) a +0,+0 trident a +0 cloak (-39, 37, Zot:2) a +2,+3 elven short sword a +0 cloak (-50, 40, Zot:2) 4 large rocks (-12, 43, Zot:2) a +1 scale mail of fire resistance (-11, 49, Zot:2) 16 stones a +0 pair of orcish gloves (-36, 52, Zot:2) a +0 scale mail Level 3 of the Realm of Zot (0, 0, Zot:3) a wand of disintegration (10) (2, 0, Zot:3) an uncursed ring of see invisible (-4, 1, Zot:3) the ring "Raamu" {+Inv Str+4 Int+2} [ring of invisibility] It affects your strength (+4). It affects your intelligence (+2). (-1, 4, Zot:3) a +1 ring of dexterity (-6, 7, Zot:3) a +0,+0 orcish long sword a +0 cloak (-7, 8, Zot:3) a +0,+0 mace a +0 cloak (-3, 8, Zot:3) a +0,+0 battleaxe a +0 cloak (-7, 9, Zot:3) a +2,+1 short sword a cursed +0 cloak (-3, 10, Zot:3) a +0 cloak (-45, 12, Zot:3) a +0,+0 halberd a +0 cloak (-15, 14, Zot:3) a +0 ice dragon hide (-2, 16, Zot:3) 13 stones (-24, 17, Zot:3) a +0,+0 dire flail (-46, 18, Zot:3) a wand of digging (12) the +1 cloak of Kidghoap {rF+ Acc+4 Curse} It affects your accuracy (+4). It protects you from fire. It may recurse itself. (-45, 19, Zot:3) a +0 scale mail (-26, 29, Zot:3) a +0,+2 mace (-38, 35, Zot:3) a +0 cloak a +0,+0 hand axe (-7, 36, Zot:3) 6 darts of flame (-4, 36, Zot:3) an uncursed amulet of warding (-39, 38, Zot:3) a +0 chain mail (-39, 39, Zot:3) an uncursed amulet of clarity (-27, 40, Zot:3) 4 poisoned javelins (-52, 42, Zot:3) a +0 elven ring mail Level 4 of the Realm of Zot (0, 0, Zot:4) a scroll of random uselessness (6, 1, Zot:4) the cursed -3 plate armour of Tartarus {Str+4 Int-4} It affects your strength (+4). It affects your intelligence (-4). It has a curse placed upon it. (24, 5, Zot:4) a +0,+0 long sword a +0 cloak (28, 9, Zot:4) a +1,+2 morningstar a +1 cloak (29, 9, Zot:4) a +0,+0 great mace a cursed +0 cloak (30, 9, Zot:4) a +0,+0 trident a +0 cloak (28, 10, Zot:4) a +1,+1 hand axe a +1,+1 dwarven hand axe a cursed +0 cloak (27, 11, Zot:4) a +0 cloak (28, 11, Zot:4) a +0,+0 vampiric hand axe a +0 cloak (30, 11, Zot:4) a +1,+2 elven long sword a +0 cloak (-6, 12, Zot:4) the cursed +9,+6 halberd of Domination {elec, Str-3} Occasionally, upon striking a foe, it will discharge some electrical energy and cause terrible harm. It affects your strength (-3). It has a curse placed upon it. (29, 12, Zot:4) a cursed +0 cloak (6, 14, Zot:4) a cursed -1 orcish plate armour (9, 21, Zot:4) a +0,+1 dwarven dagger (9, 27, Zot:4) a wand of lightning (5) (-22, 32, Zot:4) a +0 ring mail (24, 33, Zot:4) a +0 animal skin (2, 36, Zot:4) a +0,+0 club (41, 37, Zot:4) a +0 swamp dragon armour (-17, 38, Zot:4) a scroll of curse armour (-13, 39, Zot:4) 4 arrows of frost (31, 41, Zot:4) a +0,+2 dwarven short sword a +0 cloak (-3, 46, Zot:4) 19 stones (5, 54, Zot:4) a +0 plate armour (-3, 57, Zot:4) a +1,+3 dwarven short sword (8, 58, Zot:4) a wand of lightning (8) Level 5 of the Realm of Zot (0, 0, Zot:5) a book of Spatial Translocations (29, 1, Zot:5) a +0,+0 giant spiked club (-4, 2, Zot:5) a dart (32, 5, Zot:5) a +0,+0 glaive a +0 cloak (19, 6, Zot:5) the Orb of Zot (23, 6, Zot:5) a throwing net a +0,+0 spear a stone (24, 6, Zot:5) a +0 cloak a +0,+0 glaive (29, 6, Zot:5) a +0,+0 flail a +0 cloak (31, 6, Zot:5) a +2,+2 mace 13 stones a +0 cloak (42, 7, Zot:5) an uncursed staff of conjuration (0, 9, Zot:5) a +0 cloak (unseen) (7, 9, Zot:5) a bolt (-5, 11, Zot:5) a +0,+0 spear (-2, 12, Zot:5) a +1 cloak a +0,+0 elven whip (1, 12, Zot:5) a +0 cloak a +0,+0 halberd (-3, 13, Zot:5) a +0,+0 spear a +0,+0 sabre a +0 cloak (7, 15, Zot:5) 5 poisoned needles (40, 16, Zot:5) a throwing net (34, 17, Zot:5) a +0 storm dragon hide (33, 19, Zot:5) 2 darts (22, 21, Zot:5) an arrow (30, 21, Zot:5) a poisoned needle (19, 22, Zot:5) a throwing net (38, 22, Zot:5) 2 poisoned needles (-11, 23, Zot:5) a scroll of vulnerability (5, 30, Zot:5) 9 silver darts (18, 31, Zot:5) an uncursed ring of protection from cold (25, 40, Zot:5) a +0 fire dragon hide (27, 40, Zot:5) a +1 cloak a cursed -2,+0 war axe (2, 43, Zot:5) 11 bolts of penetration (31, 43, Zot:5) a +0 cloak a +0,+0 short sword (32, 43, Zot:5) a +0 cloak a +2,+2 halberd of freezing (29, 45, Zot:5) a +0 cloak a +0,+0 whip (30, 47, Zot:5) a +2 cloak (still there?) a +2,+2 trident (still there?) Pandemonium (0, 0, Pan) a scroll of curse jewellery (42, 3, Pan) a +0 animal skin (-4, 12, Pan) a +1,+0 demon trident of electrocution (13, 14, Pan) a +0,+0 halberd (1, 16, Pan) a +0 robe (-4, 23, Pan) a wand of paralysis (6) (13, 23, Pan) a wand of frost (7) (22, 23, Pan) a +2,+2 great sword (3, 26, Pan) 20 darts (24, 26, Pan) an uncursed staff of earth (9, 27, Pan) a +0 elven cloak (-11, 32, Pan) 2 meat rations 2 potions of curing 2 potions of cure mutation (-4, 32, Pan) 19 stones (-3, 34, Pan) a scroll of immolation (11, 37, Pan) a +1,+0 demon trident (39, 39, Pan) a potion of paralysis Level 23 of a ziggurat (0, 0, Zig:23) a +0 cloak (-1, 1, Zig:23) a +0,+0 whip (unseen) (2, 4, Zig:23) a cursed -1,-2 long sword (unseen) (0, 5, Zig:23) a +0,+0 short sword (unseen) (1, 5, Zig:23) a +1,+2 battleaxe (unseen) (2, 5, Zig:23) a +0,+0 dagger (unseen) (-3, 6, Zig:23) a +1,+1 dwarven dire flail (unseen) (1, 6, Zig:23) a +0 cloak