#include += hugedmg.rc show_god_gift = yes ########## stuff i might toggle ########## show_travel_trail = true prefer_safe_chunks = true easy_eat_chunks = true : if you.race ~= "Ghoul" then easy_eat_gourmand = true : end easy_eat_contaminated = true auto_eat_chunks = true #drop_mode = multi pickup_mode = multi default_friendly_pickup = none #easy_open = false easy_confirm = none # get this to work correctly someday auto_sacrifice = before_explore #: if you.god() ~= "Nemelex Xobeh" then #auto_sacrifice = before_explore #: end ########## glyph thingies ########## mon_glyph = greater mummy : lightmagenta # the one true cloud cset = cloud : £ ########## spell slots ########## spell_slot += regeneration:g spell_slot += ensorcelled hibernation:b spell_slot += flight:f spell_slot += shroud of golubria:g spell_slot += haunt:h spell_slot += insulation:i spell_slot += abjuration:j spell_slot += ozocubu's armour:o spell_slot += stoneskin:o spell_slot += phase shift:p spell_slot += poison weapon:v spell_slot += repel missiles:r spell_slot += swiftness:s spell_slot += control teleport:t spell_slot += blink:k spell_slot += dispel undead:u spell_slot += sublimation of blood:S spell_slot += fulsome distillation:d spell_slot += apportation:A spell_slot += blade hands:B spell_slot += mephitic cloud:m spell_slot += death's door:D spell_slot += dig:D spell_slot += dispersal:D spell_slot += darkness:D spell_slot += delayed fireball:D spell_slot += summon greater demon:G spell_slot += summon dragon:D spell_slot += dragon form:D spell_slot += ring of flames:F spell_slot += haste:H spell_slot += invisibility:I spell_slot += ice form:i spell_slot += summon ice beast:i spell_slot += necromutation:L spell_slot += borgnjor's revivification:P spell_slot += deflect missiles:rR spell_slot += silence:S spell_slot += alistair's intoxication:T spell_slot += controlled blink:K spell_slot += warp weapon:W spell_slot += vampiric draining:v spell_slot += iskenderun's mystic blast:i spell_slot += agony:A spell_slot += lee's rapid deconstruction:l spell_slot += iron shot:i spell_slot += poison arrow:v spell_slot += orb of destruction:O spell_slot += lehudib's crystal spear:L spell_slot += chain lightning:L spell_slot += fire storm:F spell_slot += ice storm:I spell_slot += shatter:S spell_slot += tornado:V spell_slot += summon horrible things:X spell_slot += poisonous cloud:P spell_slot += freezing cloud:F spell_slot += ozocubu's refrigeration:O spell_slot += animate dead:d spell_slot += recall:R spell_slot += summon butterflies:B spell_slot += demonic horde:h spell_slot += confusing touch:t spell_slot += spider form:s ########## lua stuff ########## autofight_stop = 50 ########## autopickup ########## autopickup = $?!+"/%\| ae := autopickup_exceptions ae += useless_item ae += dangerous_item ae += evil_item ae += amulet of (inaccuracy|the gourmand|controlled flight|warding|stasis) ae += amulet of (resist .*|clarity|rage|conservation|guardian spirit|faith) ae += ring of (see invisible|levitation|poison resistance|teleportation) ae += ring of (invisibility|teleport control) ae += ring of (sustain abilities|sustenance|wizardry|life protection) ae += potion of restore abilities ae += wand of random effects ae += rod of striking ae += staff of .* drop_filter += useless_item default_friendly_pickup = none autopickup_no_burden = true { local function autopickup(it, name) if it.artefact then return true end local class = it.class(true) if class == "armour" then local good_slots = {cloak="Cloak", helmet="Helmet", gloves="Gloves", boots="Boots"} st, _ = it.subtype() if good_slots[st] ~= nil and items.equipped_at(good_slots[st]) == nil then return true end end if class == "weapon" then if name:find("demon") or name:find("quick") or name:find("double") or name:find("triple") or name:find("distortion") then return true end end if class == "missile" then if name:find("curare") then return true end end return false end add_autopickup_func(autopickup) } : if you.god() == "Nemelex Xobeh" then ae +=