chimenez Level 1 of the Dungeon (0, 0, D:1) a +0 mace (18, 13, D:1) a +0 dagger (19, 13, D:1) a cursed -3 club (20, -4, D:1) 16 stones (38, -27, D:1) 28 stones (42, -30, D:1) 17 stones Level 2 of the Dungeon (0, 1, D:2) a +0 club (3, -21, D:2) a +0 club (11, -35, D:2) a +0 short sword (18, -14, D:2) a +0 dagger (20, 2, D:2) 15 stones (22, 5, D:2) a +0 club (25, 10, D:2) a +0 robe (28, -25, D:2) a +0 short sword (28, -20, D:2) a +0 ring mail (29, -5, D:2) a +0 chain mail a +0 flail (31, -23, D:2) a +0 trident (36, 9, D:2) a +0 club (41, -26, D:2) a stone (43, 11, D:2) 5 curare-tipped needles (49, -7, D:2) a +0 dagger (50, -29, D:2) a +0 dagger (51, -12, D:2) a +0 club Level 3 of the Dungeon (0, 0, D:3) a +0 club (1, -21, D:3) a +0 ring mail (4, -48, D:3) a +0 short sword a javelin (6, 3, D:3) a +0 club (9, -44, D:3) 4 javelins (9, -26, D:3) a +1 long sword of freezing (10, -47, D:3) a cursed +0 dagger a +0 scale mail (10, -44, D:3) a javelin (10, -38, D:3) 16 arrows (11, -43, D:3) a javelin (14, -21, D:3) 21 stones (15, -28, D:3) 18 sling bullets (16, -23, D:3) 2 stones a +0 whip (16, -21, D:3) a stone (16, -20, D:3) a +0 dagger (23, -27, D:3) a cursed -1 trident (28, -46, D:3) a stone (28, -19, D:3) a +0 whip (28, 2, D:3) a +0 dagger a +2 dagger of venom (31, -22, D:3) a +0 robe (35, -46, D:3) 26 stones (37, -18, D:3) 25 stones (38, -18, D:3) 18 stones (38, -8, D:3) a cursed -3 club (43, -21, D:3) a +0 club Level 4 of the Dungeon (0, 0, D:4) a +0 scale mail (0, 32, D:4) 17 stones (4, 12, D:4) a +0 club (5, 42, D:4) 27 arrows (24, 31, D:4) a cursed -2 leather armour a +0 club (30, 16, D:4) a +0 dagger (31, 5, D:4) a +0 cloak (32, 2, D:4) a +0 war axe (38, 40, D:4) 12 stones (49, 38, D:4) 18 stones Level 5 of the Dungeon [Shop] Gozag's Platinum Reserve the +4 dagger "Hougimine" {freeze, rN+ Str+4} (4320 gold) It has been specially enchanted to freeze those struck by it, causing extra injury to most foes and up to half again as much damage against particularly susceptible opponents. It can also slow down cold-blooded creatures. It affects your strength (+4). It protects you from negative energy. a +4 blowgun (2450 gold) the amulet "Upiap" {Gourm rF++ Str+8 Int-5 Dex+2} (6500 gold) [amulet of the gourmand] It allows you to eat raw meat even when not hungry. It affects your strength (+8). It affects your intelligence (-5). It affects your dexterity (+2). It greatly protects you from fire. the +10 whip of Dissent {protect, +Rage rPois rF+} (7470 gold) It protects the one who uses it against injury (+AC on strike). It protects you from fire. It protects you from poison. It lets you go berserk. (3, 2, D:5) 13 stones (4, -5, D:5) an arrow (5, -7, D:5) an arrow (8, -8, D:5) a +0 shortbow 16 arrows (10, -19, D:5) 6 arrows (11, -18, D:5) 2 arrows (11, -17, D:5) an arrow (13, 11, D:5) a +0 short sword (14, -20, D:5) a +1 whip of electrocution (14, -2, D:5) an arrow (16, -8, D:5) a +0 hand axe (30, 11, D:5) a +0 hunting sling (30, 12, D:5) a +0 shortbow (31, 12, D:5) 7 arrows (31, 14, D:5) a +0 pair of boots (31, 20, D:5) a +0 short sword (35, 20, D:5) a +4 spear (36, -17, D:5) 2 bolts (37, -17, D:5) 2 bolts Level 6 of the Dungeon (0, 0, D:6) 7 bolts (3, 14, D:6) 9 stones (11, 25, D:6) a +0 hand axe (12, 32, D:6) a +0 trident (20, -7, D:6) 3 bolts (21, -6, D:6) a bolt (29, 3, D:6) a cursed +0 robe (30, -13, D:6) 18 arrows (30, 1, D:6) a +0 cloak (33, 20, D:6) a +0 club a +0 ring mail a +0 hand axe a +0 mace a +0 dagger a +0 robe (40, 20, D:6) a +0 leather armour (43, 7, D:6) a +0 spear (44, -6, D:6) a +0 giant club (47, 12, D:6) a +0 pair of boots (49, 6, D:6) 24 arrows Level 7 of the Dungeon (1, 10, D:7) a +0 hand axe a cursed +0 animal skin (2, 10, D:7) 17 stones (2, 15, D:7) 9 arrows (14, 2, D:7) 4 tomahawks (17, -5, D:7) a +0 battleaxe (17, 0, D:7) a +0 flail a +0 ring mail (19, -4, D:7) a +0 hand axe (20, -8, D:7) 5 arrows (20, -5, D:7) a +0 hand axe (20, -3, D:7) a +3 flail a +0 hand axe (21, -4, D:7) a +0 dagger a +0 robe a +0 hand axe (24, 27, D:7) a bolt (25, -9, D:7) 4 tomahawks (26, 30, D:7) 15 stones (27, -9, D:7) a +0 shortbow 22 arrows (29, -9, D:7) a +0 falchion (31, -9, D:7) a +0 hand axe a +0 leather armour a +0 club (31, 23, D:7) a +0 hand axe (32, -10, D:7) a +0 short sword a +0 chain mail 3 tomahawks (37, -8, D:7) 3 tomahawks (40, 26, D:7) 2 bolts (40, 27, D:7) a bolt (unseen) (40, 29, D:7) a bolt (40, 32, D:7) 5 bolts (46, -14, D:7) an uncursed staff of death the Ecumenical Temple