bonkthebonk the Dungeon (3, 2, D) a +5 triple sword (still there?) a +5 great sword (still there?) a +5 double sword (still there?) a +5 demon blade (still there?) (3, 3, D) a +5 lajatang (3, 4, D) 1000 sling bullets (still there?) a +5 fustibalus (still there?) a +5 hunting sling (still there?) a +5 longbow (still there?) 1000 arrows (still there?) a +5 shortbow (still there?) a +5 triple crossbow (still there?) a +5 arbalest (still there?) 1000 bolts (still there?) a +5 hand crossbow (still there?) (4, 2, D) a +5 quick blade (still there?) a +5 rapier (still there?) a +5 dagger (still there?) (4, 3, D) a +5 giant spiked club (still there?) a +5 giant club (still there?) a +5 great mace (still there?) a +5 demon whip (still there?) (4, 4, D) a +5 bardiche (still there?) a +5 demon trident (still there?) (4, 5, D) a +5 executioner's axe a +5 battleaxe (4, 7, D) a +3 tower shield a +3 kite shield a +3 buckler (4, 8, D) a +5 crystal plate armour +5 shadow dragon scales +5 storm dragon scales +5 ice dragon scales +5 fire dragon scales a +5 plate armour (7, 6, D) a scroll of holy word (7, 7, D) 2 potions of berserk rage (10, 0, D) the +6 Majin-Bo {vamp, MP+6 Int+6} It occasionally heals its wielder for a portion of the damage dealt when they wound a living foe with it or with a spell. Its wielder's spells cost health as well as magical power. Int: It affects your intelligence (+6). MP: It affects your magic capacity (+6). the +9 heavy crossbow "Sniper" {vorpal, Acc+∞ SInv} Any ammunition fired from it inflicts extra damage upon your enemies. Any ammunition fired from it never misses its target. SInv: It lets you see invisible. the +10 dark maul {vorpal} It inflicts extra damage upon your enemies. the +15 Maxwell's patent armour {-Cast -Tele rElec Will+ rCorr} rElec: It insulates you from electricity. -Cast: It prevents spellcasting. -Tele: It prevents most forms of teleportation. rCorr: It protects you from acid and corrosion. Will: It increases your willpower. the +14 obsidian axe {vorpal, Mesm Drain Fly SInv} It inflicts extra damage upon your enemies. It occasionally summons demons to assist the wielder when it strikes in combat. Its wielder is mesmerised by any visible foes. It cannot be unequipped while any foes are visible. SInv: It lets you see invisible. Fly: It grants you flight. Drain: It drains your maximum health when unequipped. (11, 0, D) the +7 great mace "Firestarter" {inner flame, rF++} It burns those it strikes, dealing additional fire damage. It fills those it strikes with an explosive inner flame. It grants immunity to clouds of flame. rF: It greatly protects you from fire. the +6 shillelagh "Devastator" {shatter} It releases a powerful concussive burst when it strikes, dealing extra damage to the target and all other foes adjacent to them. the +11 plutonium sword {Contam Stlth-} It occasionally inflicts wild transmutation effects on those it strikes, inflicting malmutation or extra damage, or polymorphing them into a new form. Contam: It causes magical contamination when unequipped. Stlth: It makes you less stealthy. the +8 lance "Wyrmbane" {slay drac, rPois rF+ rC+ AC+3} It inflicts extra damage against dragons and draconians. AC: It affects your AC (+3). rF: It protects you from fire. rC: It protects you from cold. rPois: It protects you from poison. the +9 sword of Zonguldrok {reap} Any living foe damaged by it may be reanimated upon death as a zombie friendly to the wielder, with an increasing chance as more damage is dealt. the +13 scythe of Curses {drain, Drain} A truly terrible weapon, it drains the life of any living foe it strikes. It inflicts powerful necromantic curses on any living foe it strikes. Drain: It drains your maximum health when unequipped. the +5 sword of Power {vorpal} It inflicts extra damage upon your enemies. It occasionally discharges a powerful but inaccurate bolt of energy upon striking a foe, with increased chance the greater the wielder's current health. the +7 mace of Variability {chain chaos} Each time it hits an enemy it has a different, random effect. It occasionally unleashes arcs of chaos on nearby creatures upon striking a foe. the +7 Singing Sword {vorpal, sonic wave} It inflicts extra damage upon your enemies. It radiates damaging sonic waves as it strikes, especially in combat involving dangerous or numerous foes. the +8 storm bow {elec, penet} Any ammunition fired from it occasionally discharges a powerful burst of electricity upon striking a foe. Any ammunition fired by it passes through the targets it hits, potentially hitting all targets in its path until it reaches maximum range. (13, -1, D) a +0 robe a +6 ring of intelligence a +6 ring of dexterity a +6 ring of dexterity a ring of flight