iglq Player: Gladio Game: DCSS trunk Server: clan Filename: 2025-02-28.14:12:57.ttyrec Time: (1740751977) Fri Feb 28 15:12:57 2025 kgv[?1051l[?1052l[?1060l[?1061h)0[?7h[?25l[?1ckg kg kg Welcome, Gladio. Please select your species. SimpleIntermediateAdvanced a - Mountain Dwarfj - Humans - Coglin b - Minotaurk - Koboldt - Vine Stalker c - Merfolkl - Revenant  u - Poltergeist d - Gargoylem - Demonspawnv - Demigod e - Draconiann - Djinniw - Formicid f - Trollo - Sprigganx - Naga g - Deep Elfp - Tenguy - Octopode h - Armataurq - Oniz - Felid i - Gnollr - BarachiA - Mummy Revenants are skeletal undead who are strong at melee combat and can empower damage-dealing spells by consuming memories they harvest from their victims. + - Recommended species * - Random species # - Recommended character ! - Random character % - List aptitudesSpace - Pick background first ? - Help Tab - Revenant MonkqgHqg{NqgRmWelcome, Gladio the Poltergeist. Please select your background. WarriorAdventurerMage a - Fighteri - Artificerp - Hedge Wizard b - Gladiatorj - Wandererq - Conjurer c - Monk k - Delverr - Summoner d - Hunters - Necromancer e - BrigandWarrior-maget - Forgewright Zealotl - Warperu - Fire Elementalist f - Berserkerm - Hexslingerv - Ice Elementalist g - Cinder Acolyten - EnchanterqgS}w - Air Elementalist h - Chaos Knighto - Reaverx - Earth Elementalisty - Alchemist Monks start with a simple weapon of their choice, an orb of light, and a potion of divine ambrosia, and gain additional piety with the first god they worship. + - Recommended background * - Random background # - Recommended character ! - Random character % - List aptitudesSpace - Change species ? - Help Tab - Revenant Monkg %TABLES OF APTITUDES The following three tables describe all aptitudes of the various species for the various skills. Knowledge, neither explicit nor implicit, of these are not necessary for winning in Crawl. The qualitative information behind this sheet (i.e., which species are good at which tasks) can be obtained in two other ways: - Read the species section in the manual about strengths and weaknesses. - Look at which combinations of species and background are recommended.  -- no aptitude (cannot learn this skill at all)  -5 abysmal aptitude  -4 terrible aptitude (learning half as fast as at 0 aptitude)  -3 very poor aptitude  -2 poor aptitude  -1 slightly disfavoured aptitude g . 0 standard aptitude  +1 slightly favoured aptitude  +2 strong aptitude  +3 very strong aptitude  +4 outstanding aptitude (learning twice as fast as at 0 aptitude)  +5 exceptional aptitude There are four special values: HP, MP, Experience and Willpower.gGhoul -1 -1 +2 -1 --+1 -1 -1 +10% 0 0 +3 Gnoll+8 +8 +8 +8 +7+9 +8 +8 +0% 0 0 +3 Kobold -2 +2 +4 -2 -1 +1 +2 +1 -20% 0 +1 +3 Merfolk -3 +3 +2 0 +2 +1 0 0 +0% 0 0 +3 Minotaur +2 +1 -1 +2 -3 0 -1 0 +10% -1 -1 +3 Mummy -2 -2 -1 -2 -- -1 -2 -2 +0% 0 -1 +5 Naga-2 -2 +5 -1 -1+1 0 -1 +20% 0 0 +5 Octopode -- 0 +4 0 -1 +1 +1 0 -10% 0 0 +3 Oni-1 -1 -2 -1 -1 +2 -2 0 +30% 0 0 +4 Poltergeist  -- +1 +5 -1 ---1 -1 +2 -10% 0 -1 +4 Revenant -1 -1 +2 -1 -- +1 -1 -1 +10% +1 0 +3 Spriggan -3 +3 +5 -3 +20 +3 0 -30% +1 -1 +7 Tengu +1 +1 +1 0 -2 -1 0 0 -20% +1 0 +3 Troll -2 -2 -5 -1 -1-1 -3 -1 +30% -1 -1 +3 Vampire -2 +1 +5 -1 0-1 -1 -2 +0% 0 -1 +4 Vine Stalker -2 -2 +3 -1 -10 -1 -1 -30% +1 0 +5 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Arm Ddg Sth Shd Shp Inv Evo Thr HP MP Exp WL  Fgt M&F Axs Pla Stv UC SBl LBl Rng ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Human00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Armataur -1 -1 -2 -2 -1 -1 -1 -1 -3gBarachi+2+1 +1 0 +1 +1 +1 +2 0 Coglin0-1 0 -1 -1 -1 -1 0 -1 Demigod-1-1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1gP  Demonspawn0-1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1gQ Djinni0-2 -2 -2 -1 0 -1 -1 -2 Draconian+10 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1g~ O  Black +10 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1giMummy-2 -2 -1 -2 ---1 -2 -2 +0% 0 -1 +5 Naga-2 -2 +5 -1 -1+1 0 -1 +20% 0 0 +5g!MdMMinotaur+2 +1 -1 +2 -30 -1 0 +10% -1 -1 +3g,0dMMerfolk-3 +3 +2 0 +2+1 0 0 +0% 0 0 +3g?MKobold-2 +2 +4 -2 -1gN$+1 +2 +1 -20% 0 +1 +3g9gh bMGnoll+8 +8 +8 +8 +7+9 +8 +8 +0% 0 0 +3g bMGhoul-1 -1 +2 -1 --+1 -1 -1 +10% 0 0 +3g1Felid-- +3 +4 -- -20 +1 -- -30% +1 -1 +6 Formicid+1 -1 +3 +3 0+2 +1 0 +0% 0 +1 +4 Gargoyle+1 -2 +2 +1 -3+1 -1 -1 -20% 0 0 +3gIMountain Dwarf +1 -3 -2 +1 -2+3 +1 -2 +10% 0 -1 +4 Deep Elf-2 +2 +3 -2 0+1 +1 0 -20% +2 -1 +4 g1 Demonspawn-1 -1 0 -1 -2+3 0 -1 +0% 0 -1 +3 Djinni0 +1 -1 0 -20 0 -2 -10% 0 +1 +4 Draconian-- -1 0 0 -1+1 0 -1 +10% 0 -1 +3Black -- -1 0 0 -1+1 0 -1 +10% 0 -1 +3Green -- -1 0 0 -1+1 0 -1 +10% 0 -1 +3Grey -- -1 0 0 -1+1 0 -1 +10% 0 -1 +3Pale -- -1 0 0 -1+1 +1 -1 +10% 0 -1 +3Purple -- -1 0 0 -1+1 +1 -1 +10% 0 -1 +3Red -- -1 0 0 -1+1 0 -1 +10% 0 -1 +3White -- -1 0 0 -1+1 0 -1 +10% 0 -1 +3Yellow -- -1 0 0 -1+1 0 -1 +10% 0 -1 +3g!_gACoglin-1 -1 -1 -3 -2-2 +3 -1 +0% 0 0 +5 Demigod-1 -1 0 -1 -2-- -1 -1 +10% +2 -2 +4gk @MBarachi+2 +1 0 +1 0g $-1 +1 0 +0% 0 0 +3gJ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Human0 0 +1 0 -1+1 0 0 +0% 0 0 +3 Armataur+2 -3 +2 +1 -2g #0 0 -1 +10% 0 -1 +3g Exp - experienceAlc - Alchemy WL - willpower Arm Ddg Sth Shd Shp Inv Evo Thr HP MP Exp WLgHP - hit pointsRng - Ranged WeaponsAir - Air Magic MP - magic pointsEar - Earth Magicg_:MLBl - Long BladesgS`Ice - Ice MagicggDFelid-- +3 +4 -- -2 0 +1 -- -30% +1 -1 +6 Formicid +1 -1 +3 +3 0 +2 +1 0 +0% 0 +1 +4 Gargoyle +1 -2 +2 +1 -3+1 -1 -1 -20% 0 0 +3 Ghoul -1 -1 +2 -1 --+1 -1 -1 +10% 0 0 +3 Gnoll +8 +8 +8 +8 +7+9 +8 +8 +0% 0 0 +3 Kobold-2 +2 +4 -2 -1+1 +2 +1 -20% 0 +1 +3 Merfolk-3 +3 +2 0 +2+1 0 0 +0% 0 0 +3 Minotaur +2 +1 -1 +2 -3 0 -1 0 +10% -1 -1 +3 Mummy -2 -2 -1 -2 -- -1 -2 -2 +0% 0 -1 +5 Naga -2 -2 +5 -1-1 +25 Octopode-- 0 +4 0 -1+1 +1 0 - 0 Oni -1 -1 -2 -1 -1+2 -2+34 Poltergeist - +1 +5 -1 --1 -1 +2 -1-1 +4 Revenant+2-+11 0 +3 Spriggan 3 +3 +5 -3 + 0 +3 0 -30% +17 Tengu +1+-1 0 -20% +1 0 +3 Troll 2 -2 -5 -1-1 -330% -1 Vampire -2 +1 +5 -1 0-1 -1 -2 +4 Vine Stalker -2 -2 +3 -1 0 -1-30% +1 0 +5 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Arm Ddg Sth Shd Shp Inv Evo Thr HP MP Exp WL  Fgt M&F Axs Pla Stv UC SBl LBl Rngg---------------------------------------------------------------------- Human00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Armataur-1-1 -2 -2 -1 -1 -1 -1 -3gk"gpBarachi+2+1 +1 0 +1 +1 +1 +2 0 Coglin0-1 0 -1 -1 -1 -1 0 -1g,sDDemigod-1-1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 Demonspawn0-1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 Djinni0-2 -2 -2 -1 0 -1 -1 -2 Draconian+10 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1Black +10 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1g ,Green +10 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1Grey +10 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1Pale +10 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1Purple +10 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1Red +10 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1gm White +10 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1Yellow +10 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 Mountain Dwarf +1+2 +2 0 +1 0 -2 -1 -2 Deep Elf-2-3 -2 -3 0 -2 0 -1 +3 Felid0-- -- -- -- 0 -- -- -- Formicid+10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Gargoyle+10 -1 -1 0 0 -1 -1 0 Ghoul+1-1 -1 -1 -1 +1 -1 -1 -1g Gnoll+8+8 +8 +8 +8 +8 +8 +8 +8 Kobold+1-1 -2 -2 -1 0 +3 -2 +3 Merfolk+1-2 -2 +3 -2 +1 +2 +2 -2 Minotaur+2+2 +2 +2 +2 +1 +1 +2 +1gK  Mummy0-2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2gW 6Naga00 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 Octopode00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Oni+30 0 0 0 -1 -1 -1 -3 Poltergeist  -1-2 -1 -1 -2 -3 +1 0 -2g Revenant+1-1 -1 -1 -1 +1 -1 -1 -1 Spriggan-2-3 -2 -3 -3 -2 +1 -2 0 Tengu0+1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1gh Troll-2-1 -2 -2 -2 0 -2 -2 -4 Vampire-1-2 -1 -1 -2 +1 +1 0 -2 g Vine Stalker-1-1 -1 -1 -1 0 -1 -1 -1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------Fgt M&F Axs Pla Stv UC SBl LBl Rng gVUSpriggan -2-3 -2 -3 -3 -2 +1 -2 0 Tengu  0+1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 Troll-21 -2 -2 -22 -2 -4 Vampire --2 -1 -1 -2 +1 +1-2 Vine Stalker--1-1-1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Fgt M&F Axs Pla Stv UC SBl LBl Rng  Spc Coj Hex Sum Nec Trl Frg Fir Ice Air Ear Alc ------------------------------------------------------------------- HumangW-1 0 0 0 0 0 0 Armataur-2 -1 -1 -2 -2-2 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 Barachi 0 +1 +1 +2 -1 +1 +1 +1 +2 +1 0 +1 Coglin 2 -1 -1 0 0 0 +2 -1 -1 -1 -1 +1 Demigod -2 -1-1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 Demonspawn1 0 0 0 +1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 0 Djinni+11 +11 +11 +11 +11 +11 +11 +11 +11 +11 +11 Draconian1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Black0 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 +2 -2 0 Green0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 +2 Grey -1 0 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 -2 +2 0Pale -1 0 -1 0 0 0 0 +1 0 +1 0 0Purple +1 0 +1 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0g)?Red -1 0 -1 0 0 0 0 +2 -2 0 0 0White -1 0 -1 0 0 0 0 -2 +2 0 0 0Yellow -1 0 -1 0 0 0 +20 0 0 0 0 Mountain Dwarf -2 -1 0 -2 +1 -2 +2 +2 -1 -3 +1 -2 Deep Elf+3 +1 +3 +1 +2 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 Felid-1 -1 +4 0 0 +4 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 Formicid0 -1 +2 0 0 +2 00 0 -2 +2 +3 Gargoyle-1 +1 -1 -1 -2 -1 -10 0 -2 +2 -2gGhoul-2 -2 -2 -1 0 -1 -2 -2 +1 -2 +1 -1 Gnoll+8 +6 +6 +6 +6 +6 +6 +6 +6 +6 +6 +6 Kobold0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 Merfolkg -1 -2 0 0 -2 -2 0 -3 +1 -2 -2 +3 Minotaur-4 -3 -4 -3 -3 -3 -2 -3 -3 -3 -2 -3 Mummy+2 -2 -1 -2 0 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 Naga-1 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 +2g,Human-1 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 Armataur-2 -1 -1 -2 -2 0 -2 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 Barachi0 +1 +1 +2 -1 +1 +1 +1 +2 +1 0 +1 Coglin-2 -1 -1 0 0 0 +2 -1 -1 -1 -1 +1gq----------------------------------------------------------------------Fgt M&F Axs Pla Stv UC SBl LBl RngSpc Coj Hex Sum Nec Trl Frg Fir Ice Air Ear Alc -------------------------------------------------------------------g:Naga00 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 Octopode00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Oni+3gK;0 0 0 0 -1 -1 -1 -3 Poltergeist  -1-2 -1 -1 -2 -3 +1 0 -2 Revenant+1-1 -1 -1 -1 +1 -1 -1 -1 Spriggang;v-2-3 -2 -3 -3 -2 +1 -2 0 Tengu0+1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 Troll-2g<x-1 -2 -2 -2 0 -2 -2 -4 Vampire-1-2 -1 -1 -2 +1 +1 0 -2 Vine Stalker-1g2=(-1 -1 -1 -1 0 -1 -1 -1g2 UMMummy0-2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2gYMMinotaur+2+2 +2 +2 +2 +1 +1 +2 +1g0MMerfolk+1g (-2 -2 +3 -2 +1 +2 +2 -2:g{ Welcome, Gladio the Poltergeist. Please select your background. Warrior Adventurer Mage a - Fighter :gQi - Artificer p - Hedge Wizard b - Gladiator j - Wanderer q - Conjurer c - Monk k - Delver r - Summoner :ggd - Hunter s - Necromancer e - Brigand Warrior-mage t - Forgewright :gʾZealot  l - Warper u - Fire Elementalist f - Berserker :gJm - Hexslinger v - Ice Elementalist g - Cinder Acolyte n - Enchanter w - Air Elementalist h - Chaos Knight o - Reaver x - Earth Elementalist:g y - Alchemist Lists the numerical skill train aptitudes for all races. + - Recommended background * - Random background # - Recommended character ! - Random character % - List aptitudes Space - Change species ? - Help Tab - Revenant Monk:g- i - Artificer Artificers start with a few magic wands and a club. They'll need to find better weapons and armour before their wands run out. % - List aptitudesg|g#gLGladio the VexingPoltergeistHealth: 11/11 ========================Magic: 3/3========================AC: 1Str: 4EV: 11Int: 17SH: 0Dex: 14XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon:1Noise: ---------  Time: 0.0 (0.0)a) +1 daggerNothing quiveredFly Gem (9000) ####..$##..##..####...##.@.##....#......##...##..#### #..###Welcome, Gladio the Poltergeist Enchanter.The breathtaking Orb of Zot lies far below, as if waiting for you to find it.ggPress ? for a list of commands and other information.  Found 10 gold pieces.gkgm[ _Found a staircase leading out of the dungeon.g:gBC  Skill  Level Cost  Apt Skill  Level Cost  Apt g9Fv a - Fighting   0.0   1.2  -1   g + Spellcasting 2.0   3.6  -1           b - Unarmed Combat   0.0   1.7  -3   h + Hexes4.4   2.5  +4          c + Short Blades 1.1   1.7  +1       d - Long Blades   0.4   1.0   0          gU    e + Dodging2.1   2.5  +1      f + Stealth4.4   2.1  +5                                                              gXk        The relative cost of raising each skill is in cyan.  Skills enhanced by cross-training are in green.  [?] Help[=] set a skill target  [/] auto|manual mode [*] useful|all skills [_] enhanced|base level  [!] training|cost|targetsg@  c * Short Blades   1.1 g g * Spellcasting   2.0 gp g - Spellcasting   2.0 gO gu gGladio the VexingPoltergeistHealth: 11/11 ========================####Magic: 3/3========================..$#AC: 1Str: 4 g#..#EV: 11Int: 17#..###SH: 0Dex: 14#...#XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon:1#.@.#Noise: ---------  Time: 0.0 (0.0)#....#a) +1 dagger......##Nothing quivered...##..##Fly Gem (9000) ## #..###Welcome, Gladio the Poltergeist Enchanter.The breathtaking Orb of Zot lies far below, as if waiting for you to find it.Press ? for a list of commands and other information.  Found 10 gold pieces. _Found a staircase leading out of the dungeon. g g g9  g  g 4 g  gE7 ###..$ ### #@..# #.<.# #....# ......## ...##..#### # g88 c..##### g09 p1.0 (18999 _ g)@  gݜ 78 g֝ M##### ...$# #..##  g `#.@#####.. #.< #..........### g |2.0 (28 g  g A ##### ...$## #..## #@.### ##...# #.<.# #....# ......## ...##..## ## # gi x..# #### g |3.0 (37 g  gt c78 M###### #....$## #.@## ##..#####...# #.<#....### gx  gZy f4.0 (46 gw|  gs  ####### #....$## #@.## ##..### ##...# #.<.# #....# ......## ...##..## ## #..#  #### g |5.0 (55 g  g? 578 M###### #....@## ....###..## . ##..#####...##.<.#.# gF  gF f6.0 (64 gJ  gQ  gR f7.0 (73 gZV  g: t # #...@.###....###..##.. ##..###. ##...#  #.<.# #....# ......## ...##..##  ## #..# _You now have 10 gold pieces. g |8.0 (82 gF  g # #..@..## #....###..##.. ##..####... ##...#..# #.<.#. #....# ......##  ...##..##  ## #..# g gf9.0 (91 gO" g5I # #.@...## #....###..##.# ##..####...# ##...##..#. #.<.#. # #....## ......##  ...##..##  gg ## #..# g10.0 (10.0)0 g g] # #@....## #....###..##.## ##..###.##...# ##...#  #..#. #.<.##..### #....#.## ......##  ...##..##  ## #..#1.0 (1189 gg  ###########.....###...@###..##.......## ##..#####...# ##... #..#. #.<########g }2.0 (128gngv ####### ####.....## #..@.###..##.## ##..###.##...## ##...# #..#. #.<.# #..### #....#.## ......### ...##..##  ## #..#  ####3.0 (137gC ###########.....#######....###..##.......@## ##..#####...## ##... #..#. #.<#..### #...#4.0 (146g7a ####### ####.....###....###..###.## ##..###.##...## ##...# #..#.. #.<.# #..###.. #....# ..## #........##.# ...##..## #####..#  ####g;5.0 (155g_ ###########.....########....###..##........## ##..###...##..@## ##... #..#..# #.<#..###... #.....## #........###6.0 (164g;###########.....######....####........## #...##...## ##...#  #..#.@# #.<.# #..###....##....# ..## ##........## .# ...##..##  #####..# #### 7.0 (173g?g ###########.....########....###..##........## ##..###...##...## ##... #..#..#### #.<#..###@...##.....## ##........#.# ...##..##  gA;#####..# g}8.0 (182g%g# ####.....## ######....###..## #........## ##..### ...##...## ##...# #..#..#### #.<.# #..###.@..##....# ..## ##.g## .# #...##..## ######..# g }9.0 (191ggp###########.....######....####........## #...##...## ##...#  #..#..#### #.<.# #..###....##....# ..## ##.@......## .# #...##..##  ######..#  #### gv~20.0 (200gzg!# ####.....## ######....###..## #........## ##..### ...##...## ##...# #..#..#### #.<.# #..###....##....# ..## ##..## .# #...##..## ######..# #### g~1.0 (2179ggxV# ####.....## ######....###..## #........## ##..### ...##...## ##...# #..#..#### #.<.# #..###....##....# ..## ##..## .# #...##..## gX######..# #### gYZgZg2.0 (228g]gs# ####.....## ######....###..## #........## ##..### ...##...## ##...# #..#..#### #.<.# #..###....##....# gͽ..## ##..## .# #...##..## ######..# #### g}3.0 (237gQg(: # ####.....## ######....###..## #........## ##..### ...##...## ##...# #..#..######.<.# #..###....##....# ..## ##..## .# #...##..## ######..# #### g>gI?g4.0 (246gGgG # ####.....## ######....###..## #........## ##..### ...##...## ##...# #..#..######.<.# #..###....##....# ..## ##....@...## .# #...##..## ######..# ####g(B5.0 (25g;5g֫g  # ####.....## ######....###..##gI #........## ##..### ...##...## ##...# #..#..######.<.# #..###....##....# ..## ##...@....##gD .# #...##..## ######..# ####g>g`6.0 (264g g} ##### ####... ######....###..##  #........## ##..###...##...## ##...#g #..#..######.<.# #..###...@##....# ..## ##........##.# #...##..########..#####gUga`7.0 (273gHg1R # ####.....## ######....###..## #........## ##..### ...##...## ##...# #..#..######.<.# #..###..@.##....# ..## ##........## .# #...##..##g ######..# ####g}8.0 (282gWgRe # ####.....## ######....###..## #........## ##..### ...##...## ##...# #..#..######.<.# #..###.@..##....# ..## ##........##ge4 .# #...##..## ######..#  ####gj}9.0 (291gngp  ##### ####... ######....# g% #........## ##..###...##...## ##...# #..#.@######.<.#g #..###....##....# ..## ##........##.# #...##..########.g+,.#####ggh30.0 (300g<g< ##### ####... ######....#  #........## ##..###...##..@## ##...# #..#..######.<.# #..###....##....# ..## ##........##.# #...##.########..#####g?gs@h1.0 (3169gEg ####### ####.....## ######....###..## #........## ##..###gj ...##.@.## ##...# #..#..######.<.# #..###....##....# ..## ##........##g(#.# #...##..##. #gm#####..#  ####ggg2.0 (328gg: M###########.....########....###..## #.... ##..###g M ...## ##...# #.@#..######.<.###....##....#g B...## ##........###.# #...##  ######..# ##g! )## g/ g g3.0 (337g g|  ####### ####.....## ######....###..## #........## ##..###gv~  ...##...## ##...# #@.#..######.<.# #..###....##....# ...### ##........## #.## #...##..##  #. ######..#  # ####g B4.0 (34g ;6gl gK  ###########.....########....###..##gn ;........## ##..###...##...## ##... ##..#..######.<#.@###....##...#....### ##........###.## #...##..## #. #####..# g )#g g5.0 (355g g gIM  ####### ####.....## ######....###..## #........## ##..###gPO k ...##...## ##...# ##..#..######.<.# #@.###....##....# #....### ##........## ##.## #...##..## #. ######..# # ####gU gHW g6.0 (364g\ go ###########.....########....###..## #.... ##..### ...##...## ##...# ##..#..######.<.##.###..###....##....##...@### ##........## ##.### #...## #. ######.. # #### g* g g7.0 (373g g4  # ####.....## ######....###..## #........## ##..g5  ...##...## ##...# ##..#..######.<. #.###..###....##.... #..@.### ##........ ##.### #...##..## #.# ######..# #. ####.##g: g: `8.0 (382g= g  # ####.....## ######....###..##gg  #........## ##..##...##...## ##. #. ##..#..######.< #.###..###....## #.@..### ##........ ##.### #...##.. #.## ######..# #. #### .. ##.#.##g g `9.0 (391g٫ g  # ####.....## ######....###.. #........## ##.. ##...##...## ##.g   #.. ##..#..######. #.###..###....## #@...### ##...... ##.### #...##.. #.## ######.. #.go   .. ##. #. ##ge g a40.0 (400gs gr 78 M #######  ####.....#######....###..#gr 1 #........## ##.#...##...## ##..###..#..#########..###....##.....### ##......gs ##.### #...########..#.gv ###gx g+y h1.0 (4159gO} g  #######  ####.....## ######....###..##..##..###...##...## ##.#...######.<#.###..###....##..#....### ##......##.### #...##..##.########..#. ####.gY |.##.#.g g/ g2.0 (428g gF M###########.....##g*G ######....###..#........## ##..## ##. #..###..#..###### #gG ##....##.. #....### ##...... ##.### #...## #.## ######.. #. g!H ## ..##. #.gH A ##gM g{M `3.0 (437gP g1 ###########.....######....#####........## ##...##...## ##..#..###..#..######.<#.###..###....##..#.@..### ##......##.### #...##..##.## ######..##.  ####g߮ ..##.#.## g }4.0 (446gX g! ###########.....########....###..####........## ##..##...##...## ##....###..#..######.<.###..###....##......### ##......##@### #...##..#.## #####.  ###. 5.0 (455gcz####.....########....###..#.... ##..## ##. #..###..#..###### #.###..###....##.. #....### ##...... ##.### #...## #@## ######.. #. ## ..#g#{ ##.# #.. ### g~}6.0 (464gg ######....###..##........## ##..##...##...## ##..###..#..######..###..###....##....### ##......##.### #...##..## ####  ####..... ###### #..7.0 (473##........## ##..##...##...## ##..###..#..######..###..###....##....### ##......##.### #...##...## ####....###.#  ####..... ##### #..### [13;38guH8.0 (482 ##........## ## ##...##...## ## #..###..#..###### #.###..###....## #....### ##......# ##.### #...##.g #.## ######.###.#  #....@.# ######.# #... #####g   goblin (asleep)9.0 (491 _A goblin comes into view. It is wielding a +0 club.gRR  ##........## ## ##...##...##  #..###..#.. #.###..###....## #....### ##.....### ##.### #...##.g. #.## ######.###.#  #...@..# ######.# #... #####50.0 (1.0)0g- ##.## .. ##...##...## #. #..###..#..#. #.###..###....#. #....### ##.#####. ##.### #...g..g.. #.## .###.#  #..@...# ######.# #... #####go2g:3b149gD8g;g  ######....# ### ##........## ... ##...##...##  #.# #..###..#..## #.# #.###..# #.# #....### ##...#####.# ##.### #...g..# #.######.......@###.#.#.###......#######.# #...#####gN. g`6 <.ggg:7 ====28g= gF ( _The goblin shouts!gH  You hit the goblin.  The goblin is severely wounded.gbI =---37gN gQ S _The goblin barely misses you.g"5:---g5g;g?P _You don't know any spells.g 8  You hit the goblin.g> /) g j1646gK g J _You kill the goblin!gM 4gO ^ _No target in view!ggN Spells (Memorise)TypeFailure Level  a - Confusing TouchgHexes10% 3  b - Tukima's DanceHexesg10% 3  c - Ensorcelled Hibernation Hexes/Ice12%2 g65 d - Dazzling FlashHexes/Fireg24% 3 4 spell levels left [!] Memorise|Describe|Hide|Show [Ctrl-F] search [?] help[Esc] exitg g ######....## Gladio the Vexing### ##........## Poltergeist... ##...##...##Health: 11/11 ========================#.# #..###..#..### Magic: 3/3========================#.# #.###..###.... AC: 1Str: 4#.# #....### ##... EV: 11Int: 17..#####.# ##.### #... SH: 0Dex: 14........# #.###### XL:  1 Next: 16% Place: Dungeon:1......)@###.#Noise: =--------  Time: 54.0 (0.0).#.###......#a) +1 dagger######.#Nothing quivered#...[39;gc 49mFly Gem (8946) #####The goblin is severely wounded. _The goblin barely misses you. _You don't know any spells.  You hit the goblin. _You kill the goblin! _No target in view!  Okay, then.g g . _g 4g gs ######.... ### ##.## ... ##...##...## #.# #..###..#.. #.# #.###..###. #.# #....### ##.#####.# ##.### #[.# #.## .@.###.#.#.###......# ######.# #...  #####g[-5.0 (15gg _Found a ring mail. _You see here a +0 club.g~T.-g.g@ ######.... ### ##. ... ##...##...## #.# #..###..#... #.# #.###..###.. #.# #....### ##g}.#####.# ##.### #.[.# #.## ).###.#.#.###......# ######.# #...  #####ggh64 _ggX' ###### ### ##.. ... ##...##..... #.# #..###..#.... #.# #.###..###. #.# #....### ##gY.#####.# ##.### #.[.# #.## .).###.#.#.###......#. .. ######.### #...  #####gx^|7.0 (23gag ######.... ### ##... ... ##...##...... #.# #..###..#.. #.# #.###..###.. #.# #....### .#####.# ##.### .[.# #.## .).###.#.#.###......#.. ... ######.#. #### #...  #####gX|8.0 (32gg. ######.. ### ##.. ... ##...##.# #.# #..###..#.. #.# #.###... #.# #....### .#####.# ##.###.[.# #.##.).###.#.#.###......#.....# ######.#...##### #...##. #####..g/J   endoplasm (wandering)Jg3g:DJJ.g;f9.0 (41gAgD] _An endoplasm comes into view.gV W ######. ### ##. ... ##...##.## #.# #..###...# #.# #.###...# #.# #....###.#####.# ##.###.[.# #.##....).###.#.#.###......#....# ######.#.##### #...#.# ##### .J.#.#..g .J.g g60.0 (10g g g?4gGgKa _An endoplasm is nearby!g ....... ### ##.....# ...##.## #.# #..#..# #.# #.# #.# #....#.#####.# ##.### [........# #.## .).###.#.###......##...# ######.###### #...###J#  ##### ...#.#...#g ,J...g~ i139 _g g' g(.# ...##.## #.# #..#..# #.# #.# #.# #....#.#####.# ##.#[........# #.## ........).###.##.###......# #...# ######.#l.....J##### #...#.###.#  ##### ... #.#...#.#gkl   frilled lizard (asleep).gL  A frilled lizard comes into view.The endoplasm freezes you.ga28gg1 _You are frozen. You resist.gy8/11 -------=37 _You hit the endoplasm but do no damage. The endoplasm hits you. _You take 3 damage, and have 8/11 hp. MASSIVE DAMAGE!!g  You hit the endoplasm.9 (0.9 _The endoplasm is heavily wounded.gIVB  You hit the endoplasm.  The endoplasm is almost dead.The endoplasm freezes you.4.86glG _You are frozen. You resist.g@  You hit the endoplasm..l   frilled lizard (asleep)g#l335.75gg9M _You kill the endoplasm!gQa .# ... ##...#.## #.# #..#.# #.# #.####gb.# #.# #....#.#####.# ##.#.[........# #.##....).###.#ge #.#.###......# #.# ######.##l......##### #...#.###.## ##### ... #.## ... #.#  ..gmgn9==------6.7 (1.04gtg8vgz .# ... ## ##.## #.# #.. #.# #.# #. #.# #.# # #g.#####.# ##.#.[.# #.##...).###.# #.#.###......#g7 #.# ######.# #l......##### #... ##.###.## g.. ....# #.##. ... .# #.# .# .. .#gg۾{-73gwgbg; .# ... ## ##.## #.# #.. #.# #.# #. #.# #.# # #.#####.# ##.#.[g=G.# #..).###.# #.#.###......# #.# ######.# #l......##### # ##.###.##  .. .... #. #.##.... ... .##. #.# .#  .. .#gDgFa82gKgMg# g  .# ... ## ##.## #.# # #.# #.# #. #.# #.# # #.#####.# ## ###.[gN .# #. ..).###. #.#.###...... #.# ######. #l......##### # ##.###.##  ... ....# #.# #.##..# ... ... .###.# #.# .#.. .. .#gw91ggHt .# ...  ##.## #.# # #.# #.# # #.# #.# # #.#####.#  ###.[.# # ...).### #.#.### #.# ###### #l......##### # ##.###.##  ... ....# #.###.##..# ... ... .## #.# #.# .#  .. .. .#.ll==700[39gx;49m=129 _You barely miss the frilled lizard. The frilled lizard bites you.8--28gp~gZ _You barely miss the frilled lizard. The frilled lizard bites you. _You take 1 damage, and have 8/11 hp.g@  You hit the frilled lizard.gF†gSneak 4137gCgR _You kill the frilled lizard!g.4g4g7H _No target in view!g$4g[gYH _No target in view!gO7 Jgd9 H _No target in view!g"{ 4gD ^ _No target in view!gw-46 _-5.7 (259==6.7 (347.7 (438.7 (52g",9.7 (61==80.7 (70g\An10/11==1.7 (8192.7 (98ga 3.7 (10.0)74.7 (1161=====5.7 (125g ### #.#..###g##[...........).## ##.###.....###...# #######.†@....##### ##.###.## ... ....# #.###.##..#.###g^.. _HP restored.gξ}6.7 (134ggB! ##.## #.#  #...# #.#  #...# #.#  #...#####.#  ###.......[g!.#  ......). #..#.### ###.gL".#  #.@.....#####  ##.###.##  ........#g*% #.###.##..# ... .... .## #.# #.# ...# #.. .. .#.# ..#..g/0}7.7 (143gt3g ..######[.......gEP....).## ##.###....###...# #####.†.....##### g/##@###.## .............#.###.###.##..#... ....#.##.#g:#.....###gQ[You see here a frilled lizard corpse.ggO8.7 (152 g^_gg  #.# #.# #....#####.####.......[........# ..........).# #.#.###...##.........# #### #.†.....##### .###J###.###.## .......@......###.###.###.##..# ... ....#.###.###.# .... .. .#.#... #...J   endoplasm (asleep)#.# ##.gfgJ===9.7 (16g=;1gg _An endoplasm comes into view. _Health restored: 11g4Cw   #........ ....[ ...........) #....... ###....  #.†..  .###J###.###.##  .......@......#  ##.###.###.##..#  ...  gwE #.###.# ...#  #.. .. .#.#  ... #...  #.# ##  ..gr   #........ gk....[ ...........) #....... ###.... g #.†..  .###J###.###.## g .......@......#  ##.###.###.##..#  ... g  #.###.# ...#  #.. .. ghe ... #...  #.# g .. guggg'a _An endoplasm is nearby!g ] #.# #. #..........#####.. ###.......[... .........).... #........#.###... ###.........# .. #.†.....######.###J###.###.##.#.##.###.###.##..# ........#.## #.###.# ...# #.. ... .#.# ... .. #... #.#. .#. ## ..##..gP g t90.0)0 _g` g g, #.# #.... #.#####... ###.......[... ...).. #........#.### .... ###.........#  ..# #.†.....######.###J###.###.###.#.##.###.###.##..# ........#.## #.###.# ...# #.. ...#.#.# ... ...#... #.#. .#.# ## ..# #..109gu  The helpless endoplasm fails to defend itself.  You impale the endoplasm!!gˮ1.gq582.6 (0.98ggM _You kill the endoplasm!g/h 4g o gm  #.#  ...... #. ....K.###.[ ....... ...... #.#.### .... ###.#  ..###.†.....##### ##.###.###.###.## #..##..##.###.###.##..##. ........#.##.. #.###.# ...##. #.. ...#.#.##g ... ...#...g   hobgoblin (asleep)# #.#. .#.# ##K   kobold (asleep) ..# #..gh Q03.6 (1g ;7gS g h _A kobold and a hobgoblin come into view.g; #.# ...... #. ....K.###.[ ..... ...... #.#. .... ###.#  ..###.†.....##### ##.###.###.###.## #....@..# #..##.###.###.##..# #.. ........#.## ...##.###.# ...# #.#.#.. ...#.#.# #g.#... ...#... ## #.#. .#.# ##  ..# #..gfCw46gRgQ3 ...... #.##.......K.###[......................... ##.#....... ###...... ..###.†.....#####g4 ,##.###.###.###.##  #...............##..##@###.###.##..# #...........#.##...##.###.# ...#.#.#.......#.#.##g.#... #.# ...#... ## #.#. ..#.#.# ## ..# ...#.. #.#.g> w55gF gI gO@.......K.###[... ............ ... ## ....... ###... ... ..###.†.....### ##.###.###.###.##  #...............##..##.###.###.##..# #@..........#.###...##.###.# ...#.#.#.......#.#.##g.#... #.# ...#... ## #.#. ..#.#.# ## ..# ...#..  #.# #g0. #..gg7a64ggvgF ......  ## . ###. ... ..###.†.....### ##.###.###.###.## ##...............##..##.###.###.##..# #.#...........#.###.@.##.###.# ...g #.#.#.......#.#.##g.#... #.# ...#... ##.#.#.# ..#.#.# ## #...#... ...#..#.#.# #.. #. K.#.. #.# K   kobold (missile, asleep)#. .# ..ggia73g gI _A kobold comes into view. It is wielding a +0 whip of electrocution.gVgW g\X #gAYt ....... ###gY.g[ ... ..###.†.....##g[ ##.###.###.###.## ##...............#g_fG #..##.###.###.##..# #.#...........#.## #...##.###.# ... #@#.#.......#.#.##g.#... #.# ...#... ##.#.#.# ..#.#.# ## #...#... ...#..  #.#.# #.. #. K.#.. #.#  #.#.# .. #..ggg~h8gBi%2gigqgug   The helpless hobgoblin fails to defend itself.  You puncture the hobgoblin!†K   kobold (missile, asleep)g6 759.5 (0.91 _You kill the hobgoblin!g ### ... ..###.†.....####.###.###.###.## ##.................##.###.###.##..# #.#...........#.#..##.###.# ...# ##.#.#.......#.##†@#... #.# ...#...#.#.#.# ..#.#.# ## #...#... ...#.. #.# #.. #. K.#.. #.##.#.#. ... #..# ..100.5 (1.0)0ggS ... ..###.†.....####.###.###.###.## ##.................##.###.###.##..# #.#...........#.#..##.###.# ...# ##.#.#.......#.#†.#... #.# ...#...##@#.#.# ..#.#.# ## #...#... ...#.. #.# #.. #. K.#... #.# #.#.#.. ... #.# # .....# #.go y1899g1 gV g& ##.###.###.###.## ##.................##.###.###.##..# #.#...........#.#..##.###.# ...# ##.#.#.......#.##†.#... #.# ...#...##.#.#.# ..#.#.# ## #@..#... ...#.. #.# #.. #. K.#... #.# ##.#.#.....g' . #.### .....# ##..g1 w28g2 gf6  g ##.................##.###.###.##..# #.#...........#.#..##.###.# ...# ##.#.#.......#.##†.#... #.# ...#...#.#.#.# ..#.#.# ## #...#... ...#..  gd#.# #.. #. #K.#... #.# ##.#.#..... #.. #.## # .....# #.#..# g% g]&a37 g, g. gy  The helpless kobold fails to defend itself.  You impale the kobold!!)834.4 (0.96 _You kill the kobold! gK94 gE^ _No target in view!!gJJ!gM ..##.###.###.##..# #.#...........#.#..##.###.# ...# ##.#.#.......#.#†.#... #.# ...#...#.#.#.# ..#.#.# ## #...#... ...#.. ##.#.# #.. #. #)@#... #.# #.#.#..... #.. #.## #. .....##. ##.. ..#. #. # .^5.4 (1.05 _ #..##.###.###.##.. #.#...........#. #...##.###.# ...# ##.#.#.......#.#.# #†[37!gam.#... #.# ...# ##.#.#.# ..#.#.#  #...#... ...#.. ##.#.# #.. #. #@.#... #.# ##.#.#..... #... #.## #.#...... ..##.###. #.. ... ##. #.#  # .^6.4 (24  Things that are here: _a +0 whip of electrocution; 5 stones#g7 #g: Pick up what? 3/52 slots (_ for help) Hand Weapons (select all with ))  a - a +0 whip of electrocution Missiles (select all with ()b - 5 stones [Up|Down] select[Esc] exit Letters toggle [.|Space] toggle selected[top]%g  b + 5 stones[Enter] accept (1 chosen)%g %g %g #..##.###.###.##.. Gladio the Sneak#.#...........#.# Poltergeist#...##.###.# ...# Health: 11/11 ========================##.#.#.......#.#.# Magic: 3/3========================#†.#... #.# ...#.. AC: 1Str: 4%gA ##.#.#.# ..#.#.# # EV: 11Int: 17#...#... ...#..SH: 0Dex: 14##.#.# #.. #.XL:  1 Next: 83% Place: Dungeon:1%g #@.#... #.#Noise: ---------  Time: 106.4 (0.0)##.#.#.....a) +1 dagger#... #.##Nothing quivered#.#......Fly Gem (8894) ..##.###.#.. ...##. #.## .^The helpless kobold fails to defend itself.  You impale the kobold!! _You kill the kobold! _No target in view!  Things that are here: _a +0 whip of electrocution; 5 stones%gV %g 7.4 (1Throw: 5 stones3%g %gV L _d - 5 stones&g%..&gq&g<&gn8#...........#.###...##.###.# ...# ##.#.#.......#.#.# #†.#... #.# ...#...##.#.#.# ..#.#.# ###...#... ...#.. ##.#.# #.. #. #).#... #.# ##@#.#..... #...##.## #.#...... ..##.###. #.. ...##. #.# # .^. ..&g<w82&g?&g+{#...##.###.# ...# ##.#.#.......#.#.# #†.#... #.# ...#...##.#.#.#...#.#.# ## #...#... ...#.. ##.#.#.#.. #. #).#... #.# ##.#.#..... #.@.##.## &gP#.#.......#..##.###.###.. ... ##. #.# # .^. ..&g߫&gڬf9.4 (21&gԲ&g#...##.###.# ...# ##.#.#.......#.#.# #†.#... #.# ...#... ##.#.#.#...#.#.# ## #...#... ...#.. ##.#.#.#.. #. #).#... #.# ##.#.#..... #..@##.## #.#.#..##.###.###.. ... ##. ##.## .^.&g<......&g}10.4 (30&g,&g##.#.#.......#.#.# #†.#... #.# ...#...##.#.#.#...#.#.# ## ...#... ...#.. ##.#.#.#...#. #).#... #.# ##.#.#..... #...##.###.##.#.@.......#..##.###.#####...... ##.###.### .^. .....1.4 (489&g>†.#... #.# ...#...#.#.#.#...#.#.# ## #...#... ...#.. ##.#.#.#...#. ).#... #.# ##.#.#..... #...##.###.##.#.........#..##@###.####........... ##.###.###.# ## .^. ....# .....2.4 (58&gj7##.#.#.#...#.#.# ## ...#... ...#.. ##.#.#.#...#. #).#... #.# ##.#.#..... ...##.###.##.#......... #..##.###.#####....@.......##.###.###.#### .^.  .........##............#...#..#3.4 (67&gI##.#.#.#...#.#.# ## #...#... ...#.. ##.#.#.#...#. .#).#... #.# ..##.#.#..... .##...##.###.# #.#......... #..##.###.###.###.....##.###.###.### ..^. ....... ⌠#.....##.#.......... ........#.. ..[&gkf4.4 (76&g&g&- _Found a pair of gloves.&g= Y)......&g &gB &gWE #...#... ...#.. ##.#.#.#...#.#. ).#... #.# ..##.#.#.......#  #...##.###.# .#.........#..##.###.###.###............. ##.###@###.### ###...^...#  #.......##⌠#.....##&gT\2..#.............#... ..[...#..#.. .......##..&gfa&g$bf5.4 (15&gj&g#.#.#.#...#.# #).#... #.# ... ##.#.#.......# #...##.### #.#..........##.###.###.# ##.............&g ##.###.###.### ###.@.^...#  #.......##⌠##.........##... ..[...#..#S   ball python (constriction, asleep)#.. .......##... ...S.... ..&g  A ball python comes into view.&g r   quokkaSS   ball python (constriction).rThe ball python hisses angrily.6.4 (24&go _A quokka comes into view.'g}    #).#... #.# ...  ..#  #.#  ....  ##.###.#  ........  ##.###.###.###  ###.@.^...#  #.......#  #⌠#.....##  ..#.........  ............#  #... ..[...#..#  #.. ...S...##..  ... ....r... .. 'g    #).#... #.# ...  ..#  #.#  ....  ##.###.#  ........  ##.###.###.###  ###.@.^...#  #.......#  #⌠#.....##  ..#.........  ............# #... ..[...#..#  #.. ...S...##..  ... ....r... ..  _There are monsters nearby!'gm ).#... #.# ..#.#.#.......#  #...##.###.# #.........#..##.###.###.##............. ##.###.###.### ###...^...#  #.@..#⌠#.....#..#..............##......[...#.....S...##..........r... . ..%.........S.r.7.4 (13 _Found a flux talisman.'gk#.#.#.......#  #...##.###.# #.........#..##.###.###.##............. ##.###.###.### ###...^...#  #....#⌠#@....##'gl..#..............##......S...#.....r..##.............. ...%. ....####......'g,o'go'gp'g{iS[r.'g|a82'g'gу(g:K).#... #.# ...##.#.#.......#..##.###.# #.#......... ..##.###.###.###.............##.###.###.######...^ #.@.....# #⌠#.....##  ..#.S. ...............[r..#..##..##.... .....%.......####......  The ball python attacks as it pursues you!Sr.=91 _The ball python barely misses you.)g<3#.#.#.#...#.#).#... #.# ...##.#.#.......#..##.###.# #.#......... ..##.###.###.###.............##.###.###.######.@.^ #....... #⌠#S....##  ..#.r. ................[...#..##....##...... ..%...Sr.-200*g...#... ...#.##.#.#.#...#.#. #).#... #.# ...##.#.#......#...##.###.# *g#......... #..##.###.###.# ##............. ##.###@###.######...^...# #.S.....# #⌠#r....##  ..#...............# #......[...#..# #....##....... ..*gh*gtO  The ball python attacks as it pursues you!*g|S.r.*gj=179*g*gWY _The ball python closely misses you.,g  ,gb  You hit the ball python.r.,g q912.3 (0.98,gg ,g O _You kill the ball python!-g9/11 -----3.27 _You closely miss the quokka. The quokka bites you. _You take 2 damage, and have 9/11 hp.-g-----4.16-g--gh _You closely miss the quokka. The quokka bites you.-g~ 8--5.1 (1.05-g _You barely miss the quokka. The quokka barely misses you. The quokka bites you._You take 1 damage, and have 8/11 hp.-g) 8  You hit the quokka.-g0 2.-g0 -g: #...#... ...#..Gladio the Sneak##.#.#.#...#.#.Poltergeist#).#... #.# ...Health: 8/11=================-------##.#.#.......#Magic: 3/3========================#...##.###.#AC: 1Str: 4#.#.........EV: 11Int: 17#..##.###.###.#SH: 0Dex: 14##.............XL:  1 Next: 108% Place: Dungeon:1##.###@###.###Noise: =--------  Time: 126.0 (0.9)###...^...#a) +1 dagger#.......#Throw: 5 stones#⌠#.....##Fly Gem-g=  (8874) ..#......................##......[...#..##..........##.............. .. _You closely miss the quokka. The quokka bites you. _You take 2 damage, and have 9/11 hp. _You closely miss the quokka. The quokka bites you. _You barely miss the quokka. The quokka barely misses you. The quokka bites you._You take 1 damage, and have 8/11 hp.  You hit the quokka.-g!? _You kill the quokka!You have reached level 2!-g N /  --more--.gF *13/17=5/52 3%   You regained 5 hp, and now have 13/17 hp. _MP restored: 5/g[ 4/gca /gUM _Found a leather armour.2gB  You hit the endoplasm.2gM,=9 (0.92g 2g7 _The endoplasm is lightly wounded.2gk  You hit the endoplasm.  The endoplasm is heavily wounded.2gl6--3.872gq2g~t _The endoplasm hits you. _You take 1 damage, and have 16/17 hp.2g  You hit the endoplasm.  The endoplasm is severely wounded.2gc4.762g2g$W _The endoplasm closely misses you.2g=  You barely miss the endoplasm.The endoplasm is severely wounded.2g\@c5.652gH2g8SZ _The endoplasm completely misses you.2g^  You completely miss the endoplasm.The endoplasm is severely wounded.6.542g2gf W _The endoplasm closely misses you.2g,X;  You hit the endoplasm.2g^2.2g--107.43 _You kill the endoplasm!2gJ2gH _No target in view!2gg6g5ia _You finish haunting your +0 pair of gloves.7gY _Sorry, you're not good enough to have a special ability.8g#Innate Abilities, Weirdness & Mutationsa - You are insubstantial and cannot be petrified, ensnared, or set on fire.You are immune to poison.b - You are cold resistant. (rC+)c - You are immune to negative energy. (rN+++)d - You are immune to unholy pain and torment.e - You float through the air rather than walking.f - You can equip up to 6 pieces of aux armour in any combination.g - You gain AC when you inflict magical misfortune on nearby enemies.h - [You will be able to unleash your equipped armour.] XL 13 []: Gained at a future XL. ;gI;glU#..##.###.###.#Gladio the Sneak##.............Poltergeist##.###.###.###Health: 17/17 ========================###...^...#Magic: 5/5========================######.......#AC: 2Str: 4##...#⌠#.....###EV: 11Int: 17##.....#.........SH: 0Dex: 14#...............#XL:  2 Next: 10% Place: Dungeon:1##..#......@...#..#Noise: ---------  Time: 169.4 (0.0)##..##..........##..a) +1 dagger#...................Throw: 5 stones#.......%...........Fly Ge;ge^|m (8831) #........####.......#.......## #......##......# .....#⌠#.....# ......##......#You see here a +0 pair of gloves. _Health restored: 17You start haunting your armour. _You continue haunting your +0 pair of gloves. x5 _You finish haunting your +0 pair of gloves. _Sorry, you're not good enough to have a special ability.;ga;gF ;g ;g3 ;g U _There's nothing to open nearby.g8.......>g>g>gfr ##............. ###.###.### #...^...# ######.......# ##...#⌠#.....###.##.....#..........#........# ##..#....#..# ##..##.##.. #..........#.%#.#####.## ##.# .....#⌠w   dart slug (asleep)⌠#.....# .##......# ..w.......[70.4 (10No target in view!There's nothing to open nearby. _A dart slug comes into view.>g   ##.###.###.###  ###...^...#  ######.......#  ##...#⌠#.....###.  ##.....#..........  #...............#  ##..#..........#..#  .......@..##..  ...............  ..%............  ...####........  ..## ##......#  >g..# .....#⌠   ......#   ..w....  [?g8   ##.###.###.###  ###...^...#  ######.......#  ##...#⌠#.....###.  ##.....#..........  #...............#  ##..#..........#..#  .......@..##..  ...............  ..%............  ...####........  ..## ##......#  ..# .....#⌠   ......#   ..w....  [?g0C4?gD?gH` _A dart slug is nearby!?g<###.###.### #...^...# ######.......# ##...#⌠#.....###.##.....#.......... #...............# ##..##..# ##..##....##..###..........##.%##.######.......## ###.# #.....#⌠#⌠#.....# #.###......# #..w....#.......[ ........# ?g ?gi129 _?g˜?g.?gcz   ###...^...#  ######.......#  ##...#⌠#.....###.  ##.....#..........  #...............#  .........#..#  .........##..##  .......@......#  ?g-7.%............#  ..####........#   ##......##   #.....#⌠#   #......##   #..w....#  [ ........# ?gR    ###...^...#  ######.......#  ##...#⌠#.....###.  ##.....#..........  #...............#  .........#..#  .........##..##  .......@......#  .%............#  ..####........#   ##......##   #.....#⌠#   #......##   #..w....#  [ ........#  _A dart slug is nearby!?g` U#...^...# ######.......# ##...#⌠#.....###.##.....#.......... #...............# ##..##..####..##.##..###..........#  #.%#  #.#####  #.## ##  ## #.....#⌠# ⌠# #.#  ##......# #..w....# .......[ ........# 28 _?gT ###.##...#⌠#.....###.##.....#................# ##..##..####..##..##?g ..........%.###### #### #⌠?g  ⌠#.####.w....  .[ ....?gC .?g ?gR a37?g ?g @g]6##...#⌠#.....###.##.....#................# ##..##..####..##..##..........%..###### ##### #⌠ ⌠#.####.w....# .[ .... .......##..#46@g ##.....#.................# ##..##..####..##..##..............%...###### ##### #⌠ ⌠#.####.w....#@g H .[ .........w   dart slug (asleep)......##..##.......# ...@g @g a55@g @gA M.......# ##..#...#..####..##....#..##....................%....###### ##### #⌠# ⌠#.###.w....# .[ #.... ............##..#.. ... K   kobold (missile, asleep).....K... #.##@gm w64@g* @g u _A kobold comes into view. It is wielding a +0 dagger.AgkJ u  The helpless dart slug fails to defend itself.  You impale the dart slug!!AgP \  You kill the dart slug!AgZ †K   kobold (missile)K.Agy z24==7.3 (0.93Ag AgN ( _The kobold shouts!Bgf##..##..###..........##..## #....................# #%.....# #..####.# # #### ##......# #⌠#Bgx ⌠#.....# #......###.# #@.†....# .[......# ..#..#..####K..# ......... #.###..... BgBgD:K.Bgɶq--8.3 (1.02BgBgYBg3?##..##..##..............%.###### #### #⌠# ⌠#.###.##..†.... .[ #.@..Bg ................K..##..#...# ..... #.### ##⌠#.....BgBg:K.Bg|--91Bg'Bga*Bg* ..........%.###### #### #⌠ ⌠#.###.##..†.... .......[####.... .......K..##..# ..... #.###...... # #⌠#............##Bg Z4-----=800 _The kobold hits you with a +0 dagger. _You take 3 damage, and have 14/17 hp.BgTBgV11---------1.2 (0.919BgFbBguh _You barely miss the kobold. The kobold hits you with a +0 dagger. _You take 3 damage, and have 11/17 hp.CgcCg60-----2.18CgiCgw _You barely miss the kobold. The kobold hits you with a +0 dagger. Cgk_You take 1 damage, and have 10/17 hp.Cg4yCgy9/17 ---3.07Cg"Cg _You barely miss the kobold. The kobold hits you with a +0 dagger. _You take 1 damage, and have 9/17 hp.Cg# 9 _You closely miss the kobold. The kobold barely misses you.Cg Cg 10/17==4.86Cg Cgf R _You closely miss the kobold.Dgpfy5.75DguoDg~y _You barely miss the kobold. The kobold closely misses you.Dg-Dgb9/17 --6.64Dg7Dg _You miss the kobold. The kobold hits you with a +0 dagger. _You take 1 damage, and have 9/17 hp.DgB |  You hit the kobold.)Dgzb 77.53 _You kill the kobold!Dg&  %.####### #### Dg( #⌠ ⌠#.###.##..†.... .......[####.... .........##..# ..... #.##############DgI5 Dg5 p-8.5 (1.02Dg= DgG g  d - 10 stones (gained 5)DgG 10/17==-9.5 (210 stones1DgK DgzM / _You see here a +0 dagger.GgH?4GgDGgLGgMg90.5 (10Gg^XGg`}1.5 (209GgnGgv|2.5 (38GgGgGg;==3.5 (47Gg8Gg1=4.5 (56GgAGg|5.5 (65GgpGgGgf6.5 (74GgGg|7.5 (83GgDGg 2==8.5 (92Gg̻Gg9.5 (10.0)1GgGg200.5 (110GgYGgGg+i1.5 (12799GgGg4=2.5 (138GgGg13==3.5 (147GgGgB4.5 (15Gg~;6GgGg@}5.5 (165Gg&Gg_}6.5 (174GgBGg 4===7.5 (183GglGg7Ggg8.5 (192GgGgwGg g9.5 (201Gg(Ggk*~10.5 (210Gg.Gg4Gg4=1.5 (2289Ggh9Gg>5==2.5 (238Gg;CGgcI}3.5 (247Gg+NGgSB4.5 (25GgT;6GgNYGg*`}5.5 (265GggGgi==6.5 (274Gg&nGgrGg(s6=7.5 (283GgVwGg!8.5 (292GgGg{g9.5 (301Gg9Gg~20.5 (310GgGgZGg17===1.5 (3279GgGgY#.#####  #.## ####  ## #.....#⌠# ⌠# #.#  ##......# ##..†....# Gg.......[####........#  .......# .)# .##..## .# .... . #.## ....# # ...#⌠#..........############# GgF}2.5 (338Gg'Gg-  ## #### #⌠# ⌠#.###.##..†....# .[####........# ..............#)......#..##..## ......#.###........# .#⌠#.....###....# GgCB GgGgg3.5 (347GgצGg # #⌠ ⌠#.###.##..†.... .[####........# ..............#)......#..##..###........#.###..# ..#⌠#.....##.........## ##  4.5 (356Ggaq0##......# #.....#⌠#  ⌠#.....# #......## ##......# ##..†....#  .[####........# ......# .)......# ..##..###...#...@.#.## ....#.# ...#⌠#.....### ....## ##GgtGgu$==Ggqu`5.5 (365Gg{Gg .......## ##.# #......# #.....#⌠# ⌠Gg# #......## ## ##..†....# .......[####........# ..............# Gg.C.......)......# .........##..###.#.........#@......#Ggq...........#.#####....#........# ...#⌠##..........Gg:Q########### GgHGgg6.5 (374GgbGg\}## ##......## ......# #.....#⌠# #.....# #......## ......# ##..†....# [####........# ......# GgY]c.)......# ..##..###.# ..#.# .Gg]...#.##### ....#........# ...#⌠#.....### ..........#### GgscGgdg7.5 (383GggGgW## ##......## # #.....#⌠# .....# #......## # ##..†....# [####........# ........# .)......# ..##..###.# ..#.# ....#.##### ....#........# ...#⌠#.....### ...####### 8.5 (392GgI< ## ##......## # #.....#⌠# # #......## # ##..†....# [####..# ..............# .)......# ..##..###.# ..#.# .Gg= ...#.##### ....#........# ...#⌠#.....### ..###### Gg&D GgD `9.5 (401Gg!J Gg Gg_ ]## ##......## Gg4 W# #.....#⌠# Gg u# #......## Gg۱ # ##..†....# Gg _[####........# Ggj .Ggo ...# .)......# #Ggõ ..##..###.# ..#.# .Gg ...#.##### ....#........# ...#⌠#.....### .##### Gg C30.5 (41Ggܿ %0Ggp Gg Gg Gg j _Key pressed, stopping explore.Gg )..#..........Gg Gg^ ## ##......## # #.....#⌠# .## #......## .## ##..†....# .#[####........# .#......# .#.)......# .#  .##..###.#  .#.....@.#  .#.#####  ....#........#  ...#⌠#.....###  ...##  #### Ggvw 1.5 (1.0)69 _Gg 2## ##......## # #.....#⌠##.# # #......###.# # ##..†....##.# [####.##.# ......##.# .)......##.# .##..###.# .#......@# .#.##### ....#.# ...#⌠#.....### # Gg GgB |2.5 (28GgW 78 M.####..# #.##⌠ #......# .# ##..†[####..)......###..####..............#.#####.#........ ...#⌠#.....### 3.5 (37Gg 78 M%.... ..####..##..# #.##⌠ #......# .# ##..†[####..)......##..####........#.##### ....#........#Gg| 4.5 (46Gg 78 M.%.... ..####..##..# #.##⌠ #......# .# ##..†[####..)......#..####....... ...........#.#####5.5 (55Gg[o 78 M##..# ..%.... ..####..##..# #.##⌠ #......# .# ##..†[####..)......#..### .........#.......#6.5 (64Gg| 78 M..## ##..###.#..Gg %.... ..####..##..# #.##⌠ #......# .# ##..†Gg [####..)...... .........##..###.#Gg Gg _7.5 (73Gg GgN1 78 M...# ..## #.#####..###.#.Gg2 ..%.... ..####..##..# #.#Gg5 #⌠ #......# .# ##..†[####.. .......)......##.#Gg: GgL; _8.5 (82Gg@ GgY 78 M#.....# #.# ..## #.#####..###.#....%....#.####..##..# #.##⌠ #......# .# ##..†[#### ..............##.####9.5 (91Ggw Gg78 M#⌠#.....####.. ... .....# #.# #...## #.###.##..###.#...Ggp.%....#.####..##..## #.##⌠GgL #......# .# ##..† .[####........##.#..#GgF40.5 (10.0)Ggc;0Gg~Ggs278 MGgt####.......# #⌠#.....###. ..# .##.. ... ......# #.# #.#..## #.###..##..###.#.....#%.... .Ggt.####..##@.## #.###.###⌠ #......# .# ##..†....##.##.#Gg{uGgy~1.5 (1159Gg}Gg...^...# ###.. ##$ . #⌠###. ..# .###. ... .....# #.# #.##..## #.###..#Gg##..###.#....##. %.....##.@# ##..#..# ## ##.Gg|##.# # #.....#⌠##.# # #......###.# # ##..†....##.# [####GgB##.#......##.#)......##.#Gg}2.5 (128GgGg@278 MGg3A.###.###.###^ #. ###.......# ##$ . #⌠#.....###. ..# .###GgB.. ... ......# #.# #..## #.###..###..###.#...# ..# %......## .####..##..# #.###.## Hg# #.....#⌠##.##.Hg}3.5 (137HgbHgc>.###.###.### HgKd...^...# #. ##.# ##$ . #⌠#.....###. ..# .## #. ... ... # #.# #.# #..## #.###..# Hge##..###.#...# ##..@# .##..## ####.##..#  ##......###.##  ##..†....##.# ####.##.# HghHgHig4.5 (146HglHg!#.###.###.####...^...# #. ###.# ##$ . .#⌠#.....###. ..# .##.#. ... ....# #.# #.#.#..## #.###..#.##..###.#...#.##.@.# %.##..## .####.##..## ##......###.## # #.....#⌠##.# # #......###.# # ##..†....##.# [####.##.# .##.#5.5 (155HgN9.............###.###.### ###  ###...^...# #.. ## ###..# ##$# .⌠#.....###. ..# .##Hg&:#... ... .......# #.# #.#.#..## #.###..###..###@#...# ..##...#%....##..## ..##..##..# .## ##......###.## .# #⌠##.# Hg<".# #......###.# .# ##..†....##.#[####.##.#Hg@Hg@g6.5 (164HgCHg78 M..##.###.###.# #............. ##.###.###.### ###  ^ #.. ## ####.......# ###$# . Hg#⌠#.....###....## .###.. ... ......# #.# #..## #@###..###..###.#...# ...# .%....HgY..## ..####........##..##.#Hg}7.5 (173HgHg*78 M#.#......... ..##.###.###.# #............. ##.###.###.### ###  ^...# #.. ## ####.......#####$# . #⌠#.....###....####..###.......................# #@# #..## #.###..###..###.#...# ... .%............##..###.#8.5 (182Hgy78 M..##.###.# #.#......... ..##.###.###.# #............. Hg{##.###.###.### ###  ^...# #.. ## ####.......#####$# . #⌠#.....###....####..###............@..........####.####.##..## #.###..###..###.#...# ..............##...##Hg/}5#.#Hgn9.5 (191Hg78 M#.#.......#..##.###.# #.#......... ..##.###.###.# #............. ##.###.###.### ####  ^...# #.. ## ####.......#####$# . #⌠#.....###...@####..###...............####.####.###..## #.###..# .........##..###.#...##.##50.5 (200HgeHg&Z78 M).#... #.# ...#.#.......#..##.###.# HgZ#.#......... ..##.###.###.# #............. ##.. ##.###.###.### ####....#  Hg?[^...# #....# ## ####.......#####@# . #⌠#.....###....####..###............Hg]...####.####.## .........#..## #.###..##..HgcHgch1.5 (2149HgiHgrHgsg2.5 (228HgyHgX M#.#.#.#...#.# ).#... #.# ...#.#.......#..##.###.# #.#......... ..##.###.###.# ............. ##.. ##.###.###.### ####....#  ^...# #@...# ## ####.......#####.#### . Hg]#⌠#.....###....####..###.................... ............####.####.###.#.. _You now have 23 gold pieces (gained 13).Hg}3.5 (237HgHg?;.#.#.#...#.#. .#... #.# ... .#.#.# ...##.###.# .#. ##.###.###.# # . ##..###.###.### ####....# ###...^...# #.@..# ## .Hg8A#####.#### . #⌠#.....###....####..## #............. ..####.##..## #.###..###..###.#...###...# HgD}4.5 (246HgJHHgM#.#.#...#.#. #... #.# ... #.#.# ##.###.# #. ##.###.###.# ## ###. Hgj.###.###.### ####....# ...^...# #..@.# ## .#####.#### . #⌠#.....###....####..## #....... ####.#..## #.##..###.#...###...# Hg}5.5 (255HgHgi.#.#...#.#. ... #.# ... .#.# ##.###.# . .###.###.# # ####. ###.###.### ####....# ...^...# #...@# ## .Hg _#####.#### . ⌠#.....###....####..## #...... ## Hg!Hg$"g6.5 (264Hg%HgV78 M.. ...#.. .#.#...#.# ... #.# ..........# .##.###.# .........  Hg5#.###.###.# #### ........... ####.....##.###.### ####@...# ^...# #....##### #.......#####.#### . ⌠#.....###....####..## #....................##Hg}7.5 (273HgJHg #... ...#.. #.#...#.#.  #.# ... #.# ##.###.#  .###.###.# ####. ####..###.### ####.@..# ...^...# #....##### .#####.#### . #.....###....####..## ..## 8.5 (282Hg iHgd}... ...#.. .#...#.#.  #.# ... .# .###.#  ###.###.# #####. ####..###.### ####..@.# ^...# #....##### #####.#### . .....###....####..##  HgVHg)}9.5 (291Hg, N ...#.. #...#.#.  #.# ... # .###.#  .###.# ######. ####.# .###.### ####...@# ^...# #....##### #####.#### . ###....####..## 60.5 (300Hgzto78 M#...#.#.# ## .. ...#.. #...#.#  #.# ... ......# .###.# ......  ##.###.# ######.......... ####@......####.### ####....####.##^...# #....#####.#####.#### . ....###....####..##1.5 (3139Hg...#.#.# ##  ...#.. ...#.#. #.# ... Hg]# ###.#  ..###.# ######. ####.# ###.### ####....####.## ^...# #....##### #####.#### . Hg0HgHg`2.5 (328Hg\Hg?)#.#.# ##  ...#.. #.#. .# ... # HgXA.# . .. .###.# ######. ####.# .### ####....####.## ...# #....##### #####.#### . HgMGHgCH`3.5 (337Hg;LHgN#.#.# ## ...#.. Hg#.#. # ... #.# ....# ... .. Hg###.# ######. ####.# Hg`.### ####....####.## # #....##### ######.#### . HgHgg4.5 (346HgHg ; #.#.# ## #.. #.#. # #  ... .#.# ....# .# #.Hg = 1 #..# ######......# ####.# .### ####....####.## # #....##### .# #####.#### . .# ###....####..## ## Hgl@ HgTA g5.5 (355HgME Hg .#.# ## #.. .# .#. .### ... #.#.# ....# # #. ##..# ######......#  ####.# Hgޭ g### ####....####.## # #....##### #.# #####.#### . ..# ....####..## ### Hgu }6.5 (364Hgc Hg4 78 M..#...# ## ..# # .####..#.#... .# ....## # # .  ##....... #.# ######@.....# ... ####.......####### ####....####.## #....##### # #####.#### . ..#Hg> }7.5 (373HgOB Hgƥ #... #.# ## .. #.. Hg +.# #. .### #.#... # ....# ##......S ##. .# ######.@....#  ####.......#####  ####....####.##  #....##### #.# .#### . ..#Hgj ....####..###### S   ball python (constriction, asleep) Hg Hg g8.5 (382Hgo Hg@ _A ball python comes into view. _Health restored: 17Ig"6 ## .. .# .##### #.#... #....###  ##......S  ##........  ######.@....#  ####.......#####  ####....####.##  #....##### #.#.#### . ..#.####.. #.Ig ## .. .# .##### #.#... ....###  ##......S  ##........  ######.@....#  ####.......#####  ####....####.##  #....##### #.#.#### . ...####.. #.Igyx _A ball python is nearby!IgjO#.# .#... #. .# #### .. .. .#  Ig;#. .##### ..##.#... .....####S ##.@....... # ######......#... . ####.......##### # ####....####.#  #....##### #.###.#### . ..# ####..###### ...........#.####.#IgpIga.SS)Igs9.5 (1.0)1 _Ig.IgIgV#.# #... .#. # ## ## #..  . #.#  #. #.#####  #.##.#... ......###.##..@...S. ######......#.  ####.......##### .  ####....####.## .#### . ..# ####..###### IgS..700Ig..# ... .#.  ## ## #..  . #.# #. #.##### ##.##.#... .......###.##...@S.######......#....>####.##### .. ####....####.## . #....##### #.#.#### . ..# ####..######   Found a stone staircase leading down.=129 _The ball python bites you but does no damage.Jg2b2.4 (0.98Jge _You closely miss the ball python. The ball python closely misses you.Jg( Jg You hit the ball python.  The ball python is heavily wounded.JgX5---3.3Jg;7Jg"Jg<& _The ball python bites you. _You take 2 damage, and have 15/17 hp.Jg=  You hit the ball python.JgߔC.Jgl344.26Jg Jg+O _You kill the ball python!Jg)4JgJgmH _No target in view!JgJJgRH _No target in view!JgsJgJgJgH _No target in view!Jgb _No target in view!JgT4JgJgH _No target in view!JgW7JJg8C _No target in view!JgQJgF4JgUGJgIJg޽4Jg|JgJgUQJg4Jg4JgJgsXQJg4Jg5Jg-5.2 (1.05 _JgP6=---6.2 (247.2 (33Jg$8.2 (429.2 (51Jg7===80.2 (60JgJgg;!#  .#. ## ## #.. . #.# #. #.##### ##.##.#... ..######.##.##....@.Jge?######......#....>.####.##### ......####.## ... ....##### #.# ... .#### . ..# S.S   ball python (constriction, asleep)####..###### . JgX+1.2 (719 __A ball python comes into view. _Health restored: 17JgP 1. .#. ## #.. . #.# #. #.#####  ##.##.#... ........######.  ##...........  ##....@.......  ######......#....>.  ....##### ..... ##.## ....  #.# ...  . ..# S.  . Jg<  .#. ## #.. . #.# #. #.#####  ##.##.#... ........######.  ##...........  ##....@.......  ######......#....>.  ....##### ..... ##.## ....  #.# ... . ..# S.  .Jg? JgA b _A ball python is nearby!Kg@w .#.  ## #.. . #.# #. #.##### ##.##.#... .######.###.?##.....######......#....>.  ####.#####......####.## ...##### #.# .... #### . ..# ....S. ####..###### ...... ....... Kg7LKgMf2.2 (18KgRKg4Ue _Found a scroll labelled IMOEQO UDAPN.Kg2 K.#. ## #..  . #.# #. #.#####Kg43 a##.##.#... #........######.## ##...........?.##.....#######......#@...> ####.......#####...... #....####.## #. ..##### #.# #.# ### . ..# #....S..#..###### #.......# ...... .. ###.## ...>....#..#KgA 37KgD ; _Found a stone staircase leading down.Kgbo u## #.. . #.# #. #.##### ###.##.#... .#........######.### ##...........?..##.....########......#....> ###.......#####.@......# ....####.## #. .##### #.# #.Kgdq ## ## . ..# #....S..# ..###### #.......# ..... ... ##.## ...>....#..# ####### ..#Kgu Kg"v ~==46KgPz Kg{ Kg . #.# #. #.##### .###.##.#... .# ........######.###. ##...........?.. ##.....##  ######......#....>...# ##.......#####........# ...####.## #.. Kga s##### #.# #.### # . ..# #....S..# ..###### #.......# .... ... #.## #...>....# ..# #######... .#  ### Kg w55Kg Kg Kg5 #. #.##### .###.##.#... .# Kg' ........######.###. ##...........?.. ##.....## ######......#....>...# #.......#####........### ..####.## #.Kg .. #### #.# #.###  . ..# #....S..# ..###### #.......# ... ....## ##...>#... .# #######... #  ### .Kg MSS)Kg 6--=64Kg Kg _The ball python bites you. _You take 1 damage, and have 16/17 hp.KgE =  You hit the ball python.Kg F†Kg+ p77.1 (0.93Kg7 Kg9 O _You kill the ball python!Kgk Kgl KgSs Kg,v H _No target in view!Kg# $ _No target in view! _No target in view!Kg  _No target in view!Kg H _No target in view!Kg~ Kg Kg Kg C _No target in view!KglKgnKgrKg2tKg 2QLg#Lg%&LgL/LgLgLgLgLg4LgLg{Lg-8.1 (1.02 _Lgn-9.1 (217==90.1 (30Lgn}. #.# . #.##### .# ##.##.#... .# ........######.###...?..  ##.............## ####......#....>...# .....#####.#### Lgo.####.## #..... ### #.# #.......#####  . ..# #....†..# ###### ## . ........... ###...>....#...#######......###...LgwLgJxg1.1 (409Lg~Lgj## #.. . #.# #.. . #.##### #.# ##.##.#... #.# ........######.###.?..  .........## ####......#....>...# Lg+].....#####.#### #.## #...... ## #.# #.......###### ..# #....†..# ###### #Lg# . ...........##...>....#...#######......###.LgM|2.1 (58LgLgX( .#.  ## #.. .# . #.# #.. . #.##### #.#  ##.##.#... #.#  ........######.###.?..  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a brown potionMg ........Mg_ l[........# #.########..# .Mg u......).###.# #####.###......# ### ### ##### ....# ######.# #.. .. .... ##### #...... #.##..### ######.# #.#......  #.# #.......#### .# ##.#####..# #....# ##Mg  #####.@.......###....# ##........####...#.....# ###..................# .. ....#.######..##.....# #######.. #..##..###.# . #.# #.#....## # #. #.#####..#.##.. ##.##.#.....##.###........######.###..##Mg Mg m20.0)0Mgb Mgd 78 M...#####.# ##.### #...##..## [..# #.########.......).###.# #####.###......# ####### ##### ....# ######.# #.. .. .... ####...... #.##..#######Mge !#...... #  #.# #.......### . ##@#####..# # #####.........####........####...# # ..##............. ......#.######..##.....###.Mgj }1.1 (279Mgm Mg 78 M #.# #....### ##........## ...#####.# ##.### #...##..## [Mg ..# #.########.......).###.# #####.###......# ####### ##### ....# ######.###... .. .... ####...... #.##..########...... #  #@# #.......### . ##.#####..# # #####.........####........####...# #..##..................#.##.Mg Mg f2.1 (38Mgw MgA S78 M###..###....##.... #.# #....### ##........## ...#####.# ##.### #...##..## [MgE ..# #.########.......).###.# #####.###......# ############## ....# ######.###............ #####........#.##..########...... #  #.# #.......### . ##.#####..# # #####.........### #Mg G #........####...#.....#...#.#######.#MgO MgQ f3.1 (47Mg Mg 78 M#.###..#..######.<###..###....##.... #.# #....### ##........## ...#####.# ##.### #...##..## [..# #.########.......).###.# #####.###......# ############## ....# ######.###............ #####....@...#.##..########.####.#...... #  #.# #.......### . ##.#####..# #######.........###....#.......MgX 4.1 (56Mg/R  .###..###....##......### ##........#####.# ##.### #...##..## [........# #.## ######..# .).###.#  ####.###......# ############## ..# ######.###............ ##### #........#.##..### # #####@####.#...... #.# #.......#### .###.#####..# #.... ######.........##........ #.# #.#....## #5.1 (65Mg*  ...### ##........#####.# ##.### #...##..## [........# #.## ######..# .).###.#  ####.###......# ############## ..# ######.###............ ##### #........#.##..### # #####.####.#...... #@# #.......#### .###.#####..# #.... ######.........## # #........####...#....#.#######.##. #.#####..#.##..#6.1 (74Mg<) ####.# ##.### #...##..## [........# #.## ######..# .).###.#  ####.###......# ############## ..# ######.###............ ##### #........#.##..### # ####.####.#...... #.# #.......#### .###@#####..# #.... ######.........## # #........####...#...##..............##.##.##.#.....##.###.##7.1 (83MgK[........# #.## ######.. .).###. #####.###......# ##########...# ######.###............ .##### #........#.##..###  #####.####.#...... .# #.# #.#### ..##.#####..# #....#######@........###....# .#........####...#.....# .#...##..................# ... ....#.######..##.....#  #######..# ###.# . #.## #.#....## # #. #.#####..#.##..##.##.#.....##.###.## ........######.###..##8.1 (9MgF[39;49m2Mgf .).###.#  ####.###......# ############## ..# ######.###............ ##### #........#.##..### ## ####.####.#...... . #.# #.......#### ..###.#####..# #.... .#######.........## #.....@..####...#....##............. ... ....#.######..###Fly Gem (8672) #..##.................#9.1 (10.0)1Ng.).###.# ####.#.###......# ####.# ######.###.. .Ngh.##### #........#.##..### .## #####.####.#...... ..# #.# #. #..# ##.#####..# #.... #.## ######...###.... ..# #....@...####...#..... #.#.##. #... . ....#.######..##..... # ## #####..# #..##..###. . . #.## #.#....## #. #.#####..#.##..# ##.##.#.....##.###.##  ........######.###..##  ##.# 30.1 (110NgrL.).###.# ####.#.###......# #.# ######.###..##### #........#.##..### #.##Ng9sC #####.####.#.......# #.# #. ##..# ##.#####..# # .#.##Ngs ######...###.# #...@....####...# .#.#.## Ngt.#... ... ....#.######..## .# ## . #####..# #..##..### .. . #.## #.#....## .Ngt} #. #.#####..#.##..# . ##.##.#.....##.###.## ........######.###.. ##Ngt.Nggz~1.1 (1269NgNgr.).###.# .#.###......# #.# ######.###.Ng)r.##### #........#.##..### ##.## #####.####.#.......# #.# #. .##..# ##.#####..# # ..#.## ######...###  ...# #..@.....####...# #.#.#.##.#.........#.######..## #.# ## ...(#####..# #..##.. #..### . #.# #.#....## #. #. #.#####..#.##..# .. ##.##.#.....##.###. # ........######.###.. ##NgtNg g2.1 (138NgNgE - _Found 5 poisoned darts.Ngp)y...........Ng4Ngݓ.).###.# .#.###......# .# ######.###..##### #.#.##..#.## #####.####.#.# #.# #. #.##..# ##.#####..# #.#.## ######.### # ...#Ng #.@......####...# .#.#.#.##.#........#.######..## .#.# ## ....(#####..# #..##.. .#..#. . #.## #.#.... .#.# #. #.#####..#.##... ##.##.#.....##.###. .# .######.### # ##Ng,Ngl3.0)7NgNg #.###......# ########## #...# ######.###........... †.....##### #........#.##..# .###.##  #####.####.#.... ......# #.# #. ##.##..##.#####..# # ....#.########.........### .# ...# #######........####... ..#.#.# .......@##............  ...#.......#.######..## #.#.# ## #....(#####..# .#.. #####. . #.## #.#.... #.# # #. #.#####..#.##.  ... ##.##.#.....##.#### ........######.### ##............. ..##Ng0 |4.1 (26Ng NgVt #.#.###......# #.# ######.### .†.....##### #.#.##.. #.###.## #####.####.#.# #.# ##.##..# ##.#####..# .#.## ######Ng(v t. #.# ...##........####...#.#.#.#.## # ...#....#.######..## .#.#.# ####....(#####..# #..##.#.. #####. . #.## #.# .#.#. ## #. #.#####..#.## # ... ##.##.#.....##..# .######. #.# ##. ##.Ng |5.1 (35NgΆ Ng "##...# ######.###......... #.†.....##### #........#.## ##.###.##  #####.####. ........# #.# #. .###.##..##.#####..# ......#.########.........# ##.# ...##########........####... ....#.#.#).........##............ .# ...#.......#.######..# NgK D..#.#.# ####....(#####..#  ...#.. #####... #.## #.#.#.#. ####. #.#####..#.# ... ##.##.#.....##. ....# ........######. ## ##............ .... .###.######....>..Ng Ng f6.1 (44Ng NgI # _Found a club.OgOgOgdOg Og8_Unknown command.Og k  .†.....##### #........#.## ##.###.## ####.####.#. ........ #.# #.. .###.##..###.#####..# ......#.#######....... ##.# ...##########........####... ....#.#.#).........##......... .# ...#........#.######..# ..#.#.# ####....@#####..# #..#  ...#.. #####....##.##.. ..#.#. ####.##.#####..#.# .# .. ##.##.#.....# ...... ####.......#####....... 7.1 (13 _ _You see here 5 poisoned darts.Pg w82PgP @ _h - 5 poisoned dartsQgVJq  You aren't carrying any pieces of jewellery.QgpMQgYRQgT. _Sg:4Sg]>Sg V###.## #####.####.#.. .......#  #.# #... ###.####.#####..# ....#.## ######.........# #.# ...##########........#### ...#.#.#).........##.......... # ...#.........#.######..##.#.# ####.....#####..# #..##..#.. #####.@..##.## #.#... .#.#. ####.##.#####..#.## # ...  ##.##.#.....##.# ...# ........######.# #.#  ##............. ... ##..# ###.#######......#....>.... ####.......#####...... #.### ####....####.## #.SgSg\h91 _SgSg v.###.## #####.####.#.# Sg#.# #..##..# ##.#####..# ##.## ######.# Sg.# ...##########.####...#.#.#.#).........##. Sg\  ...#.......#.######..##. #.#.# ####.....#####..# #..##.Sg #.. #####..@.##.## #.#. #.#. Sg/ ####.##.#####..#.##.  ... ##.##.#.....##.## Sg ........######.# .# ##. Sg ##...#.# ######......#....>...#Sg~ T ####.#####.# Sg w.### ####....####.## #.SgSglg40.1 (20SgSgu....#  #.# #... #.####.#####..# # ...#.## ######.........###. Sgv# ...##########........####...#...#.#).........##.........#......#.######..## SgvU.#.# ####.....#####..# #..##..# .#.. #####....##.## #.#....# .Sgnw#. ####@##.#####..#.## ...  ##.##.#.....##.# .# Sgw........######.###. # ####............... . SgOxG##..### #.#SgxE######......#....>...# ... ####.......#####........# ### ####....####.## #.Sg1y. # #....##### #.# #.###Sg+Sgg1.1 (359SgSgs #.##..###.#####..# # ...#.#######.........## # ...##########........####...#. Sg.#.#.#).........##............. ...#...............#.######..## .#.# ####.....#####..# #..##..#SgC. #####....##.##.. ####.##.#####..#.##.. .SgA. .....##.### .Sge# .............#### # SgB#########.............. . ##.......###Sg.#.#Sg SgI#####.#### . ..# #....†..#SgSgf2.1 (48SgqSg1ts ...#.#######.........## # ...##########........####...#. .#.#.#).........##............. ...#......#.######..## .#.# ####.....#####..# #..##..#. #####....##.##.. ####.##.#####..#.##.. ..#######.##.#.....##.### .# .......@.....#### # #########.............. . ##.....###.Fly Gem (8658) ## ##....####..###### #.......#3.1 (57SgwSg]P.#.## ######Sg'.### .# ...#.####...# ..#.#.#).##  ...#.#.######..## SgD#.#.# ####.....#####..# #..##.. ..#.. #####....##.## #.#.... #.#. ####.##.#####..#.##  ... .#.##.#.....##.### .Sg.#......######.### .##. ##...... ##.# ######......#....>...#. ####.#####. .### ####....####.## # .# #....##### #.# #. .#####.#### . ..# #....†..# ###....####..###### #.#4.1 (66SgSgM.#.## ######. #.# ...#.####...#Sg^N.#.#.#).## # ...#.#.######..## .#.#.# ####.....#####..# #..##.#.. #####....##.## #.# .#.#. ####.##.#####..#.## SgNT# ... ..#.##.#.....##..# #......######. #.##.Sg0Q} ##......#.# ######......#....>.... ####.#####. #.### ####....####.## #  ..# #....##### #.# #.#  ..#####.#### . ..# #....†..#  .###....####..###### #.# SgZ5.1 (75Sgѵ.#.## ######. ##.# ...#.####....#.#.#).## .# ...#Sg .#.######.. ..#.#.# ####.....#####..# #..##  ...#.. #####....##.## #.# ..#.#. ####.##.#####..#. .# ... ...#.##.#.....##..# #......######. ##.# #. ##..... Sg&.###.# ######......#....>. ####.##### ##.### ####....####.## #Sgy_.# #....##### #.# #..#####.#### . ..# #....†.. ..###....####..###### #Sg˷.Sgf6.1 (84SgSgGSgo.#.## ######.#.# ...#.####.#.#.#).## #.# ...#Sgz.#.######...#.#.# ####.....#####..# #.. . ...#.. #####....##.## #.#.#.#. # ####.##.#####..#. SgO@#.# ... ....#.##.#.....##..# #......######.#.# #Sg. ## #.###.# ######......#....>. ####.######.### ####....####.## # ^...# #....##### #.# #.#####.#### . ..# #....†.###....####..###### #Sg$Sg#%f7.1 (93Sg)Sg.#.## ###### .###.# ...#.####.#.#.#)Sg.##  #.# ...#.#.###### #...#.#.# ####.....#####..# #.. .. ...#.. #####....##.## #.# Sgi#...#.#. .#. ####.##.#####..#  #.# ... .....#.##.#.....##.# #......###### Sg.###.# #. ## ##.###.# ######......#....>SgW. ####.##### .###.### ####....####.## # .^...# #....##### #.# #Sgv.#####.#### . ..# #....†.###....####..###### #SgSgrj8.1 (10.0)2SgOSgѡSg4SgCT _Key pressed, stopping explore.Sgp..........SgSg .#.## ###### #.###.# ...#.####.#.#.#).## . #.# ...#Sg Q.#.###### .#...#.#.# ####.....#####..# #. ...#.. ## #####....##.## #. .#...#.#.#.#.. ####.##.#####.. . #.# ...#.....#.##.#......# #..@.. #.###.# #. ###.###.# ######......#..... ####.##### #.###.### ####....####.## # ..^...# #....##### #.# #.#####.#### . ..# #.....###....####..###### #Sg@& 9.0)1 _SgT) Sgǐ c.#.## ###### ##.###.# ...#. #.#.#.#).## .. #.# ...#.#. #.#...#.#.# ####.....#####..# # #... ...#.. ########....##.## # #.#...#.#.#.#..# ####.##.##### .. #.# ...#.....#.##.#..... #.# #.@... ##.###.# #. ## .###.###.# ######......#. ####.##### ##.###.### ####....####.## #.^...# #....##### #.# #.#####.#### . ..# # #.....###....####..###### #Sgn Sg! `50.1 (20Sg Sg .#.## ###### .##.###.# ...#. .#.#.#.#)Sg X.##. #.# ...#.#. .#.#...#.#.# ####.....#####..# .#... ...#.. ########....##.## .#.#...#.#.#.#..## ####.##.#####. #.# ...#.....#.##.# .#Sgj 0.# #@.... .##.###.# #. ## #.###.###.# ######......#. ####.######.###.### ####....####.## # #...^...# #....##### #.# # #.#####.#### . ..# # ⌠#.....###....####..###### #Sg }1.1 (349Sg Sgko 78 M#.###.###.##.. ##.### ...........#.## ######.....#.###.# ...##########........## .Sgp #.......#.#.#)##....... ... #.# ...#...............#.#####...#.#.# ####.....#####.... ...#.. ########... #.#...#.#.#.#..## ####.##.##### .Sgp c.. #.# ...#....@#######.##.#...........# #.###..............### .##.###.############ ......... 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Sg# #.#.#...#.#.# ####.....#####..# ..#... ...#.. ########....##.## #.#.#...#.#.#.#..## ####.##. #... #.# ...#...@.#######.##.# #.#.# #.###....Sg Z. ..##.###.# ## #Sg y. ## ##.###.###.# ######......#SgD . ####.##### .###.###.### ####....####.## # ##...^...# #....##### #.# # ##.#####.#### . ..# #Sgo f3.1 (57Sg Sg SgS i.##.###.###.##..# ##. .#.#.##Sg #.#.#.#...#.#.#.#..## ####.##. ).#... #.# ...#.@...#######.##.# #.#.#.# #.###..... #...##.###.# ... #### #.#....#.Sgd  ## ..##.###.###.##. ######...... #....... ####.#####.###.###.###.####....####.##  ###...^...# ##....##### #.##.#####.#### . ..#Sg Sg f5.1 (75Sg SgI #..##.###.###.##..# ##  #.#...........#.## ######  #...##.###.# ...## ##.#.#.......#.#.#).## #†.#... #.# ...#...#. ##.#.#.#...#.#.#.####.....#####..  #...#... ...#...########....##. ##.#.#.#...#.#.#.#..## ####.##. #).#... #.# ...#@....#######.##.# ##.#.#.# #.###....  #...##.###.# ...# #####  #.#....#.# ## #..##.###.###.##.. ###### ##Sg$K -.......# ####.  ##.###.###.###.####....####.##  ###...^...# ##....##### #.# #####.#####.#### . ..#SgZS A6.1 (8SgZT ;4SgY Sg]   #.#...........#.#######...##.###.# ...##########..... ##.#.#.......#.#.#).........## #Sg †.#... #.# ...#......# ##.#.#.#...#.#.#.####.....#####.  #...#... ...#...########....##.# ##.#.#.#...#.#.#.#..## #### #).#... #.# ...#.....### ##.#.#.......# #@###.............  #...##.###.##...# ############...........#.# ##.Sg ###Fly Gem (8644) .#... ...#⌠#.....###....####..######Sg Sg f7.1 (93Sg, Sg* | ..##.###.# ...##########..... ##.#.#.......#.#.#).........## #†.#... #.# ...#......# #Sg^+ %#.#.#.#...#.#.#.####.....#####.  #...#... ...#...########....##.# ##.#.#.#...#.#.#.#..## #### #).#... #.# ...#.....### ##.#.#.......#.#.###.............  #...##.###.##..@# ###########Sg, #...........#.# ##. #..##.###.###.##.. ######.....##Fly Gem (8643) #.# #. ....#....................Sg, Sg6 8.1 (10.0)2SgJ: Sgz  #...##.###.# ...#  ##.#.#.......#.#.#).##  #†.#... #.# ...#...#  ##.#.#.#...#.#.#.####.....##### #...#... ...#...########....##.  ##.#.#.#...#.#.#.#..## ####.##.  #).#... #.# ...#.....#.##.  ##.#.#.#.#.###.... #...##.###.##.@.# # #.#.#.# ## 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TgH #...##.###.##...# ##### Tg1.1 (829TgI` K.###[ ........................... #........#.#Tga.... ###.........# ... ..###.÷.....##### ##.###.###.### ##...............##.##.###.###.##..# #.#..@........#.##  #...##.###.##...###### ##.#.#.......#.#.#) #÷.#...##.##...#....#.#.#.#...#.#.#.####.. #...#...#...#...###### ##.#.#.#...#.#.#.#..## Tgdb #).#...##.##...#.....###.#.#.......#.#.###...TgckTg(lf2.1 (98TgAuTg  ...... #....## .......K.###[ ......................... #.#.... ###.........# ... ..###.÷.....##### ##.###.###.### ##...............##.##@###.###.##..#Tg' #.#...........#.##  #...##.###.##...##### ##.#.#.......#.#.#) #÷.#...##.##...#....##.#.#.#...#.#.#.####. #...#...#...#...##### ##.#.#.#...#.#.#.# #).#...##.##...#.....#TgSTgj3.1 (10.0)7Tg^TgB< #.TgCQ$........ #....#....K.###[..................... #.TgHD........ ###......... ... ..###.÷.....#### ##.###.###.### ##..@............###..##.###.###.##..#TgDw##.#...........#.##  #...##.###.##...#### ##.#.#.......#.#.#) #÷.#...##.##...#....#.#.#.#...#.#.#.TgOE #...#...#...#...## ##.#.#.#...#.#.#.#Tg5M}4.1 (116Tg|QTg|Y #. .$........# #. ........K.###.[ ........... .......... #.# ........ ### ......###.÷..... ##.###.###.###.## ##.@..## #..##.###.###.##..# ##.#.....#.## #...##.###.##... ##.#.#.......#.#.#) #÷.#...##.##...#K   kobold (asleep) ##.#.#.#...#.#.#.### #...#...#...#...### ##.#.#.#...#.#.#.#..Tg(5.1 (125Tg Tg^TgLz .$........#  ........K.##[ ........... ..........  ........  ....÷ ##.###.###  ##.@.......  #..##.###.#  ##.#....  #...##.# ##.#.#....) #÷..# ##.. #.. .Ug .$........#  ........K.##[ ........... ..........  ........  ....÷ ##.###.###  ##.@.......  #..##.###.#  ##.#....  #...##.# ##.#.#....) #÷..# ##.Ug~. #.. .Ug4Ug7Ug&] _A kobold is nearby!Ug~#..#.$..# .#..K.###[#........#..........# #.##..........# ###........#..........###.÷.....###Ugl/ ##@###.###.###.## ##...............#..##.###.###.##..##.#...........#.##  #...##.###.##...####.#.#.......#.#.#)÷.#...##.##...#....##.#.#.#...#.#.# #...#...#...#...###Ug&6.0)4 _Ug)Ug+UgJc############# #.##...# #.##.$.# #...##.K.###[#......#.# #..##.# ###.........#.......@..###.÷.....##########.###.###.###.## ##...............## #..##.###.###.##..# UgL##.#...........#.###...##.###.##...######.#.#.......#.#.#)#÷.#...##.##...#.....##.#.#.#...#.#.#.#UgUgPa73UgZUg!T    ### ##########.$..# #...#K.###.......[..... #.# ###.........#..........###.÷.....####UgW l######.###.###.###.## ##...............##..##.###.###.##..##.#...........#.##  #...##.###.##...#####.#.#.......#.#.#)÷.#...##.##...#.....Ug[ Ugxd `.KKUgye ====82Ugp > _The kobold shouts!Ug      ### ##########.$ #..........#...###.......[K........ #.# ###.........#..........###.÷.....##########.###.###.###.## Ug #...............##..##.###.###.##..##.#...........#.## #...##.###.##...#####.#.#.......#.#.#)Ug Ug 4-----=---91Ug Ug _The kobold hits you with a +0 club. _You take 3 damage, and have 14/17 hp.Ugl  You hit the kobold.  The kobold is severely wounded.Ugm ---80.0 (0.90Ugns Ugt T _The kobold closely misses you.Ug  You miss the kobold.The kobold is severely wounded.Ug c3------9Ug Ug _The kobold hits you with a +0 club. _You take 1 damage, and have 13/17 hp.Ugʊ 8  You hit the kobold.Uga i)Ug8 Ug |411.819Ugn  Ug Ug &_You kill the kobold!Ug Ug Ug= ,Ug  UgO Ug :_No target in view!UgT UgW UgX Ugob Ugg  Ugi Ug|j :_No target in view!Ug 4Ug ^ _No target in view!UgG 4UgK UgN H _No target in view!Ug UgB Ugo Ug H _No target in view!Ug-2.8 (1.08 _-3.8 (274=4.8 (365.8 (45Ug:6.8 (547.8 (63=8.8 (725==9.8 (8190.8 (901.8 (10.0)092.8 (118Ug==3.8 (1276=4.8 (1365.8 (145Ug=6.8 (1547.8 (1637===8.8 (172VgVgm, . . ## ############ #. #..# #. #.$.# #....... #....###[ #)....... #...##### #.# ###..................###.÷.....##########.###.###.### ##...............## #..##.###.###.##..###.#...........#.##  #...##.###.##...###VgpVgpg9.8 (181VgvVg . . ## ############ # #..# # #.$.# #. #....###[ #)...... #...### #.# ###....... #..........###.÷.....#########.###.###.### ##...............## #..##.###.###.##..##.#...........#.VgVg'400.8 (19Vg%0VguVgVg6?Vg`@!VgHA VgB VgDz ## ############ # #..# # #.$.# #. #....###[ #)..... #...## #.# ###...... #..........###.÷.....########.###.###.### ##.............VgaE; #..##.###.###.##..VgFVgJVg'LVgjM%1.8 (20VgN'599VgNVg&UVgVgw Vg+ Vg Vg Vgq Vg" Vg VgZ  ##   # #   #.# #   #.$.@......# #   #..........###Vg.   #.......)   #....####   #.# ### VgH  #.###.÷.....   #######.###.###.###.   ##.......   #..##.###.###.##VgVg<Vg`==Vg`2.8 (218VgVg_2    Vgza     ##   # #   #.# #   #.$@.......# #  Vgb #..........###   #.......)  #....####   #Vge.# ###   #.###.÷  #######.###.###.###.   ##...  #..##.###.###.##VgukVglg3.8 (227VgqVg         ##  # #  #.# #  #.@........# #  #..........###  #.......)  #....####  #.# ###  #.###.÷  #######.###.###.### Vg% ##...  #..##.###.###.VgX4.8 (236VgVggg5.8 (245Vg=Vg  _No target in view! _You now have 44 gold pieces (gained 8).Vg? VgT _Key pressed, stopping explore.Vg&S......Vgd8Vg)   .... .. Vg##. ############ #.. #..........# #. #..# #. #.###. #.)...... #...#### Vg&9#.#  #.###.÷. #######.###.###.###  ##.............. #..##.###.###.## ##.#..........VgVgަs6.8 (1.0)4 _VgdVg  .....   ..   Vg36##.   ############ #..   #..........# #.   #..# #.   #.###.   #.)......  VgPN #...####   #.#  #.###.÷.  Vgh #######.###.###.###.#    ##..............   #..##.###.###.##   ##.#...........#.   Vg7...##.###.##...VgVg _7.8 (23VgM'Vgَ . . ##.Vg’_ # #. #.# #. #...# #. #....###.[ #....@..). #.####. #.# ###. #.###.÷.....# #######.###.###.###.# ##.......# #..##.###.###.##. ##.#....Vg_#.# #...##.###.##...#Vg|8.8 (32VgȥVgd ..##.# #.#.# #.#...# #.#....###.[.#.....@.).#.####.#.# ###.#.###.÷.....# ##.......##..##.###.###.##..###.#....#.##...##.###.##...#9.8 (41Vgwb. .###.## #.#.# #.#...# #.#....###.[.#......@).#.####.##.# ###.#.###.÷.....# ##.........## #..##.###.###.##..# ##.#...........#.## #...##.###.##...#Vg10.8 (50Vg. .# ##.##Vg} #.##.# #.##...# #.##....###.[.#.......@.#.####.#.#.# ###.#.###.÷.....########.###.###.........## Vg:1#..##.###.###.##..# ##.#...........#.## #...##.###.##...#Vg4Vgg1.8 (689VgVgY . .# VgZ##.## # #.# #.# #.Vgx[T# #...# #.##....###.[.#.......)Vg"\#.####.#.##.# ###.##.VgA]###.÷.....### ##........## #..##.###.###.##..# ##.#...........#.## Vg_O#...##.###.##...#You see here a +0 club.Vg eVgeN2.8 (78 Vgf_VgGlVg&". .# ##.## # #.# #.# #.# #...# #....##....###.[.#.......).#.####.#.##.# ###.# #.###.÷.....##### ### ##........## #..##.###.###.##..# ##.#.Vg\#.## #...##.###.##...#VgVgf3.8 (87VgVg1t. .# ##.## ## #.# #.# #..........# #...# #....##....###.[.#.......).#.####.#.##.# ###...# ##.###.÷.....##### #######.###.##.......## #..##.###.###.##..# ##.#.#.## #...##.###.##...#4.8 (96Vg܊ _Key pressed, stopping explore.Vg]......)..VgwVg^. #........# .##........## ###### #..........# ##...# #..........# ##..# #...##.###.[.#.)...)#.####.#.###.#..# ###...# ##.Vg?..###.÷.....##### #######.#####...## #..##.###.###.##..# ##.#.#.## #...##.###.##...#Vg Vgm5.8 (15 _VgVgZ........ #........# .##........## #.############ #....# #.#..........# #...# #.#...# #..#####.#.###.Vg\P[.#.)...).#.####.#.###.#...# ###..# ##..........###.÷.....##### #######.###.###.###.####...## #..##.###.###.##..# ##.#.#.## #...##.###.##...#Vgd|6.8 (24VgrkVgv. . ### .# .. #### #.############# #.# #.##..........# #.# #.##..........# #...#####.#Vgd#..........###[.##.)...........).##..####..#.###...#....# ###.........# #####..........###.÷.....############.###.###.###.## ##...............## #..##.###.###.##..# ##.#...........#.## Vg|7.8 (33VgVg\C .... .. ### .# ...  ### #.#  ############ #.# #.#  #.# #.# #.#  #.# #.VgpE f..#####.#  #....###[.#  #.)...........).###....####..#.###....#.# ###.........# ######..........###.÷.....#####  #######.###.###.###.####...............###..##.###.###.##..#VgM |8.8 (42VgT Vg P78 M.b . ###  ... #############  #..........#####...###.[..# )...........).###..........####........#.###....b   bat (asleep)..Vg Vgl f9.8 (51Vg Vg$ _A bat comes into view. _Health restored: 17WgK X .b........  .........  .........  ......... ###  #........# ...  ##........## #.#   #..........# #.#   #.@........# #.#   #.........  #.......[.  )...................)  ###........   ###.........#  ÷.....#####  ###.##   Wg .b........  .........  .........  ......... ###  #........# ...  ##........## #.#   #..........# #.#   #.@........# #.#  WgZZ #.........  #.......[.  )...................)  ###........   ###.........#  ÷.....##  ###.## WgWgWgWgZ _A bat is nearby!Wg>.b# . ###  ... #############.  #....#####...###Wg[..# )...........).#####.#.###.... ###.........# #####..........###.÷.....############.###.###.###.##WgWgTg20.8 (10WgWg3; _Found a stone staircase leading down.Wg. ...>.b## . ###  ... #############  ...#####...###Wg [..#)...........).#####.#.###.... ###.........# #####..........###.÷.....#####Wg2 Wg b179Wg Wg Wga ##.....>.b# #. ###  ... ############## #  ...#####...###[..# )...........).#####.#.###....WgE q ###....# #####Wg Wg ,Wg 9.bbWga28Wg WgWg[_b.=3.7 (0.97 _You barely miss the bat. The bat misses you.Xg5############ #.###....##..>...#.....#...b #.. ### ##.# ... # #### #.# # ############ #.# #.# # #.# #.# #.# # #.# #...#####.# # #...###[.# #.)...........).### #.####..#.###.......b4.7 (1.06 # #.## #.##..>.#Xgh.##.#.#.# ### ###....b...## ... ###.## #.# #. #.# #.# #. .# #.# #.# #. .# #.#####.# # .###.[.# #. .).....).###. .####.#.###. _The bat barely misses you.b.55 _The bat closely misses you.Xg4Xg b.6.6 (0.94Xgs _You barely miss the bat. The bat hits you but does no damage.XgB############ #.## #....Xg]E8## #..># #............###.....b.....##.. #..### ##.## ... # ### #.# #. ########## #.# #.# #.## #.# #.# #..# #.XgkF;..#####.# #..###[........# #.#)...........).###.#XgHXgKXgS*b.XgSh7.6 (1.03XgH`g _The bat closely misses you.XgM########### ## .#>.........# #.......b....## .. .Xg.## ### #### ... ####........## #.# #..#b   batXgDY#.......[...XgXgXg%.bXga82XgXgmQ _The bat closely misses you.Xg#J?# #.## #.## #..>.XgQ4# #.## #.....@b....# #.##.##. ### ##.##.## ... ##.##.## #.# #..# #.# #.# #.## #.# #.# #.# #.#####.# ##.####.[.# #.#Xg$_.b91 _The bat hits you but does no damage.Xgx; ############..........##.##>..# #Xge.##..##b...##. ### ##.#........## ... ##.## #.# #..##b   bat#.......[... .....)...................).###.#XgXgrXgl-..bXg\b300XgXg: _The bat hits you but does no damage.Xgj8#############..........#.#..> #....# ###...####.Xg=9##. ### ##..### ... ##..##.b## #.# #..## ######## #...# #.# #.## .......# #.# #.# #....# #.Xg=<#####.# ##.#####.[........# #.##)............).###.#..#####.###......# #Xg=Xg?Xg,I*b..XgJb169XgQXgT: _The bat hits you but does no damage.Xg_Xg5Xg(.bXg6--2.5 (0.98XgXgT _The bat closely misses you. _The bat hits you but does no damage. _The bat hits you but does no damage. _You closely miss the bat. The bat hits you. _You take 1 damage, and have 16/17 hp.Xghl ############ #..........##  #...........##  #..>.........#  #............##  #...........###  Xgm#..............  #......@...##. ###  ##........## ...  ##........## #.#  #.......b..# #.#  #..........# #.#  #..........# Xgm_#.......[... #.## )...................)  Xg  ############ #..........##  Xg a#...........##  #..>.........#  #............##  Xg M#...........###  #..............  #......@...##. ###  Xg ##........## ...  ##........## #.#  #.......b..# #.# Xg- #..........# #.#  #..........# #.......[... )...................) XgD _A bat is nearby!Xg y ############..........##.##>..# #.###...#####. ### ##..#### ... ##.## #.# #..## ######## #.b..## ...........b   bat##........#.## .......# ###.........# ######.###b..3.5 (1.07Xg P _The bat barely misses you.XgY ~  #..........##  #...........##  Xg #..>.........#  #............##  #...........###  #..............  #..........##. ###  ##.....@..## ...  ##....b...## #.#  #..........# #.#  #..........# #.#  #..........# #.......[... #.## )...................) ##........#.##   Xgd8  #..........##  #...........##  #..>.........#  #............##  #...........###  #..............  #..........##. ###  ##.....@..## ...  ##....b...## #.#  #..........# #.#  #..........# #.#  #..........# #.......[... #.## )...................)##........#.##   XgiXgijXgp _A bat is nearby!Yg  You hit the bat.  The bat is moderately wounded.Yg .b 4.4 (0.96Yg Yg v _The bat closely misses you. The bat hits you but does no damage.Zgu ..........##.##>..# #.###...#####. ### ##..#### ... ##.#.# #..## ######## #.....b....## ...........####.# ##.##..b   bat###.........# .......###.÷.....######....Zgb.7==5.4 (1.05Zg  _The bat closely misses you. _Health restored: 17Zgq #.## #.## #..>.# #.## #.### #...  #.##. ### ## ##...b....## ... ## ##.## #.# #..# #.# #.# #.ZgGu.# #.# #.# #.# #.#####.# ##. .###.[........# #.##.)..).###.#.####.#.###......#.# ###.# ######..###.÷.....##### #ZguZg|~!.bZg7a64ZgZg*T _The bat completely misses you.Zg5  You hit the bat.Zg k†Zg(p47.3 (0.93Zg.Zg0G _You kill the bat!ZgZgZgZgH _No target in view!ZgZg.ZgZgBH _No target in view!ZgGnZgnZgS~^ _No target in view!Zg4ZgZg>H _No target in view!ZgZgZg"Zg9H _No target in view!Zg!Zg'Zg/V _No target in view!ZgrJZguZg`JZgZgQZgVJZg ZgtQZg QZgj Zgj Zgq ZgHt Zg 4Zg Zg2 Zg2 ZgP Zg  ########## # #..# #..>.#.  ####  #..... # #..........##. ### ## ##...@†...## ... ##. ##........## #.# #.. ########## #.# #.# #.#.# #.# #.# #...# #....#####.# ##.....###[........# #.#)...........).###.#.###.###.......# ###.........# ######.#Zg -8.3 (1.02 _Zg3  ########## # #..# #..>.#.  ####  #.....  #...@......##. ### # ##....†...## ... ## ##........## #.# #. ########### #.# #.# #.# #.# #.# .# #....#####.# #....###[........# #.)...........).###..##.###......==-9.3 (21g6 mZgk6 Zgv  ########## # #..# #..>.#.  #### #.....  #..........##. ###  ##....†...## ... # ##........## #.# # ############ #.# #.# # #.# #.# #.# #.# #....#####.# # #....###[........# # #)...........).###40.3 (30Zg D ##########Zg} Q # #..# #..>.#.  #### #.....  #..........##. ###  ##....†...## ...  ##........## #.#  ############ #.# #.#  #.# #Zg ;.# #.#  #.# #....#####.#  #....###[........#ZgZ Zg g1.3 (459Zg Zg|  ########## # #..Zg} # #..>.#. ######Zg. E #.....  #..........##. ### ##....†...## ... ##........## #.#  ############ #..# #.#  #.# #.Zg .# #.#  #.# #....#####.# Zgk Zg Zg8 f2.3 (58Zg Zg T#############..........Zg #.#..> #....#####Zg' l #... #.##. #####....†...## ... Zg ##........## #.#  ############ #..........# #.#  #..........# #..# #.#  #.# #..#####.#  #.###.[........#Zg Zgn f3.3 (67Zg Zgu #############..........#.#..> #....##### #... #.##. #####....†...## ... ###........## #.# # ############ #..........# #.# # #..........# #.# #.# #ZgS l  #.# #.#####.# #  #.###.[........# #Zg   #.)............).### Zg@ Zg f4.3 (76Zg' Zg # #.## Zg &#.## #..>.# #....Zg ## ###...### #... ZgY#..........##. ### ###....†...## ... #Zg##........## #.# #. #.# #.# #. .# #.# #.# #. .# #.#####.# # .###.[.# #. .).).###.Zg;Zgf5.3 (85Zg$Zg# #.## #.## #..>.# #....## ###...### #... ##..........##. ### ###....†...## ... ##.##........## #.# #. #.# #.# #.## #.# #.# #.# #.#####.# ##.###.[........# #.#).).###.#Zg|6.3 (94ZgUZg;f# #.Zg## #.## #..>.# #....## ###...Zg### #... ##..........##. ### ##.##....†...## ... ##.##........## #.# #..# #.# #.# #.## #.# #.# #...# #.#####.# ##.####.[........# #.##).).###.#ZgZgj7.3 (10.0)3Zg[g6g%# #.## #.## #..>.# #....## ###...### #... ##..........##.#### ##.##....†...## ... ##.##........## #.# #..# #.# #.# #.## #.# #.# #.# #.#####.# ##.# 8.3 (112[g# #.## #.## #..>.# #....## ###...##...##..........##.#### ##.##....†...## ... ##...###........## #.# #..# #.# #.# #.###.# #.# #.# #....## #.#####.# ##.#### 9.3 (121[g&2## #.## #.## #..>.# #....## ###...##...##..........##.#### ##.##....†...## ... ##...###........## #.# #..###. #.# #.# #.###.# #.# #.# #....## #.####. 50.3 (130 __Key pressed, stopping explore..............[g## #.## #.## #..>.# #.## ###.###..##.##.#### ##.##....†...## ... ##...##.##.## #.# #..###. #..# #.# #.###..## #..# #.# #....## #..###.[... [g[g11.0)[gbC49 _[g[gK## #.## #.## [g/L#..>.# #.## ###.#[gLL##..######.#.[gL##.##### ##.##....†...## .... ##...##.##.[gYM## #.# #..###..# #...# #.# #.###..#[gM~# #..# #.[g;N6..###.[gNT[. [g[[g0\f2.3 (28[gyf[gQ## #.[g!L## #.## #..>.# #.## ###.###.[g.######.#.##.########.##....†...## ..... ##...##.##..## ###.# #..###..#. #.[g,...# #.# #.###..## #..........# #.# #....### ## #.......###....... [g[gf3.3 (37[gp[gK-:####  #..##  #..##  #..>..#  #.## [g-####.###..#######.#.##.#.[g8.5##....†...###..... ##...##...###........######.# #..###..#. #..........# #.# #.###..###. .# #..........# #.# #....### # .[g.2# #..........#####.# ##.### # .###.[.# #.## # [g3f4.3 (46[g4[gW[gF ############..........##..##>....##[gñ###.######### ### ...........#######........##@########.....#....†...###.....###...##...#....######.#.#..###..#.. ## #..........# #.# #.###..###[g .####........#.###......# ####### [g4A5.3 (5[g;5[gT[g}############ #..........# #. #..> #....[g### ###.....######### ####. #...................#######....[g"#..........##.########........###....†...###.@...###...##...####........######.#.#..###..# # #..[g; #.# #.###..## # #.# #.# #....### # #.#####.# ##.### #. ###.[........# #.## # ..........).###.#  #####.###......# ######## # .# ######.###.......[g$|6.3 (64[g%[g: ..## ..## ..>..# [g.## #....### ####.#.[g...........#....##.##.########.#[g:##....†...###..@..###...##...##  ##.######.#.#..###..#..#  #.# #.# #.###..###. [gq #.# #.# #....### ##.  #.#####.# ##.### #..[g݂V[..# #.## #).###.# .#.###......# # [g,x ###.# ######.###.[gχ|7.3 (73[g[g ## .## >...# ..## [go# #...# ####. #............#....# #.[g##.########.## ##....†...###...@.###...##...## ##.######.#.#..###..#..# [gs#.# #.# #.###..###. #.# #.# #....### ##. #.#####.# ##.### #. #.[........# #.## #).###.# .#.###......# # ###.# ######.###.[g!f8.3 (82[gx[g[gNm ## ## >.# ## # .# ####. ............#[gNO....# .##.########.## # #....†...###....@###...##...## .######.#.#..###..#..# .[gO# #.###.###..###....# .# #.# #....### ##. .#####.# ##.### #...# .[gOW[........# #.## #).###.# .#.###......# #.[gPPK# ######.###.[g5U[gU_9.3 (91[g[[gh.........##..## .>..# ...###### #...######### ####... #...........#######....## #...##.########.... ##....†...###.....###...## #........######@#.#..###..#..###..# #.#####.... #.# #.# #....### ##... #.#####.# ##.### # #[........# #.## ###..).###. 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[gD[gg2.3 (128[g[g [ .##### #.######### ####..............#######....##..##.########........## #....†...###.....###...##...## .###.#.#..###..#..### #..# #.###.###..###.... #....### ######@# ##.### [........# #.## #### ........).###.#  .#.#Fly Gem (8538) .. .###.##..###.#####..# [gsi}3.3 (137[g[gKE #[gCa.######### ####..............#######....##..##.########........## #....†...###.....###...##...## .[g###.#.#..###..#..### #..# #.###.###..###.... #....### ##[g,..#####.# ##.### [.......@# #.## #### ..[g).###.#  ###.###......# ##########..[g#Fly Gem (8537)  ......#.########.........#[gSB [gK[g-Q4.3 (146[g[g[gNg ...........#######....##[gcO;..##.########........## #....†...###.....###...##...## .###.#.#..###..#..### #.[gO3.# #.###.###..###.... #....### ##..#####.# ##.### [gP[........# #.## #### ..)@###.#  ##[gQ+#.###......# ###########...# ######.###.........Fly Gem (8536) [gR ##.##...##########........####... [gV[gLWg5.3 (155[g[][g4.[g5.##.########........## †...###.....###...##...## [g ........######.#.#..###..#..#### .. #.###.###..###.... .# #.# #....### ..#####.# ##.### #...# .[........# #.## ##### .......).###.#  ##.###..@...# ###########..# ######.###.......... [g.÷.....##### #........#.#####.## #####.####.#.. ...... #.# #... ###.##..# ##.#####..# ....#.## ######.........# #.##...##########........#### ...#.#.#).........##....[g[g}6.3 (164[g[g98 ##.#.## # ....†...###.....###...##...## # [g: j.######.#.#..###..#..## #.###.###..###....## #.# #....### ##.#####.# ##.### #...#[..# #.## #).###.# # .#.###...@..# # #.# ######.###. ÷.....##### #........#.##..# .###.## #####.####.#.## #.# #..##..# ##.#####..# ##.## [gd; ######.# .##...#.####...#.#.#.#).##.[gA [g#B `7.3 (173[gsG [gH [gx  _Key pressed, stopping explore. _............[gA Z##.#.## ##.†...###.....###...##...## #######.#.#..###..#..## #.###.###..###....##.# #.# #....### ##.#####.# ##.### #...##.[........# #.## ######.).###.# ##.###....@.# # .# ######.###. .....##### #........#.##..# ###.## #####.####.#.## #.# #. #.##..# ##.#####..# #.#.## ######.###. ##...#.####...#. .#.#.#).##.8.0)2 _[gI u†...###.....###...##...## ...######.#.#..###..#..######. #.###.###..###....##..# #.# #....### ..#####.# ##.### #...##[........# #.## ######.......).###.#  ####.###......# ############.# ######@###............ ##### #........#.##..### ##.## #####.####.#...... ... #.# #.......# .##..# ##.#####..# # ..#.## ######.........###. #...##########........####...#.. #.#.#).........##........ ..#......#.######..##9.3 (21[g ...######.#.#..###..#..######.< #.###.###..###....##..# #.# #....### ..#####.# ##.### #...##..#[........# #.## ######..#......).###.#  #####.###......# ############## .# ######.###............ ##### #.@......#.##..### #.## #####.####.#...... .. #.# #.......## ##..# ##.#####..# #....## ######.........###..##########........####...#.. .#.#).........##........ .#......#.######..## .#.####.....#####..# #..##..###70.3 (30[g ######.#.#..###..#..######.<.# #.###.###..###....##.# #.# #....### ##.######.# ##.### #...##..#[.# #.## ######..# ).###.# #### #.###......# #### # ######.###. 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A dart slug comes into view.\g tw$w\g g2.3 (168\g \gW + _Found 14 gold pieces.]g#.#####..###....# .........###....# ...####...#.....# ............# ######..##.....# .# #..##..###.# ## #.#....###.# #####..#.##..##.#### #.....##.###.##.@w$#.######.###..####..............# .# ###### #....>...# # ###........####  #.....#.#######....†#]g]gl3.0)7]g]gs  You hit the dart slug but do no damage.=4.2 (0.96]gx ]g A _The dart slug bites you but does no damage.]g? d  You hit the dart slug.  The dart slug is lightly wounded.]g t  The dart slug launches a dart at you.]g48 4-----5.15]g? ]gK _The slug dart hits you.  You hit the dart slug but do no damage.]gL c6.04]gR ]gU _The dart slug is lightly wounded. _You take 3 damage, and have 14/17 hp.]g  You hit the dart slug.  The dart slug is heavily wounded.]g o11---------9]g ]ge _The dart slug bites you. _You take 3 damage, and have 11/17 hp.]gr!e  You hit the dart slug.]g"2=---7.83]g&]g*b _The dart slug is severely wounded.]gk  You hit the dart slug.  The dart slug is severely wounded.]gc8.72]gXW _The dart slug bites you but does no damage.]g'1 ]g25 You hit the dart slug.]gr81.^g& ^g589.6^gOc1 _You kill the dart slug!^g^g$^g-*m _Your Short Blades skill increases to level 2!^g _No target in view!^g3$ _No target in view! _No target in view!^gK _No target in view!^g;]^g]^gd^gg ^gVh:_No target in view!`g `g`g:`gDNo target in view!You don't know any spells.ag.4ag4ag:agD-10.6 (1.00 _agFS=-agI`1.6 (289agN13==2.6 (38agXQag5V|3.6 (47agXag[|4.6 (56agc^agna|5.6 (65agdagi4===6.6 (74ag_kagYn|7.6 (83agIqagav|8.6 (92agzag9.6 (10.0)1agzag=20.6 (110agagҒag^5==1.6 (1279ag]ag}2.6 (138agʞagO}3.6 (147aggagO}4.6 (156agag6===5.6 (165agag }6.6 (174ag#ag"}7.6 (183agag=ag%g8.6 (192ag\ag#=9.6 (201agZagag7==30.6 (210agag>d.#####..###....#  ###....#  ####...#.....#  .#  ######..##.....#  # #..##..###.#  # #.#....###.#  ..#.##..##.####  .....##.###.##..@$#  .######.###..####..#  # #.#  ###### ..#  .#....>...# .#  .#### .#  #. .  #.###### ..  #....†..#  ag>B 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Refreshing.  There is a fountain of clear blue water here. _You take a small sip from the fountain. Refreshing. gg`0_Done exploring.ggJgg3$ _You take a small sip from the fountain. Refreshing.  There is a fountain of clear blue water here. _You take a small sip from the fountain. Refreshing. _Done exploring.No target in view!gg?} 4gg gg ggy gg9 E _Done exploring.hg` hg mWhere to? (Tab - D:1 @ (x,y), ? - help) hg 6 D - Dungeon igig0 [?25h[?0cig #........####........## Gladio the Sneak  ig#.......## ##......### Poltergeist  igM##......# #.....#⌠## Health: 17/17 ========================  #⌠#.....# #......### Magic: 5/5======================== ig ###......## ##..†....## AC: 2Str: 4 ig #........[####........## EV: 11Int: 17 igo #.....................## SH: 0Dex: 14  igm#..............)......## XL:  2 Next: 58% Place: Dungeon:1  #....##@.........##..### Noise: ---------  Time: 671.6 (0.0)  ##....#..........#...... a) +1 dagger  ##................#.### Throw: 10 stones  ##........#........#Fly Gem (8329)  ##......#⌠#.....###  ig20##............##  ##############   _You take a small sip from the fountain. Refreshing. _Done exploring. _Done exploring. _No target in view! _Done exploring.  What level of the Dungeon? (default 1, ? - help) ig [?25l[?1cig 52ig ig}  #.%.....##. #.####... #.......## ##.##. ##......# #.....#⌠##.ig  #⌠# #......###. ##### ##..†....##. #.[######. #.......##. #.......)......##. #....##.##..### ##....##....... ##........#.#### ##..........# ##......#⌠#### ##............ ############## 2.6 (18 _ig #..##.#.%.....##.#..####...#.......## ##.##.###......# #.....#⌠##.#⌠ig # #......###.###### ##..†....##.##.[######.##.......##.##.......)......##.##....##.##..###.###....##.......##........#.#######..........###......#⌠#..#####............##############igC |3.6 (27ig igq F#.##.#.......%.##..##........####.##..##.......## ##......###.###......# #.....#⌠##.# #⌠#.....# #......###.# ###......## ##.......##.# #.[####.##.# #..igur D##.# #........)......##.# #....##..##..###.# ##....#.#.# ##....##..#........###......#⌠#.....#####..igHs -## igo| |4.6 (36igʃ ig~ 9#.##...##.......%.##..##........####.##..# #.......## ##......###.## ##......# #.....#⌠##.# #⌠#.....# #......###.# ###......## ##.......##.# #.[####.##.# #..##.# #........)......##.# igN #....##..##..###.# ##....#.#.# ##...##.#...###......#⌠#.....#####............## ig ig f5.6 (45ig igX V#.##...##.%.##..## #........####........##..# #.......## ##......###.## igZ ##......# #.....#⌠##.# #⌠#.....# #......###.# ###......## ##.......##.# #.[####.##.# #..##.# #........)......##.# #....##..##..###.# ##....#.#.# ig[ ##.#..###......#⌠#.....#####............## igc ige f6.6 (54igak ig 5#.##...##.%......##..## #.####........##..# #.## ##......###.## ##......# #.....#⌠##.# #⌠#.....# #......###.# ###......## ##.##.# #.ig x[####.##.# #..##.# #........)......##.# #....##..##..###.# ##....#.#.# ##...##..igP ##......#⌠#.....#####....... ig[ |7.6 (63igQ igG ##..####..###.#...#.............##...####.%............##..##.##.....# #.......## ##......###.###......# #.....#⌠##.# ⌠#.....# #......###.# ###......## ##.# #........[######.# #.............##.# #.......)......##.# #....##.##..###.# ##....##.......###........#.#######..........###......#⌠#.....#####............igML |8.6 (72ig\b ig .#..## #.###..# ##..##....##..###.#...#.......##...####.%......##..##.##..##..# #.......## ##.##.###......# #.....#⌠##.# ⌠# #......###.#  ##### ##.#  #..[######.#  #...............##.#  #..............)......##.#  #....##.##..###.#  ##....##.......###........#.#######..........###......#⌠####9.6 (81igu;...####.####.###..........#..## #.###..#  ##..##..........##..###.#...#......##...####.%.....##..##.##..##..#  #.......## ##.##.###......# #.....#⌠##.# ⌠# #.@....###.# ##### ##.# #.[######.# #.............##.# #..............)......##.# #....##.##..###.# ##....##.......#  ##........#.#######..........#80.6 (90igY#....................####.####.####..........#..## #.###..# ##..##..........##..###.#... #.....##...### #.%.....##..# #.##..##..# #.......## ##.##.# ##......# #..@..#⌠##.# ⌠# #......###.# ### ##.# .[######.# ..... ..............)......##.# ....##.##..###.# #....##.......# ##........#.#####1.6 (10.0)19igig#⌠ig{###....####..####ig* h#.......................ig ....####.####.#####.#..## #.###..# ####..###.#... ig.ig ...ig1!##...### ig.ig5%.....ig`##..# ig.igy##..ig;5##..# ig h.......## ##.##.# #igu......# #.....#⌠##.# ig(⌠jgj# #......###.# ### ##.# [####......)......##.# ...##.##..###.# ....##.......#2.6 (118jg)jgla####..##.#....#⌠#.....###....####..######.............................####.####.######.jglb#..## #.###..# ####..###.#....##...###%.....##..###..jgSm##..# ......## ##.##.# ......# #.....#⌠##.# jgm*# #......###.# ## 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#####.......#####........#######.....####.## #................ jgtV q...#######.# #.......###### #####......# #....÷..# #. ####..###########.......######. ........................ ####.###########@..>....# ###..# #######.... jgX _#...##  #### ..###  #. .## #. .# ######### ## ##jg] jg] a10.6 (390jgb jg + ##.###### #.  ######......#....>...# #.jg #####.#. #....####.## #.#.# #.######.......# #....÷..# #.jgE ..#.######...##.@.>....#.jg ..# #. ...## ####. .### jg #. ## #. # # # jgT jg jg a1.6 (4089jg jgC 4##.###### #.######......#....>...# ###..#####.#jgnD . ....####.## #.#.# #.######.......# #....÷..# #...#.######.jgD ..##..@>....#. #..# #.### jgZE ####.# ### #.# # #.#jgE M # jg4I jgI `2.6 (418jg>M jg ##.###### #..#######......#....>...# ###.#.#####.#...#####.## #.. #.# #.jgF q######.......# #....÷..# #. #..#.######...##...@....#.# jg^ ;..# #.# .## ####.#  #.#  jg 3.6 (427  There is a stone staircase leading down here.4.6 (436 _jg jg6L ###2 #@# #.# jg@7... .#.## #.#.## .K.K   kobold (missile, asleep)......jg8jgV<i5.4 (43.85jgG=jg?kgBI kgb ### #@# #.# kg~~... .#.## #.#.# # .K. ...kgz ... _You fly downwards.  There is a stone staircase leading up here.kgE kg>### #@# #.# ... .#.## kg#.#.# # .K. ... ... kgkgkg] _A kobold is nearby!kg c G ### #@# #.# ... .#.## #.#.# # .K. ... ...kg  ### #@# #.# ... .#.## #.#.#kg  # .K. ... ... kg%  _A kobold is nearby!kg ###<#..........#.#.######.#.#.#  .K. .......kg# s6.4 (1.0)4 _kgP kg lg$###<###.########..@.......#.######.#.# # .K. ...................lgT,lg0I  The kobold shouts! You hear a shout!lg<6KK.KK 2 kobolds (missiles)lg:7====73lg;lg/Au _A kobold comes into view. It is wielding a +0 dagger.lg.]###<###.#######..........#.#@######.#.#K# # K.. .....#........................##....K=---82 _The kobold barely misses you.lg  You hit the kobold.)   kobold (missile)lg62---9.3 (0.91lg ###<###.########..........lg#.#.######. #..K.......+........>.#...................##..l   frilled lizard (wandering)lg8 #.l. _You kill the kobold!lg3  A frilled lizard comes into view.l.3------20.3 (1.00 _You kill the kobold!  A frilled lizard comes into view. _Found a stone staircase leading down. The kobold hits you with a +0 dagger.  Things that are here:  a +0 short sword; 3 stones _You take 4 damage, and have 13/17 hp. MASSIVE DAMAGE!!lgA#8  You hit the kobold.lgY%lgS*)ll   frilled lizard.lg:=4=-----51.2 (0.979lgAlgHDJ _You kill the kobold!lg ###<###.#######..........#.#.######lg%#.#)######.#..@.......+........>#.#......l###....g   hobgoblin (wandering) l   frilled lizard....g...##lglg\lgwl.g.lg p-2.2 (1.08lg}lgG _A hobgoblin comes into view.Things that are here: _a +0 dagger; 3 stoneslg 7###<###.########..........#.#.######.#)######..)......+>#.#...l......### #...glg:........### lgLChl.g.lgD-37 _lgtKlguNlgb@  You hit the frilled lizard.lgԹlg`.g.lg[x8=4.1 (0.96lg{lgR _You kill the frilled lizard!lg/###<###.########...........#.######)######..)......+........>#.#........g####.... .### .lg0lg7:g.lg8=-5.1 (1.05lghAlgClg c  You barely miss the hobgoblin.lg5===6.0 (0.94lgϲlgp@ _The hobgoblin hits you but does no damage.lg&):  lg+You hit the hobgoblin.  The hobgoblin is moderately wounded.11lg ->------9lgX _The hobgoblin hits you. _You take 4 damage, and have 11/17 hp. MASSIVE DAMAGE!!lgQ  You barely miss the hobgoblin.The hobgoblin is moderately wounded.lgc7.83lgKlg lgP_The hobgoblin barely misses you.lg\(  You hit the hobgoblin.  The hobgoblin is almost dead.lg) c8.72lg1 lgs5 W _The hobgoblin closely misses you.mgVQ  You hit the hobgoblin but do no damage.The hobgoblin is almost dead.mg#R7/17 ------------9.61mgRmgWmg<\ _The hobgoblin hits you. _You take 4 damage, and have 7/17 hp. MASSIVE DAMAGE!!mg  _You are too injured to fight recklessly!mg  _You are too injured to fight recklessly!mg ^ _You are too injured to fight recklessly!mg} mg"~ mgX mg ^ _You are too injured to fight recklessly!mg,  _You are too injured to fight recklessly!mgx 4mg mgÈ 9You are too injured to fight recklessly!mg$ mg mga mg mgA| 4mg mg mg] mg mgmg_ngB 6  You hit the hobgoblin.ngI F†ngY 8==----7530.50ng._ nga M _You kill the hobgoblin!ngC  <###.#######..........#.######ng )######..)....... +........>....#.#.........ng#### ##........#ngngq-1.5 (1.069ngng&v _You see here a hobgoblin corpse.pg%-28 _3.5 (27==4.5 (369=5.5 (45pg̴6.5 (547.5 (638.5 (72pg10/17===9.5 (81pg40.5 (90pgz1.5 (10.0)59pgjpgppg)g2.5 (118pgpg==3.5 (127pgpg~pg1=4.5 (136pgpg }5.5 (145pgpg}6.5 (154pgpg$pg$g7.5 (163pg;)pg/pg/2==8.5 (172pg3pgt8pg8g9.5 (181pg<pgAh50.5 (190pgOBpg FpgK~1.5 (2049pg[PpgqU^=2.5 (21pgU;8pg\pg_13==3.5 (227pgzdpgp4.5 (236pgt}5.5 (245pgxpg}}6.5 (254pgBpgɆ==7.5 (263pgЊpgp4=8.5 (27pgx;2pgLpg}9.5 (281pgğpg~60.5 (290pgbpgh1.5 (3039pghpgpgpg,S5===pg`2.5 (318pgopgpg g3.5 (32[39;49m7pgpg}4.5 (336pgpgKB5.5 (34pg;5pgpg:==pg`6.5 (354pgpg+pgZ6=7.5 (36pg};3pgBpgpgnpg`8.5 (372pgpg}9.5 (381pghpgo C70.5 (39pg ;0pgpgpg\7===1.5 (4029pgpgy$ M# #<# ##.#######.........######.#)###### #..)....... +>....# #...†....####...........pgzD##........# _HP restored.pg~pgng2.5 (418pg1pg78 M# #<# ###.#######..........######.#)###### #..)...... +>....#... #...†pg....####............#........#pg}3.5 (427pgpgXVE78 M# #<# ###.########..........#.######.#)###### #. +>....#... #...†...............#........# ..pg p4.5 (436  d - 13 stones (gained 3)==5.5 (445pg- M# #<# ##.########.........pg+#.#.######.#.#@######. #..)...... +>....#...#...†........##........##.. _You see here a +0 dagger.pg}6.5 (454pgpg7  d - 16 stones (gained 3)7.5 (46pg;3pgpgI = ### #<####.####### #.......... #.#.######. #.#)######. #.@)........ +........>. ....#.......... #...†.........pgJ P ####. #.###.. #.# .. _You see here a +0 short sword.pg|T }8.5 (472pg3` pgx ### #<####.####### #.......... #.#.######. #.#)######. #..)........ +@.......>. ....#.......... #...†......... ####.. #..#pgC ##.. #.# .. #.#pg pg g9.5 (481pg pgu ;6pg pg T _Key pressed, stopping explore.pg ).)..†pgx pgqB ###.....................'......#####pgG pgH m80.5 (1.0)0pgQL pg  ### #<# ###.#######pg x#####.......#.#.######...#.#)######..#..)pgH ..@..>..#.##...†. ...... ####.... #....pgD  #........#.. #........# ..  #pgDz @.# _You reach down and open the door.pg$ pg g1.5 (219pg pg#6  ####<# ###.###############.......... .......#.#.######. .#.#)######. .#..)....... .pg}7 j'........>. .......#@.. #######...†  ......... ####..  #....#........##..#........# ..#........#  There is an open door here.pgU 2.5 (38 _pg}  #<####.###############.......... .......#.#.######. .......#.#)######. .#..)....... .'..>. .#.... #######@..†. #..........#######. #.###.. #. .. #.#  #.# pg pg $3.5 (4pgʺ %7pg pg pg( pg:* % pg+ ###.#######pg, M########..........pg- .......#.#.######pgb. ...pg>/ )####pg.0 .......#..)......pg1 ~.......'........>pg1 A.......#pg2 .pg3 H#######...†pg4 I#......@...pg5 ######pg`6 pg?7 '#.pg8 ##pg9 #pg9 2##.#######pg2: pgA pgB pgC $4.5 (5pgC %6pg;F pg!J pg X ########.................#.#.######.....#.#)####....#..).........'........>..#.#######...†..........#######pgʷ #.### #..pg |5.5 (65pg pg8  .......#.#.######...#.#)####..#..)........'........>#.#######...†#..........########.###  ...6.5 (74pg= pg  )..#..)......'........>#.#######...†..........######pg  ##.##  #..pg pgz pgJ $7.5 (8pg %3pg pg pgE.pg/ pg01.#.#)######.pgi1Q .......#..)pgC2.pg@ .......'..>. .......#.. #######...†. #........ #######..pg@ ##.. #@.......##.. #pgC.# .. #.# #.# ##.# #.. ... #...pgXpgTYf8.5 (92pg`pg.#..)....... .......'........>. .......#... pg+#######...† #........... #######.. pgg ##.. #........##.. #.@......# .. #.pgg# #.# ##.####### pg.....#...#...pg(9.5 (10.0)1qg'  '........>#qg .#######...†..........######qgWW #.##qgg.  #.######qg^ #.. ......qg<qg h90.5 (110qg*'qgq#.#######...†qg..........###### #.##.  #.###### #.. ....#....@.@   Terence (asleep).......#.......qgޥ  Terence the Veteran comes into view. He is wielding a +0 hand axe.Terence shouts!qg@.@qgr===1.5 (1209qg~qgo _Terence screams, "Stand, coward! You want a fight, show some honour!" _Health restored: 17qg=] .  #...†.......  ............  #...........  ##...........  #........##..  #........# ..  #........#  #.@......#  ##.#######  #.. .... #...@  #.....  .......  #....... qg .  #...†.......  ............  #...........  ##...........  #........##..  #........# ..  #........#  #.@......#  ##.#######  #.. .... #...@ #.....  ....... #.......  #######...†..........######. ##...##.. . .##@####### #.................gE^H##...@..................#.!..#+#+### _Terence is nearby!@.---2.0)8qg qgWqgF_Found a cyan potion.tgtgD@.@(unable to see you)tg---3Invis Gem (8207) tgtgI[ _You fade into invisibility!tgC 4-----=4.4 (0.96 _You hit Terence but do no damage. Terence hits you with a +0 hand axe. _You take 3 damage, and have 14/17 hp.ugk  You hit Terence.5.35ugr1 _Terence is lightly wounded.ug  You hit Terence but do no damage.Terence is lightly wounded.  Terence screams, "I fought strong elephant-riders! You're not strong!"ug;c6.24ugVf _Terence barely misses you.ugS  You strike the helpless Terence from behind!  You puncture Terence!  Terence is severely wounded.ugU 10----------7.13ug^ ugg _Terence hits you with a +0 hand axe. _You take 4 damage, and have 10/17 hp. MASSIVE DAMAGE!!ug  You closely miss Terence.  Terence is severely wounded.ugٶ 9/17 -------8.02ug} ugľ _Terence hits you with a +0 hand axe. _You take 1 damage, and have 9/17 hp.vgY   You hit Terence but do no damage.Terence is severely wounded.10/17==9vgg _Terence closely misses you.vguk>  You closely miss Terence.vgs}.@wandering, unable to see you)vguc9.81vg<{vg~\ _Terence is severely wounded.vgt#........... #######...........  ##........... #........##.. #........# .. #........# #........# vg##.########.@@.....#..............+.######.#..###!#..#+#+###.vg ..vgvgr-800.8 (1.00vgvgvg     #.  ##.  #..  #.. ..  #..  #..  ##.########  vg #.@@.....#  ..............+  .#####........#  #........#  .........#  ##.......!#  ..#+#+###.  ..   You closely miss Terence.  Terence is severely wounded.vg 4   #.  ##.  #..  #.. ..  #..  #..  ##.######## vg  #.@@.....#  ..............+  .#####........#  #........#  .........# ##.......!#  ..#+#+###. .. vgQ I  Terence hits you with a +0 hand axe.vg 5/17 -------=1.7 (0.9199vg vg _* * * LOW HITPOINT WARNING * * * _You take 5 damage, and have 5/17 hp. MASSIVE DAMAGE!!wgy,wg.wgn1wg8wg8A^ _You are too injured to fight recklessly!wgb  You hit Terence.  Terence is almost dead.wg c2.68wg, wgQ _Terence closely misses you.xgv  You catch the helpless Terence completely off-guard!  You puncture Terence!xgC)xgݟxg#.................Gladio the Sneak#######...........Poltergeist##...........Health: 6/17========----------------#........##..xgMagic: 5/5========================#........# ..AC: 2Str: 4#........#EV: 11xgKInt: 17#........#SH: 0Dex: 14##.########XL:  2 Next: 200% Place: Dungeon:2xg#.@).....#Noise: ---------  Time: 803.5 (0.9)..............+a) +1 dagger.#####........#Throw: 16 stonesxg#........#Fly Invis Gem (8197) .........###.......!#..#+#+###.xg..  You hit Terence.  Terence is almost dead. _Terence closely misses you.You catch the helpless Terence completely off-guard!  You puncture Terence! _You kill Terence! - _Terence closely misses you.catch the helpless Terence completely off-guard!  You puncture Terence! _You kill Terence!Your Stealth skill increases to level 5!You have reached level 3!xgҷ  --more--xg8yg  Your experience leads to an increase in your attributes!Increase (S)trength, (I)ntelligence, or (D)exterity? {gq7/21=6/626351% {gIv{gy  You feel agile. x2  You regained 2 hp, and now have 7/21 hp. _MP restored: 6|g#. #.. ##.. #........##.. #........# .. #........# #........# ##.# #..@.....# .+ .#####.# #.# |g..#+#+###.... .#|gN|go4.5 (1.06 _|g˼|g  Things that are here: _a +0 hand axe; a +0 scale mail}gq  You aren't carrying any pieces of jewellery.}g}g}gT. _~gm~g]o Spells (Memorise)TypeFailure Level  a - Confusing TouchHexes8% 3~gpb - Tukima's DanceHexes8% 3  c - Ensorcelled HibernationHexes/Ice11%2  d - Dazzling FlashHexes/Fire22% 3 ~gp6 spell levels left [!] Memorise|Describe|Hide|Show [Ctrl-F] search [?] help[Esc] exitgd gEl#.................Gladio the Sneak#######...........Poltergeist##...........Health: 7/21========----------------#........##..gl(Magic: 6/6========================#........# ..AC: 2Str: 4#........#gm7EV: 12Int: 17#........#SH: 0Dex: 16##.########gPnXL:  3 Next: 51% Place: Dungeon:2#..@.....#Noise: ---------  Time: 804.5 (0.0)..............+a) +1 dagger.#####........#gnKThrow: 16 stones#........#Fly Invis Gem (8196) .........###.......!#go..#+#+###......#You feel agile. x2  You regained 2 hp, and now have 7/21 hp. gCp _MP restored: 6Things that are here: _a +0 hand axe; a +0 scale mail _You aren't carrying any pieces of jewellery.g|g~Memorise Ensorcelled Hibernation, consuming 2 spell levels and leaving 4? Y - Yes g^' N - NogJgxZ#.................Gladio the Sneak#######...........Poltergeist##...........Health: 7/21========----------------#........##..gO[Magic: 6/6========================#........# ..AC: 2Str: 4#........#EV: 12Int: 17#........#g\SH: 0Dex: 16##.########XL:  3 Next: 51% Place: Dungeon:2#..@.....#Noise: ---------  Time: 804.5 (0.0)g^>..............+a) +1 dagger.#####........#Throw: 16 stones#........#Fly Invis Gem (8196) .........###.......!#..#+#+###......#You feel agile. x2  You regained 2 hp, and now have 7/21 hp. _MP restored: 6Things that are here: _a +0 hand axe; a +0 scale mail _You aren't carrying any pieces of jewellery.g_8=5.5 (1Invis 5g)cgi$ gjD_You flicker for a moment.gr|6.5 (24gTwgxf7.5 (33g|g~$ g_You start memorising the spell. You continue memorising. x2glg^gc _You finish memorising. Spell assigned to 'a'.ggT Spells (Memorise)TypeFailure Level  a - Confusing TouchHexes8% 3b - Tukima's DanceHexes8% 3  c - Dazzling FlashHexes/Fire22% 3 4 spell levels left [!] Memorise|Describe|Hide|Show [Ctrl-F] search [?] help[Esc] exitg g#.................Gladio the Sneak#######...........Poltergeist##...........Health: 8/21=========---------------#........##..Magic: 6/6========================#........# ..AC: 2Str: 4#........#EV: 12Int: 17#........#SH: 0Dex: 16##.########XL:  3 Next: 51% Place: Dungeon:2#..@.....#Noise: ---------  Time: 807.5 (0.0)..............+a) +1 dagger.#####........#Throw: 16 stones#........#Fly Invis Gem (8193) .........###.......!#..#+#+###......#gLThings that are here: _a +0 hand axe; a +0 scale mail _You aren't carrying any pieces of jewellery. _You flicker for a moment. _You start memorising the spell. You continue memorising. x2 _You finish memorising. Spell assigned to 'a'.g^gwMemorise Confusing Touch, consuming 3 spell levels and leaving 1? Y - Yes  N - Nogg#.................Gladio the Sneak#######...........Poltergeist##...........Health: 8/21=========---------------#........##..Magic: 6/6========================#........# ..AC: 2Str: 4#........#EV: 12Int: 17#........#SH: 0Dex: 16##.########XL:  3 Next: 51% Place: Dungeon:2#..@.....#Noise: ---------  Time: 807.5 (0.0)..............+a) +1 dagger.#####........#Throw: 16 stones#........#Fly Invis Gem (8193) .........###.......!#..#+#+###......#g PThings that are here: _a +0 hand axe; a +0 scale mail _You aren't carrying any pieces of jewellery. _You flicker for a moment. _You start memorising the spell. You continue memorising. x2 _You finish memorising. Spell assigned to 'a'.8.5 (12ggyu _This spell is quite dangerous to cast!g"|9.5 (21g& _You start memorising the spell. You continue memorising. x2g'9=10.5 (3Gem (8190) ge*g.j _You flicker back into view.g0g1.5 (489gI3g4e _You continue memorising.gW5g|8g6:c _You finish memorising. Spell assigned to 'b'.g|Quiver which action? ([-] to clear) Items ([,] to cycle)  a - Throw: 16 stones (quivered)b - Throw: 5 darts (poison) Spells ([,] to cycle)  c - Cast: Ensorcelled Hibernation  d - Cast: Confusing Touch (8%) [*/%] inventory [&] all spells[!] focus mode: off|ongqLgi#.................Gladio the Sneak#######...........Poltergeist##...........Health: 9/21==========--------------#........##..Magic: 6/6========================#........# ..AC: 2Str: 4#........#EV: 12Int: 17#........#SH: 0Dex: 16##.########XL:  3 Next: 51% Place: Dungeon:2#..@.....#Noise: ---------  Time: 811.5 (0.0)..............+a) +1 dagger.#####........#Cast: Ensorcelled Hibernation #........#Fly Gem (8189) .........###.......!#..#+#+###......# _You finish memgyjorising. Spell assigned to 'a'. _This spell is quite dangerous to cast! _You start memorising the spell. You continue memorising. x2 _You flicker back into view. _You continue memorising. _You finish memorising. Spell assigned to 'b'.gngrgug4ggeg2.5 (18 _g|3.5 (27g/g10/21=4.5 (36gogM|5.5 (45gug|6.5 (54gg|7.5 (63g@g1==8.5 (7gL;2gGg g f9.5 (81gga}20.5 (90gggk1.5 (10.0)79gv!g%=2.5 (118g)gk.2=3.5 (127g3gp8}4.5 (136g@gaE}5.5 (145gjIgnNgIOg6.5 (154gRgpXg Y3==7.5 (163g]gh}8.5 (172gjgn}9.5 (181g}rgvh30.5 (190gyg|g4===1.5 (2069ggg2.5 (218g0gEgpg3.5 (227g g.g0}4.5 (236ggĩgŪ==5.5 (245ggg15=6.5 (254gg(gżg7.5 (263g'gB8.5 (27gO;2g'gB9.5 (28gt;1gg:j6==ga40.5 (290gggh1.5 (3059gg}2.5 (318ggT}3.5 (327gSgS7==4.5 (336g4R5.5 (3456.5 (3547.5 (363=8.5 (372gQk8=9.5 (38150.5 (390gZ~1.5 (4049g\gegeg2.5 (418gkgrgxs9==3.5 (427gxgр}4.5 (436gTgӎ}5.5 (445gԔg }6.5 (454ggJ=7.5 (463g;g20=8.5 (472gǫg{}9.5 (481gg;~60.5 (490gg@~1.5 (5039gg%1===2.5 (518gg<2=#######  ##. #..##.. #.# .. #.# g'4#.# ##.############..).....# .........@....+ .######  #.# ...gz5c# ###!#..#+#+###..... .##.... #gFg#Hg3.5 (527gMOg ##. #..##.. #.# .. #.# #.# ##.############..).....# ..............+ .######  #.# ....# ###!# ge ...#+#+###...... .##.... #..g/}4.5 (536ggp+ #..##.. #.# .. #.# #.# ##.############..).....# ..............+ .######  #.# ....# ###!# ...#+#+###...... .##.... #.. g.}5.5 (545g5g#.# .. #.# #.# ##.############..).....# g ..............+ .######  #.# ....# ###!# ...#+#+###...... .##.... #.. gg4==6.5 (554ggyg;gmT _Key pressed, stopping explore.gJ...g/g:#^#.# #.# ##.############..).....# ..............+ g%.######  #.# ...........# #### ...#+#+###..#.... .##.... ## .. g/g1s7.5 (1.0)3 _g8gJ|8.5 (22gEMgr #.# ##.########..####..).....#................+...#####gWM#.# #.#.#...........#.#####.#...#+#+###@.#.... #..## .... ...## .. .....  ##..###....... _i - 3 cyan potions (gained 1)gg_9.5 (31gg6!c ##.########..####..).....#..g<"..............+.. .#####........#.# #........#.#...........#.# ###........#.# ...#+#+###..#. #@.## .... #..g" .. #....... ###..##.. #.. .##g $} ... .#. ##.g)g*g70.5 (40g/g####..)...................+######.# .#.....#.###..# ...#+#+###..... #.##..###...@##  #...........#g ###..##.....# #.. .###.#.... #.... #..... g̕gg1.5 (529gg ...............+.. .######.#  #.#.# ...........#.# ####.# ...#+#+###..# .... #.##..## ....#.#....######.. #......@....# ###..##.....#  #.. #.###.# .... ..# # .... .##..... ...... .. ###2.5 (68g}y######.#....###.. ...#+#+###..... #.##..##.#....###### #........... ###..## #.. #.###.... ..# #.... ..## .......... ##### 3.5 (77g3....###.. ...#+#+###..... #.##..##.#....###### #........... ###..## #.. #@###.##.......# #.......## ........ .... .###### 4.5 (86g#gDV ....g}F ###.. ...#+#+###..... #.##..##.#....###### #...........# ###..##.....####..##.###.##......@# .## . g{NgNf5.5 (95gTggj gC*...#.#g) ###gRF..#.# ...#+#+###..# ....# #.##..## ....#.#....###### .. #...........# ###..##.....# ###..##.###.# #.# #.## .# .#.#######.gg6.5 (1g[G0.0)4gg@  ...#.# ###..#.# ...#+#+###..#gA s ....#.#.##..## ....#.#....###### .. #...........# ###..##.....#gmD  ###..##.###.# #.# #.##.##.##..#.>gS gZ g7.5 (113gu` gsd ; _Found a stone staircase leading down.g8s ..........gu g 9 ###.#.#g  ...#+#+###..#.#.#.##..## ....#.#....###### .. #...........# ###..##.....# ###..##.###.#...#.......# #...# .##.# #..#######...>.g gK e8.5 (1.0)2g3 g>  ###.#.# ...#+#+###..# ....#.#.##..## ....#.#....###### .. #...........# ###..##.....#. ###..##.###.#.#.......# #...##.##.# #..# ....#.>#..#.gI g%J f9.5 (21guO g  ###.#.# ...#+#+###..# ....#.#.##..## ....#.#....######g  .. #...........## ###..##.....##.. ###..##.###.#.#.......# ##g ...##.##.# #..# gy  .... #.>#..#.#.g] 80.5 (30g&  ###.#.# ...#+#+###..# ....#.#.##..###....#.#....#######.. #...........# #.. ###..##.....##..! ###..##.###.#.#.......# # #...##.#.####.# #..# .... #.>#. ....#. .#..#.1.5 (419gbG g  ###.#.###....#+#+###..#.....#.#.##..## #....#.#....###### #....#...........# #....###..##.....#.##..!.###..##.###.#.#.......# # #...##.#.####.# #..# ..... #.>#.. ....#.. .#..#.##2.5 (58gvE  ...#.# ####........#.###....#+#+###..# .....#.#.##..##  #....#.#....###### #....#...........# #....###..##.....##.##..!.###..##.###.##......@#.......# ##..#...........##.....##..####........##. #..#######. ..... #.>#.. ....#....#..#.##3.5 (67g  #.#.# ...........#.# ####........#.###....#+#+###..# .....#.#.##..##  #....#.#....###### #....#...........# #....###..##.....# #.##..@.###..##.###.# #.......#.......# # #..#...........##..........#.#..####........# #.. #..#######... ....... #.>#... ....#...4.5 (765.5 (85 _k - a puce potion _Heg .alth restored: 21gy.#..........g ,.#####.#.# #........#.# ...........#.# ####........#.###....#+#+###..# .....#.#.##..##  #....#.#....###### #....#...........# #.@..###..##.....# #.##....###..##.###.# #.......#.......# #g# #..#.....## ................##.#..####........## #.. #..####### ... .... #.>#...ggm6.5 (14 _gg~9 ......+...#####........#.# #........#.# ...........#.# ####........#.###....#+#+###..# .....#.#.##..##  #....#.#....###### #@...#...........#g: #....###..##.....# #.##....###..##.###.# #.......#.......# # #..#.## ................# #.#..####........#gv:# #.. #..####### ... ..g>gd?f7.5 (23gBg 78 M ####..).....#.......+...#####.. #..... ........# ####........###.#.##....#+#+###.........##..## #....#####....#...... #...g""...##....###..##.###.#.......#.......# #.....###g|8.5 (32g g(V78 M ##.####### ####..).....#.............+...#####... #.. ........g)e # ####........###.#.##....#+#+###.........##..## .#.#.##....#####....#...... #...g(*...#.##....###..##.###.#####....g6|9.5 (41gq>g ##.#.. ####..).....#.. .....+.. .#####........#.# #........#.# .....#.# # ####.#.#.##.#.##....#+#+###..##....#.#.##..##gݳC#.#.#.##....#.#...... #....#...# #....###..##....... #.##....###..##.###.. #.......#.# #..#...........## ....g............#  #.#..####.#g(}90.5 (50ggOy ##.#..#..... ####..).....#........+......#####.#.#... #........#.#.. ...........#.# #. ####.#.#.##.#.##....#+#+###..# #....#.#.##..## #.#.#.##....#.#.... ... #....# ..##. #....###..##. #.##....###..##.###. #.......#.#. #..#.....## ................#  #.#..####.#1.5 (609g ##.#.. #.....#####..).....#... .......+..#. ....#####.#.#.. ...# #.#.#.. ... ...........#.##. #.#####.#.#.##.#.##....#+#+###..# #....#.#.##..##g #.#.#.##....#.#.........##....#....##.##....###..##. #.##....###..##.. #.......#.#. #..#.## .....#  #.#..####.#gWgf2.5 (78gugqx #.....#####..)..........................+#.......######.# .......#  ... ... ... #..#.#####.....##.#.##....#+#+###. #...........#.#.##..#gv#.#.#@##....#.#....#........##....#..............##.##....###..##.... #.##....###..##..## #.. #..#######g@gf3.5 (87gkg{.....................+ #.......#####.#. .......# #.#... ....... ...#.... #..#.#####.#....##.#.##....#+#+###.. #...........#.#.g}_####.#.#.##....#.#.........@.##....#........##.##....###..## #.##....###..##.# #.......#....... #..#....#### ...... #.#..####.# # #... #..####### ... .....g-|4.5 (96gDg'C .+ #.......#####.# . .......## #.# .. ....... .# ... #..#.#####.# ...##.#.##....#+#+###g57 #...........#.#.##..#.#.#.##....#.#......##....#.##.##....###..##.= #.##....###..##.... #.......#...S. #..#.#...#.....# S   adder (asleep)#...#.#..####.##...# #... #..#  ... .....g h  An adder comes into view.g$ j5.5 (10.0)5g * g- [ _Found a runed diamond ring.g1 #...... . .......##  .. .......  ... #..#.##### ...##.#.##.. #........ #####.#.#.##. .......@..##. .......##.##.. gӰ......= #.##... .......  .....S.  ###...# #... #...# #...  ... ..... g #...... . .......##  .. .......  ... #..#.##### ...##.#.##.. g#........ #####.#.#.##. .......@..##. .......##.##..g ......= #.##... .......  .....S. gl ###...# #...g #...# #...  ... g ggg] _An adder is nearby!gggg _You can't see any susceptible monsters within range! (Use Z to cast anyway.)gg' #g #####gx..........## #g0. .......... ... ....#..#.#####. ...##.#.##....#+#+##gz #...........#.#..#####.#.#.##....#.#.............##....#......##.##....###..##=##.##....###..##g#..##.......#.....S.##..#....####...#..... #...#.#..####. #...#.#... #..#####gC  .... ... ..... .. #.>#...gRg!6g.0)ga#4 g_g g gz .. .. .....#..#.##### ...##.#.##....#+#+### #...........#.#.##..#####.#.#.##............#.##.###..##.##.......#......S.##..#.....####...#..... #...#.#..#####... #..######.... ... .....####. .. #.>#... ....73 _You see here a ring of magical power.g'. .....#..#.##### ...##.#.##....#+#+### #...........#.#.##..#####.#.#.##............####..##=......#......S.##..#.....g####...#..... #...#.#..#####... #..######.... ... ..... ####. .. #.>#... #. ... ....#..#.##g&gL,h82 _g0g2gm  The helpless adder fails to defend itself.  You impale the adder!!goH†g 759.3 (0.81 _You kill the adder!gglf _Your Hexes skill increases to level 5!g Jgl 78 M## #........ .......#..#.#####...........##.#.##....#+#+### #.......#######.#.##.........##....###..##..##.......#......†.##..#####...#........#...#.#..####........#. ...900.3 (1.00 _g) 1.3 (2099g. g2 1 _l - a ring of magical powergHg)J_Put on which piece of jewellery? Jewellery (go to first with "=)  l - a ring of magical power[?] describe selected [!] equip|wield|wear|put on[tab] equip|unequip g' gb gϵ .........## #........ Gladio the Sneak.......... ........... Poltergeist....#..#.#####........ Health: 21/21 ========================g ...##.#.##....#+#+### Magic: 6/6========================#...........#.#.##. AC: 2Str: 4.#####.#.#.##....#.#.... EV: 12Int: 17...........##....#...... SH: 0Dex: 16........##.##....###..## XL:  3 Next: 75% Place: Dungeon:2.......@##.##....###..## Noise: ---------  Time: 901.3 (0.0)........##.......#...... a) +1 dagger......†.##..#........... Cast: Ensorcelled Hibernation ####...#................ Fly Gem (8099) #...#.#..####........#...#.#... #..######g O.... ... .....####. .. #.>#...#. ... ....#... _You see here a ring of magical power.  The helpless adder fails to defend itself.  You impale the adder!! _You kill the adder! _Your Hexes skill increases to level 5! _l - a ring of magical powergL K  You feel your magic capacity increase.g 6/15---------------8 (0.5g g 8 _l - a ring of magical power (worn)gYz >.g g 2.8 (1.08g 3.8 (27gC f4.8 (36g1 gy g. ---------------5.8 (45gQ g |6.8 (54g gث g g SS   adder (wandering)g3 7.8 (6Ensorcelled Hibernation3g| g" Y _An adder comes into view.gk   ..........  ....#..#. ...##.#. #.... .#####.#.# ......... ........# .......@# ........# ......†.# ####...#. #...#. #...#S#...  .... ... .....  ####. .. #.>#...  #. ...  g@7   g#..........  ....#..#. ...##.#. #.... .#####.#.# ......... ........# .......@# ........# ......†.# ####...#. #...#. #...#S#...  .... ...  g####. .. #.> #. ... ggg+g] _An adder is nearby!gU}   ..........  ....#..#. ...##.#. #.... .#####.#.# ......... ........# .......@# ........# ......†.# ####...#. #...#. #...#S#...  gu.... ... .....  ####. .. #.>#...  #. ...  gF"   ..........  ....#..#. ...##.#. #.... .#####.#.# ......... ........# .......@# ........# gI......†.# ####...#. #...#. #...#S#...  .... ...  ####. .. #.> #. ... gPgbYgLfs _An adder is nearby!gH6 N. .....#..#.##### ...##.#.##....#+#+### #...........#.#.##..#####.#.#.##............####..##......#......†.##..#.....####...#..... #...#.#..####S#... #..######.... ... ..... ####. .. #.>#... #. ... .... .#..#.##S.S7===8.8 (12 _The adder hisses angrily.g9*gA  S(asleep)The adder looks drowsy...gg;SgXn5--- 5 -9Ensorcelled Hibernation 1g:x _You feel bolstered by spreading misfortune. _You now have 5/15 mp.gG s#..#.##### ...##.#.##....#+#+### #...........#.#.##..#####.#.#.##............####..##......#......†@##..#.....####...#....... #...#S#..####.#....S#..######+.... ... ##.....g5 i####. .. #.>#...S 2 adders (asleep) #. ... ....##..#.## gB gĝ |-100gƣ g\ Y _An adder comes into view.g%m ##.#.##....#+#+### #...........#.#.##...#####.#.#.##....#.#....#...........##....#....##.##....###..##.##.##....###..##..##.......#.............†.##..#...........#####...#@.......# #...#S#..######...#.#....S#..#######+....#... ##..... gm l####.... #.># #..... ....#... ##.... .#..#.##...#gmo gOt .SS1 wandering, 1 asleep)gv 1Ensorcelled Hibernation89gL{ g} / _The adder wakes up again.gE1  #...........#.#.##..#####.#.#.##...#..........##....#..............##.##....###..##....##........##.......#...........†.##..#.....#####...#..... #..####S#....S#..######+....#... ##..... ####..... #.>#... #..........#......#..#.##   adder (wanderingg1~) ...#...#..gw9USSg:0--=28g>g"B _The adder closely misses you. The adder bites you. _You take 1 damage, and have 20/21 hp.g>---3.7 (0.97 _You closely miss the adder. The adder barely misses you.gv |  You hit the adder.  The adder is moderately wounded.18----4.5 (0.86 g r_The adder bites you. _You take 2 damage, and have 18/21 hp.g4  You hit the adder but do no damage.The adder is moderately wounded.5.35g? ggFE_The adder closely misses you.gO  You closely miss the adder.The adder is moderately wounded.6=6.14 gM_The adder closely misses you.gP gR=_The adder closely misses yougR!.  gSDYou closely miss the adder. gT; The adder is moderately wounded. gW_The adder closely misses you.You closely miss the adder.  The adder is moderately wounded.gX&7.0 (0.9g]Y%3gZg-`gd ge% You closely miss the addergf!.  gLg:The adder is moderately wounded. gh]_The adder closely misses you. gh% You closely miss the addergi!.  gj:The adder is moderately wounded. gXkE_The adder bites you but does no damage.g[4  You hit the adder.  The adder is severely wounded.5-----8 (0.8 g{_The adder bites you. _You take 3 damage, and have 15/21 hp.gi7  You hit the adder.gpD.g6=--4988.7 (0.9g:mEnsorcelled Hibernation 2g_ _You kill the adder!gggg;H _No target in view!gPKg l| _No target in view!ggggH _No target in view!gHRg\g[]gcgpH _No target in view!gig94gH _No target in view!g+ _No target in view!gQgqQg2ggggM gO gS gV g 4g gb gN gW gX gB^ gk g` g g gI g| g> gF gG g;M gQ g@ g g& =3-9.7 (1.01 _g g g ) 2 g -g %20.7 (2g %0g9 g g  g _g 8You feel your existence waver again.g g gt $1.7 (3g &79g gi g g g =g $2.7 (4g %8g g g g g^ 7g =g\ 7g ==gv $3.7 (5g %7g g g g g $4.7 (6g %6g g g g g" $5.7 (7g %5g g g g gO $6.7 (8g %4g g# g' g( g) 8g0* /==g* ==g~+ $7.7 (9g', %3g, g/ g3 g4 g5 8.7 (1g8 0.0)g8 %2g9 g< g@ grA gB %9.7 (11gE %1gF gI gM gN gO 8gjQ =g3R &30.7 (12gR %0gS ghY gd gf gf 9gxg /==g"h %1.7 (13gh &69goi g m gEq g6r gs %2.7 (14gs %8gt g=x g:| g} g~ %3.7 (15g 7=4.7 (166g q=5.7 (17520=6.7 (184g 9==7.7 (1938.7 (2029.7 (211g41===40.7 (220==1.7 (23592.7 (2483.7 (257gx"==10/15==4.7 (2665.7 (2756.7 (2847.7 (293g:==8.7 (3029.7 (31150.7 (320gJ1=1.7 (33492.7 (3483.7 (357gBU4.7 (366g\=5.7 (375gb6.7 (384ge}7.7 (393gggGl2==8.7 (402gpgu}9.7 (411g!|60.7 (420g̓1.7 (4339g==2.7 (448g3.7 (4574.7 (466ggcg@3=5.7 (475gg}6.7 (484ggD}7.7 (493g@g}8.7 (502ggn=9.7 (511gg~70.7 (520gg ~1.7 (5329gg}2.7 (548gJg4==3.7 (557gWg}4.7 (566g g( }5.7 (575gg-}6.7 (584g)g5==7.7 (593gg"}8.7 (602g$gp(}9.7 (611g+g/5==80.7 (620g2gL .#####.#.#.##...#....................##.##....###..##....##.##......##.......#......gaN†.##..#.....#####...#........ #...#.#..####..S#..######+....#....##..... ####......##.>#... #..........##.......#..... _Magic restored.gUY1.7 (6319gD...........##....#.........##.##....###..##........##.##....###..##.#.##.......#.......#......†.##..#...........######...#......#  #...#.#..##### #...#.#....S#..####### +....#.@..##..... ####......##.># #..........#... ###..#.## ...#...# .#....#.... S   adder (asleep).....#....... ###g2.7 (648gg _Health restored: 21; MP restored: 15gn [.##....#...##.##....###..##...##.##....###..##.#.##.......#.# ......†.##..#...## ####...#.......# #...#.#..####.# #...#.#....S#..# +....#..@.##..... ####......##.>#... #...#... ##......#..#.## ......#.... .......#..... .......#g s3.7 (1.0)7 _g g gb .##....#..##.##....###..##..##.##....###..##.#.##.......#.# ......†.##..#..## ####...#......# #...#.#..####.# #...#.#....S#..# +....#...@##..... ####......##.>#... #....#... ##......#..#.## ....#...# .#.....#.... .. ......#..... .......####...g gM ~==46gs g g/3.#####.#.#.##....#.#....#####...##....#........##.##....###..##.............##.##....###..##.###.........##.......# ......†.##..#.#####...#.........# #...#.#..####........# g5#...#.#..@.S#..#######+....#....##...... ####......##.>#... #..........#... ##......#..#.###...# .# #.... ........#..... .......####...gI;g?E~S.Sg*^==5Ensorcelled Hibernation5 _The adder hisses angrily.gչgŻ19----6.6 (0.94g@gO _You miss the adder. The adder bites you. The adder closely misses you. _You take 2 damage, and have 19/21 hp.g" 0*g g  SThe adder resists with significant effort.3-----7.6 (1.03 _The adder closely misses you. _You now have 13/15 mp.g .#####.#.#.##....#.#....##### Gladio the Sneak  ...........##....#........... Poltergeist  ........##.##....###..##..... Health: 19/21 =====================---  ........##.##....###..##.###. Magic: 11/15 =================-------  ........##.......#.......#  AC: 2Str: 4 g# ......†.##..#...........##  EV: 12Int: 17  ####...#................#  SH: 0Dex: 16 #...#.#..####........#  XL:  3 Next: 98% Place: Dungeon:2 #...#.#..@S.#..#######  Noise: =--------  Time: 987.6 (0.0) +....#....##......  a) +1 dagger ####......##.>#...  Cast: Ensorcelled Hibernation #..........#...  Fly Gem (8013)  ##......#..#.##  ....#...# .#  S   adder?1K .....#.... ..  ......#..... .  ......####... _The adder closely misses you. _You now have 13/15 mp.Aiming: Ensorcelled Hibernation (safe; 11% risk of failure)  Press: ? - help, Q - select action, ( or ) - cycleShift-Dir - straight lineAim: an adder (chance to affect: 52%)gB .#####.#.#.##....#.#....##### Gladio the Sneak...........##....#........... Poltergeist........##.##....###..##..... Health: 19/21 =====================---........##.##....###..##.###. Magic: 11/15 =================-------........##.......#.......#AC: 2Str: 4......†.##..#...........##EV: 12Int: 17####...#................#SH: 0gGDex: 16#...#.#..####........#XL:  3 Next: 98% Place: Dungeon:2#...#.#..@*.#..#######Noise: =--------  Time: 987.6 (0.0)+....#....##......a) +1 dagger####......##.>#...Cast: Ensorcelled Hibernation#..........#...Fly Gem (8013) ##......#..#.##....#...# .#S   adder.....#.... ........#..... .......####... _The adder closely misses you. _You now have 13/15 mp.Aiming: Ensorcelled Hibernation (safe; 11% risk of failure)  Press: ? - help, Q - select action, 10;1m( or ) - cycleShift-Dir - straight lineAim: an adder (chance to affect: 52%)gS(asleep)  Aiming: Ensorcelled Hibernation (safe; 11% risk of failure)  Press: ? - help, Q - select action, ( or ) - cycleShift-Dir - straight line  Aim: an adder (chance to affect: 52%)  The adder looks drowsy...  You feel bolstered by spreading misfortune.gˆg:Sg%20g=g$' 5 g-g8.6 (1g2Ensorcelled Hibernation g#2 g_gyg9 g˚gPN_You now have 11/15 mp.gțgL m  The helpless adder fails to defend itself.  You impale the adder!!gJR G†g,S gX  .#####.#.#.##....#.#....##### Gladio the Sneak...........##....#........... Poltergeist........##.##....###..##..... Health: 20/21 ======================--........##.##....###..##.###. Magic: 11/15 =================-------........##.......#.......#AC:  5  Str: 4gZ h......†.##..#...........##EV: 12Int: 17####...#................#SH: 0Dex: 16#...#.#..####........#XL:  3 Next: 123% Place: Dungeon:2#...#.#..@†.#..#######Noise: ---------  Time: 989.5 (0.9)+....#....##......a) +1 dagger####......##.>#...Cast: Ensorcelled Hibernation #..........#...Fly Gem (8011) ##......#..#.##....#...# .#.....#.... ........#..... .......####...gF] Aim: an adder (chance to affect: 52%)  The adder looks drowsy... _You feel bolstered by spreading misfortune. _You now have 11/15 mp.The helpless adder fails to defend itself.  You impale the adder!! _You kill the adder!You have reached level 4!ge /  --more--g!" 6/27=6-43% g) g, i _You regained 6 hp, and now have 26/27 hp.gggՇgSg90.5 (1.00 _gg1.5 (209gog3|2.5 (38gdg7==2==3.5 (47g4.5 (56g45.5 (65gyA6.5 (7g;4gsgg===7.5 (83gg|8.5 (92gg3=9.5 (10.0)1g31000.5 (11.0)0g1.5 (1279992.5 (138=3.5 (147g&& 2 4.5 (156gn, _You feel your existence waver again.5.5 (165g.g2g 34==6.5 (174gI6g:}7.5 (183g$>gBB8.5 (19gdC;2gFgJ}9.5 (201gNg5RgR~==10.5 (210g$VgZ~1.5 (2289gp^gbB2.5 (23g|b;8gegiK5=g4j`3.5 (247g`mg qB4.5 (25gsq;6gutgx}5.5 (265g{gB6.5 (27gL;4g/gƇg1|=7.5 (283gg>B8.5 (29g;2gg|g6==9.5 (301ggPx.#####.#.#.##....#.#....#..##....#.#.##.##....###..##.....#gg@........##.##....###..##.###.#..##.......#.# #......†.##..#.## ####...#.....# g1^#...#.#..####.# #...#.#...@.#..# +....#....##.g####......##.>#.#..........#...##......#..#.###....#...#..#g.....#..............#........ gVga20.5 (310gH g/u  ...........##....#...........# .##.##....###..##.....# .##.##....###..##.###.# .##.......#.......# # ......†.##..#...........## ####...#................#  #...#.#..####........# #...#.#...†.#..####### +....#....##@....... ####......##.># #..........#..##......#..#.####....#...#..#.....#..............#..............####.....  You see here an adder corpse.gxh1.5 (3279 _g|g ####..####..##.###......#.......# †.##..#...........## ####...#...........  #...#.#..####......#...†.#..######+....#....##........ ####..>#..... #..........#.....#......#..#.####....#...#..# #........g}2.5 (338gMg^Rm ###......#.......# †.##..#.....## ####...#................#  #..####......#.#...†.#..######+....#....##........ ####......##.>#.....gJU #........@.##..#.####....#...#..# .....#..........####................g#]g]==3.5 (347gbg_w......#.......# †.##..#...........## ####...#................#  #...#.#..####.....#.#...†.#..######+....#....##........ ####......##.>#. ....g#......#@.#.####....#...#..# .....#..............#..........####......... .........########g}4.5 (356ggE=I......†.##..#...........##  ####...#................#  #...#.#..####........# #...#.#...†.#..####### +....#....##........ ####......##.>#.....  #..........#..... ##......#..#.#### ....#...#.@# .....#............#......#............#......####.# ..#..#....##########....gF}5.5 (365gHg####...#.....  #..####...†.#..######+....#....##........ ####......##.># #..........#......#..#.####....#...#..#+#####.....#.....@......#.### ....#....#########....gε6.5 (374g%####...#.# #...#.#..####..# #...#.#...†.#..# +....#....##........ ####......##.>#..... #..........#..... g=&q##......#..#.#### ....#...#..#+##### .....#......# ......#.# ......####.# g@(|.# # g.g7.5 (383g.g4gQ` #...#.#..####.# #...#.#...†.#..#######+....#....##........  ####......##.>#..... #..........#..... ##......#..#.#### ....#...#..#+#####.#............#.#......# ......####.# ...##.# #....######### #....  #....  #....gϰ8.5 (392g #...#.#...†.#..#######+....#....##........  ####......##.>#..... #..........#..... ##......#..#.#### ....#...#..#+#####.#............#.#......# ......####.# #...##gn.# #....######### #....  #....  #....  #....gxg!`9.5 (401g)g(g.gL _Key pressed, stopping explore..†........g+....#....##........  ####......##.>#..... #..........#..... ##......#..#.#### ....#...#..#+#####.#............#.#...# ......####...# #...# #.# #....######### #....#  #....# #....# #....# #....#gM30.5 (1.0)0 _gL!####..># #..........#......#..#.####....#...#..#+#####.....#..............####.. #.....######## ####1.5 (269gA78 M+....#..####......##.>..........#.....##......#..#.####  ....#...#..#+#### .#...........####...........#########....#######2.5 (38g|gO #...#.#...†.#..#######+....#....##...####......##.>..........#.....##......#..#.####  ....#...#..#+#### .....#.............####@..........########....3.5 (47gg/] } #...#.#..####........# #...#.#...†.#..####### +....#....##........######.>#..... ....#.....gt  ##......#..#.## ....#...#..#+##### .....#.# ......#..@..#......####...# #.....# #............# #....######### #....# #....# #....#  #....#4.5 (56g/ ####...#........# #...#.#..####........# #...#.#...†.#..####### +....#....##........######.>#..... #..........#..... ##......#..#.# ....#...#..#+##### .....#.# ......#.....#......####...# #.....# #............# #....######### #....# #....#  #....#5.5 (65g gJ- X ......†.##..#.######...#..........# #...#.#..####........# #...#.#...†.#..####### +....#....##........######.>#..... #..........#..... ##......#..#.g.  ....#@..#..#+##### .....#.# ......#.....#......####...# #........# #............# #....#########  #....#  #....#gd3 |6.5 (74g^7 gؔ  ........##.......#.......# ......†.##..#..######...#..........# #...#.#..####........# #...#.#...†.#..####### +....#....##........gו ######.>#..... ....#..... ##..@...#..#........#...#..#+#####.......#.#g ,.......#.....#.......####.......#.......#.........#g? '......[#............#.......#....#########  #....#g f7.5 (83g gۡ g  †.##..#.... ####...#..... #...#.#..####.#g  #...#.#...†.#..#######+....#....##........  ####......##.>#..... #..........#.....g .#####......#..#.####.......@#...#..#+#####.#............#.#............#.####.........##gH .#............##[#............##.......#....#########g #.#....#  #....#g |8.5 (92gG gy| i ......†.##..#. ####...#...... #...#.#..####. #...#.#...†.#.. +....#....##. ####......##.>#..... #.#......#####......#..#.####.#...#..#+#####g .#...#.#....##.####...###.#.....#  #......[#.....#  #.#....#  #.#....#  #....#9.5 (10.0)1gV U ......†.##..# ####...#..... #...#.#..#### #...#.#...†.#.. +....#....##. ####......##.>#..... #..#......#####......#..#.####.#...#..#+#####.#...#.#...g .#.#.####...#  ##.#.....#  #......[#.....#  #.#....#  #.#....#  #....#gd ~40.5 (110g gm j ......†.##..# ####...#.... #...#.#..#### #...#.#...†.#.. +....#....##. ####......##.>#.....# #...#.....#...#####......#..#.#####.#...#..#+go T.#....#.....#.####...# ##.#..... #......[#..... #.#....  #.#....#  #....#g1y g@z h1.5 (1259g g y####...#...... #...#.#..#####...#.#...†.#..#####+....#....##........ ####......##.>#..... #. #..........#..... #...#####......#..#.#### #..........#...#..#+#....#.............#.#..#####..## ##......# #......[#.....#g #.#....##########.#....# g9 }2.5 (138g/ g3M  #...#.#..#####...#.#...†.#..######+....#....##........ ####......##.>#..... #.. #..........#..... #...#####......#..#.#### #..........#...#..#+#....#............# .#.gN # ..#####..# # ##......#  #......[#.....# #.#....##########.#....# gbV }3.5 (147gb g #...#.#...†.#..#######+....#....##........ ####......##.>#..... #.. #..........#..... #...#####......#..#.#### #..........#...#..#+#....#............# .#.# ..#####..gP m# # ##......#  #......[#.....# #.#....######### #.#....# ######## g~ }4.5 (156gA g2L +....#....##........ ####......##.>##.. .....#####......#..#.####.......#.+#####.....#...............#...#..####..# ##g3..... [.#....######## ######g{:}5.5 (165gg@gT` ####..>##.. .....#####......#..#.####.......#.+#####.....#...............#...#..####..# ##..... .#....########gW& go_gfg6.5 (174gmgTv  You see here a scarf of invisibility. _Health restored: 27; MP restored: 16ggWWear which item? Inventory Items Armour (go to first with [)  b - a +0 cloak (haunted)  e - a +0 pair of gloves (haunted) Floor Items ([,] to select) Armour a scarf of invisibility[?] describe selected [!] equip|wield|wear|put on[tab] equip|unequip g;gtg+gl####......##.>#.....Gladio the Sneak#.. #..........#.....Poltergeist#...#####......#..#.####Health: 27/27 ========================g ?#..........#...#..#+#####Magic: 16/16 ========================...........#............#AC: 2Str: 4...........#............#gGEV: 12Int: 17..#........####.........#SH: 0Dex: 16# ##.......#............#XL:  4 Next: 13% Place: Dungeon:2gYQ#......@#............#Noise: ---------  Time: 1046.5 (0.0)#.......#....#########a) +1 dagger#.......#....#Cast: Ensorcelled Hibernation #.......#....#gFly Gem (7954) #.......#....##########....##....####### _You regained 6 hp, and now have 26/27 hp. _You feel your existence waver again. _You see here an adder corpse. _Key pressed, stopping explore.  You see here a scarf of invisibility. _Health restored: 27; MP restored: 16gAg, g_g&g g^ You start haunting your armour.g8 |7.5 (13g^ gf8.5 (22gggf9.5 (31gF#gv'g.g50.5 (40g3g9gI@g1.5 (549gFEgGG% gG_You continue haunting your scarf of invisibility. x5  You finish haunting your scarf of invisibility.guNgRgUZ _You become transparent for a moment.g=.....#....#....#....####...#.....gƜgg7 +....#....##........ ####......##.>#..... #.. #..........#..... #...#####......#..#. #.#...#..#+##### .#.# ...#...# ...####.## ##.#.# #.#............# #g.#....######### #.#....#  #.#....# #.......#....##########....# #....#######gg +2.5 (1g B8 _gw&g6 #...#.#...†.#..##### +....#....##........ . ####......##.>#..... #.. #..........#..... #...#####......#..#. #.#...#..#+##### .#.# ...#...# ...####.## ##.#.# #.#............# #.#....#########  #.#....#  #.#....# #.......#....##########....# #....#3.5 (27gx #...#.#..####...... #...#.#...†.#..#### +....#....##........ .. ####......##.>#..... #.. #..........#..... #...#####......#..#. #.#...#..#+### .#. ...#... ...####.# ##.#. #.#............ #.#.########  #.#....#  #.#....# #.......#....##########....#4.5 (36####...#....... #...#.#..####..... #...#.#...†.#..###FH +....#....##..... ####......##.># #.. #..........#.... #...#####......#..#.#.#...#..#+###.#..#......####.# ##.# #.#........... #.#.#######  #.#....#  #.#....# #.......#....#5.5 (45 ......†.##..#####...#....... #...#.#..####.... #...#.#...†.#..## +....#....##..... ####......##.># #.. #..........#... g #...#####......#..#. .#.#...#..#+##.#..#......####..# ##.#. #.#.......... #.#.######  #.#....#  #.#....#6.5 (54g}: ......†.##..#....#####...#...).. #...#.#..####..... #...#.#...†.#......+....#....## .....####......##.># #... #..........# #...#####......#..#. .#...@......#...#..#+......#.....#K....#........####.####.......#. #.......#K   kobold (asleep). #.#....  #.#....#  #.#....#  A kobold comes into view. It is wielding a +0 short sword.Found a whip.  The kobold shouts!K.wgGw   ribbon worm (wandering)K   kobold==7.5 (6Ensorcelled Hibernation3 _A ribbon worm comes into view.g3 † ....### ....)..  ....... † ....... .....> #...  #...#####... .#...@......# ..............# .K............# .....#........# ...####.......# w. #.......# . #.......# #.......#....#   g † ....### ....)..  ....... † g....... .....> #...  #...#####... .#...@......# ..............# gA.K............# .....#........# ...####.......# w. #.......# . #.......#g  #.......# gJgd _There are monsters nearby!g=K  † ....### ....)..  ....... † ....... .....> #...  #...#####... .#...@......# ..............# .K............# .....#........# ...####.......# w. #.......# . #.......# #.......#....#   g , † ....### ....)..  ....... † ....... .....> #...  #...#####... .#...@......# ..............# .K............# .....#........# ...####.......# w. #.......# . #.......# #.......#  _There are monsters nearby!g[......†.##..#.....#####...#.....).. #...#.#..####........ #...#.#...†.#..#.......+....#....##......####......##.>#.#... #..........#.#...#####......#..#.#.#....@.....#...#..#+#.....#..K....#......#........####.g$...####.......#.w. #.#.K   kobold. #.#....# ggB@K.gv--8.5 (12 _g gg......†.##..#.....#####...#.....).. #...#.#..####........ #...#.#...†.#..#.......+....#....##......####......##.>#.#... #..........#.#...#####......#..#.#.#.#...#..#+#..K.#..#......#.####.ga...####.#.w. #.#.. #.#....# g3gKG.Kg||--91gg Z......†.##..#.....#####...#.....).. #...#.#..####.. #...#.#...†.#..#.g +....#....##......####......##.>#.#... #....#.g #...#####......#..#.#.#.#...#..#+#...K.#..#......#.####....####.#.w. #.#.. #.#....# g g G.Kg b600g g gC Y......†.##..#.....#####...#.........).. #...#.#..####..gD  #...#.#...†.#..#.+....#....##. .....####......##.>#..... #... #...#..... #...#####......#..#.#### .#.#...#..#+#....K.gE V#.#.#.#.....#.####.#...####.#.#w. #.gpF #.#. #.#....# gwI gP =K.gR b139g[ g^ gw"/......†.##..#.....#####...#..........).. #...#.#..####.. #...#.#...†.#..#.+....#....##. .....####......##.>#..... #... #..#..... #...#####......#..#.#### .#.K.#...#..#+##### .#.# .#.# .....#.####.# w. #.#.# 28g9po......†.##..#.#....#####...#......#....).. #...#.#..####.#. #...#.#...†.#..#.+....#....##. .....####......##.>#..... gDsU#... #.#..... #...#####......#..#.#### .#.K.#...#..#+##### .#.# .#.# .....#.####.# ...###w. #.#.# gCtgI.KK   koboldga37gԊgg  ......†.##..#. ....#####...#...... ....).. #...#.#..####. . #...#.#...†.#.. .+....#....##. .....####......##.>#.....gk  #... #.#..... #...#####......#..#.#### .#..K.#...#..#+##### .#.# .#.# .....#.####.# ...####.#.# w. #.#.#  . #.#....#  #.#....#  #.#....#g! g B.Kgz a46gC g gi ......†.##..# ....#####...#..... ....).. #...#.#..#### . #...#.#...†.#.. .+....#....##. .....####......##.>#..... #... #..#..... #...#####......#..#.#### .#...K...@..#...#..#+#####g"j| .#.# .#.# .....#.####.#  ...####.#gl.# w. #.#.#  . #.#....#  #.#....#  #.#....#g!ngHwA.Kgxa55g-gg ......†.##..#.......... Gladio the Sneak ....#####...#............... Poltergeist ....).. #...#.#..####....... Health: 27/27 ======================== ....... #...#.#...†.#..##### Magic: 14/16 =====================--- .......+....#....##........  AC: 2Str: 4 .....####......##.>#.....  EV: 12Int: 17 #... #..........#.....  SH: 0Dex: 16 #...#####......#..#.####  XL:  4 Next: 13% Place: Dungeon:2 .#....K**@..#...#..#+##### Noise: ---------  Time: 1065.5 (0.0)?40m ..............#............# a) +1 dagger ..............#............# Cast: Ensorcelled Hibernation .....#........####.........# Fly Gem (7935)  ...####.......#............# w. #.......#............# K   kobold . #.......#....######### #.......#....#  #.......#....# _There are monsters nearby! _There are monsters nearby!Aiming: Ensorcelled Hibernation (safe; 11% risk of failure)  Press: ? - help, Q - select action, ( or ) - cycleShift-Dir - straight lineAim: a kobold, wielding a +0 short sword (chance to affect: 62%)g\ ......†.##..#.......... Gladio the Sneak ....#####...#............... Poltergeist ....).. #...#.#..####....... Health: 27/27 ======================== ....... #...#.#...†.#..##### Magic: 14/16 =====================--- .......+....#....##........  AC: 2g]^Str: 4 .....####......##.>#.....  EV: 12Int: 17 #... #..........#.....  SH: 0Dex: 16 #...#####......#..#.####  XL:  4 Next: 13% Place: Dungeon:2 .#....K..@..#...#..#+##### Noise: ---------  Time: 1065.5 (0.0) ..............#............# a) +1 dagger ..............#............# Cast: Ensorcelled Hibernation g^.....#........####.........# Fly Gem (7935)  ...####.......#............# w. #.......#............# K   kobold . #.......#....######### #.......#....#  #.......#....# gaPress: ? - help, Q - select action, ( or ) - cycleShift-Dir - straight lineAim: a kobold, wielding a +0 short sword (chance to affect: 62%)  You miscast Ensorcelled Hibernation.  You are very lightly contaminated with residual magic.  Nothing appears to happen.g f) † ....)..      >  gg2#...     .K w.  .   g\h6.5 (1Contam Gem (7934) _g~t _You now have 14/16 mp.gZ ......†.##..#.......... Gladio the Sneak ....#####...#............... Poltergeist ....).. #...#.#..####....... Health: 27/27 ======================== ....... #...#.#...†.#..##### Magic: 12/16 ==================------ .......+....#....##........  AC: 2Str: 4 .....####......##.>#.....  EV: 12Int: 17g] #... #..........#.....  SH: 0Dex: 16 #...#####......#..#.####  XL:  4 Next: 13% Place: Dungeon:2 .#.....K*@..#...#..#+##### Noise: ---------  Time: 1066.5 (0.0) ..............#............# a) +1 dagger ..............#............# Cast: Ensorcelled Hibernation .....#........####.........# Fly Contam Gem (7934)  ...####.......#............# w. #.......#............# K   kobold . #.......#....######### #.......#....#  #.......#....# _Nothing appears to happen. _You now have 14/16 mp.Aiming: g[0;10;1mEnsorcelled Hibernation (safe; 11% risk of failure)  Press: ? - help, Q - select action, ( or ) - cycleShift-Dir - straight lineAim: a kobold, wielding a +0 short sword (chance to affect: 62%)g׌......†.##..#.......... Gladio the Sneak....#####...#............... Poltergeist....).. #...#.#..####....... Health: 27/27 ========================....... #...#.#...†.#..##### Magic: 12/16 ==================------.......+....#....##........ AC: 2Str: 4.....####......##.>#..... EV: 12Int: 17#... #..........#..... SH: 0Dex: 16#...#####......#..#.#### XL:  4 Next: 13% Place: Dungeon:2.#.....*.@..#...#..#+#####B49m Noise: ---------  Time: 1066.5 (0.0)..............#............# a) +1 dagger..............#............# Cast: Ensorcelled Hibernation.....#........####.........# Fly Contam Gem (7934) ...####.......#............#w. #.......#............# K   kobold. #.......#....##########.......#....##.......#....# _Nothing appears to happen. _You now have 14/16 mp.Aiming: Ensorcelled Hibernation (safe; 11% risk of failure)  Press: ? - help, Q - select action, ( or ) - cycleShift-Dir - straight lineAim: a kobold, wielding a +0 short sword (chance to affect: 62%)geK(asleep)  Aiming: Ensorcelled Hibernation (safe; 11% risk of failure)  Press: ? - help, Q - select action, ( or ) - cycleShift-Dir - straight line  Aim: a kobold, wielding a +0 short sword (chance to affect: 62%)  The kobold looks drowsy...  You feel bolstered by spreading misfortune.g8Kgw 5 7.5 (1Ensorcelled Hibernation 3 _ggr _You now have 12/16 mp.g ......†.##..# ....#####...#.... ....).. #...#.#..#### . #...#.#...†.#..g|Y .+....#....##. .....####......##.>#..... #... #...#..... #...#####......#..#.#### .#.....K@...#...#..#+ .#. .#. .....#.####. ...####.#. w. #.#. . #.#....  #g.#....#  #.#....#ggh82 _gg_g  The helpless kobold fails to defend itself.  You impale the kobold!!)g#-p59.3 (0.81g 5g8J _You kill the kobold!g64gg029ggrgq3=8ggY7g$g4 74.3 (5.0 _You start resting.Gem (7926) ggK _Your magical contamination has completely faded away.g4gg35.3 (15g0g=6.3 (24ggy 2 7.3 (33ggg s _You feel your existence waver again.g f8.3 (42ggg_4==9.3 (51gg!}80.3 (60g%g+}1.3 (719ge2g7A2.3 (8g8;8g<g>g8K@@   Sigmund (polearm, wandering)gRP==3.3 (9Ensorcelled Hibernation7gSgc  Sigmund the Dreaded comes into view. He is wielding a +0 scythe and wearing a _+2 robe of positive energy.gR v ......†.##..# ....#####...# ....).. #...#.#..#### . #...#.#...†.#.. .+....#....## .....####......##.># #... #....# #...#####......#..#. .#.....@....#...#..#+ ...@.# g3U .# .....#.#### ...####.# w. #.# . #.#....  #.#....#  #.#....#gZ L.@g] f4.3 (16ga ged T _You see here a +0 short sword.gG ....#####...#.... ....).. #...#.#..#### ....... #...#.#...†.#..## .......+....#....##...... ..w..####......##.># #... #..........# #...#####......#..#.##..#.....)....#...#..#+....#.......... ....@.# .....#.#### ...####.#.. w. #.# . #.#....###### #.#....# w   ribbon worm (wandering)  #.#....# l um #.#....#gDB .w.@gHN h55 _g+a gs....#####...#.....).. #...#.#..####........ #...#.#...†.#..#.......+....#....##....w.####......##.>#.#... #...#.#...#####......#..#.#..#.....)....#...#..#+#.#..#.....@#.####....####.#.w. #.#.. #.#....##.#....# @.5=64g/....#####...#.....).. #...#.#..####........ #...#.#...†.#..#.......+....#....##....w.####......##.>#.#... #...#.#...#####......#..#.#..#.....)....#...#..#+#.#......@.#......#.g`####....####.#.w. #.#.. #.#....# gRggZ.w.@@)w   ribbon worm (wandering)g{k===73gJ; _Sigmund shouts!g ....#####...#.....).. #...#.#..####.. #...#.#...†.#..#.+....#....##. g" .....####......##.>#..... #.w. #..#..... #...#####......#..#.#### ..#.....)....#...#..#+#.#.#......@.#.#.....#.####.#...####.#.#w. #.#.#. #.#....##.#....# gU: gA 8*g:   Sigmund gestures wildly while chanting.Sigmund flickers and vanishes!g 9{g -8Ensorcelled Hibernation 2g  _Deactivating autopickup; reactivate with Ctrl-A.gq ......†.##..#....#####...#.............).. #...#.#..####......... #...#.#...†.#..######.......+....#....##........ .....####......##.>#..... #.w. #..........#.....  #...#####......#..#.#### #.....)..@.#...#..#+##### ..#.# ......{#....# .....#..##### ...###w. #.#............#. #.#....######### gk *****A magic dart appears from out of thin air!g8.....19----------91 _The magic dart hits you! _You take 8 damage, and have 19/27 hp. MASSIVE DAMAGE!!gj..##.......# ......†.##..##....#####...#.........#....).. #...#.#..####......... #...#.#...†.#..#######.......+....#....##........ .....####......##.>#..... #.w. #....#.....  #...#####.@....#..#.#### #.....)....#...#..#+##### ..#......# ......{#......# .....#..####......####.#......w. #.#gl[34m............#. #.#....######### gm&.gx=--900 _g}ggAG d-g% .##.##....###..##.#........##.......# ......†.##..##....#####...#.........# ....).. #...#.#..####........# .##...#.#...†.#..#######.......+....#....##........ .....####......##.>#..... #.w. #....#.....  #...#####......#..#.#### #.....)....#...#..#+##### .#............# .......#............#..####.......####.#.......w.g  #.#............#. #.#....#########109g3 .##.##....###..##....##.##....###..##.#..##.......#  ......†.##..##....#####...#.........g4* #  ....).. #...#.#..####........#  .##...#.#...†.#..#######.......+....#....##........ .....####....@.##.>#..... #.w. #....#.....  #...#####......#..#.#### #.....)....#...#..#+#####  .#.......  .......#.......  .....#........####....  ...####.......#....  w. #.#............#gD- 6==2.3 (28g4 g  M........#......##....###..##.##..##.......#. ......†.##..#.######...#........).. #...#.#..####........g ##...#.#...†.#..#######.......+....#.......####......##.>#w. #..........#..... #...#####......#..#.#### ..#.....)....#...#..#+#####...........#....... _Magic restored.g[ gj g 20=-------3.3 (37g ,g' o _MP restored: 16gv^O....gcg78 M#####.#.##....###..#......#....#ga_..##....###..##.##..##.......#. ......†.##..#...#gH#####...#........).. #...#.#..####........##...#.#@..†.#..#######.......+....#....##.........#####.>#.w. #....#.....g#...#####......#..#.####..#...........####...ggg$m4.3 (16 _g-gD[78 M #.......##..gE#####.#.##.#....###........##....#........#..........##.##....###..##.##gFq.....##.......#. ......†.##..#.....######...#..........).. ####........##...#.#...†.#..#######gG.......+....#....##........####......##.>#.#.w. #..........#.....#.....#.....gYJgITgUf5.3 (25g^g-c78 M...##.#.##....#+#+###.. #...........#.#.##..#####.#.#.##....#.#....###g_........##....#.........#........##.##....###..##.##.....##.......#. ......†.##..#######...#..@.......).. #...#.#..####........##...#.#...†.#..#######.......+....#....##.........####......##.>#......##......#gv/.....#....g:==g_6.3 (34gg-g gghc...g78 M....#..#.#####........#...##.#.##....#+#+###.. #...........#.#.##..#####.#.#.##....#.#....###...##....#.......#...........##.##....###..##.##g.....##.......#. ......†.##@.#.....#####.......).. #...#.#..####........##...#.#...†.#..#######.......+....#....##........g=#.#..#...#gEgg1g/==g8$7.3 (1g%3gxggWj78 M...... .......#..#.#####........#...##.#.##....#+#+###.. #...........#.#.##..#####.#.#.##....#.#....###...##....#......#....##....###..##.##..##@......#. ......†.##..#######...#........).. #...#.#..####...............##...#.#...†.#..#######.....g^f8.3 (22g_g`{g|agmgqg u gugJvL_There is a strange disturbance nearby!gvgn {M## #...... .......#..#.#####........#...##.#.##....#+#+###.. #.......##..#####.#.##.#....###...##....#......#....#..##....###..##.##g&p ..##.......#. ......†.##..#..######...#.........  ....).. #...#.#..####........##..#.{..##....g g **gbgm@9.3 (1Conf Fly Gem (7901)  _You are confused.g. ....#.# ....#..#.######.# ##.#.##....#+#+###..#  #...........#.#.##..## .#####.#.#.##....#.#....##...........##....#...........##.##....###..##.##.##....###..##.###.##.@.....#.......# ......†.##..#...........## ....#####...#......# ....).. #...#.#..##### .......##...#.#...†.#..####### .+....#.{..##........  .....####......##.>10m#.....#.w. #..........#...#####..#.####gB..1000g= _You are too confused!g 4g@ gv K _You are too confused!gF. .#.# ....#..#.#####..#.# ...##.#.##....#+#+###..# #...........#.#.##..## .#####.#.#.##....#.#....#..##....#..##.##....###..##..##.##....###..##.###..##.#.# ......†.##..#.## #####...#.......# ).. #...#.#..####.# ##...#.#...†.#..#######+....#....##........  .....####......##.>#.....#.w. #....... pc;17H=1899 _g F. .#.# ....#..#.#####........#.# ...##.#.##....#+#+###..# g W#...........#.#.##..## .#####.#.#.##....#.#....#.##....#.#.##.##....###..##.....#.##.##....###..##.###.#.##.#.# #g& ......†.##..#.## #####...#......# ).. #...#.#..####.# ##...#.#...†.#..###g ####+....#....##........ .....####......##.>#.....  #.w. #..........#..... g g1 2=28g g g,37 _You're too confused to move!g+.## ##.# .......... ....#.# ....#..#.#####........#.# ...##.#.##....#+#+###..#  #...........#.#.##..## .#####.#.#.##....#.#....###### ...##....#...........# .##.##....###..##.....# .##.##.@..###..##.###.# ..##.......#.......# #  ......†.##..#....# .#####...#.........# ).. #...#.#..####........###...#.#...†.#..#######+....#....##........ ....####.....0m.##.>#..... #.w. #....#.....g4Fly Gem (7896)  _You feel less confused.gg ~M ##### #.......... ..........#..#.#####........#...##.#.##....#+#+###.. #.......##..## #####.#.##....#####............#.##....###..##.###...##.......#.......# #  ......†.##..#.....## .#####...#................#.#......##.>#...g g3 ,*gݥ J  You hear some strange, mumbled words.g4Y@==5Conf Fly Gem (7895) g^gbQ _You are confused.g\...## #.#.# . ...........#.# ....#..#.#####........#.# ##.#.##....#+#+###..#  #...........#.#.##..##  .#####.#.#.##....#.#....######...........##....#...........#  .##.##....###..##.....#  .##.##..@.###..##.###.#  .##.......#.......# #  ......†.##..#...........## #####...#..........# ).. #...#.#..####........#..##...#.#...†.#..#######+....#....##........####......##.9;49m>#..w. #....3==--64g e . ...#..#.##### ...##.#.##....#+#+###. #...........#.#.##..#.#####.#.#.##...######...................####..###.#####.....@.#.......# †.##..#...........## #####...#..........# ).. #...#.#..####.............. ...#####......#..#.####14--------==73g`  _Something hits you! _You take 9 damage, and have 14/27 hp. MASSIVE DAMAGE!!g`{M## #...... .......#..#.#####........#...##.#.##....#+#+###.. #.......##..## #####.#.##....#####........#.#...#.##..@.###..##.###...##.......#.......# #  ......†.##..#.....## #####...#............... ).. #...#.#..####........#.......--82 _g .## #.#.# . ...........#.# ....#..#.#####........#.# ...##.#.##....#+#+###..# #...........#.#.##..## .#####.#.#.##....#.#....###### .##....#.# .##.##....###..##.....# .##.##...@###..##.###.# .##.#.# # ......†.##..#...........## ...#........# .. #...#.#..####........###...#.#...†.#..#######+....#....##..####......##.>#"40m..... --91g,gP g 10------------=100gg  _You bump into the rock wall. Something hits you. _You take 4 damage, and have 10/27 hp.gKgI-1Fly Invis Gem (7889) ggP _You fade into invisibility! You feel less confused.g g Drink which item? Potions  g - a brown potion  i - 3 cyan potions  k - a puce potion [!] read|quaff[?] describe selectedgkU gI\ gf k .........## #........#.#Gladio the Sneak.......... ...........#.#Poltergeist....#..#.#####........#.#Health: 10/27 ========----------------...##.#.##....#+#+###..#Magic: 16/16 ========================#...........#.#.##..##AC: 2Str: 4 .#####.#.#.##....#.#....######EV: 12Int: 17 ...........##....#...........#SH: 0Dex: 16 ........##.##....###..##.....#XL:  4 Next: 15% Place: Dungeon:2 ........##.##...@###..##.###.#g i xNoise: ---------  Time: 1111.3 (0.0) ........##.......#.......# #a) +1 dagger ......†.##..#...........##Cast: Ensorcelled Hibernation ####...#................#Fly Invis Gem (7889) .. #...#.#..####........# ..##...#.#...†.#..####### ..+....#....##........ ..####......##.>#..... w. #..........#..... _You are confused. _Something hits you! _You take 9 damage, and have 14/27 hp. MASSIVE DAMAGE!! _You bump into the rock wall. Something hits you. _You take 4 damage, and have 10/27 hp. _You fade into invisibility! You feel less confused.g,x  It was a potion of enlightenment.  You feel more buoyant.g1 9/27 =2.3 (1Will+ Fly Invis Gem (7888) g[ g _Something hits you. _You take 1 damage, and have 9/27 hp.gF0M ##### #...... .......#..#.#####........#g...##.#.##....#+#+###.. #.......##..## #####.#.##....#####..g..........#.##....###..##.###...##.......#.# # g......†.##..#......# ####...#................#..g7]##.#..g_g%gǧp-37 _gήgg\M......+.. ####...## #...... .......#..#.#####........#...##.#.##....#+#+###.. #.......##..## #####.#.##....#####............#.##....###..##.###...##.......#.# # ......†.##..#...........##...#...##.....ggg10/27-46g+g*M #.....#####..).....#..............+.. ####...## #......... .......#..#.#####........#...##.#.##....#+#+###.. #.......##..## #####.#.##....#####............##....###..##.###. ........##.......#.......# ##.....†.#..# )  .....  #...   #...   .....  ####..  #.##....#  #...........# #...@# #....# #....# #....# ......# # †.##..#.....  .........   #..####.. |9m †  ga )  .....  #...   #...   .....  ####..  #.##....#  #...........# #...@# gb}#....# #....# #....# ......# †.##..#.............. #..####..†gmb  Something hits you!g0v/27 --------==55g-~g _* * * LOW HITPOINT WARNING * * * _You take 9 damage, and have 1/27 hp. MASSIVE DAMAGE!!g*M ##.####### #.....#####..).....#..............+.. ####.....## #.......... ..........#..#.#####........#...##.#.##....#+#+###.. #.......##..## #####.#.#.##....#####............ ........##.##....###..##.###.#...#..####..--64 _gGM........#  ##.####### #.....#####..).....#..............+.. ####........## ##.............. ...............#..#.#####........#...##.#.##...@#+#+###.. #.......##..## #####.#.#.##....#####........ ........##.##....###..##.....#........--73g^ g5M........#  ##.####### #.....#####..).....#......+.. ###..#####......?...gE....#..#.#####@.......#...##.#.##....#+#+###.. #.......##..## #####.#.#.##....##### ...........##....#...........#.#.....g#g)gN2=-------82 _Found a scroll labelled IMOEQO UDAPN.gK g[L M..........#  ##.####### #.....#####..).....#......+.. #.......#########......?.......#..#.#####........#...##.#.##....#+#+###.. #........##..## gL }.#####.#.#.##....#.#....######.....#gGM g?V gZ gxZ Z91g(^ g_ g{dQM#..........#  ##.####### #.....#####..).....#......+.. #.......####..#####......?...ge}....#..#.#####........#...##.#.##....#+#+###..#...........#.#.##..##.#.##....#gfgng\wb200g}gigOr"M#..#........##..........#  ##.#######get #.....#####..).....#.............+.. #..#####......?.......#..#.#####........#...##.#.##....#+#+###..#.....#g7wgq~gb179gm9{gzg)zM######.........#........###..............#  ##.####### #.....#####..).....#.............+.. #.......#########.gz......?...{....#..#.#####........#.#...#g{g2:{.g3==28gggb M......#######.......#.............###........# ..#............#  ##.#######gx  #.....#####@.).....#......+.. #.......#####.#####{..........?...........#.#..#g' g!.g\ a37gWg[gM######...†.......######..#.........g...##....# ..#........##........#  ##@####### #.....#####..).....#.............+.. ##.........#####........#.#..#g0gga46g@g.gM.......#...######...÷......#######..#..#.@......#  ##.####### #.....#####..).....#..............+..#.......#####........#.#........#+#+###gg>ga55g g8g^ M'>.......#...######...÷......#######..#..........#  ##.####### #.....#####..).....#.....................+.......#.......g~d g{i }=64gn gSp gD;M#..)......'>.......#...######...÷......#######..#..........#  ##.########.....#####..).....#........g\CgdI4=73g,ngѶM#)#######..)......'>.......#...######...÷......#######..#..........# ##.########..#...gwga82ggg VM...#.#)#######..)......'>.......#...######...÷......########..#..gv f#........##..g{ gP a91g ggQJM########............#.#.####..#.#)######..#..)......'>.......#...#######...÷#......#######..##..#........#...gRb300gWgYg Jg/o C ###.####### ########.......... .......#.#.######. .......#.#)######. .......#..). .......'.>. .......#.... #######...÷ #....... #######. ##... #.##.. #.# .. #........ ##.########.. #.....#####..).....#..5==169g x78 M #<#  ###.###############...........#####...#.#)######......#..)............'>.......#...######.@.÷........#######.#..#........##..##.#######g A2.3 (2g[ ;8g gQ 78 M# #<#  gR ###.###############............#.#.#####..#.#)######.#..)......'>.......#@..######...÷gU ........#######.##...........##........#g^ g}_ f3.3 (37g)h g 78 M# #<#  gI ###.###############...........#.#.#####.#.#)#######..)............'>g3 {.......#...######...÷........#######...........#........#g& g _4.3 (46g1 g g g} g/#T....g$g"###  #<#  ###.####### ########.......... .......#.#.######. .......#.#)######. .......#.@). .'.>. .......#.... #######...÷ #........#######..##...#.g##..#.# ..g^6==5.3 (15ggu ###  #<#  ###.####### ########.......... .#.#.######. .#.#@######. .......#..). .......'.>. .......#.... #######...÷#.......#######.##...#.##..g%|6.3 (24gx M# #<#  ###.#######g y########..........#.#)######...#..)...........'........>........#..........###......#...........You see here a +0 short sword.gngBm7.3 (33 _gLg78 M# #<#  go###.###############..@.......#.#.######.#.#)#######..).............'........>.#.........÷.......##..........gA8.3 (4g;2gg_78 M# #<#  gRa###@###############..........#.######.#.#)######.......#..)...................gjg]l7==9.3 (51gCpg"78 M# #@#  ###.###############..........#.#.##.......#.#)######...÷..40.3 (60g,g  There is a stone staircase leading up here. _You regained 2 hp, and now have 7/27 hp.g'# 1.3 (159 _g  ##.............###### #..#  ######......#....>...# ###.# ##.......#####........#######...# gG >...####.## #................... #######.# #.......######...... ##......# #....÷..# #...... #..###########.......######...... .................................1 #.###########...@....#..........# ..########............## .######.........# ###.........# #.........# ########### g= p =You fly upwards.g g'0 h2.8 (2.58gU3 gv5 B _Reactivating autopickup. g6 ]_There is a stone staircase leading down here.giM#########.....# ##.# ##.............###### #.  ######......#....>...# ### ##.......###########...# ...#......#####...##### ##......# #....÷..# #..################# ................gnj. #.###########...>....#. ..#######...# .######.. ###.........#gg8=3.8 (1.07 _gΡggǛJM.............######.###..####..# #########.........# ##.# ##.............###### #.  ######......#....>...# ### ##.......####gS#######...# ...#......#####...##### ##......# #....÷..# #..################# ....................... #.###########...>....#. ..#######...# .######.........#g|ga46gѶg]78 M#######.##.#.....##....# .............######.###..####..# #########.........# ##.# ##.............###### #. gp ######......#....>...# ### ##.......###########...# ...#......#####...##### ##......# #..@.÷..# #..################# ....................... #.###########...>....#. ..########............##gAga55gOggF M ####..#.##..##.#### #######.##.#.....##.###.##....# .............######.###..####..# #########.........# ##.# ##.............###### #.  ######......#....>...# ### ##.......###########...# ...#......#####...##### ##......# #....÷..# #..################# ....................... #.###########...>....#..........#.gUV 64g M###... ##.#....###.#  #.#####..#.##..##.#### #######.##.#.....##.###.##....# .............######.###..####..# #########.........# ##.# ##.............###### #.  ######......#....>...# ### ##.......###########...# ...#......#####...##### ##......# #....÷..# #..################# .................................#....9==73g| gI4g82gi9.8 (21g50.8 (30g10/27=1.8 (449gg|2.8 (58g+3.8 (674.8 (761=5.8 (8Fly Invis Gem (7845) g3 _Your enlightenment fades.6.8 (94g67.8 (10.0)3gz9g=8.8 (11Invis 2g@gDh _You flicker for a moment.gbG12==9.8 (121gkIgM~60.8 (130gSPgS~1.8 (1439gWg_[}2.8 (158g^gbgJc=3.8 (16Gem (7837) g0fgjj _You flicker back into view.gok3=4.8 (176g[ngqB5.8 (18gr;5g^ug*y}6.8 (194g|gI}7.8 (203g.g^4==gЈ`8.8 (212ggB9.8 (22g;1gqgC70.8 (23g;0ggGB1.8 (24g<29ggT5==2.8 (25g;8ggWg3.8 (267ggۮgDg4.8 (276gggB5.8 (28g<;5ggX96g==6.8 (294gqgg7.8 (303ggig}8.8 (312gg}9.8 (321gagg7==80.8 (330gg5B1.8 (34g<19ggB2.8 (35g;8ggg+g3.8 (367g$g98gI==4.8 (376ggB5.8 (38g;5gzg B6.8 (39g ;4gO ggg7.8 (403g?g=8.8 (412g\g#gg%99.8 (421g)g,h90.8 (430gn-g0g<4B1.8 (44g5<09g7g;B2.8 (45g;;8g>g,CgD20=3.8 (467gCGg>KgL`4.8 (476gUOgSgT`5.8 (485gYg^g_`6.8 (494gbgfgg1==7.8 (503gjg0oB8.8 (51go;2g sgqvB9.8 (52gw;1gzg@~200.8 (530gggy2==1.8 (54799ggB2.8 (55gg;8gg}3.8 (567gg=B4.8 (57g;6g&g93gm==5.8 (585ggR}6.8 (594g!gUgӴ`7.8 (603ggg}8.8 (612gMgTh4==g`9.8 (621gg&ga10.8 (630g'1.8 (64892.8 (658ggg=3.8 (667gVggf5=4.8 (676ggg`5.8 (685gg%gg6.8 (694gg#}7.8 (703gg)&6==8.8 (712g4*}9.8 (721g-gd1~20.8 (730g5g8~1.8 (7479gk<g@97g@==2.8 (758gCgZ9 _HP restored.g]g_j  Done exploring. _Health restored: 27g6....##.## ##.#....###.#  ####.##.#####..#.##..##.#### .##.#.....##.###.##....## ######.###..####..# ......# ##.## ##......###### #..# g?######......#....>...# ###.# #.#####.#...#####.## #..# #.######. #......# #....÷..# #. ..##.######.... .###...>....#...# .# #.....# ## ####... g0g s3.8 (1.0)7 _g5$gX%gXq....##.## ##.#....###.#  ####.##.#####..#.##..##.#### .##.#.....##.###.##....## ######.###..####..# .....# ##.## ##......###### #..# grD......#....>...# ###.# .#####.#...##. .####.## #.gv.# #.######. ......# #....÷..# #. .##.######.... ###...>....#...##. # #............#  gBw46g]ggL M...#####..# #..## ##... ##.#....###.#  ghP #####..#.##..##.#### #####.##.#.....##.###.##....# ...........######.###..####..# #######.........# ##.#  ##.............###### #..# #####......#....>...# ###.### .......###########...## .#...... #####...#####.....# #....÷..# .###########.......######........###...gX g$f a55g2n g,q gM.....#.######..##.... ...#####..# #..## ##... ##.#....###.#  #####..#.##..##.#### #####.##.#.....##.###.##....# ...........######.###..####..# #######.........# ##.#  ##.............###### #..# #####......g3 ###.### .g......####g&#######...## gu.#...... #####...##### g}......# #....÷..# #......... # #######..... g:=64g ggU_There is a stone staircase leading down here.g`gg7gX3 _g=  .  #..########.... 2 .......  .K.....  ...####  #.......#..#  ........##... ...###### +###K   kobold (missile, wandering) ... g3K..  You fly downwards.gpg8.6 (1.8Ensorcelled Hibernation2g g% _Level annotation: Sigmund _There is a stone staircase leading up here.g%oghtgyg~] _A kobold is nearby!g1 ..#..#....<.g.K..####.#.#..#.##....###### +####....gg ;K.....gO901 gv_g gg! # .#.#..#.....K....@.<...####.#.#..#.##....###### +###.#... ....gbt .K300g4  ## .#.#..#....#.<..K.>.####.#.#..#.##....###### +###g Q..#.........g g N.Kg b169g g_ ; _Found a stone staircase leading down.g  Gladio the Sneak  Poltergeist  Health: 27/27 ========================  Magic: 14/16 =====================---  AC: 2Str: 4  EV: 12Int: 17 ## .  SH: 0Dex: 16 ##.#..########....  XL:  4 Next: 15% Place: Dungeon:2 #.....*@..<.......  Noise: ---------  Time: 1231.6 (0.0) ....**............  a) +1 daggergU >.K*..........####  Cast: Ensorcelled Hibernation ...#.......#..#  Fly Gem (7769)  ...........##...  ......###### +###  K   kobold (missile, wandering) ..#... ...... _Found a stone staircase leading down.  Aiming: Ensorcelled Hibernation (safe; 11% risk of failure)  Press: ? - help, Q - select action, ( or ) - cycleShift-Dir - straight lineAim: a kobold, wielding a +0 short sword, wearing a +0 ring mail and quivering  stones (wandering, hasn't noticed you, chance to affect: 62%)g Gladio the SneakPoltergeistHealth: 27/27 ========================Magic: 14/16 =====================---AC: 2Str: 4EV: 12Int: 17##.SH: 0Dex: 16##.#..########....XL:  4 Next: 15% Place: Dungeon:2#......@..<.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1231.6 (0.0)..................a) +1 dagger>.*...........####Cast: Ensorcelled Hibernation...#.......#..#Fly Gem (7769) ...........##.........###### +###K   kobold (missile, wandering)g ..#......... _Found a stone staircase leading down.  Aiming: Ensorcelled Hibernation (safe; 11% risk of failure)  Press: ? - help, Q - select action, ( or ) - cycleShift-Dir - straight lineAim: a kobold, wielding a +0 short sword, wearing a +0 ring mail and quivering  stones (wandering, hasn't noticed you, chance to affect: 62%)gֱ Kasleep)  Press: ? - help, Q - select action, ( or ) - cycleShift-Dir - straight line  Aim: a kobold, wielding a +0 short sword, wearing a +0 ring mail and quivering  stones (wandering, hasn't noticed you, chance to affect: 62%)  The kobold looks drowsy...  You feel bolstered by spreading misfortune.g> 9KgI  5 2.6 (1Ensorcelled Hibernation 8 _g[Q gV r _You now have 14/16 mp.gG###. .... ##..##.#..########.....#.........<..........>.K####....##..# ..##.........###### +####... @   Jessica (asleep).....gGK   kobold (missile, asleep)@....gYgba37ggg8j  Jessica the Apprentice Sorceress comes into view. She is wielding a +2 dagger _of venom.gx0.# ####.. ... .. ##.# . ##.#..#....#.#.<.#..>.K.#####....#.#..#..##..........###### +####...#...#........ ..@....#46g##.### ##### .... ... ...##.# . ##.#..gK#.... #.#.<. #..>.K.####g#....#.#..#..##.........###### +####...#...#gv K   kobold (missile, asleep).............@....#g?  The kobold wakes up again.gK.K)g$====5Ensorcelled Hibernation5ggM: _The kobold shouts! You hear a shout!gl ge 2 @   Jessica@K   kobold (missile).You barely miss the kobold.gN 5--==--6.4 (0.84 _The kobold hits you with a +0 short sword. _You take 2 damage, and have 25/27 hp.g@.---7.3 (0.93 _You hit the kobold but do no damage. The kobold completely misses you.g]  @.  You hit the kobold but do no damage.3----5=-8.22 _The kobold hits you with a +0 short sword. _You take 2 damage, and have 23/27 hp.g8  You hit the kobold.gg$@.g4=-69.11ghg g g<_You kill the kobold!g ##.### ##### ..... ...  ...##.#.##.#..########...#.#.........<...##....$....>...####g /##....##..# ......@#........###### +#####...#...........# #. #gk g (@.g~ q-40.1 (1.00g g gC(  Gladio the Sneak # Poltergeist #.### #####  Health: 24/27 =====================--- ..... ...g Magic: 13/16 ===================----- ...##.# .  AC:  5  Str: 4 ##.#..########....  EV: 12Int: 17 #.#.........<.......  SH: 0Dex: 16 ##....$..............  XL:  4 Next: 16% Place: Dungeon:2 ...>...@.........####  Noise: ---------  Time: 1240.1 (0.0) g ##....#@......#..#  a) +1 dagger ..............##...  Cast: Ensorcelled Hibernation .........###### +###  Fly Gem (7760)  ##...#...# .......... @   Jessica .........# #. #....# _You kill the kobold!Aiming: Ensorcelled Hibernation (safe; 11% risk of failure)  Press: ? - help, Q - select action, ( or ) - cycleShift-Dir - straight lineAim: Jessica, wielding a +2 dagger of venom and wearing a +0 robe (chance to  affect: 52%)g> Gladio the Sneak#Poltergeist#.### #####Health: 24/27 =====================---..... ...Magic: 13/16 ===================-----...##.#.AC:  5  Str: 4gA ##.#..########....EV: 12Int: 17#.#.........<.......SH: 0Dex: 16##....$..............XL:  4 Next: 16% Place: Dungeon:2...>...@.........####Noise: ---------  Time: 1240.1 (0.0)##....#*......#..#a) +1 dagger..............##...Cast: Ensorcelled Hibernation.........###### +###Fly Gem (7760) ##...#...#..........@   Jessica.........##. #....# _You kill the kobold!Aiming: Ensorcelled Hibernation g2B [40m(safe; 11% risk of failure)  Press: ? - help, Q - select action, ( or ) - cycleShift-Dir - straight lineAim: Jessica, wielding a +2 dagger of venom and wearing a +0 robe (chance to  affect: 52%)g- gS @  Aiming: Ensorcelled Hibernation (safe; 11% risk of failure)  Press: ? - help, Q - select action, ( or ) - cycle  Shift-Dir - straight line  Aim: Jessica, wielding a +2 dagger of venom and wearing a +0 robe (chance to  affect: 52%)  Jessica resists with significant effort.15--------4==1.1 (159 _Jessica hits you with a +2 dagger of venom! _You take 9 damage, and have 15/27 hp. MASSIVE DAMAGE!! You now have 13/16 mp.g<  Gladio the Sneak # Poltergeist #.### #####  Health: 15/27 =============----------- ..... ...g Magic: 11/16 ================-------- ...##.# .  AC:  4  Str: 4 ##.#..########....  EV: 12Int: 17 #.#.........<.......  SH: 0Dex: 16 g}##....$..............  XL:  4 Next: 16% Place: Dungeon:2 ...>...@.........####  Noise: ==-------  Time: 1241.1 (0.0) ##....#@......#..#  a) +1 dagger ..............##...  Cast: Ensorcelled Hibernationg$ .........###### +###  Fly Gem (7759)  ##...#...# .......... @   Jessicag .........# #. #....# _You take 9 damage, and have 15/27 hp. MASSIVE DAMAGE!! You now have 13/16 mp.Aiming: Ensorcelled Hibernation (safe; 11% risk of failure)  Press: ? - help, Q - select action, ( or ) - cycleShift-Dir - straight lineAim: Jessica, wielding a +2 dagger of venom and wearing a +0 robe (chance to  affect: 52%)g*} Gladio the Sneak#Poltergeist#.### #####Health: 15/27 =============-----------..... ...Magic: 11/16 ================--------...##.#.AC:  4  Str: 4##.#..########....EV: 12Int: 17#.#.........<.......SH: 0Dex: 16##....$..............XL:  4 Next: 16% Place: Dungeon:2...>...@.........####Noise: ==-------  Time: 1241.1 (0.0)##....#*......#..#a) +1 dagger..............##...Cast: ~ g40mEnsorcelled Hibernation.........###### +###Fly Gem (7759) ##...#...#..........@   Jessica.........##. #....# _You take 9 damage, and have 15/27 hp. MASSIVE DAMAGE!! You now have 13/16 mp.Aiming: Ensorcelled Hibernation (safe; 11% risk of failure)  Press: ? - help, Q - select action, ( or ) - cycleShift-Dir - straight lineAim: Jessica, wielding a +2 dagger of venom and wearing a +0 robe (chance to  affect: 52%)gi g1 @  Aiming: Ensorcelled Hibernation (safe; 11% risk of failure)  Press: ? - help, Q - select action, ( or ) - cycle  Shift-Dir - straight line: Jessica, wielding a +2 dagger of venom and wearing a +0 robe (chance to  affect: 52%)  Jessica resists with significant effort.g v  Jessica gestures at you while chanting.gvzg|n-2.1 (18gg _You resist with some effort. _You now have 11/16 mp.gԏ  Gladio the Sneak # Poltergeist #.### #####  Health: 15/27 =============----------- ..... ... Magic: 9/16=============----------- ...##.# .  AC:  4  Str: 4 ##.#..########....  EV: 12Int: 17 #.#.........<.......  SH: 0Dex: 16 ##....$..............  XL:  4 Next: 16% Place: Dungeon:2 ...>...@.........####  Noise: =--------  Time:gkK[m 1242.1 (0.0) ##....#@......#..#  a) +1 dagger ..............##...  Cast: Ensorcelled Hibernation .........###### +###  Fly Gem (7758)  ##...#...# .......... @   Jessica .........# #. #....# _You now have 11/16 mp.Aiming: Ensorcelled Hibernation (safe; 11% risk of failure)  Press: ? - help, Q - select action, ( or ) - cycleShift-Dir - straight lineAim: Jessica, wielding a +2 dagger of venom and wearing a +0 robe (chance to  affect: 52%)gBGladio the Sneak#Poltergeist#.### #####Health: 15/27 =============-----------..... ...Magic: 9/16=============-----------...##.#.gAC:  4  Str: 4##.#..########....EV: 12Int: 17#.#.........<.......SH: 0Dex: 16##....$..............XL:  4 Next: 16% Place: Dungeon:2...>...@.........####Noise: =--------  Time: 1242.1 (0.0)##....#*......#..#a) +1 dagger..............##...Cast: Ensorcelled Hibernation.........###### +###Fly Gem (7758) ##...#...#..........@   Jessica.........##. #....# _/;1mYou now have 11/16 mp.Aiming: Ensorcelled Hibernation (safe; 11% risk of failure)  Press: ? - help, Q - select action, ( or ) - cycleShift-Dir - straight lineAim: Jessica, wielding a +2 dagger of venom and wearing a +0 robe (chance to  affect: 52%)g]@(asleep)gR}@Aiming: Ensorcelled Hibernation (safe; 11% risk of failure)  Press: ? - help, Q - select action, ( or ) - cycleShift-Dir - straight line  Aim: Jessica, wielding a +2 dagger of venom and wearing a +0 robe (chance to  affect: 52%)  Jessica looks drowsy...g-6=5-3.1 (1Ensorcelled Hibernation 7 _g_4g7q _You now have 9/16 mp.g`gn  The helpless Jessica fails to defend herself.  You impale Jessica!!gigw )w   dart slug (wandering)wYou kill Jessica!gݱX 53-4.0 (0.9Ensorcelled Hibernation6 _A dart slug comes into view.Your Short Blades skill increases to level 3!g?gh _Your Dodging skill increases to level 3!gZ#.######### ..... ...  ...##.#.# ##.#..########...#.#.........<...##....$....>...######....##..# ........#.......###### +#####...#...# ...........###w #.. ......glwwgs10/16==5.0 (1.05 _gg(  Things that are here: _a +2 dagger of venom; a +0 robeggUWear which item? g\Armour (go to first with [)  b - a +0 cloak (haunted)  e - a +0 pair of gloves (haunted)  m - a scarf of invisibility (haunted)[?] describe selected [!] equip|wield|wear|put on[tab] equip|unequip gn #Gladio the Sneak#.#########Poltergeist..... ...Health: 16/27 ==============----------...##.#.Magic: 10/16 ===============---------# ##.#..########....AC:  5  Str: 4#.#.........<.......EV: 12Int: 17##....$..............SH: 0Dex: 16...>.............####XL:  4 Next: 53% Place: Dungeon:2##....#@......#..#Noise: ---------  Time: 1245.0 (0.0)..............##...a) +1 dagger.........###### +###Cast: Eng1 #sorcelled Hibernation##...#...#Fly Gem (7755) ...................##w   dart slug.#w #....#.. ......  You kill Jessica! _A dart slug comes into view.Your Short Blades skill increases to level 3! _Your Dodging skill increases to level 3!Things that are here: _a +2 dagger of venom; a +0 robe  Okay, then. _ggLWield which item (- for none)?- - Unarmed Inventory Items Hand Weapons (go to first with ))  a - a +1 dagger (weapon) gFloor Items ([,] to select) Hand Weapons a +2 dagger of venom[?] describe selected [!] equip|wield|wear|put on[tab] equip|unequip g= g6 g $#Gladio the Sneak#.#########Poltergeist..... ...Health: 16/27 ==============----------...##.#.Magic: 10/16 ===============---------# ##.#..########....go AC:  5  Str: 4#.#.........<.......EV: 12Int: 17##....$..............SH: 0Dex: 16...>.............####XL:  4 Next: 53% Place: Dungeon:2##....#@......#..#Noise: ---------  Time: 1245.0 (0.0)..............##...a) +1 dagger.........###### +###Cast: Ensorcelled Hibernation##...#...#Fly Gem (7755) ...................##w   dart slug.#w #....#.. ...... _A dart slug comes into view.Your Short Blades skill increases to level 3! _Your Dodging skill increases to level 3!Things that are here: _a +2 dagger of venom; a +0 robe _g %[40mOkay, then.gP1  You unwield your +1 dagger.  Your +2 dagger of venom begins to drip with poison!  c - a +2 dagger of venom (weapon)g6 `````The dart slug launches a dart at you.g F.....g 5-=6.0 (1c) +2(venom)4g g _The slug dart hits you. _You take 1 damage, and have 15/27 hp.gzz # #.#########..... ...   ...##.# . # ##.#..########.... .#.........< ##....$... ...>......######....#[#..# ..............##... .........###### +#####...#...#. .........##.#w.#....#.. ...... ``````The dart slug launches a dart at you.[.....7A 10;1m3 _The slug dart hits you but does no damage.g?5# #.#########..... ...   ...##.# . # ##.#..########.... .#.........< ##....$... ...>.......######....#[#..# ........##... .........###### +#####...#...#...........##.#w.#....#w   dart slugw.6=-82g'# #.#########..... ...   ...##.# . # ##.#..########.... .#......@..< ##....$... ...>.......######....#[#..# ..............##............###### +#####...#...#............w......#g4gH-9Ensorcelled Hibernation 1g 4gx g9# #.# ..... ... ...##.# . # ##.#..#g: .... #.#.......@.<. ##....$. ...>.#### ##....#[......#..# .##....###### +#####..g;.......... gDE4500gLg( # #.# ..... ... ...##.# . # ##.#..#.... #.#........@<. ##....$. ...>.#### ##....#[......#..# .##....###### +#####...#...#.......... g31.0 (249g&S# #.# ..... ... ...##.# . # ##.#..#.... #.#.........@. ##....$. ...>.g~'p#### ##....#[......#..# ..##...#...#g(_..... gn7==1= 2 2.0 (38gg{ _You feel your existence waver again.gw _There is a stone staircase leading up here.g. g 4g 3.0 (17 _go g ........#.######..##.....# ...#####..# #..##..###.# ##....##.## ##.#....###.#####.##.#####..#.##..##.#### #####.##.#.....##.###.##....## ...........######.###..####..# #######.................# ##.##g #.............###### #..#1 #####......#....@...# ###.### .......############...##. .####.## #............. #####.# #.......######........ ......# #....÷..# #........ .###########.......######........  .................................  ###########...>....#..........##.  # #######............#### g H==g g! h4.5 (2.56g' gW) { _You fly upwards. _There is a stone staircase leading down here.g4g9gɾg5.5 (1.05 _gga8=6.5 (24gg|7.5 (33g-g 2==8.5 (42gg|9.5 (51gX9=60.5 (60ggM}1.5 (739gg==2.5 (88gpgD|3.5 (97gg gK 20=4.5 (10.0)6ggK3=gc`5.5 (115gg#6.5 (124g%}7.5 (133g'gY+g',1==8.5 (142gu/g2gQ3=9.5 (151g6g_:~70.5 (160gb=g>B4==1.5 (1729gfDgcH2==2.5 (188gLgO}3.5 (197gSg5W}4.5 (206g`[g,aga==5.5 (215gggk3==6.5 (224gogrgsg7.5 (233gwg 5=8.5 (242gB9.5 (25g;1ggg=80.5 (260g0gg;4=1.5 (2719ggw=2.5 (288ggg}3.5 (297gg&g4.5 (306gggjh5==g6==5.5 (315gBg4 _Magic restored.g{g6.5 (324g!g}7.5 (333gg}8.5 (342g3gg>a6====9.5 (35190.5 (360ggr~1.5 (3709gQ2.5 (3887==3.5 (397gM O _HP restored.g! g5" Done exploring. _Health restored: 27; MP restored: 16ggguggs4.5 (1.0)6 _g4g   #  #.#########  ..... ... ...##.# .  ##.#..########.... 2 gE #.#.........  ##....(......  ...>.....####  ##....#[......#..#  ..............##...  ...###### +###w   dart slug g ##...#w..#  ..........  ..w......##  You fly downwards.g%:=g!gH.wg6.0 (2.5Ensorcelled Hibernation4ggv _Level annotation: Sigmund _There is a stone staircase leading up here.gu M# #.######### ..... ... ...##.#..# ##.#..########.... #.#.........<.......#....(. ...>..#### ##....#[gI Q#..#  ........##.... ###### +### ##...#.w.#  .......... ..w## .#..#....gDg0@w.go7.0 (1.03 _gugFgs f# #.######### ..... ... ...##.#...# ##.#..########.... #.#.........<.......#....(....... ...>..#### ##....#[#..#  ........##.... w###### +### ##...#...# .......... ..w## .#..#.... .. ......g( gO a82gՐ g gݒ8*glgw...4---91 _The dart slug resists with significant effort. _You now have 14/16 mp.ggP 7*gS( | w(asleep)  The dart slug looks drowsy...g Hw2------ 5 300Ensorcelled Hibernation 0g  gO g F_You feel bolstered by spreading misfortune. g V_You now have 12/16 mp.g_ gRh# #.######### ..... ... ...##.#...# ##.#..########.... #.#.........<.......#....(....... ...>..#### ##....#[#..#  .........w....##.... .###### +### ##...#...#  .......... ..w......## .#..#.... .. ...... glj1699 _g+rg]tg  The helpless dart slug fails to defend itself.  You perforate the dart slug like a sieve!!!gD F†gN378 (0.8gUgXM _You kill the dart slug!g) 2.8 (1.08g g} {---3.8 (27g- g gO g 3g> =g $4.8 (3g645.8 (4536.8 (547.8 (63=8.8 (729.8 (814==10.8 (901.8 (10.0)892.8 (1183.8 (127==4.8 (1365.8 (1456.8 (154\7m5=7.8 (1638.8 (172 2 9.8 (181 _You feel your existence waver again.20.8 (190=1.8 (20792.8 (2183.8 (2276==4.8 (236  # #.#########..... ...  ...##.# ... # ##.#..########.... #.#..<.g[m ##....(..... ...>.......#### ##....#[......#..#  .........†....##.... .........###### +### ##...#...# .......... .........###..#....#.. ...... _Magic restored.5.8 (245 # #.#########..... ...  ...##.# ... # ##.#..########.... #.#..<g[29G. ##....(..... ...>.......#### ##....#[......#..#  .........†....##.... ......###### +### ##...#...# .. .........###..#....#6.8 (254 # #.######### ..... ... ...##.# ... # ##.#..#.... #.#.<. ##....(@..gJ&[m ...>.......#### ##....#[......#..# .........†....##.... .........###### +### ##...#...# .......... .........##  .#..#....#7.8 (263 # #.######### ..... ... ...##.# ... # ##.#..#.... #.#.<. ##....@....>.......####.##....#[......#..#2212;17H...†....##.........# +###.##...#...# .......... .........##  .#..#....#==8.8 (272  d - 22 stones (gained 6)  You now have 70 gold pieces (gained 12).  Things that are here:9.8 (281  # #.##########..........  ...##.# ... # ##.#..########.... #.#.@.......<. ##....[..........>.......######....#[..P60m....#..# ..........†....##.... ..........###### +###..##...#...#............ .........## _a +0 ring mail; a +0 short sword30.8 (29078 M# .##.##########............. ........##.#  ##@#..######## #.#.........< ##....[............>.............####..##....#[......#..#................1.8 (30697?13;17r8 M # ##.###########....... .......@##.# ..##.##.#..######## #.#.........< ##....[...................>.............####..#......#.##...#...#2.8 (318 # #.##.############........ .......##.### ......##.##.#..########..... #.#.........<. ##....[...... .....>.......#### ..##...Xm.#[......#..#..........†....##.... ..........###### +###3.8 (327 # #.##.# #....##.### .##.##.#..#.. #.#.........<. ##....[.. .....>.............###  ..##....#[......#..# ...........†....##....gaC  .###### +### 4.8 (336geg###.. #. #.##.# #....##.### #....##.##.#..##... #.#.........<#.. ##....[...#. .....>.......# ..##....#[......#..# ...........†....## .###### +ggSg5.8 (345gg/ d      ####   ..#   #.#   #.##.#   #..  ..##.###  g0 j#....##.##.#..#   #.... #.#.........<   #... ##....[..   #.......>.......   #....##....#[......#..#  #.............†....##   .###### +g6 }6.8 (354g; gK 278 M ###. #.# #.##@########### #...........................##.### ##....##.##.#..########  #.... #.#.........<...... ......#..........gۧ }7.8 (363g^ gP 78 M# #.####... #@# #.##.########### #...........................##.###  ##....##.##.#..########.#.g) .. #...#....##...g }8.8 (372g g {78 M # ####...#.##.# ##.###########g҇  #...............  ............##.###..##.## ....#.......g͍ }9.8 (381g[ g      #  #.####  #..@.#  #.##.#  #.##.#g] 4#   #........   ............##.###   ##....##.##.#..#   #.... #.#...<  #....##....[..  #.>.......gp ~40.8 (390g gzq *     ##  #.####  #.@..#  #.##.#  #.##.## g̃  #........  ............##.###  ##....##.##.#..  #.... #.#...<  #....##....[..  #.>......gL g w1.8 (4059gc g  g  g  gt C  ###  #.####  #@...#  #.##.#  #.##.#  #........  ............##.###  ##....##.##.#..ge gZ  #....##.#...<  #....##....[..  #.>......g g g %2.8 (41gU %8g g gw} # ###.####....##.##.###########...............Fly Gem (7658) #.#.....  #....##....#[......# 3.8 (427g  ###.####....###.###########..........................##.### ##....##.##.#..##########....#  #.............†....# 4.8 (436gj g g gh T _Key pressed, stopping explore.gm   Skill  Level Cost  Apt Skill  Level Cost  Apt  a - Fighting   0.0   1.2  -1   h - Spellcasting   2.0   3.6  -1           b - Unarmed Combat   0.0   1.7  -3   i + Hexes5.2   3.0  +4   c - Throwing   0.0   0.7  +2   j - Ice Magic   0.0   0.8  +1           d * Short Blades   3.1g I   3.4  +1   k - Evocations   0.0   1.2  -1   e - Long Blades   1.6   1.0   0              f + Dodging3.0   3.4  +1      g + Stealth5.4   2.5  +5                      g w                                        The relative cost of raising each skill is in cyan.  Skills enhanced by cross-training are in green.  [?] Help[=] set a skill target  [/] auto|manual mode [*] useful|all skills [_] enhanced|base level  [!] training|cost|targetsg+> h + Spellcasting 2.0gSo d - Short Blades   3.1g= d + Short Blades 3.1g/ d * Short Blades   3.1ggC  Gladio the Sneak  Poltergeist  Health: 27/27 ========================  Magic: 16/16 ========================  ###AC: 2Str: 4  #.####EV: 12Int: 17  #....#SH: 0Dex: 16  #.##.#XL:  4 Next: 57% Place: Dungeon:2  #@##.###########Noise: ---------  Time: 1344.8 (0.0)  #...............c) +2 dagger (venom)  ............##.###Cast: Ensorcelled Hibernation  ##....##.##.#..###### Fly Gem (7656)  #....##.#.........32m<.  #....##....[........   #.......>...........   #....##....#[......#   #.............†....#  _Magic restored.  d - 22 stones (gained 6)  You now have 70 gold pieces (gained 12).  Things that are here: _a +0 ring mail; a +0 short sword _Key pressed, stopping explore.gGgN4gY _MP restored: 16gZ# .....##.............g5< g  ###.####...##.##.###########..............#......##.### gφ #####....##.##.#..###### #....##.#.........<.#.....  ..........###### gʏ gf m5.8 (15 _g g) G ###g ..####...##.#.##.##################...............g #......##.### ####....##.##.#..###### g #.#.........<....[.#g Y......  g *..##...#...#g g P6.8 (24g g. g  ###.####...###.#.##.##################.....................##.### #####..@.##.##.#..###### #.#.........<....[....>....###..##  ............ge g f7.8 (33gO gz g. ###.####...###..##.##################...............#..............##.### #####....##.##.#..###### .........<....[....>...##....#[#........##. #... g$U .........##glg~$8.8 (4gA%2ggg .####...###..##.##################.............................##.### ####....##.##.#..###### .........<....[....>...##....#[#.........†....#..# ........  .#..#....#g|9.8 (51g`gO ...##.##.##################.............................##.### ####....##.##.#..###### .........<.#....[....>...##....#[#.........†...............######..#...##..#..#.  .. ......50.8 (60gg ##.##.##################...............g'..............##.### ####....##.##.#..###### #.........<.#....[....>...g##....#[#.........†#.........#####g #.###..##...#...# ..#...gc T#...  g%%g%g1.8 (749g(g .##.##################...............ge_......##.### ####....##.##.#..###### #.........<.g̅ #....[....>...##....#[#g1.........†#..########..##...#...# g9. #...............#.....#..#  g\|2.8 (88gӒgN #######.....................##.### ####....##.##.#..###### .........<.#....[....>...##....#[####.............†#..########..##...#...# #. #............# ............##.#.........  3.8 (97g7tgZu% gSv......gCw$##.### g?x|####....##.##.#..######g&y! g|.........<.#....[....>...##....#[####.............†..######.###@.##...#...# #. #............g~ ............## ###..#..#....# ...gn.....#  g'g4.8 (1g4 0.0)g%6g<gg####....##.##.#..###### .........<....[g,....>...##....#[####.............†#...............######.###..##...#...#  #@...........#....###.####..#..#....#  ...........#..#.....#..5.8 (115g3  .........<....[.#.......>...#....##....#[####.............†...............########..##...#...# #.###............#....######..#..#....#  ...........#..#. .........  6.8 (124gD #....##.#.<. #....##....[. #.......>... #....##....#[......#. ###.............†....# #...............######  #.###..##...#...#  #.###..  #.....##  #.####..#..#....#  #...........  #..#..#.. #....... ......#. ....... . .. Iy65H7.8 (133g ...[....>...#....##....#[####.............†....##...............###### ###..##...#...# #.###.................###.####@.#..#....#  #...........#..#.. ..............####  8.8 (142g,gggpT _Key pressed, stopping explore.gm`.........g0ghg!B...>...#....##....#[####.............†....##.........###### ###..##...#...# g!..........#...............###.####..#..#....#  #@..........#..#.. ....g&"......#.............#####gq"H.#g&g!'s9.0)1 _g*g##....#[####.............†....##.........###### ###..##...#...# g(#..........................######..#..#....#  #...........#..#.. ..........#...g҉..........######..##.ggng60.8 (20g+g(###.............†....##..###### ###..##...#...# #..........................######..#..#....#  #...........g[#..#.. ......#..........#.......##...#..########g^A1.8 (3g <39g(gOta ..###### ###..##...#...# ..................##guj####..#..#....#  #...........#..#.. #.####......#.....@....#.....##g2v ######.......#  ggs_2.8 (48ggZ  #.######  #.###..##...#...#  #.###............gY  #...............##  #.####..#..#....#  #...gy.  #..#..#..  #.####.g.  #....@.....#.. .gGX #.  #g.#####   ##.#  g #.#   #.# gz  #.# g A3.8 (5g;7ggMUR  #.  #.###..##...#...#  #.###............  #...............##  #.####..#..#....#  #........... gWV #..#..#..  #.####..  #...@......#.. . #.  #.#####   ##.#   #gX.#   #.#   #.# g[f4.8 (66gd[gC^g!  #.  #.###..##...#...#  #.###............  #.......##  #.####..#..#....#  #........... g# #..#..#..  #.####..  #..@.......#.. . #.  #.#####   ##.#   #.#   #.#   #.# gA5.8 (7g;5gg;V  #.  #.###..##...#...#  #.###.  #..##  #.####..#..#....# #. #..  #. #..#..#..  #.####..  #.@........#..  #. #.  #.#####   ##.#   #.#   #.#   #.# 6.8 (84gY   #.  #.###..##...#...#  #.###. gO #...##  #.####..#..#....#  #.# #.g .  #.# #..#..#..  #.####..g^  #@.........#..  #.  ######g.  #.#####  ##g.#  #.#  #go.#  #.# g~g_7.8 (93ggqm###..##...#...# .............######..#..#....#  #...........#..#.. ###......######..........##.....@..........##### ######  # ###.$gi8.8 (10.0)2geO #.###............  #.....## #.####..#..#....#  #.# #...........  #.# #..#..#..  #.####........  ######..........#..  #..................  ######  #.#####  ##  .#  #.# #.# r   rat (asleep) ####.$..#  ..r.# gt9.8 (111g΃l _A rat comes into view.g_ ;   #.  #.####..#.  #.# #....  #.# #..#..#..  #.####........  ######..........#..  #..................  ######.@...........  #........#####  ##.......#  #.......#  #.......#  #.......#  ####.$..#  ..r.# g m   #.  #.####..#.  #.# #.... g  #.# #..#..#..  #.####........  ######..........#..  #..................  ######.@...........  #........#####  ##.......#  #.......#  #.......# #.......#  ####.$..# ..r.#gQ 4g, g 1  g,2 g2 6_A rat is nearby!gX3 gu #.....## #.####..#..#....#  #.# #...........  gIw#.# #..#..#..  #.####........  ######..........#..  #..................  ######..  #.#####  ##  .#  #.#  ####.$..#   ..r.# ....# g|gt70.8 (1.0)0 _gg|g #.####..#..#....#  #.# #...........  g #.# #..#..#..  #.####........  ######..........#..  #........  ######  #.#####  ##  .#  #.#  #.#  gw ####.$..#  ..r.#  ...g >.#  ggyr.rgi===1Ensorcelled Hibernation29g/g!- _The rat squeaks loudly.g] Y #.# #...........  #.# #..#..#..  #.####........  ######..........#.. g` + #........  ######...  #.#####  ##  #.#  #.#  #.#  ####.r..#   #....# ga #....#  #....# #....# gd gfl Nr$gn k---28gr gt g !#..#.. ####.......######..........#.......#####..g 8 #######  r###.$ #..####.g g P=--3gQ ;7g g _The rat closely misses you.g5  You hit the rat.gF†g1G84.7 (0.9Ensorcelled Hibernation 6ghKgOG _You kill the rat!g _No target in view!g4ggg'J k #.####........  ######..........#..  #.........  ######....  #.#####  ##  #.#  #.......#  #...†@..#  gSK ####.$..#   #....#  #....#  #####  . gP gR w-5.7 (1.05 _goU g2  ######..........#......#####. #######  .†.####. #.....  g -6.7 (24gR 7.7 (33g+   #........  ######....  #.#####  ##  #.#  #.......#  #...†...#  ####....#   #..@.#  g. #....#  #....#  #....#  #####  . ... .## _You now have 84 gold pieces (gained 14).g0 |8.7 (42g3 g L ######  #.#####  ##  #.#  #.......#  #...†...#  gm ####....#   #....#  #...@#  #....#  #....#  #####.   ..   ...   .## .# g g f9.7 (51g˪ g   ######  #....#...†.###. #.....####. ...#....# ..  80.7 (60gm #  ##.......†.###. #.....####....... ....###......##.... .... ... ..gR{ 1.7 (719g > #.#  #.......#  #...†...#  ####....#  #....#  gE [#....# . #....# .<. #....###..... g #####@....... #....#### ......... g ...## ....# . .....#  gn |......#  ......[# . gG 8<g f2.7 (88gJ g J _Found a buckler. Found a stone staircase leading up.gM C.......g– gV g$..†###.. #..#....#....<gM#....###....#####... #@...####.......................##........# ..... .... ........[# ..gN4#########ggf3.7 (17g)g †###..w. #..g<.........# ...<..###....####...g{#######....####.......@.......## .. ......w   ribbon worm (wandering)gg..gf4.7 (26gTggl&..gdmgqg_X#...†...# ####....# ..#....# ..#....# ..#....# ...<.$#....###.#####.. #....#...##..# ....# .....# .....[# ....## .5.7 (15g5X#...†...# ####....# ......##....# ..#....# .#....# ...<.$.#....###...... .#####........ .#....#.....##...# ..........# ...........# ...........[# ...... ######### ....... ........ . 6.7 (24g"#...†...# ####....# #......# #....# #....... #....# #....... #....# #...<.$. #....###...... .#####........ .#....#.....##.........##.........##.#........##.#........[##.#.##########.#.#.#..7.7 (33g-{ ###....# #......# #..............<.$....###...... ..####........ #######....#######.......................## .....#...#...........w. 8.7 (42g78 M...†...# ####....#................# #...<.$. ....###...... #####........ #######....#######..............##...... ........##.......#..........9.7 (51g78 M....†.####.##................# #...<.$.. ....###........ #####...........#######...@#######.......##.............##.......#.. .#.......#90.7 (60gO #.# #.......# #.#...†...# #. ####....# #......####....# #.#....# #.......#....# #...<.$gQ  #....###. #####....@........#######....########............. ....##........ ..##.........##.......#  .##.......# .......[##.......# .##########.# .g[ 1.7 (709g O##.# #.g 8# #......Kw#.......# #.#...†...# #. ####....# #......#####....# #.#....# #.......gk #....# #...<.$ #....###. #####............. .#######....######### ....... ....##... ...##.. # w   ribbon worm (wandering).##.......#  # K   kobold (asleep).##.......# #.......[##.# ....g !g .w2.7 (8Ensorcelled Hibernation8g g> j _A ribbon worm and a kobold come into view.g ]#..#######.# #.K......#.# #......K.#.......# #......w#...†...# #. ####....# #......#####gŊ #....# #.#....# #.......#....# #...@.$ #....###.......# #####.............. ....)#######....########## ..... ....##. ....##. #. KK 2 kobolds (1 missile, asleep).##.#  #..##.# #g g >w.g f3.7 (17g gD _A kobold comes into view. It is wielding a +0 club. _There is a stone staircase leading up here.gng8vT.wg{h46 _gg,ggg.K..K.wwKK1 wandering)gj==55gfg( _The kobold shouts!gA k..K.K...w--64gQ g g| g K..K..wg |--73g g.K.K.wK)==82 _The kobold shouts!g V.K.K(catching breath) `The ribbon worm expels a string of sticky webbing.g .--91 _The stream of webbing hits you but does no damage.g$gk% #........#####gH Gladio the Sneak g ##.......# #..........  Poltergeist g #.......# #.........  Health: 27/27 ======================== ga  #.......# #...K....  Magic: 14/16 =====================--- g #...†...# #.......  AC: 2g+Str: 4 g ####....# #......#####  EV: 12gV-Int: 17g g#....# #..Kw.......  SH: 0g.-Dex: 16gǖ g#....# #...*.......  XL:  4 Next: 58% Place: Dungeon:2g gʘ)#....# #...@.$.....  Noise: ---------  Time: 1399.7 (0.0)gb g'#....###........... ....# c) +2 dagger (venom)g gg#####.............. ....) Cast: Ensorcelled Hibernation g #######....########## ..... Fly Gem (7601) gY .................. ..... gt ........##........ ... w   ribbon worm (catching breath) gϟu ........##........ #. KK 2 kobolds (1 missile)  ........##.......# #.  ........##.......# ..#.The ribbon worm expels a string of sticky webbing. _The stream of webbing hits you but does no damage.  Aiming: Ensorcelled Hibernation (safe; 10% risk of failure)  Press: ? - help, Q - select action, ( or ) - cycleShift-Dir - straight lineAim: a ribbon worm (catching its breath, chance to affect: 52%)gݔgů #........#####Gladio the Sneak##.......# #..........Poltergeist#.......# #.........Health: 27/27 ========================#.......# #...K....Magic: 16/16 ========================#...†...# #.......AC: 2Str: 4####....# #......#####EV: 12Int: 17#....# #..Kw.......SH: 0Dex: 16#....# #...........XL:  4 Next: 58% Place: Dungeon:2#....# #...@.$.....Noise: ---------  Time: 1399.7 (0.0)#....###........... ....# c) +2 dagger (venom)#####...g7........... ....) Cast: Ensorcelled Hibernation#######....########## ..... Fly Gem (7601) ...............................##........... w   ribbon worm (catching breath)........##........#. KK 2 kobolds (1 missile)........##.......##.........##.......#..#.The ribbon worm expels a string of sticky webbing. _The stream of webbing hits you but does no damage.  Aiming: Ensorcelled Hibernation (safe; 10% risk of failure)  Press: ? - help, Q - select action, ( or ) - cycleShift-Dir - straight lineAim: a ribbon worm (catching its breath, chance to affect: 52%)g  _The stream of webbing hits you but does no damage.  Aiming: Ensorcelled Hibernation (safe; 10% risk of failure)  Press: ? - help, Q - select action, ( or ) - cycle  Shift-Dir - straight line  Aim: a ribbon worm (catching its breath, chance to affect: 52%)  Okay, then. _gŶ ,g r.K.Kg o400.7 (10 _g g g,g 0.KgO!L.wg#r=1.5 (0.8599g#/g0 _You closely miss the kobold. The kobold barely misses you.g3b  You hit the ribbon worm. The ribbon worm is poisoned.  g4PThe ribbon worm is moderately wounded.g>p.Kvery poisoned, catching …)gAc2.38g3JgM _The ribbon worm closely misses you. The kobold hits you but does no damage.g[g  You hit the ribbon worm.g^===3.17gNeggf _The ribbon worm is moderately wounded.g]  You hit the ribbon worm.  The ribbon worm looks as sick as possible!  The ribbon worm is heavily wounded.gNhk.Kextremely poisoned)gjZ0-------9gCogs _The kobold closely misses you. The ribbon worm bites you! _You take 7 damage, and have 20/27 hp. MASSIVE DAMAGE!!gF lM The kobold closely misses you. The ribbon worm bites you! _You take 7 damage, and have 20/27 hp. MASSIVE DAMAGE!!The ribbon worm is severely wounded.  misses you. The kobold hits you with a +0 whip.12--------------4.76g  _The ribbon worm bites you. _You take 8 damage, and have 12/27 hp. MASSIVE DAMAGE!!gyg|ggڔg-------5.7 (1.05ggnF g{o ############ ### #.K...##1 #..@.........# gp}#.w.K..##  ###...###### #............ #..........##.####gpJ ##....÷...###.. ##........######.############# #..........# #.##gq..# #..........# #.# _The kobold barely misses you. The kobold hits you with a +0 whip.gyygp-7.2 (2.53gg{ _You fly upwards. _There is a stone staircase leading down here.g+# #.## #.K.## #..># #.w.K.## ###.##.#.##.###....÷...###.....###.######.#.# #..# #.# gz2 ############  #..........##  #..K........##  #..w@........#  #...K........##  ###......... gA3"#......... #......... ##....÷...  ##........   #..........#    #.# gD ############  #..........##  #..K........##  #..w@........#  #...K........##  ###......... #......... #......... ##....÷... ##........   #..........#    g .Kw.  The kobold hits you with a +0 whip.g7/27 ----=8.2 (1.02gg _* * * LOW HITPOINT WARNING * * * _You take 5 damage, and have 7/27 hp.g_ }# #.## #..K.## #..w.# #...K.## ###.##.#.##.###....÷...###.....###.######.#.# # #.# #.# #.# #.# #.# #g&h  ############  #..........##  #...........##  #..wK@.......#  #...K........##  ###.......... #.......... #.......... ##....÷...# ##........# #..........#   #.# g7  ############  #..........##  #...........##  #..wK@.......#  #...K........##  g^8 ###.......... #.......... #.......... ##....÷...# ##........# #..........#   #.# gw@ t  ############  #..........##  #...........##  #..wK@.......#  gA #...K........##  ###.......... #.......... #.......... ##....÷...# ##........# #..........#   #.# The kobold attacks as it pursues you! The kobold hits you with a +0 club.  * * * LOW HITPOINT WARNING * * *gk  ############  #..........##  #...........##  #..wK@.......#  #...K........##  ###.......... #.......... #.......... ##....÷...# g 5##........# #..........#   #.#   The kobold hits you with a +0 whip.gO( .w>K2---------91g , g0 _* * * LOW HITPOINT WARNING * * * _You take 5 damage, and have 2/27 hp.g # #.## #...w.## #..>K.# #...K.## ###.##.##.##.###....÷...###.....###.######.#.#. #.# #.###. .# #.# #.# #.g 5(((((((g3 ,gR  .wK@......  The kobold throws a stone. The stone misses you.The ribbon worm attacks as it pursues you!3=----100 _The ribbon worm closely misses you.gKd# #.## #....w......## #..>KK.# #.## ###.ggl# #.##.##.###....÷...###.....###.##.######.#.#. #.# #.###.## #.# #.# #.gigkgQ..KKver-189gFg # #.## #....w......## #..>..K.@....# #....K.## ###.## #.##.##.#.##....÷...###.....###.##.######.#.#..# #.# #.###.## #.g g# #.# #.g2 g4 g6 ^  You kill the ribbon worm!g? †K.KK 2 kobolds (1 missile)g[ r63=28gK` g b y _The kobold attacks as it pursues you! The kobold barely misses you.g| #############..........#....†#..>..KK #........@...############ #........#####.##.########..g~ i##....÷...###.....###..##........######.#.#..## ######## #..# #.###.## .......# #.# #.# #....# #.#####.# ##.##g gҙ .KThe kobold attacks as it pursues you! The kobold hits you with a +0 whip.  You die...g0b-2/27 --g\/  --more-- gDXInventory: 13/52 slots Hand Weapons (go to first with ))  c - a +2 dagger of venom (weapon)  a - a +1 dagger Missiles (go to first with ()d - 22 stones  h - 5 poisoned darts Armour (go to first with [)  b - a +0 cloak (haunted)  e - a +0 pair of gloves (haunted)  m - a scarf of invisibility (haunted) Jewellery (go to first with "=)  l - a ring of magical power (worn) Scrolls (go to first with ?)f - 2 scrolls of identify {unknown}  j - a scroll of enchant armour {unknown} Potions (go to first with !)  g - a potion of heal wounds {unknown}i - 2 potions of enlightenment  k - a potion of haste {unknown} g1  g3, gA gDGoodbye, Gladio.112 Gladio the Sneak (level 4, -2/27 HPs)Began as a Poltergeist Enchanter on Feb 28, 2025.Slain by a kobold gF?... wielding a +0 whip(5 damage)... on level 1 of the Dungeon.The game lasted 00:04:17 (1423 turns). Best Crawlers -1.157293875 Sapher MeEE-27 escaped with the Orb2.130700237 Sapher MyTm-27 escaped with the Orb3.89282254 Sapher MDEE-27 escaped with the Orb4.83792790 Yermak GnEE-27 escaped with the Orb5.82486239 Sergey DEVM-27 escaped with the Orb6.82202889 Yermak GnTm-27 escaped with the Orb7.74863927 Yermak GnSk-27 escaped with the Orb8.69920294 Yermak GnSu-27 escaped with the Orb9.62692548 Yermak BaHu-27 escaped with the Orb  10.62175797 Yermak GnAE-27 escaped with the Orb  11.61031518 Yermak TrCj-27 escaped with the Orb  12.60301013 Yermak GnHu-27 escaped with the Orb giK [?25h[?0c [?1051l[?1052l[?1060l[?1061l