chimenez Level 1 of the Dungeon (0, 0, D:1) a +0 ring mail (2, -13, D:1) a +0 club (3, -1, D:1) a +0 dagger (8, 0, D:1) 18 sling bullets (22, -7, D:1) 3 large rocks (25, -13, D:1) a +0 leather armour (31, -17, D:1) a +0 dagger (33, -3, D:1) a +0 scale mail (34, -5, D:1) a +0 mace (35, -49, D:1) 26 sling bullets (38, -11, D:1) a +0 club (39, -29, D:1) 23 stones (49, -18, D:1) a cursed -1 ring mail (55, -26, D:1) 10 stones (59, -34, D:1) 2 stones Level 2 of the Dungeon (0, 0, D:2) 18 bolts (5, -9, D:2) a +0 dagger a +0 robe (6, 1, D:2) 16 bolts (14, 3, D:2) 22 stones (30, 2, D:2) a +0 club (33, -3, D:2) 2 stones (35, 22, D:2) a +0 hand axe (39, -11, D:2) a +0 short sword 3 stones (40, 23, D:2) a +0 short sword a +0 scale mail (40, 24, D:2) a +0 mace (42, 1, D:2) a +2 quarterstaff of chaos (43, 4, D:2) a +0 mace (62, 34, D:2) a +0 leather armour (64, 5, D:2) a +0 club Level 3 of the Dungeon (0, 0, D:3) 12 stones (6, -24, D:3) a +0 spear (19, -20, D:3) 11 stones (24, -18, D:3) 20 stones (25, -2, D:3) a +0 ring mail (28, -13, D:3) a +0 dagger a +0 robe a +0 club (29, -13, D:3) a +0 dagger a cursed +0 robe a cursed -1 club a +0 leather armour (29, -1, D:3) 15 poisoned needles (32, 0, D:3) a +0 leather armour (40, 6, D:3) a +0 dagger (57, -24, D:3) 22 stones Level 4 of the Dungeon (0, 0, D:4) 25 arrows (2, 16, D:4) a +0 short sword a cursed -1 whip (4, -2, D:4) a +0 leather armour (9, 12, D:4) 4 needles of sleeping (11, 5, D:4) a +0 hand axe (37, -34, D:4) a +0 hand axe (37, -17, D:4) 9 sling bullets Level 5 of the Dungeon (0, 0, D:5) 16 arrows (0, 7, D:5) a +1 robe of cold resistance (0, 13, D:5) a +0 flail (3, 13, D:5) a +2 spear of venom (7, 40, D:5) 22 stones (8, 9, D:5) a +3 whip (12, 6, D:5) 8 stones (12, 10, D:5) a +0 dagger a cursed +0 robe a +0 dagger a +0 robe (12, 12, D:5) a +0 falchion (13, 8, D:5) a +1 whip of pain a +0 leather armour (14, 10, D:5) 4 stones (16, -3, D:5) 11 arrows (22, 27, D:5) a +0 leather armour (23, 21, D:5) a +0 spear (25, 6, D:5) a +0 battleaxe (25, 8, D:5) a +0 falchion (31, 12, D:5) a +0 ring mail (32, -1, D:5) a +0 falchion (33, -1, D:5) 18 bolts Level 6 of the Dungeon (0, 0, D:6) 3 arrows (1, 1, D:6) an arrow (2, 1, D:6) an arrow (3, 1, D:6) an arrow (5, 2, D:6) a +0 shortbow 9 arrows (6, 4, D:6) a +0 ring mail (8, -9, D:6) a +0 trident (9, -8, D:6) a +0 club a +0 flail a +0 scale mail (19, -1, D:6) a +0 spear (19, 0, D:6) a cursed -3 halberd (20, -12, D:6) 13 stones (20, -2, D:6) a +0 whip a +0 spear (36, -13, D:6) 2 arrows Level 7 of the Dungeon (0, 0, D:7) a +0 robe (13, 12, D:7) 8 stones (21, 0, D:7) 4 curare-tipped needles (26, 13, D:7) a +0 quarterstaff (26, 14, D:7) a potion of curing (26, 15, D:7) a +0 blowgun (27, 14, D:7) 14 gold pieces (28, -1, D:7) a +0 buckler (39, 13, D:7) 14 poisoned needles (43, 40, D:7) a +0 centaur barding (46, 6, D:7) a +0 shield (47, 6, D:7) a +0 dagger a cursed +0 leather armour a +0 short sword (49, 16, D:7) a +0 ring mail (50, 27, D:7) a +0 club a cursed +0 leather armour Level 8 of the Dungeon (0, 0, D:8) 12 stones (7, -6, D:8) a +0 trident (8, 14, D:8) a +0 falchion (16, -26, D:8) a +4 hunting sling (16, 3, D:8) 21 stones (16, 7, D:8) a +0 spear (25, 12, D:8) a +0 falchion (29, -18, D:8) a +0 quarterstaff (33, 6, D:8) a +0 robe a +0 dagger (34, 6, D:8) a +0 robe a +0 dagger (35, 4, D:8) a scroll of immolation 2 scrolls of random uselessness 5 scrolls of noise a +0 dagger a +0 robe (35, 5, D:8) a +0 leather armour a +0 trident (35, 6, D:8) a +0 ring mail a +0 club a +0 club a +0 ring mail a +0 long sword a +0 chain mail (39, -21, D:8) 27 stones (39, -14, D:8) a +0 giant club Level 9 of the Dungeon (0, 0, D:9) a +0 leather armour (5, -7, D:9) a +0 halberd a +0 ring mail (9, -30, D:9) a +0 giant club (11, -7, D:9) a +0 dagger (12, -19, D:9) a +0 dagger (16, -15, D:9) a +0 robe a +0 dagger (17, -15, D:9) a +0 dagger (17, -14, D:9) a +0 chain mail a +0 battleaxe (19, -13, D:9) a +0 leather armour (19, -6, D:9) a scroll of noise (21, 23, D:9) a +0 glaive (41, 26, D:9) a +0 ring mail (48, -22, D:9) a +0 shortbow 18 arrows (49, -20, D:9) an arrow (50, -19, D:9) an arrow (52, -21, D:9) a +0 spear (56, -13, D:9) a +0 whip (61, -25, D:9) a +0 quarterstaff Level 10 of the Dungeon (0, 0, D:10) a +0 ring mail (3, 7, D:10) a +3 leather armour (5, 2, D:10) a +2 dire flail a +2 robe of fire resistance (6, 2, D:10) a +3 battleaxe a +0 robe a +3 flail a +0 robe (7, 0, D:10) a +0 dagger (7, 1, D:10) a cursed +2 trident a +0 robe (25, 2, D:10) an arrow (29, 7, D:10) a +0 hand axe a +0 leather armour a +0 flail a +0 leather armour a +0 flail a +0 ring mail a +0 war axe a +1 plate armour of cold resistance a +0 club a +0 hand axe of chopping a +0 leather armour a +0 club (29, 8, D:10) a +0 trident a +0 leather armour (30, -3, D:10) a +2 shortbow of freezing 18 arrows (30, 5, D:10) a +0 mace a +0 dagger a +0 leather armour a +0 dagger a +0 chain mail (30, 6, D:10) a +0 short sword a +0 scale mail (30, 7, D:10) a +0 club a +0 flail a +0 falchion a +0 short sword a +0 chain mail (30, 8, D:10) a +0 dagger (31, 7, D:10) a +0 club a +0 scale mail a +0 flail a +0 hand axe a +0 leather armour a +0 war axe a cursed -1 war axe a +0 plate armour (31, 8, D:10) a +0 trident (32, 20, D:10) a +0 robe (38, 14, D:10) a scroll of immolation (40, -12, D:10) an uncursed ring of flight (40, 21, D:10) a +0 leather armour a +0 pair of gloves (41, 16, D:10) a cursed +0 trident a +0 robe (42, 17, D:10) a +0 long sword a +0 robe a +4 long sword a +0 robe a +0 battleaxe a +0 robe a +5 great sword of freezing a +0 robe (46, 13, D:10) a cursed staff of air (46, 16, D:10) 11 arrows (47, 0, D:10) a +0 short sword a +0 leather armour (48, 0, D:10) a +0 dagger a +0 robe (49, 1, D:10) a +0 short sword Level 11 of the Dungeon (0, 0, D:11) a +0 mace of protection a +0 ring mail (0, 1, D:11) a +0 trident a +0 scale mail (1, 1, D:11) a cursed -3 whip a +0 ring mail (11, -22, D:11) 11 stones a +0 scimitar a +0 plate armour (12, -25, D:11) a +0 robe a +5 battleaxe (12, -24, D:11) a +0 robe a cursed +1 great sword (13, -25, D:11) a +0 robe a +0 trident (13, -24, D:11) 2 stones a +0 trident a +0 scale mail (13, -23, D:11) a stone a +2 mace of freezing a +0 robe (13, -22, D:11) a +0 club a +0 chain mail a +0 dagger a +0 robe (14, -25, D:11) a +0 robe a +0 halberd (14, -22, D:11) a stone (15, -22, D:11) 2 stones (18, -42, D:11) 11 arrows (19, -30, D:11) 2 stones (21, -16, D:11) a +0 leather armour (22, -42, D:11) a scroll of random uselessness (28, -39, D:11) a +0 giant club a +0 giant spiked club (34, 11, D:11) a +0 dagger (48, -2, D:11) a +0 club (49, 0, D:11) a +0 troll leather armour (50, -27, D:11) a +0 scale mail (53, -32, D:11) a +0 shortbow (57, -19, D:11) a large rock (58, -18, D:11) 4 large rocks Level 12 of the Dungeon [Shop] Zackemog's Assorted Antiques a scroll of immolation (119 gold) a +1 long sword of protection (380 gold) a +0 leather armour (68 gold) a scroll of teleportation (102 gold) a potion of resistance (340 gold) a potion of mutation (272 gold) a potion of lignification (102 gold) a +0 hand crossbow (119 gold) (0, 0, D:12) 23 arrows (1, 4, D:12) a +0 club a +0 ring mail a +0 dagger a +0 robe a +0 club (1, 5, D:12) a +0 dagger a +0 leather armour (2, 0, D:12) 12 arrows (2, 4, D:12) a +0 leather armour a +0 dagger a +0 robe (3, 4, D:12) a +0 dagger a +0 dagger a +0 robe (3, 5, D:12) a +0 war axe a +0 plate armour (7, 8, D:12) 12 poisoned needles (8, -4, D:12) a +0 flail (16, 9, D:12) an arrow (18, 9, D:12) a +0 rapier a +0 ring mail a +0 club a +0 dagger a +0 robe (19, 9, D:12) a +0 flail a +0 leather armour (20, -13, D:12) 30 stones (20, 9, D:12) a +0 club a +0 shortbow 12 arrows (21, 9, D:12) a +0 shortbow 29 arrows (22, 9, D:12) a cursed -2 shortbow 29 arrows (23, 9, D:12) a +0 shortbow 12 arrows (29, 9, D:12) an arrow (29, 18, D:12) a +0 glaive 18 stones a +0 chain mail (30, 18, D:12) a cursed -2 dagger a +0 robe a +0 club a +0 ring mail (30, 19, D:12) a +0 falchion a +0 leather armour (34, -6, D:12) a +1 scimitar of flaming (35, 20, D:12) a +0 blowgun (39, 0, D:12) a +0 leather armour (39, 2, D:12) a +0 robe (39, 12, D:12) a wand of enslavement (13) a +5 ring of evasion a wand of random effects (14) a +3 ring of protection a +3 ring of protection a +0 chain mail a +0 whip (40, -6, D:12) a +2 leather armour of fire resistance (51, 8, D:12) 3 large rocks (51, 10, D:12) a +4 giant spiked club a +2 robe of fire resistance (53, 11, D:12) 14 bolts (56, 10, D:12) a scroll of random uselessness Level 13 of the Dungeon (0, 0, D:13) a +0 falchion a +0 scale mail (1, 9, D:13) a scroll of random uselessness (23, 13, D:13) a +4 scimitar of flaming (23, 14, D:13) a +2 long sword of protection (27, -12, D:13) 29 sling bullets (30, -23, D:13) an arrow (30, -14, D:13) an arrow (31, -17, D:13) an arrow (31, -13, D:13) 13 arrows a +0 shortbow (31, -12, D:13) an arrow (31, -11, D:13) 10 arrows a +0 shortbow (31, -10, D:13) an arrow (32, -17, D:13) a +0 ring mail (35, -22, D:13) a +0 robe (36, -22, D:13) 22 arrows a +0 shortbow (37, -23, D:13) 30 arrows a +0 shortbow a +0 shortbow (37, -22, D:13) 14 arrows a +0 shortbow (38, -23, D:13) an arrow (39, -23, D:13) 2 arrows (40, -23, D:13) an arrow (41, -23, D:13) an arrow a +0 giant club (43, -23, D:13) a +0 troll leather armour (44, -23, D:13) an arrow (52, -22, D:13) a +2 flail of protection (56, -16, D:13) a +1 war axe of electrocution a +0 chain mail (56, -5, D:13) 13 bolts a +0 arbalest a +0 chain mail a +1 dire flail (61, -5, D:13) a +0 plate armour a +2 battleaxe (62, -18, D:13) a +0 chain mail (62, -6, D:13) a +0 scale mail a +0 arbalest 10 bolts a +0 short sword (63, -4, D:13) a +0 long sword (66, -12, D:13) a +0 war axe (66, -10, D:13) a +0 chain mail a +0 dire flail Level 14 of the Dungeon (0, 0, D:14) a +0 flail a +0 scale mail (1, 0, D:14) a +0 short sword a +0 dire flail a +0 chain mail (2, 0, D:14) a +0 falchion a +0 scale mail (9, -14, D:14) a +0 ring mail (11, 23, D:14) a +0 short sword (12, 6, D:14) a +3 troll leather armour {Snorg} (14, -12, D:14) 3 silver tomahawks (14, -5, D:14) an arrow (14, -4, D:14) an arrow (14, 23, D:14) a +2 pair of gloves of archery (14, 24, D:14) 14 gold pieces (14, 25, D:14) the cursed +1 lajatang "Cysoqo" {drain, -Tele rN+ Str+6} A truly terrible weapon, it drains the life of those it strikes. It affects your strength (+6). It protects you from negative energy. It prevents most forms of teleportation. It has a curse placed upon it. (15, 23, D:14) a +0 trident (15, 24, D:14) 21 gold pieces (15, 25, D:14) 265 gold pieces (16, -7, D:14) a +0 mace (16, -4, D:14) 2 arrows (16, 23, D:14) 10 gold pieces (16, 24, D:14) 12 gold pieces (16, 25, D:14) 11 gold pieces (18, -3, D:14) 3 arrows (19, -3, D:14) an arrow (20, -3, D:14) a +0 shortbow 20 arrows (21, -3, D:14) a +0 shortbow a +0 shortbow 46 arrows (21, -2, D:14) 3 arrows (22, -1, D:14) a +0 shortbow 21 arrows (23, -13, D:14) 5 arrows (23, -12, D:14) an arrow (23, -5, D:14) a +1 shortbow of velocity 13 arrows (23, 0, D:14) 2 arrows (24, 5, D:14) an arrow (30, -22, D:14) a +2 rapier of venom (37, 7, D:14) 8 stones (39, 8, D:14) a potion of degeneration (40, -14, D:14) an arrow (41, 16, D:14) a +0 chain mail (43, 23, D:14) 21 stones (44, -15, D:14) the +6 hand axe of Okawaru's Condemnation {vamp, *Noise Fragile rC+ rN+++} It inflicts no extra harm, but heals its wielder when it wounds a living foe. It protects you from cold. It renders you almost immune to negative energy. It may make noises in combat. It will be destroyed if unequipped. a +1 flail of crushing a +3 war axe of freezing (44, -11, D:14) 20 arrows a +0 shortbow (45, -13, D:14) an arrow (46, -15, D:14) 46 arrows a +0 shortbow a +0 shortbow (46, -13, D:14) 2 arrows (46, -12, D:14) 22 arrows a cursed +0 shortbow (47, -14, D:14) an arrow (47, 17, D:14) a +0 morningstar (49, 11, D:14) 28 gold pieces (49, 12, D:14) a +0 plate armour (50, -17, D:14) an arrow (50, 4, D:14) a potion of resistance (50, 11, D:14) a box of beasts (51, -18, D:14) an arrow (51, 11, D:14) a +0 cloak of invisibility (51, 12, D:14) a ration (52, -19, D:14) 2 arrows Level 15 of the Dungeon (0, 0, D:15) an arrow (0, 3, D:15) a +3 dire flail a +0 plate armour a +0 short sword (1, 4, D:15) a cursed +0 chain mail (2, 1, D:15) an arrow (2, 4, D:15) a +0 club (5, 4, D:15) a book of Debilitation (8, 0, D:15) a +0 shortbow a +0 dagger 17 arrows (10, -1, D:15) an arrow (14, 9, D:15) an arrow (16, 12, D:15) an arrow (17, 14, D:15) an arrow (18, 17, D:15) a +0 shortbow 11 arrows (18, 29, D:15) a +0 shortbow 8 arrows (21, 28, D:15) an arrow (22, 27, D:15) an arrow (24, 25, D:15) 2 arrows (24, 26, D:15) an arrow (25, 32, D:15) a +0 chain mail (27, 22, D:15) a scroll of immolation (30, 11, D:15) a cursed -3 rapier (30, 25, D:15) a +0 troll leather armour (30, 27, D:15) a +0 troll leather armour (45, 33, D:15) a +4 battleaxe a +0 chain mail (46, 34, D:15) a +7 halberd of chopping (50, 11, D:15) a +0 dagger a +0 robe (50, 12, D:15) a +0 short sword a +0 plate armour (52, 7, D:15) a +0 flail a +3 leather armour the Ecumenical Temple Level 1 of the Orcish Mines (0, 0, Orc:1) a stone (0, 1, Orc:1) a stone (1, 2, Orc:1) a stone (2, 1, Orc:1) a +0 club (2, 2, Orc:1) a +0 dagger (3, 0, Orc:1) a stone (3, 1, Orc:1) a stone (3, 2, Orc:1) a stone (4, 1, Orc:1) a stone (8, 8, Orc:1) a sack of spiders (8, 14, Orc:1) a +0 flail (8, 15, Orc:1) a +0 flail (8, 16, Orc:1) a +0 spear (9, 8, Orc:1) a potion of curing (9, 14, Orc:1) a +0 spear (9, 15, Orc:1) a +0 scale mail a +0 vampiric spear (10, 8, Orc:1) a phial of floods (13, -34, Orc:1) a +0 hand axe (14, -35, Orc:1) a +0 hand axe (14, -33, Orc:1) a +0 hand axe (15, -34, Orc:1) a +0 hand axe (21, -26, Orc:1) a +0 chain mail a cursed +0 glaive (22, -26, Orc:1) a +0 club (23, -26, Orc:1) a +0 dagger (24, -26, Orc:1) a +0 scale mail a +0 flail (38, -26, Orc:1) a +0 giant club a +0 giant spiked club Level 2 of the Orcish Mines [Shop] Gaempapa's Antique Armour Shop a +0 robe (21 gold) a +0 robe (21 gold) a +0 chain mail (135 gold) the +3 robe of Clouds {+Thunder rCloud rElec} (891 gold) It insulates you from electricity. a +0 chain mail (135 gold) a +1 scale mail of cold resistance (480 gold) a cursed +0 buckler (45 gold) the cursed +0 leather armour "Xuyziqor" {rElec rC+ Str-5 Int+3} (474 gold) It affects your strength (-5). It affects your intelligence (+3). It protects you from cold. It insulates you from electricity. It has a curse placed upon it. [Shop] Kajoibbu's Assorted Antiques a wand of digging (4) (480 gold) an uncursed ring of poison resistance (600 gold) a +0 leather armour (60 gold) a fan of gales (1200 gold) a sack of spiders (600 gold) a potion of agility (120 gold) a wand of iceblast (12) (480 gold) a scroll of remove curse (90 gold) a +2 ring of protection (300 gold) [Shop] Bakar's General Store a scroll of identify (22 gold) an uncursed ring of protection from cold (275 gold) a +0 scale mail (44 gold) a +0 flail (38 gold) a scroll of magic mapping (38 gold) 17 stones (18 gold) 3 curare-tipped needles (19 gold) a cursed +0 plate armour (242 gold) [Shop] Soahauff's Magic Scroll Shoppe a scroll of holy word (135 gold) a scroll of noise (18 gold) a scroll of identify (36 gold) a scroll of identify (36 gold) a scroll of identify (36 gold) a scroll of identify (36 gold) (0, 0, Orc:2) a +0 flail a +0 leather armour a +0 mace (0, 1, Orc:2) a +0 troll leather armour a +0 plate armour a +0 dagger a +0 robe a +0 hand axe a +0 chain mail a +0 club a +0 short sword a +0 chain mail a cursed -3 war axe (6, -12, Orc:2) a large rock (12, 1, Orc:2) a +0 giant spiked club (14, -12, Orc:2) 2 large rocks (17, -12, Orc:2) a large rock (22, 27, Orc:2) a +0 dire flail a +0 chain mail (23, 20, Orc:2) a cursed -3 falchion a +0 leather armour (24, 32, Orc:2) a +0 whip (25, -7, Orc:2) a +2 robe of magic resistance a +0 dagger (25, 18, Orc:2) a +0 dagger a +0 robe (25, 30, Orc:2) a +0 dagger a +0 robe (25, 31, Orc:2) a +0 dagger a +0 robe (25, 32, Orc:2) a +0 trident a +0 leather armour (26, -8, Orc:2) a +0 giant club a +0 flail a +0 ring mail a +0 flail a +0 chain mail (26, 31, Orc:2) a +0 dagger a +0 robe (27, -8, Orc:2) a +0 leather armour a +0 mace (27, 15, Orc:2) the +1 chain mail of Makhleb's Reproof {Dex+2} It affects your dexterity (+2). a +0 pair of boots (27, 32, Orc:2) a +0 dagger a +0 robe (27, 33, Orc:2) a +0 dagger a +0 robe (28, -3, Orc:2) a +0 hand axe (28, 32, Orc:2) a +0 dire flail a cursed +0 chain mail (28, 33, Orc:2) 3 steel javelins (28, 34, Orc:2) a +0 flail a +0 plate armour a +0 glaive a cursed +0 chain mail (29, -1, Orc:2) a +0 mace (30, -5, Orc:2) a +0 hand axe (30, 22, Orc:2) a +0 dagger a +0 robe (31, 30, Orc:2) a +0 leather armour a +0 hand axe (31, 31, Orc:2) 2 large rocks a +0 falchion a +0 chain mail a +1 mace of crushing a +0 scale mail (31, 32, Orc:2) a +0 chain mail a +0 plate armour a +0 battleaxe (31, 33, Orc:2) a +0 robe a +0 dagger (31, 36, Orc:2) a +0 centaur barding 12 arrows a +1 longbow of flaming (32, 30, Orc:2) a +0 troll leather armour a +0 dire flail (32, 31, Orc:2) a +0 chain mail a +0 leather armour a +0 battleaxe a +0 plate armour a +0 hand axe a +0 trident a +0 plate armour a +0 scimitar a +0 flail (33, 24, Orc:2) a +0 chain mail a +0 robe of cold resistance a +0 scimitar a +0 dagger (33, 31, Orc:2) a +0 plate armour a +0 dire flail a +0 club (33, 40, Orc:2) an arrow (34, 14, Orc:2) a +0 plate armour (34, 23, Orc:2) the +5 triple sword of Yesterday {protect, Int+2} It protects the one who uses it against injury (+AC on strike). It affects your intelligence (+2). a +0 chain mail a +0 halberd of chopping (34, 24, Orc:2) a +0 chain mail a +0 shield a +3 demon trident (34, 33, Orc:2) a large rock (35, 24, Orc:2) a +0 plate armour a +0 arbalest 16 bolts a +0 battleaxe (35, 40, Orc:2) 2 arrows (37, 22, Orc:2) a +0 chain mail a +0 mace (37, 23, Orc:2) a +0 robe a +0 dagger (38, 22, Orc:2) a +0 robe a +1 dagger of speed (39, 25, Orc:2) a +0 chain mail a +0 trident (41, 24, Orc:2) a +0 battleaxe (42, 22, Orc:2) a +0 chain mail a +2 great mace of protection Level 1 of the Elven Halls (0, 0, Elf:1) a +0 short sword (0, 4, Elf:1) an arrow (1, 3, Elf:1) a cursed -3 dagger a +0 robe (2, 0, Elf:1) a +0 dagger a +0 leather armour (2, 5, Elf:1) an arrow (3, 12, Elf:1) a +0 dagger (4, 0, Elf:1) a +0 longbow a +0 short sword 8 arrows a +0 leather armour (6, -2, Elf:1) a +0 dagger of speed a wand of paralysis (5) (7, -3, Elf:1) an arrow (15, -13, Elf:1) a +0 leather armour a cursed -2 rapier (16, -13, Elf:1) a +0 ring mail a +1 short sword of protection (17, 22, Elf:1) a +0 long sword (17, 23, Elf:1) a +0 short sword (17, 26, Elf:1) a +0 long sword (21, 15, Elf:1) 3 arrows (21, 17, Elf:1) an arrow (22, 10, Elf:1) an arrow (22, 18, Elf:1) an arrow (23, 6, Elf:1) a +0 ring mail a +0 rapier (23, 17, Elf:1) an arrow (24, 7, Elf:1) an arrow (27, 29, Elf:1) a +0 animal skin a +0 antimagic flail (28, 23, Elf:1) a +0 short sword (30, 9, Elf:1) a +0 leather armour a +0 shortbow 11 arrows a +0 dagger (31, 13, Elf:1) a +0 dagger a +0 longbow a +0 leather armour 12 arrows (31, 16, Elf:1) an arrow (31, 22, Elf:1) a +0 hand crossbow (33, 9, Elf:1) 2 arrows (34, 11, Elf:1) a +2 pair of boots +0 fire dragon scales (35, 6, Elf:1) a +0 leather armour a +0 dagger (35, 7, Elf:1) an arrow (35, 11, Elf:1) a +0 long sword (35, 21, Elf:1) a +0 long sword (36, -6, Elf:1) a +0 chain mail (36, 6, Elf:1) 9 arrows a +0 shortbow a +0 leather armour a +0 dagger (36, 29, Elf:1) a +0 scimitar of protection (37, 5, Elf:1) 2 arrows (37, 6, Elf:1) 2 arrows a +0 long sword (38, -7, Elf:1) a cursed +0 dagger a +0 ring mail (38, 6, Elf:1) 17 arrows a +0 scimitar a +0 shortbow a +0 scale mail a +0 rapier a +0 robe (38, 7, Elf:1) an arrow a +0 scimitar a +0 buckler (40, -7, Elf:1) a +0 long sword a +0 leather armour (40, -6, Elf:1) a +2 dagger of speed (40, 29, Elf:1) 23 sling bullets (44, -9, Elf:1) a +0 ring mail a +0 long sword (44, 15, Elf:1) a +0 long sword (45, -12, Elf:1) a +0 long sword a +0 ring mail (45, 19, Elf:1) a +1 dagger of protection (45, 23, Elf:1) a +0 rapier a +0 ring mail a +0 rapier (46, 13, Elf:1) a +2 battleaxe of electrocution (48, -11, Elf:1) a +0 short sword a +0 leather armour a +0 short sword a +0 chain mail (48, -10, Elf:1) a +0 long sword a +0 leather armour (50, -6, Elf:1) 21 arrows (53, -11, Elf:1) a +0 ring mail Level 2 of the Elven Halls (0, 0, Elf:2) a +2 vampiric triple sword (0, 1, Elf:2) a +3 dire flail of pain a +2 mace of crushing (1, 1, Elf:2) a +0 long sword a +2 dire flail of holy wrath (3, 51, Elf:2) a +0 chain mail (5, 54, Elf:2) a +0 short sword (6, 37, Elf:2) 2 exploding tomahawks (unseen) (7, 45, Elf:2) a cursed -2 scimitar a +0 chain mail (8, 11, Elf:2) a +0 long sword (9, 11, Elf:2) a +2 short sword of draining (10, 17, Elf:2) a +2 long sword of holy wrath a +0 leather armour (11, 33, Elf:2) an arrow a +0 ring mail a +0 short sword a +0 animal skin a +1 antimagic broad axe (12, 31, Elf:2) a +0 dagger (12, 33, Elf:2) an arrow a +2 vampiric long sword a +0 animal skin a +0 broad axe a +0 animal skin a +0 war axe (13, 33, Elf:2) 2 arrows a +0 robe a +0 short sword (13, 44, Elf:2) an arrow (13, 45, Elf:2) a potion of degeneration a +0 plate armour a +0 flail (14, 35, Elf:2) 25 arrows (14, 43, Elf:2) a +0 leather armour a +0 long sword (14, 44, Elf:2) a +0 leather armour a +0 shortbow 14 arrows a +0 short sword (15, -2, Elf:2) a +0 dagger (15, 43, Elf:2) 2 arrows (15, 51, Elf:2) a phial of floods (16, 29, Elf:2) an arrow (16, 33, Elf:2) an arrow (16, 41, Elf:2) 2 arrows (16, 42, Elf:2) 2 arrows a +0 robe (16, 43, Elf:2) an arrow (17, 26, Elf:2) a +0 long sword (18, 33, Elf:2) a +0 leather armour 8 arrows a +0 short sword a +0 shortbow (19, 33, Elf:2) 2 arrows (19, 34, Elf:2) 2 arrows (19, 38, Elf:2) 3 arrows (20, 34, Elf:2) a cursed +0 ring mail a +0 long sword (20, 36, Elf:2) a stone (20, 37, Elf:2) 2 arrows (21, 36, Elf:2) an arrow (22, 34, Elf:2) an arrow (22, 36, Elf:2) a +0 long sword a +0 chain mail an uncursed ring of resist corrosion a +0 quarterstaff 30 stones a +0 leather armour 3 arrows (23, 36, Elf:2) 2 arrows a +0 long sword (24, 28, Elf:2) an arrow (24, 35, Elf:2) a +0 dire flail a +0 leather armour a +0 rapier (24, 36, Elf:2) a stone an arrow (24, 37, Elf:2) 2 arrows a +0 dagger a +0 longbow a +0 leather armour (25, 14, Elf:2) a +0 rapier a +0 rapier (25, 15, Elf:2) a +0 antimagic dire flail (25, 27, Elf:2) an arrow (26, 14, Elf:2) a +0 leather armour a +4 long sword of electrocution a +4 mace of draining (26, 27, Elf:2) an arrow (26, 28, Elf:2) an arrow (26, 35, Elf:2) 20 arrows a +0 scale mail a +0 longbow a +0 short sword a +0 leather armour a +0 short sword of venom a +2 long sword of protection a +0 short sword a +0 animal skin a +0 flail (26, 36, Elf:2) 10 arrows a +0 chain mail a +0 long sword a +0 long sword a +0 leather armour a +4 short sword a +0 shortbow a cursed +0 scale mail a +0 rapier (27, 14, Elf:2) a +0 ring mail a +0 short sword a +2 battleaxe of freezing (27, 15, Elf:2) a +0 ring mail a +0 scimitar (27, 36, Elf:2) a +0 short sword a +0 shortbow a +0 leather armour a +0 halberd of venom 4 arrows (28, 37, Elf:2) an arrow a +2 hand axe of chopping (28, 38, Elf:2) 2 arrows (29, 22, Elf:2) a +0 falchion (29, 23, Elf:2) a +0 falchion (29, 36, Elf:2) a +0 falchion (29, 38, Elf:2) an arrow a +0 dagger of speed (30, 22, Elf:2) an arrow (30, 39, Elf:2) 2 arrows (31, 27, Elf:2) a +0 rapier (32, 27, Elf:2) an arrow (32, 28, Elf:2) a +0 dagger (32, 38, Elf:2) a +0 leather armour a +0 shortbow 11 arrows a +0 dagger (32, 39, Elf:2) a +0 rapier (32, 40, Elf:2) 17 arrows a +0 long sword a +0 rapier a +0 short sword a +0 longbow a +0 leather armour 2 scrolls of vulnerability (33, 27, Elf:2) a +0 long sword a +0 leather armour a +0 long sword (33, 28, Elf:2) an arrow a +0 short sword (33, 29, Elf:2) an arrow (33, 33, Elf:2) an arrow (33, 36, Elf:2) an arrow (33, 39, Elf:2) 22 arrows a +0 shortbow a +0 leather armour a +0 short sword (33, 40, Elf:2) an arrow (34, 32, Elf:2) an arrow (34, 38, Elf:2) a +0 dagger a +0 longbow 17 arrows a +0 leather armour (35, 31, Elf:2) an arrow (35, 36, Elf:2) an arrow (35, 38, Elf:2) 12 stones (35, 40, Elf:2) an arrow (36, 36, Elf:2) a +2 glaive of chopping (36, 38, Elf:2) 2 arrows (37, 32, Elf:2) an arrow (38, 29, Elf:2) 2 arrows (38, 41, Elf:2) an arrow (38, 42, Elf:2) 19 arrows (40, 17, Elf:2) a +0 rapier (40, 39, Elf:2) an arrow (41, 16, Elf:2) a +2 scimitar of holy wrath (41, 18, Elf:2) a +0 dagger (41, 27, Elf:2) an arrow (42, 15, Elf:2) a +4 hand axe of distortion a +3 trident of venom (42, 16, Elf:2) a +0 short sword a +0 long sword a cursed +0 ring mail (42, 37, Elf:2) a wand of disintegration (12) (42, 44, Elf:2) 2 large rocks (44, 28, Elf:2) a +0 hand axe (48, 0, Elf:2) a +0 long sword a +0 leather armour (48, 24, Elf:2) a +0 short sword a +0 longbow 8 arrows (49, 14, Elf:2) a +5 trident of venom (55, 10, Elf:2) a +3 bardiche of freezing (56, 12, Elf:2) a +3 glaive of venom Level 3 of the Elven Halls (0, 0, Elf:3) a scroll of random uselessness Level 1 of the Lair of Beasts (0, 0, Lair:1) 4 arrows (8, 9, Lair:1) a +0 club a +0 falchion of flaming (9, 22, Lair:1) a potion of mutation (14, -14, Lair:1) a +0 hand axe of flaming (16, -14, Lair:1) 19 stones (42, 6, Lair:1) a +0 robe (44, 2, Lair:1) a +0 mace of protection Level 2 of the Lair of Beasts (0, 0, Lair:2) 17 stones (2, 20, Lair:2) a +0 dagger (20, 2, Lair:2) a +0 dagger (33, -12, Lair:2) a +0 dagger (40, -22, Lair:2) a +0 pair of boots (49, 3, Lair:2) a +0 trident (51, 11, Lair:2) a +0 spear Level 3 of the Lair of Beasts (0, 0, Lair:3) a +0 helmet (23, 5, Lair:3) 10 stones (43, -28, Lair:3) a +0 lajatang of venom (50, -26, Lair:3) 15 arrows (55, -27, Lair:3) 23 stones (55, -17, Lair:3) 13 sling bullets (58, -17, Lair:3) 12 sling bullets (62, -27, Lair:3) a +0 leather armour Level 4 of the Lair of Beasts (0, 0, Lair:4) 16 stones (15, 7, Lair:4) 19 stones (17, 46, Lair:4) a +1 ring mail of fire resistance (28, 3, Lair:4) 44 arrows a +0 shortbow a +0 shortbow (28, 4, Lair:4) 20 arrows a cursed -1 shortbow (29, 3, Lair:4) an arrow (29, 5, Lair:4) a cursed +0 pair of gloves (30, 4, Lair:4) 23 arrows a +0 shortbow (32, -4, Lair:4) 23 sling bullets (39, 19, Lair:4) a +0 plate armour Level 5 of the Lair of Beasts (0, 0, Lair:5) 17 arrows (4, 32, Lair:5) a +0 whip (9, 24, Lair:5) a +0 ring mail (13, 26, Lair:5) a scroll of random uselessness (18, 25, Lair:5) a lightning rod (4/4) (18, 27, Lair:5) a +0 shield (20, 6, Lair:5) 17 arrows (21, 29, Lair:5) 17 stones (30, 32, Lair:5) 8 arrows (32, 31, Lair:5) a +0 leather armour (38, 13, Lair:5) a +0 dagger Level 6 of the Lair of Beasts (0, 0, Lair:6) 18 arrows (23, 23, Lair:6) 16 stones (27, 20, Lair:6) a +0 club (29, 22, Lair:6) a +0 great sword of venom (29, 23, Lair:6) a fan of gales (30, 23, Lair:6) a +0 plate armour (30, 24, Lair:6) a +0 great sword (32, 23, Lair:6) 2 poisoned javelins 5 silver tomahawks a +0 war axe (35, 23, Lair:6) a +2 pair of gloves (48, -1, Lair:6) 18 arrows (50, -8, Lair:6) the +8 hunting sling "Wostugoa" {freeze, Str+4 SInv} It causes projectiles fired from it to freeze those they strike, causing extra injury to most foes and up to half again as much damage against particularly susceptible opponents. They can also slow down cold-blooded creatures. It affects your strength (+4). It lets you see invisible. Level 1 of the Shoals (0, 0, Shoals:1) a throwing net (0, 6, Shoals:1) a +0 trident (0, 8, Shoals:1) 3 needles of sleeping (5, -16, Shoals:1) a large rock (6, -16, Shoals:1) a large rock (6, -11, Shoals:1) a +0 broad axe (7, 10, Shoals:1) a +0 robe (8, -17, Shoals:1) a wand of disintegration (26) an uncursed ring of flight a +2 chain mail of cold resistance quicksilver dragon scales (10, -19, Shoals:1) a large rock a +0 hand crossbow a +0 trident (11, -22, Shoals:1) a +0 trident (12, -21, Shoals:1) a +0 robe a +2 vampiric trident (12, 5, Shoals:1) a +0 robe a +5 trident of protection (14, -21, Shoals:1) 2 stones (14, 5, Shoals:1) a +0 trident (15, -29, Shoals:1) a +0 glaive (17, -20, Shoals:1) a sling bullet (18, -18, Shoals:1) a +0 leather armour a +4 trident of freezing (18, -17, Shoals:1) a stone (19, -19, Shoals:1) a +0 trident (19, -18, Shoals:1) a stone (19, -17, Shoals:1) 12 stones a +0 hunting sling of flaming a +0 quarterstaff a +0 trident (20, -30, Shoals:1) a wand of flame (12) a +0 scale mail (20, -18, Shoals:1) 12 stones a +0 hunting sling a +0 club a +0 quarterstaff a +0 hunting sling 9 sling bullets (20, -17, Shoals:1) a +0 cloak 20 sling bullets a +0 spear a +0 hunting sling (21, -16, Shoals:1) a cursed +0 spear (22, -17, Shoals:1) the +7 hand crossbow of Breach {elec, Dex+3} It charges the ammunition it shoots with electricity; occasionally upon a hit, such missiles may discharge and cause terrible harm. It affects your dexterity (+3). (22, -15, Shoals:1) a +0 cloak (22, -14, Shoals:1) a throwing net (23, -23, Shoals:1) 13 stones a +0 hunting sling a +0 club (23, -17, Shoals:1) a +0 trident (23, -16, Shoals:1) a sling bullet a +0 leather armour a +1 spear of venom (24, -23, Shoals:1) an uncursed staff of fire (32, -24, Shoals:1) a +0 robe (33, -29, Shoals:1) a cursed -1 chain mail a +2 glaive of distortion (34, -25, Shoals:1) a +0 trident (36, -27, Shoals:1) a wand of enslavement (6) (37, -9, Shoals:1) a +0 leather armour (42, -18, Shoals:1) a +0 rapier (51, -4, Shoals:1) a cursed -2 chain mail (51, 0, Shoals:1) 13 sling bullets (53, 7, Shoals:1) a wand of flame (23) Level 2 of the Shoals (0, 0, Shoals:2) 19 stones (2, 8, Shoals:2) a +0 trident (14, -2, Shoals:2) 25 bolts (20, -10, Shoals:2) a +0 spear (26, -5, Shoals:2) a +0 falchion (30, -13, Shoals:2) a +0 spear (32, 0, Shoals:2) 15 stones (35, -13, Shoals:2) a +0 scale mail (39, 13, Shoals:2) a +2 trident of venom a +0 leather armour (40, -20, Shoals:2) 21 bolts (41, -18, Shoals:2) 29 bolts (48, 9, Shoals:2) an uncursed staff of energy (49, 5, Shoals:2) a +0 trident (52, 0, Shoals:2) a throwing net (53, -4, Shoals:2) a +0 trident (54, -4, Shoals:2) a +2 trident of piercing (54, -3, Shoals:2) a +0 leather armour a +1 spear of freezing (55, -4, Shoals:2) a +0 trident (55, -3, Shoals:2) a +0 trident (56, 4, Shoals:2) a +1 pair of gloves Level 3 of the Shoals (0, 0, Shoals:3) 10 stones (1, -8, Shoals:3) an uncursed amulet of faith (17, -11, Shoals:3) a sling bullet (18, -15, Shoals:3) a throwing net (19, -15, Shoals:3) 3 sling bullets (20, -20, Shoals:3) 2 sling bullets (20, -19, Shoals:3) a +0 trident (20, -18, Shoals:3) a +0 rapier a +0 robe (20, -14, Shoals:3) a sling bullet (21, -18, Shoals:3) a +0 trident (21, -13, Shoals:3) a sling bullet (22, -12, Shoals:3) a +0 fustibalus a +0 club 10 sling bullets (24, -41, Shoals:3) a +0 glaive (24, -27, Shoals:3) 10 stones (27, -11, Shoals:3) 2 sling bullets (28, -12, Shoals:3) 3 sling bullets (29, -11, Shoals:3) 2 sling bullets (32, -29, Shoals:3) a +0 robe a +2 rapier of holy wrath (32, -25, Shoals:3) a +0 trident (33, -25, Shoals:3) a cursed +0 trident (36, -20, Shoals:3) a throwing net (42, -2, Shoals:3) 18 stones (43, -14, Shoals:3) an uncursed ring of attention (45, -25, Shoals:3) a throwing net a +0 trident (47, -35, Shoals:3) a +0 trident (50, -30, Shoals:3) a scroll of torment a scroll of holy word (52, -23, Shoals:3) a cursed +0 trident (53, -8, Shoals:3) a +0 spear (56, -7, Shoals:3) a +0 trident (60, -23, Shoals:3) 4 stones Level 4 of the Shoals (0, 0, Shoals:4) a +0 trident (0, 2, Shoals:4) a +0 trident (0, 4, Shoals:4) a box of beasts (1, -4, Shoals:4) a +2 trident of venom a +0 robe (1, -1, Shoals:4) a +2 trident of holy wrath a +0 robe (1, 2, Shoals:4) a +4 trident of protection (2, -1, Shoals:4) 5 tomahawks of returning (4, 3, Shoals:4) a +0 trident (4, 5, Shoals:4) a +0 trident 4 tomahawks of returning a +1 spear of freezing 13 poisoned javelins a +0 leather armour (4, 6, Shoals:4) a +1 trident of holy wrath (4, 7, Shoals:4) a +0 trident (6, 4, Shoals:4) a +2 spear of venom a +0 leather armour (7, -31, Shoals:4) a throwing net (8, 3, Shoals:4) 14 stones (8, 5, Shoals:4) a box of beasts (8, 13, Shoals:4) a +0 trident (10, -34, Shoals:4) a +0 trident (10, 14, Shoals:4) a poisoned javelin (13, -25, Shoals:4) 15 sling bullets (14, -31, Shoals:4) a +0 broad axe (14, 11, Shoals:4) 3 silver tomahawks (16, -21, Shoals:4) a box of beasts (17, -21, Shoals:4) a +0 spear of venom a +0 leather armour (17, 7, Shoals:4) a +0 trident (18, 4, Shoals:4) a silver tomahawk (18, 6, Shoals:4) a silver tomahawk (19, 7, Shoals:4) a +6 antimagic spear a +0 leather armour (20, 3, Shoals:4) a silver tomahawk (22, -17, Shoals:4) a +0 leather armour (25, -27, Shoals:4) a +0 spear (26, -28, Shoals:4) a +0 trident a +0 plate armour (28, -23, Shoals:4) 22 stones (39, -24, Shoals:4) a +0 trident (40, -25, Shoals:4) a +2 spear of venom a +0 leather armour a +0 spear a +0 leather armour a +0 spear a +0 leather armour (40, -24, Shoals:4) a +2 trident of protection a +0 leather armour (40, 13, Shoals:4) an arrow (41, -26, Shoals:4) a +0 rapier a +0 robe (41, -24, Shoals:4) a +0 trident (42, 5, Shoals:4) 22 bolts (43, 5, Shoals:4) a +0 shortbow 12 arrows (43, 6, Shoals:4) a +0 shortbow 17 arrows (44, -7, Shoals:4) a cursed +0 trident (48, -28, Shoals:4) a +1 trident of protection (49, -34, Shoals:4) 28 sling bullets (49, -32, Shoals:4) a sack of spiders (49, -28, Shoals:4) a +0 trident (52, -12, Shoals:4) 2 arrows (52, -5, Shoals:4) a +0 trident (52, -4, Shoals:4) an arrow (53, -11, Shoals:4) an arrow (53, -10, Shoals:4) a +0 shortbow a +0 rapier 6 arrows (54, -4, Shoals:4) 2 arrows Level 1 of the Spider Nest (0, 0, Spider:1) a +0 plate armour (1, -15, Spider:1) 22 stones (2, -12, Spider:1) a +0 dire flail (10, 12, Spider:1) a +1 flail of protection a potion of degeneration (20, -13, Spider:1) a +0 rapier (23, -11, Spider:1) a +0 robe (23, 31, Spider:1) a +0 scale mail (45, 14, Spider:1) 23 arrows Level 2 of the Spider Nest (0, 0, Spider:2) 24 stones (2, -33, Spider:2) a potion of lignification (2, -28, Spider:2) a wand of iceblast (4) an uncursed ring of stealth (13, -20, Spider:2) a +0 leather armour (17, -17, Spider:2) 29 stones (18, -31, Spider:2) 3 steel tomahawks (21, -25, Spider:2) a wand of random effects (16) (29, -1, Spider:2) a book of Conjurations Level 3 of the Spider Nest (0, 0, Spider:3) a cursed -3 hunting sling (17, 28, Spider:3) a scroll of immolation (20, 18, Spider:3) 15 bolts (30, 32, Spider:3) a +0 long sword (30, 33, Spider:3) 8 stones (43, 39, Spider:3) a +0 chain mail Level 4 of the Spider Nest (0, 0, Spider:4) a +2 hand crossbow of flaming (9, -33, Spider:4) a +0 ring mail (10, -25, Spider:4) a +4 ring mail of magic resistance (12, 0, Spider:4) a +2 chain mail of fire resistance (12, 5, Spider:4) 10 poisoned needles (17, -18, Spider:4) a book of Conjurations (19, -7, Spider:4) a +1 pair of boots of stealth a +2 pair of gloves of archery 84 tomahawks (24, -6, Spider:4) a wand of flame (17) (30, -2, Spider:4) a +0 hand crossbow Level 1 of the Vaults (0, 0, Vaults:1) a +0 great mace a +0 scale mail (5, 62, Vaults:1) a +0 large shield (7, 59, Vaults:1) a +0 scimitar a +0 leather armour (17, 62, Vaults:1) a bolt (18, 61, Vaults:1) a bolt (19, 50, Vaults:1) a +0 quarterstaff (20, 2, Vaults:1) a bolt (21, 47, Vaults:1) a +0 long sword a +0 arbalest 25 bolts a cursed +0 ring mail (21, 63, Vaults:1) a bolt (22, 55, Vaults:1) a +0 arbalest 21 bolts (22, 60, Vaults:1) a +0 arbalest 14 bolts (23, -1, Vaults:1) a +0 chain mail a +0 battleaxe a +0 leather armour a +0 hand axe a +0 chain mail a +0 great mace (23, 0, Vaults:1) a +0 scale mail a +0 morningstar (23, 58, Vaults:1) a +0 arbalest 16 bolts (24, -2, Vaults:1) a +0 leather armour a +0 great mace (24, -1, Vaults:1) a +0 arbalest a +0 arbalest 38 bolts (24, 0, Vaults:1) 26 bolts a +4 arbalest a +0 dagger (26, 28, Vaults:1) a +0 great mace of protection a +0 ring mail a +0 dagger a +0 robe a +3 battleaxe a +0 chain mail (34, 42, Vaults:1) a large rock a bolt (34, 49, Vaults:1) a +0 pair of boots (35, 42, Vaults:1) 2 bolts (35, 45, Vaults:1) a +0 long sword a +0 ring mail (35, 47, Vaults:1) a +0 longbow 22 arrows (36, 39, Vaults:1) an arrow (36, 46, Vaults:1) 3 bolts (36, 47, Vaults:1) a +0 dagger a +0 robe a +0 shortbow 22 arrows (36, 48, Vaults:1) 2 large rocks a +0 arbalest 14 bolts (37, 41, Vaults:1) a large rock (37, 42, Vaults:1) a +0 club (37, 47, Vaults:1) a +0 giant club a large rock a +1 arbalest of velocity 14 bolts (37, 48, Vaults:1) a +0 club a +0 robe 3 large rocks a cursed +0 arbalest 18 bolts (37, 55, Vaults:1) a large rock (38, 47, Vaults:1) a +0 giant spiked club a +0 great mace a +0 leather armour (38, 48, Vaults:1) a +0 arbalest 12 bolts (39, 35, Vaults:1) a +2 robe of fire resistance (39, 49, Vaults:1) a +0 halberd a +0 chain mail (45, 61, Vaults:1) a +0 arbalest 5 bolts (45, 62, Vaults:1) a +1 arbalest of velocity 21 bolts (46, 62, Vaults:1) a bolt (46, 63, Vaults:1) a +1 arbalest of freezing 21 bolts (47, 11, Vaults:1) 24 stones (47, 62, Vaults:1) a bolt (47, 63, Vaults:1) a bolt (48, 14, Vaults:1) a +0 war axe (49, 62, Vaults:1) a bolt (50, 14, Vaults:1) 16 stones (50, 41, Vaults:1) 4 large rocks 16 arrows (50, 46, Vaults:1) a bolt (51, 45, Vaults:1) a +0 falchion a +0 arbalest 10 bolts a +0 scale mail (56, 42, Vaults:1) a bolt (60, 16, Vaults:1) 18 stones (70, 34, Vaults:1) a potion of lignification (73, 51, Vaults:1) a +3 demon trident of electrocution a +1 vampiric war axe (73, 53, Vaults:1) an uncursed ring of magical power Level 2 of the Vaults (0, 0, Vaults:2) an uncursed staff of wizardry (3, 27, Vaults:2) a +4 great mace of crushing a +0 chain mail (3, 28, Vaults:2) a +0 flail a +0 ring mail (3, 37, Vaults:2) a +0 falchion a +0 scale mail (3, 38, Vaults:2) a +0 troll leather armour (3, 39, Vaults:2) a +0 troll leather armour a +0 flail a +0 ring mail (3, 41, Vaults:2) a +0 mace a +0 ring mail (4, 27, Vaults:2) a +0 flail (4, 28, Vaults:2) 2 large rocks a +0 dagger a cursed -2 robe (4, 29, Vaults:2) a +0 great mace a +0 ring mail (5, 4, Vaults:2) a +0 dagger (5, 5, Vaults:2) a +0 morningstar a +0 leather armour (6, 2, Vaults:2) a large rock (6, 4, Vaults:2) a +3 long sword a +0 ring mail (6, 6, Vaults:2) a +0 short sword (6, 11, Vaults:2) a box of beasts (6, 27, Vaults:2) a +0 great mace a +0 plate armour (6, 28, Vaults:2) a +1 halberd of chopping a +0 arbalest 13 bolts a +0 plate armour (7, 3, Vaults:2) a large rock (7, 4, Vaults:2) a large rock (7, 6, Vaults:2) a large rock (8, 10, Vaults:2) a large rock (8, 28, Vaults:2) a +0 glaive (9, -19, Vaults:2) a +0 trident a +0 robe (9, 14, Vaults:2) 3 large rocks (11, 35, Vaults:2) a +0 robe (13, 1, Vaults:2) a wand of enslavement (6) (13, 17, Vaults:2) a large rock (13, 31, Vaults:2) a +0 scimitar a +0 vampiric scimitar (14, 38, Vaults:2) a +0 chain mail a +0 great mace (14, 45, Vaults:2) a +0 blowgun (15, 14, Vaults:2) a wand of iceblast (4) (15, 19, Vaults:2) a large rock (15, 38, Vaults:2) a cursed -3 dire flail a +0 plate armour (17, 20, Vaults:2) a large rock (17, 34, Vaults:2) a +0 scale mail a +0 great mace (18, 20, Vaults:2) a +0 ring mail a +0 flail (19, 20, Vaults:2) a +0 troll leather armour (19, 22, Vaults:2) a +0 ring mail (20, 13, Vaults:2) a large rock (22, 12, Vaults:2) an uncursed ring of resist corrosion the +0 plate armour of the Camelopard {rElec MP+9} It insulates you from electricity. It affects your magic capacity (+9). an uncursed ring of wizardry the +0 Maxwell's etheric cage {RegenMP+ *Contam rElec MP+4} It insulates you from electricity. It affects your magic capacity (+4). It causes magical contamination when unequipped. a scarf of spirit shield an uncursed ring of wizardry (25, 11, Vaults:2) a large rock (29, 22, Vaults:2) 17 stones (31, -4, Vaults:2) the +8 glaive of the Guard {elec, +Rage AC+5 SInv} Occasionally, upon striking a foe, it will discharge some electrical energy and cause terrible harm. It affects your AC (+5). It lets you see invisible. It lets you go berserk. (36, -6, Vaults:2) a +0 leather armour a cursed +0 mace (37, -4, Vaults:2) 2 large rocks (38, -4, Vaults:2) a +0 chain mail a +0 battleaxe a +2 battleaxe of freezing (39, -6, Vaults:2) 14 stones (39, -4, Vaults:2) a +0 plate armour a +1 battleaxe (39, -2, Vaults:2) a +0 war axe of venom (40, -4, Vaults:2) +0 storm dragon scales (42, 14, Vaults:2) an uncursed staff of power (43, -4, Vaults:2) a +0 ring mail a +0 flail (43, 13, Vaults:2) a sack of spiders (43, 15, Vaults:2) a +0 mace of protection (44, -2, Vaults:2) 2 bolts (45, -2, Vaults:2) 8 bolts a +0 arbalest (46, -3, Vaults:2) 11 bolts a +0 arbalest (47, 1, Vaults:2) a bolt (47, 20, Vaults:2) a +0 ring mail a +0 dire flail (47, 23, Vaults:2) a +0 scale mail 24 bolts a +0 falchion a +0 arbalest (48, -2, Vaults:2) a +0 chain mail a +0 glaive (48, -1, Vaults:2) a bolt (48, 20, Vaults:2) a +0 scale mail a +0 ring mail a +1 mace of protection a +0 war axe (48, 21, Vaults:2) a +0 plate armour a +2 battleaxe of flaming (48, 22, Vaults:2) a +0 troll leather armour a +0 dire flail a +0 dire flail a +0 dire flail a +0 dire flail a +0 great mace a +1 robe of the Archmagi a +0 leather armour a +2 great mace of crushing (49, -3, Vaults:2) a bolt (49, -2, Vaults:2) 6 bolts a +0 arbalest (49, 20, Vaults:2) 16 bolts a +0 arbalest (49, 23, Vaults:2) a +0 chain mail a +3 vampiric great sword (49, 24, Vaults:2) a scroll of noise (50, -5, Vaults:2) a bolt (50, -3, Vaults:2) 2 bolts (50, 26, Vaults:2) a cursed +0 plate armour (56, 27, Vaults:2) a +0 leather armour (59, 21, Vaults:2) a wand of flame (19) (62, 16, Vaults:2) a +0 robe a +0 dagger (63, 10, Vaults:2) a bolt (63, 11, Vaults:2) a bolt (63, 12, Vaults:2) 18 bolts a +0 arbalest (63, 16, Vaults:2) a bolt (64, 12, Vaults:2) a bolt (66, 19, Vaults:2) a +0 naga barding (68, -5, Vaults:2) a +0 flail a +0 leather armour (69, -5, Vaults:2) a +0 troll leather armour (72, 8, Vaults:2) +0 acid dragon scales Level 3 of the Vaults [Shop] Nelin's Gadget Shop a wand of disintegration (10) (238 gold) a wand of paralysis (8) (170 gold) a lightning rod (4/4) (680 gold) a sack of spiders (340 gold) a wand of paralysis (6) (136 gold) a wand of paralysis (7) (153 gold) [Shop] Ikhiurack's Weapon Shop a +0 halberd (64 gold) a +0 war axe (56 gold) a +0 spear (48 gold) a +0 falchion (48 gold) a +0 scimitar of holy wrath (147 gold) a +0 shortbow (48 gold) a +0 fustibalus (240 gold) a +0 great sword (104 gold) a +0 morningstar (64 gold) a +0 blowgun (40 gold) a +0 trident (56 gold) a +0 long sword (56 gold) a +0 great mace (104 gold) (0, 0, Vaults:3) a +0 trident (3, -13, Vaults:3) 22 stones (5, 37, Vaults:3) 21 sling bullets (9, 28, Vaults:3) an arrow (10, -7, Vaults:3) a +0 pair of gloves (10, 30, Vaults:3) a bolt (13, 30, Vaults:3) a +0 arbalest 10 bolts (13, 31, Vaults:3) a +0 long sword a +0 arbalest 10 bolts a +0 ring mail (13, 32, Vaults:3) a +0 war axe a +0 chain mail (13, 33, Vaults:3) a +0 dire flail a +0 scale mail (14, 32, Vaults:3) 2 bolts a +0 giant spiked club (15, 32, Vaults:3) a bolt (16, 24, Vaults:3) 22 arrows (16, 36, Vaults:3) a +0 naga barding (17, 31, Vaults:3) a +0 plate armour a large rock (18, 30, Vaults:3) 8 arrows a stone a +0 shortbow (19, 22, Vaults:3) 2 large rocks 2 arrows (19, 26, Vaults:3) an arrow (19, 27, Vaults:3) an arrow (19, 28, Vaults:3) 2 arrows (19, 29, Vaults:3) a large rock a +0 ring mail a +0 great mace of protection 39 stones a +0 flail (19, 30, Vaults:3) 2 large rocks (20, 0, Vaults:3) a bolt (20, 31, Vaults:3) 2 arrows (21, 14, Vaults:3) 6 poisoned needles (21, 21, Vaults:3) a +0 plate armour a +0 scimitar an arrow (22, -2, Vaults:3) a +0 giant club a +0 arbalest 22 bolts a +0 dagger a +0 robe (22, -1, Vaults:3) a +0 great mace a +0 great mace a +0 giant club a +0 giant club a +0 arbalest 16 bolts (22, 0, Vaults:3) a +0 long sword a +0 arbalest a +0 chain mail 12 bolts a +0 falchion a +0 scale mail a +0 whip a +0 robe (22, 19, Vaults:3) an arrow a +0 plate armour a +0 great sword (23, -21, Vaults:3) a cursed -2 dire flail (23, -10, Vaults:3) a +0 leather armour (23, -2, Vaults:3) a +0 giant club a +0 giant club a +0 arbalest 9 bolts a +0 giant club a +0 giant club a +0 robe (23, -1, Vaults:3) a bolt (23, 0, Vaults:3) a +3 dagger a +0 robe a +0 mace a +0 ring mail (23, 13, Vaults:3) a large rock (23, 18, Vaults:3) a +0 chain mail a +0 flail (23, 19, Vaults:3) a large rock a +0 chain mail a +3 short sword (24, -2, Vaults:3) 4 large rocks (24, -1, Vaults:3) a +0 dagger of distortion a +0 robe (24, 0, Vaults:3) a +0 great mace a +0 ring mail an uncursed amulet of guardian spirit (24, 15, Vaults:3) +0 fire dragon scales 15 arrows a cursed -1 shortbow a large rock (24, 17, Vaults:3) a +0 leather armour a +0 whip a +0 robe a +1 dagger of electrocution (24, 18, Vaults:3) a +0 great sword a +0 chain mail an arrow a +0 chain mail a +2 great sword of slicing (25, -1, Vaults:3) a +1 trident of protection a +0 scale mail (25, 13, Vaults:3) an arrow (25, 15, Vaults:3) a +0 chain mail a +0 great sword a +0 ring mail a +0 great mace (27, 40, Vaults:3) a +0 mace (32, 28, Vaults:3) 31 arrows (32, 30, Vaults:3) a +0 falchion (33, -14, Vaults:3) a +0 dagger a +1 robe of positive energy (39, -11, Vaults:3) a +1 scale mail of magic resistance a +0 dire flail (44, 28, Vaults:3) a +0 arbalest 31 bolts (45, -9, Vaults:3) a scroll of immolation (48, -2, Vaults:3) 19 stones (53, -6, Vaults:3) a +0 dagger a +0 robe (53, -3, Vaults:3) a +0 plate armour (57, 5, Vaults:3) a +0 robe a +0 club (58, 5, Vaults:3) a +0 giant spiked club a +0 giant club (58, 7, Vaults:3) a tomahawk (59, 4, Vaults:3) a +0 dire flail a +0 giant club a +0 giant club (59, 6, Vaults:3) a +0 giant spiked club (59, 7, Vaults:3) 32 arrows a +0 shortbow a +0 shortbow (59, 8, Vaults:3) a +0 robe a +3 dagger of protection 52 arrows a +0 shortbow a +0 shortbow (59, 9, Vaults:3) 17 arrows a +1 shortbow of flaming (60, 5, Vaults:3) a +0 giant spiked club a +0 giant club (60, 8, Vaults:3) a cursed +0 ring mail a +0 falchion a +0 scale mail a +0 war axe (60, 9, Vaults:3) an arrow (61, 4, Vaults:3) a +0 ring mail a +0 falchion (61, 10, Vaults:3) a +0 chain mail a +0 mace a +0 dagger a +0 chain mail a +3 glaive (61, 36, Vaults:3) a +0 troll leather armour (62, 36, Vaults:3) a +0 vampiric hand axe a +0 plate armour a +0 broad axe a +0 chain mail a +0 short sword (62, 37, Vaults:3) a cursed +0 halberd a +0 plate armour (63, 5, Vaults:3) a wand of iceblast (6) (63, 36, Vaults:3) a cursed -3 short sword a +0 leather armour a +0 dagger a +0 robe (64, 13, Vaults:3) a tomahawk (64, 17, Vaults:3) 22 stones (68, 17, Vaults:3) a +0 chain mail Level 4 of the Vaults (0, 0, Vaults:4) a +0 morningstar a +0 arbalest a +0 scale mail 9 bolts (1, 7, Vaults:4) a +0 robe (8, 13, Vaults:4) a cursed +0 bardiche a +0 plate armour (9, 12, Vaults:4) a +4 ring mail a +0 great mace (10, 2, Vaults:4) 15 bolts (10, 12, Vaults:4) a +0 flail a +0 ring mail a +0 leather armour a +3 dagger of pain (10, 14, Vaults:4) a cursed -1 shortbow a +0 scimitar 3 arrows a +0 leather armour (11, 14, Vaults:4) a +0 rapier a +0 scale mail 19 arrows a +0 shortbow a +2 dagger of flaming (13, -13, Vaults:4) 11 bolts (13, -12, Vaults:4) a +0 troll leather armour (13, -9, Vaults:4) a +5 long sword of freezing a +0 leather armour (21, 16, Vaults:4) an arrow (23, 16, Vaults:4) a +0 dagger (24, 14, Vaults:4) a +0 leather armour a +0 longbow 16 arrows a +0 dagger (24, 15, Vaults:4) a +0 long sword (25, 15, Vaults:4) a +0 long sword (27, 3, Vaults:4) 14 bolts a +0 arbalest (27, 23, Vaults:4) a bolt (28, -18, Vaults:4) a bolt (28, 22, Vaults:4) a bolt (28, 23, Vaults:4) a bolt (29, 16, Vaults:4) a +0 ring mail of poison resistance a +0 morningstar (29, 20, Vaults:4) 13 bolts a +0 arbalest (29, 21, Vaults:4) a +1 battleaxe of freezing a +0 great mace a +0 plate armour 16 bolts a cursed -1 arbalest (29, 22, Vaults:4) a +0 arbalest 11 bolts (30, 16, Vaults:4) a bolt a +0 chain mail a +0 long sword (30, 19, Vaults:4) 18 bolts a +0 arbalest a +0 scale mail a +0 war axe (30, 21, Vaults:4) a +1 great mace of holy wrath a +0 scale mail 2 bolts (30, 22, Vaults:4) a +0 robe a +0 dagger 5 large rocks (30, 24, Vaults:4) a large rock (31, -18, Vaults:4) 2 bolts (31, 21, Vaults:4) a +0 chain mail a +0 battleaxe a +0 hand axe (31, 22, Vaults:4) a +0 chain mail a +0 battleaxe (33, -3, Vaults:4) a wand of disintegration (10) (34, 19, Vaults:4) a bolt (35, -19, Vaults:4) a +0 arbalest (unseen) (36, -21, Vaults:4) (unseen) (36, -20, Vaults:4) a +0 arbalest (unseen) (36, 11, Vaults:4) 2 bolts (36, 13, Vaults:4) a bolt (37, -22, Vaults:4) a +0 arbalest 64 bolts (37, -21, Vaults:4) the +8 chain mail "Kyoplen" {rPois} It protects you from poison. 5 bolts (37, -20, Vaults:4) a +0 arbalest (unseen) (37, -19, Vaults:4) a bolt (38, -22, Vaults:4) a +0 arbalest 22 bolts a +0 great sword a +0 plate armour (38, -20, Vaults:4) a +0 arbalest (still there?) a +0 long sword (still there?) (38, -19, Vaults:4) a +0 arbalest (still there?) 2 bolts (still there?) (38, 13, Vaults:4) a +0 rapier of draining (unseen) (39, -22, Vaults:4) a bolt (39, -18, Vaults:4) a bolt (39, 14, Vaults:4) a +0 mace a cursed +0 scale mail a +0 mace a +0 leather armour (39, 16, Vaults:4) a +0 arbalest (unseen) (40, 13, Vaults:4) a +0 long sword (still there?) a +2 long sword of holy wrath (still there?) a +0 dire flail (still there?) a +0 ring mail (still there?) (40, 15, Vaults:4) a +0 short sword (still there?) a +0 arbalest (still there?) a +0 long sword (still there?) 21 bolts (still there?) a +0 ring mail (still there?) (40, 17, Vaults:4) 2 bolts (41, -1, Vaults:4) a bolt (42, -1, Vaults:4) a bolt (42, 0, Vaults:4) 25 bolts a +0 arbalest (42, 1, Vaults:4) 12 stones (42, 15, Vaults:4) a +0 dagger (42, 17, Vaults:4) a +0 arbalest a +0 arbalest 38 bolts (43, 0, Vaults:4) 12 bolts a +0 arbalest (43, 18, Vaults:4) a +0 arbalest 22 bolts (44, 0, Vaults:4) 16 bolts a +0 arbalest (44, 2, Vaults:4) a bolt (44, 4, Vaults:4) a bolt (44, 8, Vaults:4) a bolt (44, 15, Vaults:4) a +0 dagger (unseen) (44, 19, Vaults:4) a +3 long sword of slicing (unseen) (45, 6, Vaults:4) a javelin (45, 20, Vaults:4) a +1 vampiric long sword a +0 chain mail a +0 large shield (46, 19, Vaults:4) a +0 arbalest 15 bolts 7 gold pieces (54, 6, Vaults:4) a bolt (57, 5, Vaults:4) a ration (58, 5, Vaults:4) a +0 arbalest (unseen) (58, 6, Vaults:4) a +0 arbalest of flaming (unseen) (59, 11, Vaults:4) a +0 war axe (unseen) (62, 4, Vaults:4) 2 bolts Level 3 of the Abyss (0, 0, Abyss:3) 2 chunks of flesh a raiju skeleton