Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup version 0.30.1-11-g7821555f0a (webtiles) character file. Game seed: 3059670224446849017 166600 coldbreeze the Geomancer (level 17, -9/166 HPs) Began as a Demonspawn Ice Elementalist on Jan 1, 2024. Was an Elder of Ashenzari. Shot with an arrow by a naga sharpshooter (14 damage) ... on level 4 of the Snake Pit. The game lasted 01:46:41 (33062 turns). coldbreeze the Geomancer (DsIE) Turns: 33062, Time: 01:46:42 Health: -9/166 AC: 33 Str: 7 XL: 17 Next: 30% Magic: 0/30 EV: 15 Int: 21 God: Ashenzari [****..] Gold: 1451 SH: 6 Dex: 14 Spells: 11/34 levels left rFire . . . - Unarmed rCold + + + F - +0 buckler of Curses and Power {Fort, Bglg} (curse) rNeg + + + t - melded +5 ring mail of Ashenzari's Idealism {rF+, Melee, Comp} (curse) rPois ∞ (helmet restricted) rElec + I - +2 cloak of Apeoromancy {Elem, Comp} (curse) rCorr . (gloves unavailable) SInv + (boots unavailable) Will +++++ D - amulet "Unveiling Doubts" {rN+ Will+ Regen+ Stlth+, Fort, Melee} (curse) Stlth +++ Q - ring of Kedyite {rC++ rN+ Will+++ Str-5 SInv} HPRegen 1.27/turn N - ring of Ashenzari's Comet {rC+, Fort, Cun} (curse) MPRegen 0.44/turn %: clarity, guardian spirit @: statue-form (expiring), very slow A: slow and powerful, torment resistance 1, boosted hp, claws 3, hooves 3, horns 2, augmentation 1, magic shield, magic regeneration, demonic magic 1 a: End Transformation, Renounce Religion, Curse Item, Shatter the Chains You were on level 4 of the Snake Pit. You worshipped Ashenzari. Ashenzari was greatly pleased with you. You were a living statue of rough stone. You visited 6 branches of the dungeon, and saw 28 of its levels. You also visited: Ossuary. You collected 4261 gold pieces. You spent 2810 gold pieces at shops. Inventory: Missiles e - 8 datura-tipped darts w - 2 throwing nets Armour a - a +0 robe t - the cursed +5 ring mail of Ashenzari's Idealism (melded) {rF+, Melee, Comp} (You found it on level 6 of the Dungeon) rF: It protects you from fire. It has a curse which improves the following skills: Melee Combat: Short Blades, Long Blades, Axes, Maces & Flails, Polearms, Staves and Unarmed Combat. Companions: Summonings and Necromancy. F - the cursed +0 buckler of Curses and Power (worn) {Fort, Bglg} (You found it on level 8 of the Dungeon) It has a curse which improves the following skills: Fortitude: Armour and Shields. Beguiling: Conjurations, Hexes and Translocations. I - the cursed +2 cloak of Apeoromancy (worn) {Elem, Comp} (You took it off Maurice on level 9 of the Dungeon) It has a curse which improves the following skills: Elements: Fire Magic, Ice Magic, Air Magic and Earth Magic. Companions: Summonings and Necromancy. Jewellery i - the ring "Woxtiet" {rN+ SInv} (You found it on level 9 of the Dungeon) [ring of see invisible] rN: It protects you from negative energy. SInv: It lets you see invisible. z - a ring of willpower A - a ring of protection from cold D - the cursed amulet "Unveiling Doubts" (around neck) {rN+ Will+ Regen+ Stlth+, Fort, Melee} (You acquired it on level 8 of the Dungeon) [amulet of regeneration] rN: It protects you from negative energy. Regen: It increases your rate of health regeneration. Will: It increases your willpower. Stlth: It makes you more stealthy. It has a curse which improves the following skills: Fortitude: Armour and Shields. Melee Combat: Short Blades, Long Blades, Axes, Maces & Flails, Polearms, Staves and Unarmed Combat. M - a ring of protection from fire N - the cursed ring of Ashenzari's Comet (right claw) {rC+, Fort, Cun} (You found it on level 1 of the Lair of Beasts) [ring of protection from cold] rC: It protects you from cold. It has a curse which improves the following skills: Fortitude: Armour and Shields. Cunning: Dodging and Stealth. O - a ring of fire Q - the ring of Kedyite (left claw) {rC++ rN+ Will+++ Str-5 SInv} (You bought it in a shop on level 4 of the Snake Pit) [ring of positive energy] Str: It affects your strength (-5). rC: It greatly protects you from cold. rN: It protects you from negative energy. SInv: It lets you see invisible. Will: It greatly increases your willpower. Wands r - a wand of polymorph (9) y - a wand of mindburst (20) B - a wand of flame (29) E - a wand of digging (18) G - a wand of charming (7) L - a wand of iceblast (3) Scrolls k - 6 scrolls of magic mapping m - 7 scrolls of enchant weapon n - 2 scrolls of amnesia q - 4 scrolls of teleportation v - a scroll of blinking J - 3 scrolls of fog K - 4 scrolls of enchant armour Potions b - a potion of magic c - 4 potions of curing d - a potion of heal wounds f - 7 potions of flight g - 3 potions of resistance h - 6 potions of lignification j - 2 potions of ambrosia l - 6 potions of might o - 4 potions of attraction p - 4 potions of brilliance s - 2 potions of berserk rage u - a potion of mutation x - 4 potions of invisibility C - 7 potions of cancellation H - 5 potions of haste Miscellaneous P - a phantom mirror Skills: - Level 10.0 Fighting - Level 9.1(12.7) Armour + Level 5.7(7.6) Dodging - Level 1.7(3.1) Stealth - Level 3.7(6.9) Shields - Level 11.2(13.0) Unarmed Combat - Level 9.0 Spellcasting - Level 8.5(10.4) Summonings * Level 13.8 Transmutations - Level 7.5(9.4) Ice Magic * Level 14.1(15.8) Earth Magic You had 11 spell levels left. You knew the following spells: Your Spells Type Power Damage Failure Level a - Vhi's Electric Charg Tloc/Air 20% N/A 28% 3 b - Frozen Ramparts Ice 96% 1d15 1% 3 c - Summon Ice Beast Ice/Summ 50% N/A 1% 4 d - Ozocubu's Armour Ice 48% N/A 1% 3 e - Statue Form Tmut/Erth 42% N/A 3% 6 f - Ice Form Ice/Tmut 55% N/A 1% 4 Your spell library contained the following spells: Spells Type Power Damage Failure Level Sandblast Erth 100% 2d20 0% 1 Freeze Ice 100% 1d10 1% 1 Call Imp Summ 100% N/A 1% 2 Passwall Tmut/Erth 53% N/A 1% 2 Spider Form Tmut/Pois 38% N/A 1% 3 Stone Arrow Conj/Erth 86% 3d12 1% 3 Animate Armour Summ/Erth 100% N/A 1% 4 Petrify Tmut/Erth 64% N/A 1% 4 Lee's Rapid Deconstruct Erth 33% 3d17* 1% 5 Ensorcelled Hibernation Hex/Ice 58% N/A 2% 2 Leda's Liquefaction Hex/Erth 21% N/A 3% 4 Hailstorm Conj/Ice 29% 3d8 4% 3 Foxfire Conj/Fire 40% 2x1d6 10% 1 Magic Dart Conj 40% 1d5 10% 1 Sublimation of Blood Necr 10% N/A 14% 2 Irradiate Conj/Tmut 19% 3d18 16% 5 Dazzling Flash Conj/Hex 20% N/A 28% 3 Volatile Blastmotes Fire/Tloc 20% 2d11 28% 3 Mephitic Cloud Conj/Pois/Air 10% N/A 30% 3 Anguish Hex/Necr 5% N/A 67% 4 Iskenderun's Mystic Bla Conj/Tloc 10% 2d4 67% 4 Passage of Golubria Tloc 10% N/A 67% 4 Simulacrum Ice/Necr 14% N/A 92% 6 Arcjolt Conj/Air 5% 1d15 95% 5 Fireball Conj/Fire 5% 3d5 95% 5 Silence Hex/Air 5% N/A 95% 5 Plasma Beam Fire/Air 5% 2x1d17 100% 6 Starburst Conj/Fire 5% 6d4 100% 6 Lehudib's Crystal Spear Conj/Erth 21% 10d6 100% 8 Maxwell's Capacitive Co Air 5% ∞ 100% 8 Dungeon Overview and Level Annotations Branches: Dungeon (14/15) Temple (1/1) D:6 Lair (5/5) D:11 Shoals (2/4) Lair:3 Snake (4/4) Lair:2 Slime (0/5) Lair:4 Orc (2/2) D:9 Elf (0/3) Orc:2 Vaults (0/5) D:13 Ossuary (visited) Altars: Ashenzari Cheibriados Dithmenos Fedhas Gozag Hepliaklqana Kikubaaqudgha Makhleb Nemelex Xobeh Okawaru Qazlal Ru Sif Muna Trog Uskayaw Vehumet Wu Jian Xom Yredelemnul Shops: D:5 [*:= D:7 ! Orc:2 :(:[! Shoals:1 : Snake:2 *(*[ Snake:4 :== Portals: Hell: Lair:5 Annotations: D:9 exclusions: downstairs and oklob plant Shoals:1 exclusion: downstairs Shoals:2 3 runed translucent doors Innate Abilities, Weirdness & Mutations You are a living statue of rough stone. Your actions are slow, but your melee attacks are powerful. You are resistant to unholy torment. Your maximum health is greatly increased. You are immune to poison. Your equipment is partially melded. You have claws for hands. You have hooves in place of feet. You have a pair of horns on your head. Your magical and physical power is slightly enhanced at high health. When hurt, damage is shared between your health and your magic reserves. You regenerate magic rapidly. Spells you cast may paralyse adjacent enemies. Message History As you read the scroll of blinking, it crumbles to dust. The naga sharpshooter no longer looks unusually strong. The nagaraja mumbles some strange words. The nagaraja seems to speed up. The sea snake bites you but does no damage. The nagaraja spits poison at you. The splash of poison hits you but does no damage. You resist. The naga spits poison at you. The splash of poison hits you but does no damage. You resist. The naga sharpshooter shoots an arrow. The arrow closely misses you. The arrow completely misses the naga. The sea snake bites you! * * * LOW HITPOINT WARNING * * * The naga mage closely misses you. The naga mage completely misses you. The nagaraja hits you but does no damage. Unknown command. Unknown command. Blink to where? Press: ? - help, Dir - move target, f - you Okay, then. Unknown command. Unknown command. Okay, then. Blink to where? Press: ? - help, Dir - move target, f - you Okay, then. The nagaraja hits you but does no damage. The naga sharpshooter shoots an arrow. You block the arrow. You block the sea snake's attack. The nagaraja gestures wildly while chanting. The nagaraja seems to speed up. The naga warrior hits you with a +0 scimitar! * * * LOW HITPOINT WARNING * * * The naga warrior closely misses you. The naga mage gestures at you while chanting. The bolt of poison hits you but does no damage. You resist. You block the nagaraja's attack. The naga sharpshooter shoots an arrow. The arrow hits you! You die... #≈~...~~~.#~~.....'.~~~ #~..NN≈≈~.##......#.... #..≈~≈≈≈≈.~##.....##... ##.N≈≈≈~~.~≈##....##.## #.~N~~...~≈≈#.#.####). #..N.N.~~≈≈##...##.### ##.~≈~.~≈≈≈#.#.#.#.... ###NSN~#####...##.... #N8.## ###...#..... ##NN# ##....##..... #N.###....##...... ##)N...####....... ##...##.##......# #######.####.....# ####..####.# ###...## #....##....###....### ####......))..####.## You could see 4 nagarajas, 2 naga warriors, 2 naga sharpshooters, a sea snake, a naga mage (strong) and 4 nagas. Vanquished Creatures Vashnia (Snake:4) 4 nagarajas 2 merfolk javelineers (Shoals:2) 7 vault guards (D:13) 5 hydras Erica (D:8) 2 salamander tyrants 10 anacondas A catoblepas (D:13) 3 centaur warriors 11 naga warriors The ghost of tykejmi the Destroyer, a journeyman DsCj of Vehumet (Orc:2) A two-headed ogre (Orc:1) 3 boulder beetles 20 naga sharpshooters 7 shock serpents Amaemon (D:10) 3 salamander mystics A sun demon (Lair:5) 2 skysharks 13 sea snakes A wizard (Lair:5) 8 orc knights 9 naga ritualists 7 harpies 2 orc sorcerers (Orc:2) 10 mana vipers 3 ugly things 12 salamanders 5 fauns 3 cyclopes 6 elephants (Lair:5) 17 naga magi 5 manticores Maurice (D:9) 2 merfolk sirens (Shoals:1) 49 black mambas 3 guardian serpents 3 orange demons A smoke demon (Lair:5) Maggie (D:8) 6 cane toads A gargoyle (D:13) A torpor snail (Lair:1) Psyche (D:8) 4 unseen horrors 4 rime drakes 9 komodo dragons 3 kobold demonologists (D:12) An ice devil (Lair:5) A red devil (Lair:5) 4 trolls 5 wind drakes A hornet (D:11) 9 merfolk 16 blink frogs 8 dream sheep 3 snapping turtles 8 slime creatures 2 vampires A shadow (D:10) A centaur simulacrum (D:14) 27 yaks 3 wraiths A steam dragon (D:9) A wyvern (Lair:4) A basilisk (D:14) 48 nagas 10 wargs An acid dragon (D:13) 11 water moccasins 3 hell hounds (Lair:5) A sky beast (D:7) 32 orc warriors A black bear (D:6) The ghost of mihai the Trooper, an amateur MiFi (D:4) 8 centaurs 3 ogres 3 wolves (D:11) A phantom (D:5) 3 kobold brigands 6 bullfrogs 5 water moccasin zombies (Ossuary) A scorpion (D:5) 5 killer bees (D:9) 3 electric eels 2 howler monkeys (D:13) 12 orc priests 2 hounds (D:11) 3 gnoll boudas 12 orc wizards Natasha (thrice) (D:2) Terence (D:3) 5 hell rats 3 mummies 11 gnolls 11 adders A white imp (D:8) 4 adder zombies (Ossuary) 2 dart slugs 41 orcs 6 ball pythons 7 endoplasms 5 giant cockroaches 4 gnoll zombies (Ossuary) 4 goblins 6 hobgoblins 3 quokkas 4 bats 4 frilled lizards 9 hobgoblin zombies (Ossuary) 11 kobolds 2 kobold zombies (Ossuary) 3 orc zombies (Ossuary) 4 rats 700 creatures vanquished. Vanquished Creatures (collateral kills) A merfolk impaler (Shoals:2) A vault guard (D:13) 2 hydras (Lair:5) 2 merfolk avatars 3 sea snakes (Shoals:2) An ugly thing (D:13) A manticore (Shoals:2) 2 elephants (Lair:5) An elephant (shapeshifter) (D:12) 2 merfolk sirens (Shoals:2) A black mamba (Lair:5) 2 cane toads An orange demon (Lair:5) 2 merfolk (Shoals:1) A hornet (D:9) 3 blink frogs 2 dream sheep A slime creature (D:10) A wyvern (D:8) 8 yaks A basilisk (Lair:5) A naga (Lair:2) 2 acid dragons (D:10) 2 hell hounds (Lair:5) 6 water moccasins 7 orc warriors 3 black bears 4 ogres 4 centaurs A wolf (D:11) 2 bullfrogs A gnoll sergeant (D:8) A scorpion (D:7) 3 wights (D:8) An electric eel (D:7) A jelly (D:5) 3 hounds 3 orc priests A gnoll bouda (D:9) An iguana (D:6) 6 orc wizards 2 hell rats (Lair:3) 14 gnolls A white imp (D:6) 20 orcs A kobold (D:9) 130 creatures vanquished. Grand Total: 830 creatures vanquished Notes Turn | Place | Note -------+----------+------------------------------------------- 0 | D:1 | coldbreeze the Demonspawn Ice Elementalist began the quest | for the Orb. 0 | D:1 | Reached XP level 1. HP: 13/13 MP: 3/3 370 | D:1 | Discovered your monstrous ancestry. 370 | D:1 | Gained mutation: You have large cloven feet. [demonic | ancestry] 370 | D:1 | Reached XP level 2. HP: 16/19 MP: 0/5 1002 | D:1 | Found a faded altar of an unknown god. 1488 | D:2 | Noticed Natasha 1493 | D:2 | Killed Natasha 1494 | D:2 | Gained mutation: You have sharp fingernails. [demonic | ancestry] 1494 | D:2 | Reached XP level 3. HP: 15/24 MP: 2/6 1585 | D:2 | Learned a level 3 spell: Frozen Ramparts 1656 | D:2 | Reached skill level 5 in Ice Magic 1777 | D:2 | Noticed Natasha 1785 | D:2 | Killed Natasha 1786 | D:2 | Gained mutation: You have hoof-like feet. [demonic | ancestry] 1786 | D:2 | Reached XP level 4. HP: 22/30 MP: 3/7 1898 | D:2 | Noticed Natasha 1904 | D:2 | Killed Natasha 2456 | D:3 | Noticed Terence 2463 | D:3 | Killed Terence 2464 | D:3 | Gained mutation: You have very sharp fingernails. [demonic | ancestry] 2464 | D:3 | Reached XP level 5. HP: 22/35 MP: 1/9 2675 | D:3 | Found a broken altar of Ashenzari. 3733 | D:4 | Found a sand-covered staircase. 3747 | Ossuary | Entered an ossuary 3928 | Ossuary | Reached skill level 1 in Fighting 3928 | Ossuary | Reached XP level 6. HP: 38/44 MP: 5/10 4385 | Ossuary | Learned a level 4 spell: Summon Ice Beast 4437 | Ossuary | Reached skill level 1 in Summonings 4437 | Ossuary | Gained mutation: You regenerate magic rapidly. [demonic | ancestry] 4437 | Ossuary | Reached XP level 7. HP: 43/54 MP: 5/11 4899 | D:4 | Found a runed translucent door. 4922 | D:4 | Noticed mihai's ghost (amateur MiFi) 4931 | D:4 | Killed mihai's ghost 5150 | D:4 | Identified the +2 pair of boots "Muat" {rElec} 5614 | D:5 | Entered Level 5 of the Dungeon 5614 | D:5 | Found Vinlit's Book Boutique. 5614 | D:5 | Found Bioseank's General Store. 5614 | D:5 | Found Siaj Xeo's Armour Boutique. 5772 | D:5 | Found Yschaisex's Jewellery Shop. 5791 | D:5 | Reached skill level 5 in Summonings 5888 | D:5 | Reached XP level 8. HP: 56/60 MP: 8/12 6678 | D:5 | Found a shimmering blue altar of Sif Muna. 7513 | D:6 | Identified the +5 ring mail "Jieskar" {rF+} 7516 | D:6 | Found a staircase to the Ecumenical Temple. 7547 | Temple | Entered the Ecumenical Temple 7902 | D:3 | Became a worshipper of Ashenzari the Shackled 8512 | D:7 | Gained mutation: You have claws for hands. [demonic | ancestry] 8512 | D:7 | Reached XP level 9. HP: 49/65 MP: 11/15 8825 | D:7 | Found Jorhougg's Distillery. 8833 | D:7 | Reached skill level 5 in Fighting 9257 | D:7 | Found an ornate altar of the Wu Jian Council. 9389 | D:8 | Reached skill level 1 in Armour 9659 | D:8 | Identified a scroll of acquirement 9659 | D:8 | Acquired the amulet "Bycyomas" {rN+ Will+ Regen+ Stlth+} 9680 | D:8 | Noticed Erica 9698 | D:8 | Killed Erica 9699 | D:8 | Reached skill level 5 in Armour 10270 | D:8 | Noticed Maggie 10285 | D:8 | Killed Maggie 10286 | D:8 | Reached skill level 5 in Spellcasting 10286 | D:8 | Gained mutation: You have hooves in place of feet. [demonic | ancestry] 10286 | D:8 | Reached XP level 10. HP: 74/74 MP: 8/17 10336 | D:8 | Noticed Psyche 10355 | D:8 | Killed Psyche 10645 | D:9 | Found a shimmering altar of Xom. 10859 | D:9 | Noticed Maurice 10869 | D:9 | Killed Maurice 10925 | D:9 | Reached skill level 1 in Shields 11086 | D:9 | Found a staircase to the Orcish Mines. 11209 | D:9 | Identified the ring "Woxtiet" {rN+ SInv} 11622 | D:9 | Found a blossoming altar of Fedhas. 11631 | D:9 | Reached * piety under Ashenzari 11644 | D:9 | Noticed an oklob plant 11722 | D:10 | Entered Level 10 of the Dungeon 12059 | D:10 | Noticed Amaemon 12076 | D:10 | Noticed an orange demon 12096 | D:10 | Killed an orange demon 12097 | D:10 | Reached skill level 1 in Unarmed Combat 12098 | D:10 | Killed Amaemon 12145 | D:10 | Reached ** piety under Ashenzari 12274 | D:10 | Reached XP level 11. HP: 39/81 MP: 17/20 12278 | D:10 | Reached skill level 5 in Unarmed Combat 12546 | D:11 | Learned a level 3 spell: Ozocubu's Armour 12698 | D:11 | Found a staircase to the Lair. 13272 | D:12 | Identified the +0 plate armour of Inference {Harm *Slow | rElec rPois} 13451 | D:12 | Noticed a cyan ugly thing 13458 | D:12 | Killed a cyan ugly thing 13518 | D:12 | a jumping spider changed into a mana viper 13518 | D:12 | Noticed a mana viper (shapeshifter) 13522 | D:12 | a mana viper changed into an elephant 13659 | D:12 | Noticed a soul eater 14112 | Lair:1 | Entered Level 1 of the Lair of Beasts 14159 | Lair:1 | Reached skill level 10 in Unarmed Combat 14275 | Lair:1 | Gained mutation: When hurt, damage is shared between your | health and your magic reserves. [demonic ancestry] 14275 | Lair:1 | Reached XP level 12. HP: 88/88 MP: 21/21 14354 | Lair:1 | Noticed a boulder beetle 14376 | Lair:1 | Killed a boulder beetle 14406 | Lair:1 | Identified the +0 chain mail "Noreohuc" {rF+ Int+3} 14545 | Lair:1 | Reached *** piety under Ashenzari 15138 | Lair:2 | Found a staircase to the Snake Pit. 15140 | Lair:2 | Reached **** piety under Ashenzari 16024 | Lair:3 | Found a staircase to the Shoals. 16024 | Lair:3 | Identified the +1 plate armour of Idwon {Drain rPois Will+ | MP+9} 16133 | Lair:3 | Noticed a boulder beetle 16196 | Lair:3 | Killed a boulder beetle 16951 | Lair:3 | Acquired 1015 gold pieces 17143 | D:5 | Bought a book of the Earth for 468 gold pieces 17150 | D:5 | Learned a level 6 spell: Statue Form 17518 | D:7 | Bought a potion of might for 56 gold pieces 17518 | D:7 | Bought a potion of resistance for 140 gold pieces 17518 | D:7 | Bought a potion of curing for 42 gold pieces 17518 | D:7 | Bought a potion of might for 56 gold pieces 17518 | D:7 | Bought a potion of heal wounds for 70 gold pieces 17995 | Lair:4 | Reached skill level 1 in Transmutations 18062 | Lair:4 | Found a staircase to the Slime Pits. 18291 | Lair:4 | Noticed a seven-headed hydra 18320 | Lair:4 | Killed a seven-headed hydra 18321 | Lair:4 | Gained mutation: You have a pair of small horns on your | head. [demonic ancestry] 18321 | Lair:4 | Reached XP level 13. HP: 98/98 MP: 3/22 18680 | Lair:5 | Entered Level 5 of the Lair of Beasts 18692 | Lair:5 | Reached skill level 1 in Earth Magic 18951 | Lair:5 | Reached skill level 2 in Earth Magic 19018 | Lair:5 | Reached skill level 3 in Earth Magic 19245 | Lair:5 | Reached skill level 4 in Earth Magic 19461 | Lair:5 | Reached skill level 5 in Transmutations 19567 | Lair:5 | Reached skill level 5 in Earth Magic 20279 | Lair:5 | Found a burning altar of Makhleb. 20288 | Lair:5 | Reached skill level 6 in Earth Magic 20460 | Lair:5 | Found a gateway to Hell. 20730 | D:13 | Gained mutation: You have a pair of horns on your head. | [demonic ancestry] 20730 | D:13 | Reached XP level 14. HP: 90/108 MP: 18/23 21306 | D:13 | Found a gate to the Vaults. 21313 | D:13 | Reached skill level 7 in Earth Magic 22001 | D:14 | Reached skill level 8 in Earth Magic 22291 | Orc:1 | Entered Level 1 of the Orcish Mines 22461 | Orc:1 | Found a radiant altar of Vehumet. 23065 | Orc:2 | Entered Level 2 of the Orcish Mines 23226 | Orc:2 | Found a runed translucent door. 23226 | Orc:2 | Noticed tykejmi's ghost (journeyman DsCj) 23264 | Orc:2 | Found a staircase to the Elven Halls. 23426 | Orc:2 | Reached skill level 9 in Earth Magic 23772 | Orc:2 | Found Iraoh's Book Shoppe. 23996 | Orc:2 | Found Xyuc's Distillery. 23996 | Orc:2 | Found Ewyukh's Antique Armour Shoppe. 24166 | Orc:2 | Found Ymoaruar's Weapon Boutique. 24166 | Orc:2 | Found Munuemer's Book Shoppe. 24355 | Orc:2 | Killed tykejmi's ghost 24393 | Orc:2 | Bought a book of the Tundra for 480 gold pieces 24398 | Orc:2 | Learned a level 4 spell: Ice Form 24449 | Orc:2 | Identified the cursed +2 cloak of Apeoromancy {Elem, Comp} | (You took it off Maurice on level 9 of the Dungeon) 24449 | Orc:2 | Identified the cursed +0 buckler of Curses and Power {Fort, | Bglg} (You found it on level 8 of the Dungeon) 24629 | Shoals:1 | Entered Level 1 of the Shoals 24948 | Shoals:1 | Reached skill level 10 in Transmutations 24959 | Shoals:1 | Reached skill level 10 in Earth Magic 25121 | Shoals:1 | Found Pyiq's Self-Improvement Boutique. 25130 | Shoals:1 | Reached XP level 15. HP: 113/113 MP: 17/24 25887 | Shoals:2 | Identified the +4 leather armour of Incorporation {Str+4 | Dex+3 Stlth+} 26650 | Shoals:2 | Reached skill level 11 in Earth Magic 27374 | Shoals:2 | Noticed a frost giant 27457 | Shoals:2 | Noticed a frost giant 27458 | Shoals:2 | Found a runed translucent gate. 27458 | Shoals:2 | Found a runed translucent gate. 27458 | Shoals:2 | Found a runed translucent gate. 27763 | Snake:1 | Entered Level 1 of the Snake Pit 28305 | Snake:1 | Reached skill level 12 in Earth Magic 28744 | Snake:2 | Gained mutation: Spells you cast may paralyse adjacent | enemies. [demonic ancestry] 28744 | Snake:2 | Reached XP level 16. HP: 85/120 MP: 12/26 28845 | Snake:2 | Identified the +2 robe of Riaseq {rPois Dex+6} 29048 | Snake:2 | Found Xitutiu's Armour Shoppe. 29050 | Snake:2 | Found Col Qegh's Assorted Antiques. 29050 | Snake:2 | Found Zeemn's Weapon Emporium. 29075 | Snake:2 | Found Asez's General Store. 29081 | Snake:2 | Bought a potion of curing for 54 gold pieces 29081 | Snake:2 | Bought a potion of curing for 54 gold pieces 29900 | Snake:3 | Reached skill level 13 in Earth Magic 29929 | Snake:3 | Reached skill level 10 in Fighting 30109 | Snake:3 | Learned a level 3 spell: Vhi's Electric Charge 30979 | Snake:4 | Entered Level 4 of the Snake Pit 31449 | Snake:4 | Noticed Vashnia 31477 | Snake:4 | Killed Vashnia 31637 | Snake:4 | Reached skill level 5 in Dodging 31805 | Snake:4 | Gained mutation: Your magical and physical power is | slightly enhanced at high health. [demonic ancestry] 31805 | Snake:4 | Reached XP level 17. HP: 128/128 MP: 27/30 32462 | Snake:4 | Found Xag Veu's Book Shoppe. 32463 | Snake:4 | Found Utrahiapt's Jewellery Shop. 32463 | Snake:4 | Found Sicijov's Jewellery Shop. 32477 | Snake:4 | Bought the ring of Kedyite {rC++ rN+ Will+++ Str-5 SInv} | for 1390 gold pieces 32836 | Snake:4 | Reached skill level 14 in Earth Magic 33062 | Snake:4 | HP: 5/166 [naga warrior/+0 scimitar (13)] 33062 | Snake:4 | Shot with an arrow by a naga sharpshooter Illustrated notes Levels and vault maps discovered: D:1: dpeg_arrival_prison, layout_basic, hellmonk_ecumenical_altar_lost_god D:2: layout_loops_ring, uniq_natasha D:3: layout_basic, nicolae_ashenzari_panopticon, serial_co_window_serial, co_window_of_opportunity_a, co_window_paths_b, co_window_of_opportunity_a, co_window_of_opportunity_a, co_window_corner_a, co_window_of_opportunity_a, co_window_paths_a, co_window_broadway_a, co_window_corner_b, co_window_corner_cb, co_window_paths_e, kennysheep_potato, uniq_terence D:4: layout_basic, gup_ossuary_entry_pyramid, ebering_ghost_sewer_d D:5: layout_loops_corners, led_sif_pool, serial_shops, nicolae_stop_n_shop_1, chequers_serial_rivers_small_b, minmay_misc_feat_enclosed, corexii_hall_statues_x, nicolae_shop_distant_corner_stores D:6: layout_rooms, minmay_temple_entry_proselytizer D:7: layout_loops_cross, general_overflow_altar, nicolae_overflow_hidden_temple, serial_park_tiny_pond, minmay_misc_feat_nine_boxes, hangedman_decor_diamond_cutter, minivault_14, nicolae_inconvenience_store D:8: layout_loops_ring, tso_metal_star, chequers_mini_garden, uniq_psyche, uniq_erica, uniq_maggie D:9: layout_stronghold, mainiacjoe_overflow_cross_hatched, tgw_fedhas, uniq_maurice D:10: layout_cave_pools, uniq_amaemon D:11: layout_roguey, erik_lair_island D:12: layout_long_grid D:13: layout_roguey, erik_vaults_2 D:14: layout_roguey, kennysheep_another_room, hangedman_abyss_or_decor_stagger, drop_trap, hellmonk_jugg_or_not, uniq_rupert Temple: dpeg_chambers_temple Lair:1: layout_regular_city, chequers_serial_rivers_micro_c, minmay_hedge_maze, chequers_serial_rivers_large_b, lemuel_fruit_tree Lair:2: layout_chaotic_city, guppyfry_snake_entry_garden, serial_bayou_shore_a, grunt_megastairs_4 Lair:3: layout_small_grid, elwin_shoals_entry_rocks, infiniplex_staircase_pool_2, serial_bayou_shore_b Lair:4: layout_cellular_growth, minmay_slime_entry_oklob_open Lair:5: evil_forest, layout_long_grid, serial_bayou_lagoon_a, st_stairs_4, minivault_25 Shoals:1: layout_shoals, nicolae_shoals_square_sea_wall, nicolae_shop_self_help Shoals:2: cheibrodos_shoals_epimethial_gifts, layout_shoals, nicolae_shoals_beach_cooler Snake:1: layout_onion_interference Snake:2: layout_grid_maze, minmay_shoptagon Snake:3: layout_chambers Snake:4: grunt_snake_rune_pools, layout_chambers, minmay_shop_grove, uniq_vashnia Orc:1: nicolae_orc_accident_2, layout_diamond_mine, basic_altar Orc:2: st_orc_town, layout_caves, gammafunk_ghost_grave, serial_shops, nicolae_shop_real_fake_doors Skill XL: | 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 | ---------------+----------------------------------------------------+----- Ice Magic | 4 5 6 7 | 7.5 Spellcasting | 3 4 5 6 7 9 | 9.0 Fighting | 1 4 5 6 7 9 10 | 10.0 Summonings | 1 5 8 | 8.5 Armour | 6 9 | 9.1 Shields | 3 | 3.7 Unarmed Combat | 4 10 11 | 11.2 Dodging | 4 5 | 5.7 Transmutations | 1 6 10 12 13 | 13.8 Earth Magic | 6 10 12 13 14 | 14.1 Stealth | | 1.7 Action | 1- 3 | 4- 6 | 7- 9 | 10-12 | 13-15 | 16-18 || total ---------------------------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------++------- Melee: Club | 6 | | | | | || 6 Quarterstaff | 8 | 22 | | | | || 30 Kick | 2 | | | 191 | 348 | 170 || 711 Dagger | | 159 | 212 | 79 | | || 450 Punch | | 3 | 4 | 2 | | || 9 Unarmed | | | | 396 | 1046 | 418 || 1860 Headbutt | | | | | 250 | 106 || 356 Cast: Freeze | 46 | 25 | 18 | 10 | 18 | || 117 Frozen Ramparts | 2 | 19 | 14 | 35 | 59 | 1 || 130 Summon Ice Beast | | | 31 | 51 | 101 | 1 || 184 Ozocubu's Armour | | | | 3 | 1 | || 4 Ice Form | | | | | 6 | || 6 Statue Form | | | | | 10 | 34 || 44 Invoke: Curse Item | | | | 5 | | || 5 Ability: End Transformatio | | | | | | 2 || 2 Evoke: Wand | | | | 21 | 18 | || 39 Use: Scroll | | 8 | 17 | 2 | 6 | 4 || 37 Potion | | 2 | | | 16 | 2 || 20 Stab: Sleeping | 1 | 2 | 4 | 4 | 2 | 1 || 14 Distracted | | | 2 | 6 | 4 | || 12 Paralysed | | | | | | 7 || 7 Armour: Robe | 7 | 38 | 65 | | | || 110 Ring mail | | | 46 | 181 | 361 | 7 || 595 Skin | | | | | 138 | 351 || 489 Dodge: Dodged | 32 | 116 | 130 | 218 | 602 | 361 || 1459 Block: Buckler | | | | 91 | 292 | 190 || 573