# rc file default_manual_training = true restart_after_save = true travel_delay = -1 show_travel_trail = true explore_delay = -1 rest_delay = -1 sacrifice_before_explore = true auto_sacrifice = true auto_switch = true easy_confirm = all easy_eat_chunks = true auto_eat_chunks = true autofight_stop = 70 show_more = false view_max_width = 81 view_max_height = 71 include = dec_glyphs.txt ##################### ### Tiles options ### ##################### # tile_display_mode = glyphs #tile_window_width = 0 #tile_window_height = 0 #tile_full_screen = false tile_map_pixels = 3 tile_skip_title = true tile_layout_priority = minimap, monster tile_font_ft_light = true tile_font_crt_size = 18 tile_font_stat_size = 16 tile_font_msg_size = 16 tile_font_tip_size = 10 tile_font_lbl_size = 16 #tile_cell_pixels = 24 #tile_font_ft_light = true #tile_font_crt_family = Inconsolata #tile_font_stat_family = Inconsolata #tile_font_msg_family = Inconsolata #tile_font_lbl_family = Inconsolata tile_show_demon_tier = true #tile_force_overlay = true #msg_max_height = 15 allow_extended_colours = true bold_brightens_foreground = true ############################ ### Interface & Commands ### ############################ easy_confirm = all default_manual_training = true easy_eat_chunks = true equip_unequip = true sort_menus = true:equipped,identified,basename,art,ego,glowing,qualname,curse,charged,slot #ability_menu = false #auto_switch = true autofight_stop = 70 autofight_caught = true autofight_wait = false auto_butcher = true ########################## ### Messages & Display ### ########################## show_more = false # view_delay = 100 #hp_colour = 100:green, 99:lightgray, 75:yellow, 50:lightred, 25:red #mp_colour = 100:green, 99:lightgray, 75:yellow, 50:lightred, 25:red #hp_warning = 50 #monster_list_colour = #monster_list_colour += friendly:green,neutral:brown #monster_list_colour += good_neutral:brown,strict_neutral:brown #monster_list_colour += trivial:darkgrey,easy:lightgrey #monster_list_colour += tough:yellow,nasty:lightred ########################## ### Autopickup options ### ########################## pickup_thrown = true # Add staves, rods, misc; note you can't use += with this option. autopickup = $?!:"/%}|\( ae := autopickup_exceptions # Inclusions ae += deck : end # Tend to not use these. ae += >scrolls? of silence ae += >(crystal ball of energy|disc of storm) # Don't ever need a second stave ae += staff of .* { -- Equipment autopickup (by Medar and various others) local function pickup_equipment(it, name) if it.is_useless then return end local class = it.class(true) if class == "armour" then local good_slots = {cloak="Cloak", helmet="Helmet", gloves="Gloves", boots="Boots"} st, _ = it.subtype() -- Autopickup found aux armour if 1) we don't have any or 2) it's artefact, -- or 3) if we don't have artefact or ego armour, and the found armour is -- ego. if good_slots[st] ~= nil then if good_slots[st] == "Gloves" and you.has_claws() > 0 then return end if it.artefact then return true end local cur = items.equipped_at(good_slots[st]) if cur == nil then return true end if cur.branded or cur.artefact then return end if it.branded then return true end -- Autopickup found body armour of the same kind we're wearing, according -- to conditions (2) and (3) above used for aux slots. elseif st == "body" then local cur = items.equipped_at("armour") if cur == nil then return end if cur.name("qual") ~= it.name("qual") then return end if it.artefact then return true end if cur.branded or cur.artefact then return end if it.branded then return true end end end return end add_autopickup_func(pickup_equipment) } ######################## ### Autoinscriptions ### ######################## show_god_gift = unident ai := autoinscribe ai += (bad|dangerous)_item.*potion:!q ai += (bad|dangerous)_item.*scroll:!r ai += potions? of berserk rage:!q ai += scrolls? of silence:!r ai += of faith:!P ai += ( rod ):!a ai += manual of:!d ai += staff of (Wucad Mu|energy|channeling|wizardry|power|conjuration|summoning):!a ai += (large rock|throwing net|curare|of dispersal):=f # From simm's rc, helpful for realtime. ai += curing:@q1 ai += wand of heal wounds:@v2 ai += potions? of haste:@q3 ai += wand of hasting:@v3 ai += scrolls? of teleportation:@r4 ai += wand of teleportation:@v4 ai += identify:@r1 ai += remove curse:@r2 ai += blowgun:@w1 ai += (meat|bread) ration:@e1 ai += (beef jerk|fruit|pizza):@e2 ai += royal jell:@e3 ######### # Notes # ######### note_items += crystal plate armour,dragon armour note_items += artefact,wand of (heal wounds|hasting|teleportation) note_messages += You feel monstrous note_messages += You pass through the gate note_messages += cast .* Abyss # Nasty undead. note_monsters += lich,curse skull,greater mummy # Some enemies it's good to note for Vaults note_monsters += tengu reaver,storm dragon,titan # Depths # 0.17 note_monsters += octopode crusher note_monsters += juggernaut,irong giant,caustic shrike # Zot note_monsters += killer klown,electric golem,curse toe note_hp_percent = 10 note_all_skill_levels = true ############################ ### Travel & Exploration ### ############################ rest_wait_both = true auto_sacrifice = true travel_delay = -1 explore_delay = -1 rest_delay = -1 show_travel_trail = true explore_stop += greedy_items ################ ### Messages ### ################ stop := runrest_stop_message ignore := runrest_ignore_message :if you.god() == "Xom" then stop += god: :else ignore += god: :end # Bad things stop += A huge blade swings out and slices into you stop += (starving|devoid of blood) stop += wrath finds you stop += lose consciousness stop += hell_effect: # Expiring effects stop += You feel yourself slow down stop += You are starting to lose your buoyancy stop += Your hearing returns stop += Your transformation is almost over stop += back to life stop += time is quickly running out stop += life is in your own hands stop += is no longer charmed : if you.race() == "Ghoul" then stop += smell.*(rott(ing|en)|decay) stop += something tasty in your inventory : end # Annoyances ignore += grinding sound ignore += contamination has completely ignore += rod.*has recharged ignore += your breath back ignore += pray: ignore += talk: ignore += talk_visual: ignore += friend_spell: ignore += friend_enchant: ignore += friend_action: ignore += sound: ########################### ### Spell/Ability slots ### ########################### ################## ### Item slots ### ################## ###################### ### Morgue options ### ###################### dump_message_count = 30 dump_order = header,hiscore,stats,misc,mutations,skills,spells,inventory dump_order += overview,screenshot,monlist,messages,skill_gains,action_counts dump_order += vaults,notes,kills note_hp_percent = 10 note_all_skill_levels = true note_chat_messages = false user_note_prefix = >> # HDA rc stuff note_chat_messages = true < function ready() AnnounceDamage() --SpoilerAlert() OpenSkills() end > ############# # Autofight # ############# # Do/don't throw stuff when autofighting autofight_throw = true autofight_throw_nomove = true # If true. items are autofired stopping at the monsters feet (same as firing using .) autofight_fire_stop = true fire_order = launcher, return fire_order += rock, javelin, tomahawk, stone # Prevent me from tab-fighting to death by keeping this high autofight_stop = 60 # Enables automagic attacks automagic_enable = false automagic_slot = a # Percentage of MP to stop automagic at automagic_stop = 50 # If set to true, resort to melee when automagic_stop is active automagic_fight = true ############################### ### Menu and Message colors ### ############################### # For just the damage announcements include += HDamage.rc # For just the ===HDAtravel autotravel replacement macro include += HDAtravel.rc # For just the monster warning messages # include += SpoilerAlerts.rc # For both the Message colors and Item colors include += HDAColors.rc # For just the Message colors include += HDAMessageColors.rc # For just the Item colors include += HDAItemColors.rc # For just the Force More prompts include += HDAForceMore.rc