WildCardO3 Level 1 of the Dungeon (0, 0, D:1) a +0 robe (4, 1, D:1) 2 poisoned darts (13, 25, D:1) a maw talisman (32, -8, D:1) a +0 dagger (32, 28, D:1) a +0 sling (33, -10, D:1) an orb of light (35, 6, D:1) a +0 robe (45, -1, D:1) 6 stones (51, 30, D:1) 5 stones (53, 29, D:1) a +0 short sword 4 stones (54, 0, D:1) a +0 ring mail (62, -6, D:1) a +0 dagger Level 2 of the Dungeon (0, 0, D:2) a +0 whip (4, -31, D:2) a +0 dagger a stone (8, -3, D:2) a scroll of identify (9, -25, D:2) a +0 ring mail (10, -30, D:2) 5 stones (14, -6, D:2) a +0 scale mail (15, 5, D:2) a +0 mace (16, -4, D:2) a +1 whip of holy wrath (17, -26, D:2) 6 stones (19, -42, D:2) a +0 dagger (20, 0, D:2) a +0 leather armour (30, -42, D:2) a +0 whip (30, -39, D:2) a +0 quarterstaff (37, -14, D:2) a +0 spear (38, -26, D:2) a +0 leather armour a +0 club (40, -23, D:2) a +0 chain mail (47, -20, D:2) a +0 dagger 3 stones Level 3 of the Dungeon (0, 0, D:3) 2 stones (13, -5, D:3) a +0 chain mail (17, 9, D:3) a +0 ring mail (21, -7, D:3) a +0 chain mail a +0 hand axe (21, -4, D:3) a +0 short sword (22, 11, D:3) a +0 dagger (26, 11, D:3) a +0 spear (27, -9, D:3) a +0 halberd (27, -8, D:3) a +0 halberd (27, -7, D:3) a +0 club a +0 club (29, -16, D:3) 7 stones (30, -9, D:3) a +0 dagger a +0 leather armour (32, -9, D:3) a +0 dagger a +0 ring mail a +0 hand axe a +0 leather armour (33, -9, D:3) a +0 leather armour a +0 hand axe (44, -22, D:3) a +0 club (44, -10, D:3) a +0 dagger (47, -25, D:3) 2 stones (49, -10, D:3) a +0 club Level 4 of the Dungeon (0, 0, D:4) a +0 robe (3, 6, D:4) a +0 dagger (5, -13, D:4) a +0 club (6, -13, D:4) a +0 short sword a +0 scale mail (8, -23, D:4) a +0 dagger (11, -16, D:4) a +0 leather armour (15, -8, D:4) a +0 cloak (17, -7, D:4) a +0 sling (17, -6, D:4) a +0 leather armour a +0 flail (18, -9, D:4) a +0 whip (19, -25, D:4) a +0 dagger 2 stones a +0 scale mail (19, -19, D:4) a +0 club (19, -12, D:4) a +0 dagger (20, -13, D:4) a +0 robe a +0 dagger (23, -21, D:4) a +0 club (24, -31, D:4) a +0 dagger a +0 robe a +0 club (24, -24, D:4) a +0 club (25, -31, D:4) a +0 short sword a +0 short sword (26, -31, D:4) a +0 flail a +0 leather armour (35, -46, D:4) 7 stones (36, -8, D:4) a +0 robe a +0 dagger (37, -10, D:4) a +0 short sword (39, -51, D:4) a +4 hand axe a +0 ring mail (39, -11, D:4) a +0 leather armour a +0 dagger Level 5 of the Dungeon (0, 0, D:5) a +0 long sword (5, -14, D:5) a +0 leather armour a +1 robe (14, -3, D:5) a +0 spear (15, -3, D:5) a +0 club (16, -4, D:5) a +0 halberd (24, 23, D:5) a +0 robe (25, 5, D:5) a +0 war axe (27, -22, D:5) a +0 ring mail (28, -12, D:5) a +0 ring mail (31, -3, D:5) a +0 mace a +0 dagger (31, -2, D:5) a +0 chain mail a boomerang a +0 club (32, -3, D:5) a +2 flail of protection (35, -5, D:5) a +0 hat (44, -11, D:5) a +0 ring mail a +0 club (44, -10, D:5) a +0 leather armour a +0 hand axe a +0 hand axe (45, -12, D:5) a +0 whip (46, -12, D:5) 2 boomerangs a +0 flail (46, -11, D:5) a +0 leather armour a boomerang a +0 flail (50, -12, D:5) a staff of earth (54, -11, D:5) a +0 whip (57, -13, D:5) a +0 giant club Level 6 of the Dungeon (1, 45, D:6) a +0 trident (8, 6, D:6) a +0 orcbow (8, 23, D:6) a +0 club a +0 dire flail a +0 plate armour (8, 24, D:6) a +0 club a +0 ring mail (10, 4, D:6) a serpent talisman (11, -4, D:6) a +0 leather armour (16, 39, D:6) a +0 robe a +0 scimitar (18, 39, D:6) a +0 robe a +4 halberd a +0 robe a +0 scimitar (21, 39, D:6) a +0 robe a +0 battleaxe (45, 25, D:6) a +0 giant spiked club (47, 3, D:6) a +0 robe (51, 12, D:6) 2 boomerangs (56, 33, D:6) a +0 falchion Level 7 of the Dungeon [Shop] Puifaq's Tremendous Tomes the Precepts of Helpful Doom (1440 gold) Spells Type Level a - Inner Flame Hexes/Fire 3 b - Tukima's Dance Hexes 3 c - Summon Ice Beast Ice/Summoning 3 d - Anguish Hexes/Necromancy 4 e - Martyr's Knell Necromancy/Summoning 4 f - Enfeeble Hexes 7 g - Haunt Necromancy/Summoning 7 h - Dragon's Call Summoning 9 the Collected Works on Toxicology (1140 gold) Spells Type Level a - Sting Conjuration/Alchemy 1 b - Mercury Vapours Alchemy/Air 2 c - Mephitic Cloud Conjuration/Alchemy/Air 3 d - Petrify Alchemy/Earth 4 e - Ignite Poison Fire/Alchemy 4 f - Irradiate Conjuration/Alchemy 5 g - Yara's Violent Unravelling Hexes/Alchemy 5 h - Eringya's Noxious Bog Alchemy 6 the Elucidation of the Union and Blasting (1320 gold) Spells Type Level a - Call Imp Summoning 2 b - Hailstorm Conjuration/Ice 3 c - Stone Arrow Conjuration/Earth 3 d - Mephitic Cloud Conjuration/Alchemy/Air 3 e - Fireball Conjuration/Fire 5 f - Summon Mana Viper Hexes/Summoning 5 g - Orb of Destruction Conjuration 7 h - Summon Horrible Things Summoning 8 the Almanac of the Vexing Congregation (1440 gold) Spells Type Level a - Jinxbite Hexes 2 b - Dazzling Flash Conjuration/Hexes 3 c - Inner Flame Hexes/Fire 3 d - Metabolic Englaciation Hexes/Ice 5 e - Summon Mana Viper Hexes/Summoning 5 f - Haunt Necromancy/Summoning 7 g - Malign Gateway Summoning/Translocation 7 h - Discord Hexes 8 the Octavo of the Illusory Lies (1584 gold) Spells Type Level a - Passwall Earth 3 b - Inner Flame Hexes/Fire 3 c - Petrify Alchemy/Earth 4 d - Lee's Rapid Deconstruction Earth 5 e - Bombard Conjuration/Earth 6 f - Lehudib's Crystal Spear Conjuration/Earth 8 g - Ignition Fire 8 h - Fire Storm Conjuration/Fire 9 Liwkohei's Book of the Birds (1350 gold) Spells Type Level a - Shock Conjuration/Air 1 b - Mercury Vapours Alchemy/Air 2 c - Mephitic Cloud Conjuration/Alchemy/Air 3 d - Airstrike Air 4 e - Freezing Cloud Conjuration/Ice/Air 5 f - Silence Hexes/Air 5 g - Maxwell's Capacitive Coupling Air 8 h - Chain Lightning Conjuration/Air 9 the Essays on Creative Terra Firma (1380 gold) Spells Type Level a - Summon Small Mammal Summoning 1 b - Call Canine Familiar Summoning 3 c - Martyr's Knell Necromancy/Summoning 4 d - Lee's Rapid Deconstruction Earth 5 e - Summon Mana Viper Hexes/Summoning 5 f - Borgnjor's Vile Clutch Necromancy/Earth 5 g - Malign Gateway Summoning/Translocation 7 h - Summon Horrible Things Summoning 8 Sif Muna's Volume of the Morgue and Geometry (1260 gold) Spells Type Level a - Vampiric Draining Necromancy 3 b - Teleport Other Translocation 3 c - Iskenderun's Mystic Blast Conjuration/Translocation 4 d - Dimensional Bullseye Hexes/Translocation 4 e - Anguish Hexes/Necromancy 4 f - Martyr's Knell Necromancy/Summoning 4 g - Death Channel Necromancy 6 h - Dispersal Translocation 6 (0, 0, D:7) a +0 flail (1, 1, D:7) a +0 whip (3, -1, D:7) a +0 robe a +0 dagger (13, -21, D:7) a +0 dagger a +0 robe (18, -37, D:7) a +0 orcbow (18, -20, D:7) a +1 short sword of electrocution a +0 leather armour (22, -24, D:7) a +0 sling (26, 13, D:7) a +0 leather armour (26, 14, D:7) a +0 club (34, -28, D:7) a +0 short sword 4 poisoned darts (34, 10, D:7) a +0 ring mail a +0 flail (35, 10, D:7) a +0 leather armour a +0 short sword (36, -28, D:7) a +0 short sword a +0 short sword 7 stones (37, -26, D:7) a +0 short sword (38, -25, D:7) a +0 dagger 5 stones (38, -19, D:7) a +0 whip (38, 10, D:7) a +0 leather armour a +0 hand axe (39, -26, D:7) a +0 dagger 2 stones (39, 9, D:7) a +0 robe a +0 dagger (41, -28, D:7) a +0 chain mail a +0 club (44, -20, D:7) a +0 leather armour (44, -3, D:7) a +0 quarterstaff (44, -2, D:7) a +0 quarterstaff (44, -1, D:7) a +0 halberd (44, 0, D:7) a +0 sling (44, 1, D:7) a +3 rapier (49, -4, D:7) a +0 sling (50, -9, D:7) 5 poisoned darts a +0 short sword (51, -13, D:7) a +0 dagger (59, -3, D:7) a +0 leather armour (62, -5, D:7) a +0 spear Level 8 of the Dungeon (0, 0, D:8) 6 stones (5, -6, D:8) a +0 dagger (8, -8, D:8) a yak corpse (9, 6, D:8) a +0 whip (13, -8, D:8) a +0 hand axe (16, -11, D:8) 5 stones a +0 short sword (16, -5, D:8) a +0 sling a +0 leather armour a +0 dagger 9 poisoned darts a +2 short sword of draining (18, -7, D:8) a +1 heavy falchion 2 stones (26, -3, D:8) 2 stones (29, -4, D:8) 8 stones (33, 1, D:8) a +0 dagger 4 stones (35, -15, D:8) a flux talisman (35, 1, D:8) a +1 whip of venom 2 stones (44, 21, D:8) a +0 robe a +0 long sword (45, 22, D:8) a +0 robe a +4 short sword (46, 16, D:8) a +0 flail a +0 plate armour (46, 25, D:8) a +3 falchion a +0 robe (54, 10, D:8) a +0 dagger (56, 16, D:8) a +1 falchion of holy wrath (57, 12, D:8) a +3 dagger a +0 robe (57, 14, D:8) a +0 chain mail a +0 mace (57, 15, D:8) a +0 ring mail a +0 club a +0 dagger of venom a +0 club a +0 short sword (57, 16, D:8) a +0 club a +0 ring mail a +0 short sword 6 datura-tipped darts (58, 15, D:8) a +0 falchion a +0 leather armour a +0 hand axe a +0 robe a +0 dagger (60, 17, D:8) a +0 war axe a +0 leather armour (62, -10, D:8) a +0 mace Level 9 of the Dungeon (0, 0, D:9) a +0 dagger a +0 robe (1, 0, D:9) a +0 flail (4, 3, D:9) a +1 mace of protection (4, 13, D:9) a +0 leather armour a +0 dagger (7, 15, D:9) a +0 chain mail (34, -5, D:9) a +0 leather armour the Ecumenical Temple