chimenez Level 1 of the Dungeon (5, 1, D:1) a stone (7, 0, D:1) a stone (8, -1, D:1) a stone (9, -2, D:1) a stone (12, -3, D:1) a +0 whip (14, 7, D:1) a +0 dagger (23, 4, D:1) a +0 dagger (26, 2, D:1) a stone (30, 31, D:1) a +0 hand axe (31, 2, D:1) 17 arrows (32, 30, D:1) a +0 leather armour (33, -4, D:1) a +0 club (34, 25, D:1) a +0 short sword (40, 9, D:1) a stone (40, 24, D:1) 22 stones (40, 31, D:1) a +0 whip a stone (40, 33, D:1) a +0 leather armour (41, 10, D:1) a +0 dagger 3 stones (42, 1, D:1) a +0 short sword (43, 33, D:1) a stone (47, 28, D:1) 13 sling bullets (54, -1, D:1) a +0 dagger (56, -1, D:1) a +0 dagger (56, 45, D:1) a +0 ring mail Level 2 of the Dungeon (0, 0, D:2) a +0 dagger (2, -3, D:2) 21 sling bullets (8, -3, D:2) a +0 short sword (28, 5, D:2) 24 bolts (29, 2, D:2) a +0 chain mail (30, 1, D:2) a throwing net (30, 2, D:2) a +0 robe (36, -29, D:2) a +0 leather armour (41, -11, D:2) a +0 short sword 2 stones (44, -11, D:2) a +0 short sword (48, -11, D:2) a stone (49, -7, D:2) a +0 short sword (58, 12, D:2) a +0 dagger Level 3 of the Dungeon (0, 0, D:3) a +0 club (14, -28, D:3) 14 bolts (15, -33, D:3) a +0 hand axe (25, -20, D:3) a +0 mace (26, -22, D:3) a +0 leather armour a +0 trident (26, -21, D:3) a +0 scale mail a +0 dagger (27, -1, D:3) a +0 club a +1 spear of pain (28, -1, D:3) a +0 halberd (28, 0, D:3) a +0 spear (29, -1, D:3) a cursed +0 whip a +0 leather armour (31, -2, D:3) a +0 halberd (32, -1, D:3) a +2 vampiric spear (42, -17, D:3) a +0 club (46, -28, D:3) a +0 whip (49, -13, D:3) a +0 club (49, -12, D:3) a +0 club Level 4 of the Dungeon (11, -55, D:4) a +0 robe (26, -21, D:4) a +0 robe (33, -21, D:4) 28 bolts (40, -56, D:4) a +0 robe (40, -29, D:4) a +0 leather armour (43, -53, D:4) 20 arrows (43, -24, D:4) a +0 flail (48, -48, D:4) 19 arrows Level 5 of the Dungeon (1, 0, D:5) a +2 dagger of holy wrath a +0 robe (1, 2, D:5) a +0 mace (2, 2, D:5) a +0 dagger (5, 25, D:5) a +0 leather armour (15, 38, D:5) a +0 ring mail (16, 21, D:5) 14 arrows (18, 29, D:5) a +0 giant club (19, 29, D:5) a +0 ring mail a +0 flail (21, 7, D:5) a +0 giant spiked club (24, 28, D:5) a +0 spear (30, 26, D:5) 17 sling bullets (30, 34, D:5) a +0 flail (31, 34, D:5) a cursed -3 whip (31, 39, D:5) a +0 trident (32, 34, D:5) a +0 ring mail (33, 34, D:5) a +0 leather armour (49, 26, D:5) a cursed ring of teleportation (52, 12, D:5) a +0 leather armour (52, 14, D:5) a +0 trident (53, 27, D:5) a +0 rapier Level 6 of the Dungeon [Shop] Deamewi's Antique Armour Shoppe a +2 plate armour of magic resistance (840 gold) a +0 leather armour (42 gold) a +0 leather armour (42 gold) a +0 leather armour (42 gold) a cursed +0 scale mail (21 gold) a +0 ring mail (84 gold) a +3 ring mail of fire resistance (546 gold) a +0 leather armour (42 gold) a +0 robe (14 gold) (0, 0, D:6) a +0 pair of boots (2, 18, D:6) a +0 scale mail (5, -8, D:6) 18 bolts (10, 16, D:6) 11 arrows (16, 28, D:6) 21 bolts (19, 24, D:6) a +0 ring mail 30 bolts (19, 32, D:6) 64 stones (20, -1, D:6) a cursed ring of teleportation (20, 31, D:6) 3 arrows (22, 31, D:6) a +0 hand axe a +0 scale mail (22, 32, D:6) a +2 shortbow of freezing 17 arrows (24, 29, D:6) a +0 club a +0 leather armour (24, 30, D:6) a +0 short sword a +0 leather armour (25, 28, D:6) a +0 short sword (31, 12, D:6) a +0 spear (32, -4, D:6) a +0 scale mail (32, 11, D:6) a +0 whip a +0 spear (33, 11, D:6) a +0 spear (40, 11, D:6) a +2 pair of boots (48, -3, D:6) a +0 leather armour Level 7 of the Dungeon (0, 0, D:7) a +0 spear (4, 25, D:7) a +0 mace (4, 27, D:7) a +0 mace (6, 25, D:7) a +0 mace (6, 26, D:7) a cursed -3 mace (6, 27, D:7) a +0 mace (6, 28, D:7) a +0 mace (7, 25, D:7) a +0 mace (7, 26, D:7) a +0 mace (8, -13, D:7) a +0 robe (8, 27, D:7) a +0 mace (13, 16, D:7) a cursed -1 dagger (14, 26, D:7) a +3 quarterstaff of chaos a +0 cloak (14, 34, D:7) 12 arrows (17, 25, D:7) a +0 mace (22, 1, D:7) a +0 long sword (59, 15, D:7) a +0 rapier Level 8 of the Dungeon [Shop] Egoc's Assorted Antiques a +0 trident (101 gold) a scroll of teleportation (87 gold) a +0 robe (20 gold) 2 potions of curing (174 gold) a +0 fustibalus (435 gold) a wand of flame (22) (348 gold) a +0 chain mail (130 gold) [Shop] Ofesacoll's Book Shop a book of Debilitation (520 gold) a book of Beasts (715 gold) a book of Maledictions (325 gold) a book of Callings (390 gold) a book of the Sky (845 gold) a book of Annihilations (1435 gold) a book of Air (455 gold) a book of Summonings (910 gold) a book of Dreams (975 gold) a book of Necromancy (390 gold) a Grand Grimoire (1435 gold) a book of Frost (455 gold) a Young Poisoner's Handbook (520 gold) (0, 0, D:8) 21 poisoned needles (5, 4, D:8) a +0 leather armour (9, 13, D:8) a +0 flail (11, 12, D:8) a +0 dagger a +0 robe (25, 1, D:8) 20 poisoned needles (28, -15, D:8) a cursed -3 shortbow 11 arrows (35, 20, D:8) 10 gold pieces (35, 24, D:8) 11 gold pieces (36, -3, D:8) an uncursed amulet of harm an uncursed ring of teleportation (36, 20, D:8) 7 gold pieces (36, 21, D:8) a ration (36, 22, D:8) 17 gold pieces (36, 23, D:8) 17 gold pieces (36, 24, D:8) 9 gold pieces (38, 9, D:8) 22 stones (40, 6, D:8) a +0 dagger a +0 leather armour (41, 6, D:8) a +0 giant club a +0 dagger a +0 robe (45, -9, D:8) a +0 giant spiked club a +0 short sword a +0 scale mail a +0 great mace a cursed +0 robe (46, -9, D:8) a +0 mace 9 stones (47, -9, D:8) a +0 flail a +0 leather armour (47, 9, D:8) 16 arrows (52, 33, D:8) a +0 dagger (53, -9, D:8) a stone (57, 15, D:8) 9 poisoned needles Level 9 of the Dungeon (0, 0, D:9) 22 arrows (1, 11, D:9) a +0 rapier (3, -1, D:9) a +0 leather armour (3, 15, D:9) a +0 cloak (5, -13, D:9) a +0 shortbow 6 arrows (7, -14, D:9) 2 arrows (8, -15, D:9) an arrow (9, -16, D:9) an arrow (9, -3, D:9) a +0 leather armour (10, -17, D:9) an arrow (12, -18, D:9) 2 arrows (12, -4, D:9) 14 bolts (13, -18, D:9) a +0 scale mail (15, -24, D:9) a +0 giant club (15, -4, D:9) a +0 flail (20, 3, D:9) a +0 dagger a +0 robe (23, 2, D:9) a +0 dagger a +0 robe (24, -11, D:9) a +0 shortbow 20 arrows (26, -11, D:9) an arrow (27, 2, D:9) a +0 dagger a +0 robe (28, -11, D:9) an arrow (31, -11, D:9) 4 arrows (38, 12, D:9) 2 stones (38, 14, D:9) 22 stones (39, 11, D:9) a cursed -2 hand axe (40, -12, D:9) a +0 whip (40, 12, D:9) a stone (41, 12, D:9) a stone (43, -32, D:9) a +0 whip (43, 16, D:9) 16 stones (44, 12, D:9) 14 stones Level 10 of the Dungeon (0, 0, D:10) an arrow (1, 0, D:10) an arrow (2, -1, D:10) a +0 shortbow 13 arrows (3, 15, D:10) 18 arrows (8, 21, D:10) a +0 shortbow 26 arrows (20, -3, D:10) a +0 dagger (21, -2, D:10) a +0 whip (23, 12, D:10) a +0 short sword (23, 18, D:10) 18 stones (24, 4, D:10) 24 sling bullets (39, -12, D:10) an arrow (41, 20, D:10) 17 arrows (42, -3, D:10) a +0 ring mail (43, 20, D:10) a +0 hand crossbow (45, -11, D:10) a +3 shortbow of freezing 21 arrows (55, -5, D:10) a +2 whip of electrocution (55, -3, D:10) a +0 mace a +0 ring mail a +0 dagger a cursed +0 robe (56, -2, D:10) a +0 club a +0 chain mail (57, 26, D:10) 24 bolts (59, 8, D:10) a +0 flail (63, -7, D:10) a +0 pair of gloves Level 11 of the Dungeon (0, 0, D:11) a +0 spear (8, 32, D:11) a +0 halberd (9, 32, D:11) 2 potions of blood a +0 spear a +0 scale mail (10, 30, D:11) a +0 whip (11, 42, D:11) a +0 falchion (12, 42, D:11) 27 sling bullets (17, 12, D:11) a +0 dagger (19, 12, D:11) a +0 dagger (19, 37, D:11) 11 sling bullets (20, 13, D:11) a +0 chain mail a +0 halberd (20, 14, D:11) a +0 ring mail a +0 trident (21, 46, D:11) the +7 quick blade "Etuthrisi" {antimagic, rPois} It reduces the magical energy of the wielder, and disrupts the spells and magical abilities of those hit. Natural abilities and divine invocations are not affected. It protects you from poison. (23, 31, D:11) a +0 leather armour (23, 39, D:11) a +0 leather armour (28, 25, D:11) a +0 flail a +0 plate armour a +0 scimitar (28, 26, D:11) a +0 mace Level 12 of the Dungeon (0, 0, D:12) a +0 quarterstaff (8, 14, D:12) a lamp of fire (13, -7, D:12) a +2 vampiric dagger (14, -9, D:12) a +0 ring mail a cursed -3 short sword (14, -8, D:12) a +0 chain mail a +0 mace (14, -7, D:12) a cursed -2 club (15, 12, D:12) 26 stones (18, -5, D:12) a +0 ring mail (23, -2, D:12) a +0 war axe a cursed -1 mace (28, -4, D:12) a +0 ring mail a +0 flail (31, -1, D:12) a +0 hand crossbow (32, -23, D:12) a +0 leather armour (32, -22, D:12) a +0 robe a +0 dagger (33, -22, D:12) a +0 mace (33, -5, D:12) a +0 leather armour (35, -7, D:12) a +0 battleaxe (41, -27, D:12) a +0 dagger a +0 robe (43, -26, D:12) a +0 dagger a +0 chain mail (47, -3, D:12) a +0 long sword (47, -2, D:12) a +0 scimitar the Ecumenical Temple Level 1 of the Orcish Mines (0, 0, Orc:1) 27 gold pieces (1, 4, Orc:1) 22 gold pieces (7, 3, Orc:1) 17 gold pieces (8, 1, Orc:1) 12 gold pieces Level 1 of the Lair of Beasts (0, 0, Lair:1) a +0 buckler (0, 16, Lair:1) a +0 short sword (4, 8, Lair:1) a +0 robe (4, 24, Lair:1) 11 poisoned needles (7, 15, Lair:1) a cursed +0 robe (10, 19, Lair:1) 22 stones (11, 19, Lair:1) a +0 helmet (21, -14, Lair:1) 12 stones (21, 21, Lair:1) a +0 pair of gloves (21, 27, Lair:1) 4 needles of confusion (49, 18, Lair:1) 15 arrows (55, 26, Lair:1) a +2 chain mail of poison resistance (59, -6, Lair:1) 18 stones Level 2 of the Lair of Beasts (0, 0, Lair:2) a +0 ring mail (5, -18, Lair:2) a +0 battleaxe (16, -34, Lair:2) a +0 large shield (23, -51, Lair:2) a cursed +0 trident (28, 6, Lair:2) 9 bolts (29, -13, Lair:2) a +0 mace (52, 6, Lair:2) a +0 ring mail (53, -33, Lair:2) a wand of polymorph (5) a +2 great mace of holy wrath a wand of disintegration (17) a +1 war axe of freezing 3 scrolls of random uselessness a +0 giant club a +0 cloak 3 scrolls of noise a +1 robe (61, -11, Lair:2) a +0 pair of gloves (70, -52, Lair:2) a +0 dagger Level 3 of the Lair of Beasts (0, 0, Lair:3) 24 arrows (9, 2, Lair:3) a +0 leather armour (11, -4, Lair:3) a cursed ring of teleportation (12, -24, Lair:3) a cursed +0 scale mail (15, -22, Lair:3) a water moccasin corpse (15, -5, Lair:3) a crocodile skeleton (21, 3, Lair:3) a large rock (21, 5, Lair:3) a +0 scale mail (23, 3, Lair:3) a large rock (24, 2, Lair:3) 3 large rocks (28, 6, Lair:3) 33 sling bullets (31, 8, Lair:3) a wand of random effects (11) (41, -2, Lair:3) 30 sling bullets (42, -34, Lair:3) an uncursed staff of summoning (42, -33, Lair:3) a scroll of torment (43, -34, Lair:3) the cursed +0 trident of Bloody Death {freeze, *Slow Dex+6} It has been specially enchanted to freeze those struck by it, causing extra injury to most foes and up to half again as much damage against particularly susceptible opponents. It can also slow down cold-blooded creatures. It affects your dexterity (+6). It may slow you when you take damage. It has a curse placed upon it. (43, -33, Lair:3) the +9 staff of Wucad Mu {channel} (50, -27, Lair:3) a hydra corpse (skeletalised by now) (63, -27, Lair:3) a hydra corpse (skeletalised by now)